买btc和usdt的区别 btc和usdt哪个划算

⑴ USDT交易和BTC交易有什么不同



⑵ 持仓币种笔记1——USDT(Tether)




USDT由Bitfinex 组建的 Tether Limited 发行,于2014年推出的一种与美元锚定的加密货币,是现在应用最广的稳定币,是最为著名的稳定币,也是市场共识最高的稳定币。截止目前(2018.8.28),加密货币市值排名第六,市值约40亿美元。

简单说就是通过抵押的方式把美金上链,即每发放一个Tether(USDT)币就银行存一美元,以保证Tether(USDT) 与美元一比一锚定。因此USDT约等于一美元,并在一美元附近小幅波动。






- Omni-USDT的安全性最好,但转账速度太慢。要是你有不着急交易的大额订单,可以优先选择Omni-USDT。

- ERC20-USDT的安全性和转账速度居中,适用于数字货币市场的频繁交易。小额高频转账,优先选择ERC20-USDT。

- 至于根据不同公链的发展和特点,未来相信也会有越来越多不同主链的 USDT 被发行。

具体的USDT的总量是变动的,可以增发可以销毁,目前的总量可以在其官网上查到。 https://wallet.tether.to/transparency

首先要明白一点:不同版本 USDT 是基于不同公链的,不同的链上是不互通的。也就是说 Omni 上的 USDT 是无法转到 ERC20 链上的,所以在交易所充提 USDT 时一定要留意地址种类。链才是关键!

最简单的方法是通过地址判断 USDT 的种类,如果是 BTC 地址(地址是以1开头),那么就是基于比特币 Omni 协议的 USDT,如果是 ETH 地址(地址是以0x开头),那么就是基于 ETH ERC-20 协议的 USDT。
基于比特币 Omni 协议的 USDT 在转账过程中是会发生一笔 BTC 的转账,转账过程中需要消耗 BTC,所以如果你钱包里只有 USDT 没有 BTC 是无法进行转账的。基于比特币 Omni 协议的 USDT 转账需要 10 分钟左右,和 BTC 转账一致。

基于 ETH ERC-20 协议的 USDT 在转账过程中需要消耗 ETH 作为 GAS,所以如果你钱包里只有 USDT 没有 ETH 是无法进行转账的。基于 ETH ERC-20 协议的 USDT 的转账需要 1 分钟左右,和 ETH 转账一致。


对于新手小白而言本节是一个非常重要的知识点,因此再次提一下:不同版本 USDT 是不互通的。所以在交易所充提转账的时候一定要留意USDT的版本。

1. 虽然 USDT 锚定美元,但是由于其受Tether公司运营风险以及场内外供求关系的影响等,USDT 的价格围绕1美元浮动。根据多次汇率暴涨爆跌,USDT 爆出负面新闻等事件的经验看来,历史 USDT 场外最低价格:0.85 USD,就是最低严重缩水 15%。最近人民币汇率暴跌之后,USDT 价格会有滞后,因此此时购入USDT会更合算。推荐使用Fox.ONE 场外指数(FOI)来判断购入USDT的时机。

2. 由于 Tether 公司需要面对系统风险,信用风险,挤兑风险。USDT 的风险在过去一直没有被解决,也出现过非常多次增发销毁、盗币的问题,这其实给了其他稳定币的机会。现今市场上的稳定币主要分为三种类型:法定资产抵押型—— 与中心化资产锚定(如:USDT);加密资产抵押型——用N(>1)倍加密资产抵押(如:DAI);无抵押型——由算法控制货币价值。

3. USDT 是现在使用最多的稳定币,只要 USDT 换美元提现可以稳定,USDT 就不会极端问题,也因为 USDT 使用最广,现在针对 USDT 的金融借贷比较丰富。USDT 换美元可以通过 Bitfinix 交易所的 USDT/USD 交易对完成交易,然后提现到银行卡,但是审核的时间比较久,一般至少需要几天。所以现在 USDT 买卖都通过场外交易。最近还有消息说Tether公司将会推出锚定人民币的CNYT,大家可以关注。

4. 如果经常使用场外交易直接买 BTC、ETH 或者 EOS ,一定要认认真真的使用一段时间 USDT。USDT 的保值功能,很多人其实并不明白。将来牛市有一天你想变现的时候,也最好先换成 USDT,再逐步换人民币。

今天的笔记就到这里,希望大家能辨别 USDT 版本,转账注意主链地址,熟练掌握 购入USDT的时机,如果关于USDT还有其他的问题欢迎留言,下一次持仓币种笔记2——BTC(Bitcoin),敬请期待~

