柳熙雨导演 柳悦是谁

A. 柳夜熙的新伙伴上线,元宇宙人物为何能够爆火

引言:提到虚拟现实很多人都想起了元宇宙 ,而且每一个人都希望能够在网络世界中创造一个专属于自己的虚拟形象和虚拟人物,这样的话就能够更好的进行互联互通。而柳夜熙的新伙伴上线了,元宇宙人物为何能够爆火?



B. “柳夜熙”为何会突然在网络上走红




C. 虚拟美妆博主柳夜熙一夜走红,粉丝为何会喜欢它

就在这两天,有一个虚拟美妆博主柳夜熙 突然之间就爆火。那为什么会有这么多的粉丝喜欢这个柳夜熙 呢?也并不是粉丝喜欢柳夜熙 ,而是因为柳夜熙 被定义为了一个元宇宙的人物,这是一个新兴的概念,所以就让人们觉得很有新鲜感。




D. 柳夜熙在短视频平台一夜爆红,她的原型是谁




E. 柳夜熙新短片预告更新,一条视频圈粉580万,是如何做到的





F. 元宇宙游戏毁了多少孩子
















在科幻作品里头,元宇宙会更丰富一些: 比如像《头号玩家》里头那样,使用VR眼镜来与其他个体互动——







阶段 1

虚拟元宇宙 ️


最早因为设备的限制 (只有电脑和手机) ,所以我们只能复刻一部分视觉和听觉的体验。

像是我以前详细介绍过的游戏 ,在那个元宇宙里一切皆有可能:玩家可以开银行、炒地皮、开会……这个游戏甚至还成功地预言了2008年的金融危机,感兴趣的可以翻看我之前的文章。

德国华人玩家Chung Anshe在现实生活中是个老师,在游戏中却靠着炒卖地皮赚了上百万美金,其虚拟形象甚至登上了《财富》和《商业周刊》杂志的封面。










嗅觉方面,有个叫OhRoma的产品可以模拟战争中的硝烟味、僵尸扑过来时的腐烂味、女生靠近时的体香 (其实…这个产品是色情网站设计的) 等等。






阶段 2


之前我在科普 的时候就提到过「缸中之脑」实验。












阶段 3





感兴趣的话,可以去看看WaitButWhy的文章《What Makes You You?》。









图/Mark Zuckerberg via FB












阶段 4





当然,我们也可以自我设限,让资源不再无限 (不过这也失去了元宇宙的大部分魅力) 。

比如说,我们可以利用我以前科普过的 ,让元宇宙里头的虚拟物品具备稀缺属性。









奈飞《爱死机》第二季的《Pop Squad》 (人口警察) 给出了答案——人类将会丧失创新意愿。




顺带一提,这时候「繁衍后代」也会变得没那么重要,你甚至可以跟NPC (人工智能) 生下后代,但很可能只是为了体验当父母的乐趣。





而在元宇宙里头,信息的输入源会被局限在元宇宙 (外加地球) 本身,这会限制人类知识边界的拓展,会形成一个信息茧房。



更可怕的是,一旦算力足够多,每个人都可以在意识里加载所有人类已知的知识,那么每个个体的输入相同、处理机制也相同 (因为处理机制由输入的信息决定) ,这样每个个体的输出也会相同。






就像我在新加坡的ArtScience Musuem (艺术科学博物馆) 里头看到的这么一句话——







无独有偶,人类登月的第二人Buzz Aldrin也吐槽过:「你承诺过给我们火星殖民,现在我得到的却只有Facebook。」












「Greed is good.」


⚠️ 风险提示:监管风险。








Icon/freepik from flaticon

主创/肖璟,@狐狸君raphael,曾供职于麦肯锡金融机构组,也在 Google 和 VC 打过杂。华尔街见闻、36氪、新浪财经、南方周末、Linkedin等媒体专栏作者,著有畅销书《风口上的猪》《无现金时代》。

G. “柳夜熙”走红的背后体现出了什么





H. “虚拟人物”柳夜熙为什么能够爆火



I. 柳夜熙再次带火了元宇宙,到底有没有投资价值



J. 柳夜熙视频圈粉580万,这位网红为何如此“豪横”






A. Liu Yexi’s new partner is online, why the metaverse characters are so popular

Introduction: When virtual reality is mentioned, many people think of the metaverse, and everyone hopes You can create your own virtual image and virtual characters in the online world, so that you can better communicate with each other. And Liu Yexi’s new partner is online. Why are characters from the Yuan Universe so popular?


