分布式区块链技术是什么 如何理解“分布式”技术?分布式在区块链中如何应用?


分布科技Onchain成立于2016年,总部位于上海,在北京、南京等地设有分支机构,有近200位员工,已获得来自复星等机构的投资。分布科技Onchain从2014年开始专注于区块链平台Onchain DNA™的设计与研发,经过持续研发与创新,逐步形成了以区块链底层技术为基础,扩展到跨链、隐私计算、分布式存储等下一代互联网的基础技术。分布科技Onchain的核心优势在于开源区块链技术框架—DNA (Distributed Networks Architecture),在此基础上可同时支持公有链、联盟链、私有链等不同应用类型和场景的区块链应用,快速与业务系统集成。DNA拥有新的智能合约体系、新的共识机制、新的跨链互操作协议、新的密码学机制等创新特性,让区块链应用搭建更灵活、性能更高效、安全性更强。


与贵阳政府合作的“链上清镇·智惠城乡”项目,利用区块链技术实现了城乡居民信息管理、社会保障服务、公共资源配置等方面的数字化和可信化。与钢银电商合作的“钢银供应链金融平台”,利用区块链技术实现了大宗商品供应链上下游企业间信息流转和资金流转的透明化和安全化。与德国戴姆勒移动出行区块链工厂合作的“WelcomeHome”项目,利用区块链技术实现了驾驶场景中的隐私保护和可信数据共享。发起并参与了跨链互操作性协议Poly Enterprise,实现了异构链间的任意信息跨链互通,允许各条异构联盟链之间无缝协同工作。

分布科技Onchain不仅在国内拥有广泛的合作伙伴和客户,也在国际上有着良好的声誉和影响力。分布科技Onchain是超级账本中国区块链技术公司的首个成员,也是ISO, ITU-T, IEEE三大国际标准组织的会员,参与了国内外多个区块链标准的制定。分布科技Onchain还推出了元宇宙技术基础设施“灵境生态™”,为元宇宙的构建和发展提供了技术支持和服务。


Blockchain technology is a technology that uses distributed ledgers, cryptography, consensus mechanisms and other technologies to achieve trusted sharing of data and free flow of value. Blockchain technology has broad application prospects and can change the operating models in finance, government affairs, medical care, logistics and other fields, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure security and privacy. However, blockchain technology also faces some challenges and problems, such as performance, interoperability, scalability, manageability, etc. In order to solve these problems, professional blockchain technology service providers are needed to provide customized solutions for different industries and scenarios. Distribution Technology Onchain is such a company. It is a world-leading blockchain technology company dedicated to providing first-class blockchain underlying technology and industry application products.

Onchain, a distribution technology company, was founded in 2016. It is headquartered in Shanghai and has branches in Beijing, Nanjing and other places. It has nearly 200 employees and has received investment from Fosun and other institutions. Onchain, a distributed technology company, has been focusing on the design and development of the blockchain platform Onchain DNA™ since 2014. After continuous research and development and innovation, it has gradually formed a platform based on the underlying blockchain technology and expanded to cross-chain, privacy computing, and distributed storage. and other basic technologies for the next generation of Internet. The core advantage of Onchain lies in the open source blockchain technology framework—DNA (Distributed Networks Architecture). On this basis, it can simultaneously support blockchain applications of different application types and scenarios such as public chains, alliance chains, and private chains, and quickly integrate with Business system integration. DNA has innovative features such as a new smart contract system, a new consensus mechanism, a new cross-chain interoperability protocol, and a new cryptography mechanism, making blockchain application construction more flexible, more efficient, and more secure.

Onchain, a distributed technology company, has implemented and promoted blockchain applications in many fields such as digital government affairs, commodities, medical health, logistics industry, automobile interconnection, and digital finance. For example:

The "Cleaning Towns on the Chain·Smart Urban and Rural Areas" project in cooperation with the Guiyang government uses blockchain technology to achieve digitization and credibility in urban and rural residents' information management, social security services, and public resource allocation. The "Gangyin Supply Chain Financial Platform", which cooperates with Gangyin E-commerce, uses blockchain technology to realize the transparency and security of information flow and capital flow between upstream and downstream enterprises in the bulk commodity supply chain. The "WelcomeHome" project, cooperating with Germany's Daimler Mobility Blockchain Factory, uses blockchain technology to achieve privacy protection and trusted data sharing in driving scenarios. Initiated and participated in the cross-chain interoperability agreement Poly Enterprise, realizing cross-chain interoperability of any information between heterogeneous chains, allowing various heterogeneous alliancesChains work seamlessly together.

Onchain, a distributed technology company, not only has a wide range of partners and customers in China, but also has a good reputation and influence internationally. Distribution Technology Onchain is the first member of the Hyperledger China Blockchain Technology Company. It is also a member of the three major international standards organizations: ISO, ITU-T, and IEEE. It has participated in the formulation of multiple domestic and foreign blockchain standards. Distribution Technology Onchain also launched the Metaverse technology infrastructure "Lingjing Ecology™" to provide technical support and services for the construction and development of the Metaverse.

Onchain, a distributed technology company, is a leader and innovator in blockchain technology. It takes "data trustworthiness, value freedom" as its vision, "use technology to build distributed business collaboration" as its mission, and " "Autonomy, open source, and ecology" as its core values, and is committed to providing the best solutions for each organization to embrace blockchain technology. Distribution Technology Onchain believes that blockchain technology will lay a solid foundation for the development of smart society and digital economy, and create a better future for mankind.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