⑶ btc和usdt是什么关系


⑷ 什么币值得投资

1. 比特币
ETH (Ethereum)是Ethereum的代币,在Ethereum中充当支付交易费和运营服务费的媒介(GAS)。与BTC类似,这种加密货币可以用来与其他加密货币或其他法定货币进行交易,是除比特币之外最有价值的加密货币数字货币之一。2014年7月24日发布,众筹期间ETH首次总人数约7200万。

⑸ 为什么不要用人民币直接买比特币而要通过usdt这个桥梁








1 储值

2 避险

3 价值的自由流通

4 便捷低廉的跨国交易手段

5 世界货币

6 区块链技术

7 人类组织结构的重大创新

储值 :不像可以超发的法币,比特币由于减半规则的限制,总量被固定在210000 50 (1+1/2+1/4+1/8+……)=2100万个,无法增发,想改规则必须让比特币用户都承认才行,很明显持币人不会做这种稀释自己财富的事。所以比特币总量有限,发行有规律,不会像法币一样超发贬值,甚至还会随着人类财富的增长,越来越值钱。比特币的交易兑换又十分便捷,无疑是一种良好的储值品,可以抵御通胀。

避险 :无论地址上有多少比特币,只需掌握了该地址的私钥或助记词,即可控制这笔巨款,走到世界各地都可兑换。由于比特币地址的匿名性,没人知道你有没有比特币,有多少比特币,只要你自己不透露私钥,没人能夺走你的比特币。有这样的说法, 比特币是人类 历史 上第一次用技术手段保障了私有财产神圣不可侵犯 。确实,普天之下,碌碌众生,又有什么东西是自己真正能掌握的呢?房子可能被拆毁、没收,证券、存款可能会被冻结,贵重物品可能会被盗窃,但记在脑子里的财富,除非自己忘了或者泄露了,永远也不会丢失,这就是比特币的伟大意义所在。在那些兵荒马乱,政局不稳的地方,比特币无疑是一根救命稻草,在安定繁荣的地方,比特币也是一种为防万一的重要选择。

价值的自由流通 :互联网时代,信息可以自由流动,价值却不可以自由流动,国与国之间有外汇管制,各国银行之间往往有繁复的手续,美元跨国转账须经过美国控制的系统,美国可以借此打击异己。但比特币是一种去中心化的全球网络,即使强如美国,也无法封掉伊朗人的比特币地址,比特币是一种打破霸权和金融封锁的利器,实现了价值的自由流通,自由能创造出更多的活力和生产力。甚至,比特币发展到一定规模后,会成为黄金一样的国家战略储备。

#比特币[超话]# #数字货币# #欧易OKEx#

⑹ 关于比特币和以太币


甚至USDT, USDC这种已经被部分官方支持的币种都需要基于以太坊网络来实现交易。而比特币网络因为太垃圾早就被USDT抛弃了。比特币的问题就是发明者就是个投机者,发布完就跑路了,留下个烂摊子停滞不前。不要以为一个日本IT宅男会懂什么金融,其实他啥都不懂。区块链想要 健康 发展,融入主流 社会 的话,还是应该要重应用,轻投机。区块链首先应该是一个智能网络2.0,其次才是支付工具,比特币是本末倒置。作为一个网络最重要还是生态圈和用户数,只有用户数和应用够多了,这个网络才会成为主流,很显然,以太坊生态圈远远强于比特币,因为创立之初的目的就是作为一种智能网络,强调的是用户应用而不是投机工具。


不知道为什么$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 为什么这么喜欢比特币。比特币只能投机,狗狗币只能卖萌。即使比特币是限量的,但是没用的东西限量一样是没用的东西,而且以太坊2.0很可能导致自毁货币数量接近产出量。


#比特币[超话]# #数字货币# #欧易OKEx#

⑺ 币本位合约和USDT合约有啥区别




















⑼ 问一下,比特币合约交易选哪个比较好

您好,比特币合约,是指无需实际拥有比特币也可进行交易的合约。 它与必须实际持有数字货币才可进行的币币交易有很大不同。比特币合约使你能够预测比特币的价格走势和对冲风险。 这种交易方式,意味着你投资的是价格趋势,而非资产本身。在交易比特币合约时,你可以决定做空还是做多。 选择做多,表明你预计比特币价格将会上涨。 另一方面,选择做空表明你预计价格将会下跌

⑽ usdt和btc有什么区别


1. USDT和BTC的定义

2. USDT和BTC的主要区别

3. USDT和BTC在投资市场中的作用

1. USDT和BTC的定义



2. USDT和BTC的主要区别otoni协议的,而比特币是基于比特币协议的。

3. USDT和BTC在投资市场中的作用





⑴ What is the difference between USDT trading and BTC trading

1. Tether (USDT) is a virtual currency that links cryptocurrency to the legal currency US dollar. It is a currency stored in foreign exchange. Reserve accounts, virtual currencies backed by fiat currency.
2. Contract trading is the collective name for Bitcoin Litecoin futures contract trading.