Young people always like to be attracted by new things, and surfing has become a must-have for young people. Therefore, in this process, the development of the Internet world has become increasingly complicated and confusing. But for ordinary people, the development of the Internet world may still be too far away from the world of ordinary people. We still need to cherish our current life and cherish the people in the real world.

B. Why did "Liu Yexi" suddenly become popular on the Internet?

Recently, a virtual character Liu Yexi suddenly became popular on the Internet. He claimed to be a virtual world A beauty blogger who gained more than 3 million followers after posting her first video on Douyin. Because of the emergence of the new concept "Metaverse", Liu Yeshi's unprecedented innovative works on the Internet have been loved by many people.

In fact, what the little boy saw was many monsters floating in the air, and one of them was a big monster rushing forward. Liu Yexi waved his pen gently , the monster is included in the magic weapon. The world they see is the virtual world, which is the metaworld we mentioned earlier. This topic has been very popular on the Internet recently, and netizens also hold different opinions.

Not only that, many beauty bloggers have begun to imitate Liu Yexi’s makeup. I have to say that Liu Yexi looks very handsome, with an oval face, and is handsome with a little gentleness. , the overall makeup reflects Chinese style elements.

C. The virtual beauty blogger Liu Yexi became popular overnight, why do fans like it?

Just in the past two days, a virtual beauty blogger Liu Yexi suddenly became famous. It exploded instantly. So why do so many fans like Liu Yexi? It’s not that fans like Liu Yeshi, but because Liu Yeshi is defined as a character in the metaverse. This is an emerging concept, so it makes people feel very fresh.

1. Liu Yexi

It is not a real character, but a metaverse character created by a certain company through the gimmick of the metaverse. He is mainly famous for a certain video. In that video, you can see that his entire animation is very exquisite, just like watching a movie. I also saw this video at that time. The main reason why I liked him was because his video was more beautifully produced and the content was more interesting.

After everyone has finished reading, remember to like + follow + collect.

D. Liu Yexi became famous overnight on the short video platform. Who is her prototype?

Liu Yexi does not have a prototype, it is just a virtual image, created by Chuangyi Video The special effects company did notThere was an introduction to who Liu Yexi's prototype was, but it did not affect everyone's love for this virtual character. Liu Yexi became famous almost overnight on the short video platform, and then various photos of Liu Yexi's makeup appeared on the platform. The person in charge of the company, Liang Zikang, said that the birth of the virtual person Liu Yexi has a lot to do with the Metaverse. In fact, the company has been doing research and exploration in this area. It can also be said that Liu Yexi’s popularity is not accidental. The reason why this virtual character is loved by everyone is because both appearance and makeup meet everyone's aesthetic standards, and it also reveals the charm of ancient style.

Liu Yexi is just a virtual character

Virtual celebrities are very popular on the Internet now. Virtual stars are also the current trend and hot spot. Liu Yexi is also just a virtual character. As a character, the reason why she can win everyone's love is because she conforms to everyone's aesthetics.

E. Liu Yexi’s new short film trailer has been updated. One video has 5.8 million fans. How did he do it?

Why did Liu Yexi suddenly become famous on the Internet?

Because it is on the forefront of the trend, it has chosen the metaverse, which is the hottest topic in recent times.

With the explosion of short video platforms, more and more outstanding video bloggers have begun to appear around us. However, most of today's short video platforms have video accounts created by real people, but I didn't expect that everyone would find a virtual character on the platform. The name of this character is Liu Yexi. He is a character synthesized through virtual reality, but whether it is from the makeup, the giant structure, or the later editing, he is very exquisite, even just After releasing a video, it has already attracted 5.8 million fans on the entire Internet. What's more, this number is still rising. The reason why he has been able to attract so many fans is because he has stepped on the trend.

It is the right thing to have such an excellent video direction, which will allow more and more excellent video creators to appear around us. Only in this way can the short video field become more and more prosperous, and we also look forward to Liu Yexi’s ability to continue to bring us more exciting videos in the coming time.

