以太坊transfer和transferfrom 基于以太坊转usdt手续费高

A. 以太坊是什么,谁创建的

以太坊(英文Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether)提供去中心化的虚拟机(“以太虚拟机” Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。
以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹开始得以发展。

B. trx和trc20一样吗

都在说,现在DEFI啊 公链啊 这条赛道已经彻底堵死了,没有更多机会了

在科技领域,就算是苹果谷歌亚马逊阿里巴巴 腾讯京东网络
这就是后来者:波场 TRX

很多人猜测可能是DEFI的原因, 比如波场的JUSTSWAP JST这些生态的加成

波场里面的USDT TRC20
下面的内容我会细细道来这个USDT TRC 20的厉害之处

ETH公链上面的 USDT ERC 20
波场TRX公链上面的 USDT TRC20
但是如果你要是体验过TRX上面的USDT TRC20的话,客观地说良心话
就像这个世界已经有苹果 三星 华为了
但是小米也有很大的一个市场! 因为得屌丝者得天下!
世界上有了京东 淘宝 天猫,

在USDT这个强应用的基础之上再次叠加DEFI JUSTSWAP 等等生态和
BTT JST这些矩阵的加成之下

USDT TRC20得屌丝者得天下
USDT ERC20这些太贵太慢
TRX其他矩阵内部的项目会有加成效应比如:BTT JST等等


柚子EOS !!


C. TRX波场资料简介


波场市值56.89亿  全球排名17

24H量 498.88亿    24H额 42.92亿




火币 币安  Okex  ZB  ZG  MXC抹茶



2014年3月 Raybo成立,Tron的前身





2018年5月,Tron 主网上线


D. 教你一招,资源不足的EOS钱包,不抵押EOS也能正常转账


可能正是基于这种思路和需求,币乎的咕噜大佬搞出了MYKEY钱包( http://www.idcnpc.com/z/mykey ),转账您不用再算计怎么抵押EOS换取资源了,您只要给网络费就行了,对于新注册MYKEY的用户,都送一些网络费让大家体验,确实方便多了,说白了,这又回到了ETH当初收转账费(矿工费)的方式,事实证明,小白们有时候还是宁可花点钱也懒得动脑子。



很多人没注意到这个功能,还傻乎乎地去抵押EOS换取资源来转账真是一大损失,今天我就告诉大家怎么使用MEETONE免费转账EOS。如果你还没有安装MEETONE钱包,就点击这里  http://www.idcnpc.com/z/meet/ 注册安装APP到手机上吧,后面步骤按照下面进行:


2、看下图就是我导入的旧钱包地址 pratanghua11,里面还有1.4个EOS,想转出来,但是显示Net资源不足报警,需要我去抵押EOS才能换得资源来转账,就为这1.4个EOS,我当然不可能再为它存更多柚子进去,我也不傻啊。






E. 以太坊转账流程

安装以太坊浏览器钱包插件,创建钱包,获取虚拟以太币,进行转账交易。 实验内容 学习 初识以太坊,发送交易 1.学习《初始以太坊,发送交易》,虚拟以太币交易。

F. 数字货币钱包大全,该用哪个钱包,看完这篇就够了



一、私钥种子层层加密 物理隔绝永不触网









G. trx是什么币种


H. 以太坊转帐二十小时没到帐


I. imtoken转账为什么需要trx


A. What is Ethereum and who created it

Ethereum (English Ethereum) is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract functions. Through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ether Ether provides a decentralized virtual machine ("Ethereum Virtual Machine") to process peer-to-peer contracts.
The concept of Ethereum was first proposed by programmer Vitalik Buterin between 2013 and 2014 after being inspired by Bitcoin. It roughly means "the next generation of cryptocurrency and decentralized application platform". It began to be implemented through ICO crowdfunding in 2014. develop.
As of February 2018, Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, behind Bitcoin.

B. Are trx and trc20 the same?

There is a popular argument recently!
Everyone is saying that now the track of DEFI and public chains has been completely blocked, and there are no more opportunities
I have read some articles in self-media recently
They all It is full of emotions and arguments: it is said that the only public chain track left in the future is Ethereum, and other public chains including EOS and Tron can only have one idea, and there is no way out

For this view, if you have enough independent thinking ability, you only need to do in-depth critical thinking to find that it is actually untenable!
For example:
15 years ago, everyone thought that Nokia had completely dominated the world, and no one could shake Nokia’s dominance in the mobile phone field. But at that time, everyone’s vision and thinking were limited.
In the field of technology, even Apple, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com
In fact, everyone internally has a sense of crisis and knows that evolution and change are rapid, and it is entirely possible for latecomers to catch up.
How can we say that ETH has completely won?
Today, I feel that there is a potential competitor that is very powerful and lethal, and may compete with Ethereum in the future!
This is the latecomer: TRON

In fact, the rights and wrongs of Sun Yuchen have been discussed too much in domestic forums
But in fact, everyone has a negative opinion about Sun Yuchen. The judgment is still unfair. If an entrepreneur like Lao Sun is abroad, such as the United States
The United States will think that Sun Yuchen is a successful entrepreneur and highly respect him. For example, Sun Yuchen is on Twitter in the United States. There are many fans, and everyone still recognizes Lao Sun very much
But Lao Sun’s image in China seems to be that of a liar who cut other people’s leeks and ran to the United States. In fact, it is very different
In Coin In the circle, there are many people who are more promiscuous than Sun Yuchen
And in factJustin Sun is still working on the project seriously. Those of us who have held TRX for a long time have not lost money at all in about three years, and we have also made a lot of money
Why is it said today that Justin Sun’s TRON is actually Very potential, and may increase by more than 50 times?
Many people speculate that it may be due to DEFI, such as TRON’s JUSTSWAP JST and other ecological bonuses
Actually, it is not! !
Not at all! !
Not at all! !