Warm reminder: ①The above content is for reference only and does not make any recommendations. Relevant products are issued and managed by the corresponding platform or company, and our bank does not assume the responsibility for the investment, redemption and risk management of the products. ②There are risks in entering the market, so investment needs to be cautious. Before making any investment, you should ensure that you fully understand the investment nature of the product and the risks involved. After understanding and carefully evaluating the product, you can make your own judgment on whether to participate in the transaction.
Response time: 2021-02-02. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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⑵ Position Currency Notes 1 - USDT (Tether)

If you regard holding digital assets as investment, then it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the objects you hold. The better you understand the investment target, the more confident you can make a decision (hold it or give up decisively). To this end, I will sort out the currencies I hold and form a series, which will be both my own notes and for everyone’s reference.

I originally wanted to start with BTC, but after thinking about it, Tether (USDT) is more practical for novices who have just entered the market, because after all, most of the daily inflow/outflow of BTC is Tether (USDT). ), the figure below shows the distribution of capital inflows/outflows of BTC in the last 24 hours (2019.8.28).

It can be seen that Tether (USDT) is the absolute main force. And for newcomers, if they are not familiar with the violent fluctuations of digital assets, exchanging a portion of Tether (USDT) at the right time to wait for the opportunity is a good choice to enter this world.
Okay, let's get started.

USDT is issued by Tether Limited formed by Bitfinex. It was launched in 2014 as a cryptocurrency anchored to the US dollar. It is the most widely used stable currency, the most famous stable currency and the market leader. The stablecoin with the highest consensus. As of now (2018.8.28), the cryptocurrency market value ranks sixth, with a market value of approximately US$4 billion.

To put it simply, U.S. dollars are put on the chain through mortgage, that is, for every Tether (USDT) currency issued, one U.S. dollar is deposited in the bank to ensure that Tether (USDT) is anchored to the U.S. dollar on a one-to-one basis. Therefore, USDT is approximately equal to one U.S. dollar and fluctuates slightly around one U.S. dollar.

In November 2014, USDT was born on the Bitcoin network and was officially launched on several major exchanges in February 2015. Before 2018, there was only one transfer path for USDT, and that was Omni-USDT based on the Bitcoin network.
Omni-USDT is stored on a Bitcoin address, so every time you transfer, you need to pay Bitcoin as a miner fee. Omni-USDT is on the Bitcoin network chain, and the cost of hacking is very high, so the asset is relatively secure. However, its transaction speed is very slow and cannot meet the needs of today's encryption trading market. However, many large transactions will still tend to Omni-USDT.

In early 2018, the Ethereum network exploded in popularity, smart contracts became popular in blockchain applications, and ERC20-USDT appeared.
Like Omni-USDT, using ERC20-USDT also requires payment of absenteeism fees, but the transfer speed has been significantly improved. Due to its good security and fast transfer speed, ERC20-USDT is widely accepted by the market. TEDA, the issuer of USDT, has also begun to abandon Bitcoin Omni in favor of the more efficient Ethereum ERC20. With the recent issuance of USDT by TEDA on Ethereum, the number of ERC20-USDT has increased significantly and now exceeds 50% of the total amount of Omni-USDT. In addition to officially abandoning the Omni protocol, mainstream exchanges have also begun to support ERC20-USDT.

In April 2019, TEDA announced the issuance of USDT based on the TRC-20 protocol on Tron, and TRC20-USDT was born. When TRC20-USDT was issued, it promised to be completely open and transparent, with zero transfer fees and transfers in seconds.
Different from the first two, there is currently no handling fee for TRC20-USDT transfers, which is also a highlight of TRON. However, the current development of TRC20-USDT is not very mature and security cannot be guaranteed.

In addition to the above three versions, there are currently USDT issued on EOS and Liquid, but the amount is relatively small and I will not expand on it in detail.


- Omni-USDT has the best security, but the transfer speed is too slow. If you have large orders that you are not in a hurry to trade, you can choose Omni-USDT first.