F. How many children have been ruined by the metaverse game

Hello everyone, I am a very handsome fox

I am going to talk today

< p>Metaverse

This concept is very popular recently -

Facebook changed its name to Meta to welcome the Metaverse, and Douyin’s Metaverse up master "Liu Yexi" gained a lot of money with two videos 2 million fans, and even teacher Luo Yonghao mentioned that his next entrepreneurial project will be the Yuanverse...

Then the question arises——

What exactly is the Metaverse?

How will it develop in the future? What is the final form?

Why is it said that the biggest risk in the Metaverse at present is policy risk?

Why meThey said it might destroy the world?

Is there any way to avoid its destruction of humanity?

This article will answer the above questions. I hope it can upgrade your understanding of the world, help you better predict the development trends of human society, and find the best solutions for each subsequent stage. Key technologies and applications.

Let’s take a look at the first question: What is the Metaverse?

The concept of "Metaverse" comes from the science fiction novel "Snow Crash". Simply put, it is a virtual world.

In this world, users can connect everything and perform many operations that are impossible in the physical world.

In science fiction works, the metaverse will be richer: for example, like in "Ready Player One", VR glasses are used to interact with other individuals -

However, the metaverse is not It will not just stay at the "hype" level, it has strong scalability.

The metaverse of the future may be like the movie "Chappie" or "Transcendence". We can upload our consciousness to the Internet, and then we can live completely without the physical body. In the metaverse.

Everyone is usually very excited when hearing such a cyberpunk concept, but I want to bring everyone back to reality a little bit:

Because after a few steps of deduction, we It was found that when it reaches the fourth stage of development, the Metaverse is likely to make humans stagnate and even destroy the world.

Next we can take a look at the subsequent development of the Metaverse.

Currently, it seems that we are still in the first stage -

Phase 1

Virtual Metaverse️

The Metaverse is actually Replicating human sensory experiences in the real world.

At first, due to device limitations (only computers and mobile phones), we could only reproduce part of the visual and auditory experience.

Like the game I have introduced in detail before, everything is possible in that metaverse: players can open a bank, speculate in land, hold meetings... This game even successfully predicted the financial future in 2008. Crisis, if you are interested, you can read my previous articles.

Chung Anshe, a Chinese-German player, is a teacher in real life, but has made millions of dollars by speculating on real estate in the game. His avatar has even appeared in Fortune and Business Week. Magazine cover.

Picture/Business Weekly

There are also the later popular Roblox, Minecraft, Moore Manor, Animal Crossing, etc...

As mentioned before , all role-playing games can be said to be the predecessor of the "Metaverse".

In recent years, the development of technology has allowed us to better replicate the real-world experience——

Based on the technologies mentioned above, we can Receive, process, transmit, and output sensory information fasterinterest.

Let’s focus on the VR terminals responsible for information output. Their role is to reproduce the experience of the five senses——

At present, our simulation of vision and hearing has Relatively mature.

In terms of tactile sensation, there is currently a full-body tactile experience suite, Teslasuit, similar to that in "Ready Player One", which can simulate touch through electrical stimulation.


In terms of smell, there is a product called OhRoma that can simulate the smell of gunpowder smoke in war, the rotten smell when zombies attack, and the body scent of girls when they approach (actually …This product is designed for pornographic websites) etc.


With the development of disciplines such as chemistry and materials science, it is theoretically possible to synthesize corresponding gaseous solids in the future to simulate more olfactory experiences and even taste.

At that time, we will enter a metaverse that can restore almost all sensory experiences in the real world.

However, after all, everything is just a "simulation", and it is still difficult to perfectly reproduce all sensory experiences.

At this time, we will try to enter "Phase 2".

Phase 2

Brain Connected to the Metaverse

I have mentioned the "brain in a vat" experiment before when I popularized science.

Human feelings are actually "deceptions" of the brain: and since brain signals are all electrical signals, we can completely convert brain signals into a language that computers can understand, and conversely, we can also convert computer signals into Converted into electrical signals that the brain can perceive.

In this way, we can simulate the feeling of eating with a piece of code.

For example, the brain-computer interface technology that Musk has been researching in recent years is working hard to overcome these issues.


With the development of technology, in the future we may not need to use external devices such as VR glasses at all, but can also perfectly reproduce the senses brought by the real world directly through electrical signals. experience.

However, there is still a problem: our eating, drinking, and diarrhea still have to be completed in the real world, and humans cannot be completely disconnected from the real world.

One solution is a scene similar to the movie "The Matrix": all human flesh is properly preserved and life functions are maintained through nutrient solution -

Picture/"The Matrix" Stills

There is also the ethical issue of "two pills" behind this: Is "truth" important?

Anyway, even if the ethical issues are solved and everyone is willing to choose to live and work in the metaverse, there are still problems that cannot be solved: aging and death.

At this time, humans will try to enter the next stage of the metaverse -

Phase 3

The metaverse of consciousness

As With the development of whole-brain simulation technology and artificial intelligence technology, in the future if we can be like "Chappie"Or like "Transcendental Hacker", human consciousness is directly uploaded to the server, and at the same time, the consciousness is equipped with self-computing capabilities, then we can live completely in the metaverse without the physical body, and completely evolve into silicon-based creatures.

And our consciousness can be copied infinitely and spread to various servers around the world.

There are many philosophical discussions, so I won’t go into them today.

If you are interested, you can read WaitButWhy’s article "What Makes You You?".

Anyway, assuming that consciousness itself is "I", then on the premise that consciousness can be backed up, as long as there is no extreme situation such as a global disaster event causing the entire network to be disconnected and the database to be completely destroyed, in theory, We can all achieve "eternal life".

But there is still a problem: people will no longer be happy.

This may be a bit counterintuitive, let me explain -

The reason why everyone likes the concept of the metaverse is that it can get rid of many restrictions of the real world.

For example, due to space limitations, we can achieve instant movement in the metaverse.

We can also get rid of the time limit. Many actions can have immediate feedback, without waiting at all.

If our consciousness can be uploaded to the metaverse, we can even change our perception of the passage of time by increasing the calculation speed - just as Liu Cixin described in her debut novel "China 2185", "Virtual humans" spent 600 years of evolution in two hours.

There are also law restrictions - in the metaverse we can do many things that violate the laws of physics and biology. For example, you can fly or float, even if you are hit by a car or stabbed with a sword, you will not be able to do anything. Will "die" in the true sense.

Picture/Mark Zuckerberg via FB

And more importantly, in the metaverse, theoretically you have no resource limits -

You can have unlimited With so many resources, you can have countless suites, countless luxury cars, countless brand-name bags...

As long as the computing resources allow, everyone can even have their own metaverse and become the "" of their own universe" god".

Then the question comes -

Since there are almost no restrictions, why is it "no longer happy"?

This is because the source of happiness lies in the "expectation difference".

You can do almost anything, you can get whatever you want, and you won’t have the feeling of “not getting what you want.”

Even if you get everything, you will take it for granted.

And there is another consequence of uploading consciousness: our calculation speed and accuracy have become stronger, and the probability of "accidents" is very small.

In other words, our "expectations" have become extremely accurate, which is also the reason why there is no expectation difference.

AwarePeople at this point will begin to enter the next stage -

Stage 4

Twin Metaverse

In order to create an expectation difference, we will begin to a certain extent Set limits on yourself and replicate various laws in the real world: physics, economics... to create a mirror image of the real world, which is the "digital twin" we often hear.

The simplest way is to add random numbers.

Just like playing a game to draw props, playing European King will not make people addicted. With random variables, there will naturally be surprises and expected differences.

Of course, we can also set limits on ourselves so that resources are no longer unlimited (but this also loses most of the charm of the metaverse).

For example, we can use what I have popularized before to make the virtual items in the metaverse have scarcity attributes.

This essentially means that resources can no longer be copied casually and infinitely, so that the economic laws in the real world can also be replicated in the metaverse.

Of course, these methods will actually start to happen at an earlier stage. For example, NFT has been hyped several times in recent years.

However, there are still two fatal problems at this stage, which may even make humans no longer creative.

The first problem is that time resources cannot be limited.

After uploading consciousness, human beings have achieved "eternal life".