- Security and transfer speed of ERC20-USDTCentered, suitable for frequent transactions in the digital currency market. For small-amount, high-frequency transfers, ERC20-USDT is preferred.

- As for the development and characteristics of different public chains, I believe that more and more USDT of different main chains will be issued in the future.

The specific total amount of USDT changes and can be issued or destroyed. The current total amount can be found on its official website. https://wallet.tether.to/transparency
As of August 28, 2019, the total amount of different versions is as follows.

First of all, we need to understand one thing: different versions of USDT are based on different public chains, and different chains are not interoperable. In other words, USDT on Omni cannot be transferred to the ERC20 chain, so you must pay attention to the address type when depositing and withdrawing USDT on the exchange. The chain is the key!

The simplest way is to determine the type of USDT by the address. If it is a BTC address (the address starts with 1), then it is USDT based on the Bitcoin Omni protocol. If it is an ETH address (the address starts with 1) starting with 0x), then it is USDT based on the ETH ERC-20 protocol.
During the transfer process of USDT based on the Bitcoin Omni protocol, a BTC transfer will occur. The transfer process requires BTC to be consumed, so if you only have USDT and no BTC in your wallet, you cannot make the transfer. USDT transfers based on the Bitcoin Omni protocol take about 10 minutes, which is consistent with BTC transfers.

USDT based on the ETH ERC-20 protocol needs to consume ETH as GAS during the transfer process, so if you only have USDT and no ETH in your wallet, you cannot make the transfer. USDT transfers based on the ETH ERC-20 protocol take about 1 minute, which is consistent with ETH transfers.

The lower left corner of the currency logo in MIXIN's wallet is the logo of the public chain where this ratio is released, so the way to distinguish it is very simple, just look at the lower left corner of the USDT icon. See the figure below for details:

This section is a very important knowledge point for novices, so I would like to mention it again: different versions of USDT are not interoperable. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to USDT when depositing, withdrawing, and transferring money on the exchange.version of.

1. Although USDT is anchored to the U.S. dollar, the price of USDT floats around 1 U.S. dollar due to the impact of Tether's operational risks and the supply and demand relationship on and off the market. Based on the experience of multiple exchange rate surges and collapses, negative news about USDT and other events, the lowest price of USDT over the counter in history is 0.85 USD, which is the lowest serious shrinkage of 15%. After the recent sharp fall in the RMB exchange rate, the price of USDT will lag, so it will be more cost-effective to purchase USDT at this time. It is recommended to use the Fox.ONE OTC Index (FOI) to judge the timing of purchasing USDT.

2. Because Tether company needs to face systemic risks, credit risks, and run risks. The risks of USDT have not been resolved in the past, and there have been many issues of additional issuance, destruction, and currency theft. This actually gives other stablecoins opportunities. Stablecoins on the market today are mainly divided into three types: legal asset mortgage type - anchored with centralized assets (such as USDT); crypto asset mortgage type - mortgaged with N (>1) times crypto assets (such as: DAI); uncollateralized - currency value controlled by algorithm.

3. USDT is the most widely used stable currency. As long as the USDT exchange for USD withdrawal can be stable, USDT will not be an extreme problem. Also because USDT is the most widely used, there are now relatively abundant financial loans for USDT. To exchange USDT for US dollars, you can complete the transaction through the USDT/USD trading pair on the Bitfinix exchange, and then withdraw it to the bank card, but the review time is relatively long, usually at least a few days. So now USDT is bought and sold through over-the-counter transactions. Recently, there is news that Tether will launch CNYT anchored to the renminbi. You can pay attention to it.

4. If you often use OTC transactions to directly buy BTC, ETH or EOS, you must use USDT seriously for a period of time. Many people don’t actually understand the value-preserving function of USDT. When there is a bull market in the future and you want to cash out, it is best to first switch to USDT and then gradually switch to RMB.

That’s it for today’s notes. I hope you can identify the USDT version, pay attention to the main chain address when transferring, and be proficient in the timing of purchasing USDT. If you have other questions about USDT, please leave a message and hold a position next time. Currency Note 2 - BTC (Bitcoin), stay tuned~

⑶ What is the relationship between btc and usdt

USDT is a stable digital currency based on the discovery of the value of the US dollar. Fiat currencies and digital currencies such as Bitcoin act as general equivalents. Bitcoin investors usually need to convert fiat currencies into USDT before purchasing digital currencies. btc/usdt
Usually represents the real-time exchange price between the two. Contributor: bitewang