Although we will set limits on ourselves to allow economic laws to reappear, we are unlikely to allow time resources to be compressed.

After all, from an ethical point of view, depriving a person of his remaining time is equivalent to actively "killing" him.

What will humans do once they have near-infinite life?

"Pop Squad" (Population Police) in the second season of Netflix's "Love to Death" gives the answer-human beings will lose their will to innovate.

There is a female character in the series. She is a singer and has been practicing a certain solo for the past 20 years.

Picture/Love Death Machine 2

Because she has unlimited time and has tried and failed enough times, "from 0 to 1" or even "from 1 to 100" works. Okay, so I will focus more on the "from 100 to 101" level.

By the way, "reproducing offspring" will become less important at this time. You can even have offspring with NPC (artificial intelligence), but it is probably just to experience the fun of being a parent.

Anyway, the pace of human innovation will indeed slow down.

Of course, you can also say that although it is slowing down, it is still progressing; and time resources are almost unlimited, so in the long run, human beings are still developing.

At this time we will also face another problem - information cocoon room.

The development of human knowledge requires the input of information to produce the output of wisdom.

In the metaverse, the transmission of informationThe input source will be limited to the metaverse (plus the earth) itself, which will limit the expansion of the boundaries of human knowledge and form an information cocoon.

Of course, self-evolution itself can also have output: because our processing of original data will obtain new information and generate new cognitions and insights.

But these are only information generated by human activities.

What’s even more frightening is that once there is enough computing power, everyone can load all known human knowledge into their consciousness, then each individual’s input will be the same and the processing mechanism will be the same (because the processing mechanism is (determined by the input information), so that the output of each individual will be the same.

This will give birth to the "unified consciousness" mentioned in many science fiction novels.

The beauty of diversity will no longer exist.

Then the question is - how to break the situation?

After humans thoroughly understand the metaverse and the earth, they still have a need to expand the boundaries of knowledge.

At this time, we need to break the information cocoon and find input from outside the earth.

Just like this sentence I saw in the ArtScience Musuem (ArtScience Museum) in Singapore——


The translation is "Science is what the universe wants to tell humans, while art is what humans want to tell the universe."

So there has been a debate between the so-called "spaceship faction" and the "metaverse faction" in the past——< /p>

In the end, is the future of mankind heading toward alien colonization? Or will it become a server operating underground?

If it is the latter, then if a meteor comes over, human beings will probably be annihilated.

This is what many science fiction novelists and futurists, including Mr. Liu Cixin, are worried about; it is also the underlying logic of the "metaverse may destroy the world" I mentioned at the beginning.

Coincidentally, Buzz Aldrin, the second man to land on the moon, also complained: "You promised to colonize Mars for us, but now all I get is Facebook."

Picture / Ma Provincial Science and Technology Review

Then the question comes -

Would you choose to join the "Spaceship Faction"? Or is it the "Metaverse Sect"?

Finally, I want to say that these two factions are not actually contradictory.

This is like the relationship between investment and consumption.

As Fisher said, "Investment is balanced consumption in the time dimension." In other words, investment is actually future consumption.

Similarly, the "Spaceship Faction" is broadening the sources of information, while the "Metaverse Faction" is making better use of and processing existing information.

The two are not contradictory and can be both.

It’s just that we can’t spend all our money on consumption, we should still invest part of it.

As usual, I’ll summarize it with one picture——

P.S. There are alwaysOne day, the epidemic will finally pass. How will life change before and after the epidemic? What investment opportunities will there be in the post-epidemic era? I want to chat with you someday. I don’t know if you will be interested. If you are interested, please click and watch.

"Greed is good."

All content in "The Handsome Investor" is only for the purpose of imparting knowledge and financial education and does not constitute any investment advice. Please refer to the latest article for everything.

⚠️ Risk warning: Regulatory risks.



Smart City》

Computer Vision《》

Artificial Intelligence《》

Article Analyst/Fox

Pictures and Editor/Fox

Icon/freepik from flaticon

Main Creator/ Xiao Jing, @ Fox君raphael, once worked in McKinsey’s financial institutions group, and also worked as a freelancer at Google and VC. He is a columnist for Wall Street News, 36 Krypton, Sina Finance, Southern Weekend, Linkedin and other media. He is the author of the best-selling books "Pigs on the Wind" and "Cashless Era".