⑷ What currency is worth investing in

1. Bitcoin
Bitcoin (BTC) is the most widely used digital currency and is known as "Digital Gold". It was born on January 3, 2009. It is a digital cryptocurrency used for peer-to-peer (P2P) transmission, with a total amount of 21 million. Bitcoin releases a certain number of coins every 10 minutes and is expected to reach its limit in 2140.
2. Ethereum Museum
ETH (Ethereum) is the token of Ethereum, which acts as a medium (GAS) for paying transaction fees and operating service fees in Ethereum. Similar to BTC, this cryptocurrency can be used to trade with other cryptocurrencies or other fiat currencies and is one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin. Released on July 24, 2014, the total number of ETH users during the crowdfunding period for the first time was approximately 72 million.
3.TEDA Currency
USDT is the token of Tether USD (USDT for short), based on the stable value currency launched by Tether - the US dollar, 1 US dollar to 1 US dollar. Users can exchange USDT for USDT at any time at a 1:1 rate. Tether strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every USDT token issued, its bank account will be guaranteed by US$1.
4. Polkadot Coin
DOT coin, also known as Polkadot coin, its full English name is Polkadot, which is the native token of the Polkadot platform. It was created by Dr. Gavin Wood, former founder of Ethereum and author of The Orange Book, and his team. Its main functions are: management platform, operating network, creating blockchain by binding DOT, paying information transmission fees, etc.
5. Ripple currency
Ripple currency is the base currency of the Ripple network, and the operating company is Ripple Labs (formerly OpenCoin). Lian coins can be circulated throughout the entire Lian network, with a total amount of 100 billion, but as the transaction volume increases, the number will gradually decrease.
6. Ada Coin
Ada is known as the Ether Museum of Europe, and its market value is also in line with Europe’s status. It currently ranks tenth in total market capitalization. This is the token of the cardano protocol in Cardano, which can be used to send and receive digital funds. Encryption technology ensures safe, fast and direct transmission.
7. Ring
ChainLink is a decentralized oracle that provides off-chain data for smart contracts. First, multiple nodes submit data to their on-chain contracts, their contracts will store these off-chain data, and then other smart contracts will access their contract interfaces and get the data they want.
An online currency based on peer-to-peer technology that can help users pay instantly to anyone in the world. Litecoin is inspired by Bitcoin (BTC), inTechnically, it has the same implementation principle as Bitcoin. It is created and transmitted based on open source encryption protocols and is not managed by any central organization.
9. Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash, like Bitcoin, is a cryptocurrency based on decentralization, peer-to-peer networking and consensus initiatives, open source code and blockchain as the underlying technology. It is completely decentralized, with no central bank, let alone trust in any third party. Bitcoin Cash is the continuation of the Bitcoin project as a peer-to-peer digital cash. It is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain ledger with an upgraded version of the consensus rules that allow for growth and expansion. Anyone who owned Bitcoin when Bitcoin Cash was created will also become an owner of Bitcoin Cash.

⑸ Why not use RMB to buy Bitcoin directly but go through the bridge of USDT

According to the spirit of the documents of the five ministries and commissions of the Tang Dynasty in 2013, institutions are not allowed to "directly or indirectly "Customers provide other Bitcoin-related services". After that, based on their understanding of the documents, various banks stopped providing services to cryptocurrency-related enterprises and immediately closed their accounts when they found out. Therefore, since then, remittances have been used for deposits and withdrawals on exchanges. , there is no longer a method of automatic recharge through third-party payment. Of course, there were some exchanges that used eighth-tier third-party payment, or deposited funds through recharge cards, but in the end these channels were blocked one after another.

In 2017, documents from seven ministries and commissions stipulated that "any so-called token financing trading platform shall not engage in the exchange business between legal currencies, tokens, and "virtual currencies", and shall not buy or sell or act as a central counterparty. Tokens or “virtual currencies” are not allowed to provide pricing, information intermediary and other services for tokens or “virtual currencies”. This actually completely prohibits the business of exchanges, so domestic exchanges have closed down one after another.

In this way, there are only overseas exchanges. Can overseas exchanges directly conduct RMB and cryptocurrency swaps? It’s also not possible. The exchange is “overseas”, so of course it cannot accept RMB. Moreover, according to the 2013 document, it is illegal for cryptocurrency-related institutions to accept RMB. Banks will stop providing services when they find out, so there will be no such thing in the exchange at all. RMB.

Therefore, cryptocurrency is currently only purchased through peer-to-peer methods, and remittances and transactions between individuals serve as a channel to achieve substantial deposits and withdrawals to the exchange. The exchange cannot make compliant deposits and withdrawals through a unified channel, so it can only use many individual small channels as intermediaries. The exchange only enters and exits cryptocurrencies, while the entry and exit of fiat currencies is done between individuals.

This is called over-the-counter trading, but over-the-counter trading is slow and cumbersome. It can only be used as money to enter and exit the market. The real currency speculation still requires an exchange.

But if there is no RMB in the exchange, what can be used as a legal currency substitute for settlement? Then use a stablecoin that is aligned with the US dollar.

Why is there no stablecoin that is aligned with the RMB? One is because it is more sensitive, and the other isThe reason is that the RMB is not internationalized enough and is not suitable for global customers. Thirdly, because of the above two reasons, even if there is a RMB stable currency, it will not have a wide base of use. In this way, it will be difficult to stabilize the currency price in line with the RMB, and it will be easy to break away from it. anchor.

1 Stored value

2 Hedging

3 Free circulation of value

4 Convenient and low-cost means of cross-border transactions

5 World Currencies

6 Blockchain Technology

7 Major Innovations in Human Organizational Structure

Stored Value: Unlike fiat currencies that can be issued in excess of Due to the restriction of the halving rule, the total supply of Bitcoin is fixed at 210,000 50 (1+1/2+1/4+1/8+...) = 21 million. Additional issuance cannot be done. If you want to change the rules, you must let Bitcoin users Only if everyone admits it, it is obvious that currency holders will not do such things that dilute their wealth. Therefore, the total amount of Bitcoin is limited and issuance is regular. It will not depreciate due to excessive issuance like legal currency. It will even become more and more valuable as human wealth grows. The transaction and exchange of Bitcoin is very convenient, and it is undoubtedly a good store of value that can resist inflation.

Hedging: No matter how many Bitcoins are in the address, as long as you have the private key or mnemonic of the address, you can control this huge amount of money and exchange it anywhere in the world. Due to the anonymity of Bitcoin addresses, no one knows whether you have Bitcoins or how many Bitcoins you have. As long as you do not reveal your private key, no one can take away your Bitcoins. It is said that Bitcoin is the first time in human history that technical means have been used to protect the sanctity of private property. Indeed, among all the sentient beings in the world, is there anything that I can really control? Houses may be demolished and confiscated, securities and deposits may be frozen, and valuables may be stolen, but the wealth recorded in your mind will never be lost unless you forget it or leak it. This is the greatness of Bitcoin. The meaning. In places where there is chaos and political instability, Bitcoin is undoubtedly a life-saving straw. In places where there is stability and prosperity, Bitcoin is also an important choice as a precaution.

Free circulation of value: In the Internet age, information can flow freely, but value cannot. There are foreign exchange controls between countries, and there are often complicated procedures between banks in various countries. Cross-border transfers of U.S. dollars must go through A system controlled by the United States through which the United States can attack dissidents. But Bitcoin is a decentralized global network. Even if it is as powerful as the United States, it cannot block the Bitcoin addresses of Iranians. Bitcoin is a powerful tool to break hegemony and financial blockade, and realizes the free circulation of value. Can create more vitality and productivity. Even, after Bitcoin develops to a certain scale, it will become a national strategic reserve like gold.

#BTC[超话]# #digital currency# #欧易OKEx#

⑹ About Bitcoin and Ethereum

I think Bitcoin has only speculative value, while Ethereum has real value. Because Ethereum is actually an Internet rather than a digital currency, its status in the blockchain is similar to the TCP/IP protocol.

Even currencies such as USDT and USDC, which are already partially supported by some officials, need to be based on the Ethereum network to implement transactions. The Bitcoin network has long been abandoned by USDT because it is too rubbish. The problem with Bitcoin is that the inventor was a speculator, and ran away as soon as it was released, leaving a mess that stagnated. Don't think that a Japanese IT geek knows anything about finance. In fact, he knows nothing. If the blockchain wants to develop healthily and integrate into mainstream society, it should still focus on application and light speculation. Blockchain should be an intelligent network 2.0 first, and a payment tool secondly. Bitcoin is putting the cart before the horse. As a network, the most important thing is the ecosystem and the number of users. Only with enough users and applications will the network become mainstream. Obviously, the Ethereum ecosystem is far stronger than Bitcoin, because the original purpose of its creation was to An intelligent network that emphasizes user applications rather than speculative tools.