G. What’s behind the popularity of “Liu Yexi”

The popularity of Liu Yexi means that the AI ​​modeling technology sector has been highly valued, and it also expresses the public’s Aesthetics are gradually moving towards the human appearance of virtual characters. Liu Yexi's video quickly became popular on the Internet after it was broadcast in just a few minutes. In addition to the eye-catching form and content of the video, it also benefited from the fact that Liu Yeshi's AI intelligence created by all-round technology is particularly lifelike and has attracted the public's attention. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false, catering to people’s current love for virtual characters.

1. Attracting countless Internet celebrities to imitate

Liu Yexi’s unique makeup and perfectly crafted three courts and five eyes immediately attracted the attention of the public as soon as she appeared on the scene. attention. Nowadays, the pursuit of AI modeling faces is the most popular moment. For example, when the Korean group aespa debuted, the company set up their own avatars. At that time, it can be seen that the public's support for avatars was very large. After Liu Yexi's video went viral, many beauty bloggers put on the same makeup style as Liu Yexi's, creating a wave of momentum for Liu Yexi. Her video has already received nearly 100 million views.

The appearance of Liu Yexi is not unexpected. It is a product that adapts to the changes of the times. I hope that Liu Yeshi will have more novelties in the future to make everyone like the existence of the Metaverse even more.

H. Why the "virtual character" Liu Yexi became popular

The popularity of the "virtual character" Liu Yeshi was largely due to the concept of "metaverse" craze. You must know that recently, with the help of the founder of Facebook, the "Metaverse" has become a mainstream development direction.Now not only Ma Huateng is interested in it, but Luo Yonghao also wants to join this wave.

Please believe that we will soon witness a change in the Internet celebrity circle, and the development of short videos will be more diversified in the future. And I personally feel that virtual technology will become more mature and sophisticated as a result.

I. Liu Yexi once again made the Yuanverse popular. Is there any investment value?

Recently, Liu Yexi’s image has once again become popular on the entire Internet, which is really exciting. People are extremely shocked by their vision, especially the concept of the metaverse. If the concept of the metaverse can be truly realized, it may be a revolution for the development of society, especially when it comes to the concept of virtual reality. Can we put it into practice? It is also unknown whether the Metaverse is our second world. Its investment value is really hard to say. If you look at it in the long run, it is really valuable, but the length of this time will determine whether its investment will reverse. Everyone must know that the longest life span is only a hundred years. , it is really not certain that this goal can be achieved within this hundred years.

Again, the investment value is certainly there, but it is only suitable for the bosses of large companies, because the capital chain required is too large. This concept involves knowledge in many fields. This cannot be accomplished by one person. Although I am very optimistic about this, I have to be responsible for what I say. Whether it has investment value or not depends on everyone's own analysis and judgment.

J. Liu Yexi’s video has 5.8 million fans. Why is this internet celebrity so “arrogant”

Liu Yexi became popular all over the Internet with just one video, and many netizens were Captivated by her video content and ideas. So do you know why this internet celebrity became famous overnight? What are the reasons behind this?

Liu Yexi’s video has 5.8 million followers. Why is this internet celebrity so “arrogant”?

The content is real and three-dimensional

Liu Yexi's Two Minutes is also real with its content, pictures, plots, special effects, virtual people and real people interacting with each other, and it contains a real and strange story. It is very cinematic. oriented, allowing the audience to see the ceiling of shocking content. Just three days after her debut, she conquered the entire audience on the platform with a video.

Nowadays, video content has become more mature, and the audience’s aesthetic requirements have also improved. We expect that videos will be better in the future. Taking Liu Yexi as an example, virtual people, the metaverse and even the future will have new ways out, giving us expectations and expectations, and allowing practitioners in the film and television industry and short video industry to see huge hopes and challenges.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 迷你世界这个游戏里玩家能到宇宙吗能一直往上飞,几千高度都可以,上面不知道还能不能无限飞,反正没有传送卷轴,下来是个玩问题㈡ 迷你世界在外太空掉落的物资会消失吗迷你世界外太空掉落的物质应该不会消失的