Ethereum is actually the network fee for using the Ethereum network. The more users, the higher the currency price. Moreover, this kind of smart contract network has a winner-take-all trend. Ethereum and Binance have become the largest smart contract platforms. In the future, no matter how many messy currencies are issued by scammers, they will have to hang on these two, and others will The bigger the currency bubble gets, the more it drives the value of Ethereum.

I don’t know why $Tesla (TSLA)$ likes Bitcoin so much. Bitcoin can only be speculated, and Dogecoin can only be used for cuteness. Even if Bitcoin is limited, a useless thing is still useless if it is limited, and Ethereum 2.0 is likely to cause the number of self-destructing currencies to be close to the output.

Finally, it is recommended that everyone not touch digital currencies, there are risks

#BTC[超话]# #digital currency# #欧易OKEx#

⑺ What is the difference between a currency-based contract and a USDT contract?

58COIN currency-standard refers to a contract that uses btc as a margin, and the profit and loss is calculated in btc, because the quotation of btc changes at any time, and the interest rate does not change linearly.
This means that when you go long in a bull market, profits will rise very quickly, but if you go in the opposite direction, you will lose your principal very quickly; even if you go in the right direction in a bear market, if the decline exceeds your Multiples of the bottom position, you may make money but lose money. You will find that it is not as practical as holding USDT in a short position to be busy in and out.
USDT-margined contract refers to using USDT as margin, profit and loss is calculated in USDT, and the interest rate curve is linear. Because what you earn is USDT, when btc fallsAt this time, there is no need to consider the hedging risk of BTC falling.

⑻ What do BTC, USDT, ETH, BCH, and LTC mean on Biyi?

The meanings of BTC, USDT, ETH, BCH, and LTC are respectively:

< p>1. BTC

BitCoin, a concept originally proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, is an open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto’s ideas and a P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.


Tether is a virtual currency that links cryptocurrency to the legal currency US dollar. It is a currency kept in a foreign exchange reserve account. , a virtual currency backed by legal currency.

3. ETH

Ethereum is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract functions. It provides decentralized blockchain through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ether. EthereumVirtualMachine to handle point-to-point contracts.

4. BCH

Bitcoin Cash is a new version of Bitcoin with different configurations launched by a small group of Bitcoin developers.

At 20:20 on August 1, 2017, Bitcoin Cash will start mining, and an amount of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) equivalent to the number of Bitcoins will appear in the account of each Bitcoin investor.

5. LTC

Litecoin, abbreviation: LTC, currency symbol: Ł; is an online currency based on "peer-to-peer" technology , is also an open source software project under the MIT/X11 license. It helps users make instant payments to anyone in the world.

Reference source: Network-Bitcoin

Reference source: Network-Tether

Reference source: Network-Ethereum

< p>Reference source: Network-Bitcoin Cash

Reference source: Network-Litecoin

⑼ Ask, which one is better for Bitcoin contract trading

< p>Hello, Bitcoin contracts refer to contracts that can be traded without actually owning Bitcoins. It is very different from currency-to-crypto trading, which requires physical possession of the digital currency to proceed. Bitcoin contracts enable you to predict Bitcoin price movements and hedge risks. This type of trading means that you are investing in price trends rather than the asset itself. When trading Bitcoin contracts, you can decide to go short or long. Choosing to go long indicates that you expect the price of Bitcoin to rise. On the other hand, choosing to go short indicates that you expect the price to fall
Contract exchange screening criteria: First, look at the index price mechanism. A good exchange will comprehensively use spot indices from multiple major exchanges.Firstly, it represents the overall level of the market, and secondly, the price will not be manipulated artificially, making it safer. Second, look at the direction of positions in the same currency. Good exchanges allow two-way positions to reduce risks. Most exchanges only allow one-way positions. For example, you cannot go long BTC while shorting BTC in the same account. However, good exchanges allow investors to hold positions in both directions. This For those who do hedging, it can effectively hedge risks. Third, look at the contract type. Good exchanges have a richer variety of contracts to meet the operational needs of different people. They are generally divided into two types: delivery contracts and perpetual contracts. The most notable feature of delivery contracts is that they have a delivery and settlement date, while perpetual contracts do not. Fourth, see through the warehouse mechanism. Good exchanges have platform insurance funds to make up for the loss of liquidated positions, but the liquidated liquidation mechanism of most exchanges is full profit account sharing or ADL position reduction mechanism. Full profit account apportionment is an operating mode that combines and counts the liquidation losses generated by the liquidation orders of all contracts, and allocates all the profits of all profitable users as the apportionment base. To put it bluntly, the money you earn based on your skills has to be divided. Wiping the butt of those who have shorted their positions; the ADL position reduction mechanism means that when investors are forced to liquidate their positions, their remaining positions will be taken over by the exchange’s liquidation system. If the forced liquidation position cannot be closed in the market and when the mark price reaches the bankruptcy price, the automatic position reduction system will reduce the positions of investors holding positions in the opposite direction. The order of position reduction will be determined based on the leverage and profit ratio. To put it bluntly, if your opponent is too weak, your leverage ratio and position may be reduced, and your profits will also be reduced. The insurance fund mechanism is more objective and will not touch the profits of the profit makers. Instead, the platform fund will fully bear the loss of the position. Fifth, look at the leverage ratio. Many exchanges only have 10x or 20x leverage. For new investors, there is no low-leverage practice. For experienced investors, there is no opportunity to use higher leverage to leverage huge wealth. Okay. The exchange will provide investors with a variety of leverage ratio options, such as 2/3/5/10/20/33/50/100 times. These common ratios will be provided. Sixth, look at transaction fees. This is a fee that cannot be underestimated. Many exchanges have a wide range of relatively high transaction fees, such as handling fees, delivery fees, capital fees, etc. The handling fees range from high to low, with most ranges between Around 10,000 to 10,000 and 70,000, one or two transactions are nothing, but a small sum adds up. Especially for investors with quantitative trading needs, the fewer types of fees and the lower the fees, the more advantageous it is. It can be done more conscientiously. Those who can do it are basically the conscience of the industry.
Basically, these criteria can already be used to select good exchanges, and 58COIN perfectly meets the above criteria. Its contract index price comprehensively adopts the spot prices of multiple leading exchanges, and there will be no artificial manipulation; two-way positions in the same currency in the same account can be a good hedge against extreme market risks; existing delivery contracts and digital perpetual contracts There are three major contract types: USDT perpetual contract, among which the USDT contract only needs to holdWith USDT, you can carry out multi-currency long and short operations without the hassle of currency exchange; it adopts a liquidation mechanism fully borne by the platform’s insurance fund, which does not harm the interests of the profiteers; 2/3/5/10/20/33/50 /More than 100 leverage multiple options, allowing new and old investors to have more flexible and diverse choices; there are only handling fees and no other fees, and the handling fees are as low as 1.5 million, no position interest, strong liquidity, strong depth, and permanent There is no cost to continue holding, no amortized losses, and no pins to close the position. It can be said to be the conscience of the currency circle.
I hope the answer will be helpful to you.

⑽ What is the difference between usdt and btc

This article aims to compare the differences between USDT and BTC. In this comparison, we will explore their definitions, as well as the main differences between them and their role in the investment market. This article will provide useful information on the important differences between USDT and BTC to help readers make informed investment decisions.

1. The definition of USDT and BTC

2. The main difference between USDT and BTC

3. The role of USDT and BTC in the investment market

1. Definition of USDT and BTC

USDT is a digital currency based on blockchain technology and is issued by Tether. Its main purpose is to provide a safe, reliable, and usable currency that can be used for payments and transactions. USDT is a U.S. dollar-based currency whose value is aligned with the value of the U.S. dollar.

Created by the people behind oto and released in 2009, it aims to provide a safe, reliable, usable currency that can be used for payments and transactions. Bitcoin is widely popular because it is a decentralized currency that is not controlled by a government or central bank.

2. The main difference between USDT and BTC is the otoni protocol, while Bitcoin is based on the Bitcoin protocol.

3. The role of USDT and BTC in the investment market

USDT and BTC are both digital currencies used in the investment market. They can both be used for investing and trading, but their role in the investment market is different. USDT is a U.S. dollar-based currency whose value is aligned with the value of the U.S. dollar, so it can be used to avoid exchange rate risks. Additionally, USDT can be used to purchase other digital currencies for investment purposes.

Bitcoin is a decentralized currency that is not controlled by the government or central bank, so it can be used to fight inflation. Additionally, Bitcoin can be used to purchase other digital currencies for investment purposes.

There are many significant differences between USDT and BTC, including value, issuer, and technology. Furthermore, they areThe roles in the investment market are also different. USDT can be used to avoid exchange rate risks, while Bitcoin can be used to resist inflation. Therefore, knowing the important differences between USDT and BTC can help investors make informed investment decisions.

To summarize, the main differences between USDT and BTC are their values, issuers and technologies, as well as their role in the investment market. USDT is a dollar-based currency that can be used to avoid exchange rate risks, while Bitcoin is a decentralized currency that can be used to fight inflation. Understanding these differences can help investors make informed investment decisions.

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