There is actually a super trump card in Sun Yuchen’s TRON ecology, and it is a trump card that everyone has ignored—a trump card that has been seriously ignored! !
USDT TRC20 in Tron
In the following content, I will explain in detail the power of USDT TRC 20

Currently USDT is available in four public chains :
They are:
USDT OMNI on the BTC public chain
USDT ERC 20 on the ETH public chain
USDT EOS on the EOS public chain
USDT TRC20 on the TRX public chain
Anyone who has used USDT in Bitcoin and Ethereum knows how expensive it is!
How slow and slow the speed inside is! !
But if you have experienced USDT TRC20 on TRX, objectively speaking, it is a conscience
This is still a very conscience, very smooth and silky experience
Here: we often say in the currency circle These public chains have no practical applications and are just speculating on concepts. USDT can be said to be a real and real demand, and it has real applications
Why is USDT on TRX more lethal?
An iron rule once again: Those who win the diaosi win the world! !
Just like the world already has Apple, Samsung and Huawei
But Xiaomi also has a huge market! Because those who win the diaosi win the world!
With JD.com, Taobao and Tmall in the world,
Pinduoduo also has a huge market, because diaosi people win the world, and
Pinduoduo’s current market value has completely surpassed JD.com
If there is a huge market for stablecoins in the future, because the vast majority of users are still diaosi
The diaosi effect of TRON’s TRX and USDT can also capture a large number of users, and the more sinking, the greater the number of users.
The explosive power may be stronger in the later stage! !
This is not a hype but a real application

On the basis of the strong application of USDT, DEFI JUSTSWAP and other ecology and
BTT JST matrices are superimposed again Under the bonus
I believe that Tron should be a very strong opponent of Ethereum in the future
According to the current price of Tron, it is indeed very low
A 50-fold increase in the bull market should not be Difficult, because the following logic is too hard:

Those who win the USDT TRC20 Diaosi will win the world
The majority of Diaosi users are
USDT ERC20 is too expensive and too slow
USDT is fast and cheap
The projects within TRX’s other matrix will have bonus effects, such as: BTT JST, etc.
If you continue to use decentralized finance on the ETH main chain, you will have to Pay huge handling fees
But none of these old leeks in our currency circle are fools
They would pay more in vain
It is easy to draw the conclusion that these people want to make money Everyone will rotate in the new leeks and the old leeks
The next trend has not been blown, and there is no congested network

Public chain world
Now it can be decentralized There are only three heroes who made waves in finance

And when
Ethereum’s network was completely blocked
Ethereum costs about 0.5 per transaction
This kind of fee is not affordable by humans
What I am more optimistic about is the king of the year - the pain in everyone's heart
Youzi EOS!!
What’s the reason?
Listen to me in detail
Tell you why this time is the time for EOS to show its power
First of all, EOS adopts
DPOS, a consensus mechanism that has been ridiculed and criticized by everyone The degree of centralization is too high
However, its effect in saving handling fees is basically unparalleled
Everyone who has used MYKEY and a series of other applications on Yuzu will be impressed by this silky smoothness I feel extremely happy about the experience
It is highly likely that EOS will surpass Ethereum’s DEFI
Because the ecology will also be migrated and adjusted
You can wait for the right opportunity and you can do it in moderation Reasonable leaps have occurred in practice
This is really what it looks like
For DEFI, everyone is increasingly aware that handling fees are extremely important! !
Therefore, in the coming
time, I believe that projects that can save everyone the handling fee will be favored
that is Yuzu! !
A particularly important reason:
Bihu’s MYKEY will become a huge main force in the future

As you can see, many people who play DEFI now play on mykey, and they have a real experience. Very good
Moreover, Bihu and MYKEY are both important applications built on EOS
They have greatly facilitated the use of decentralized finance by newcomers
And as soon as everyone started playing with Bihu and MYKEY, they I will take advantage of the situation to participate in Yuzu's projects, such as
Big Harvest DFS!
We see a large number of people playing Big Harvest, isn’t this all because of Bihu?
And the whole experience is very smooth and comfortable, much more comfortable than on uniwsap
br />From the perspective of ease of use and ease of use, EOS’s decentralized finance can be said to have won the agenda
So what is the last extremely important reason?
That is:
EOS has been underestimated and short-sold for a long time
The potential energy has been accumulated and squeezed for a long time, and the follow-up is really huge space
EOS has been complained about , BM and BB have been insulted by everyone for a long time
This is a sign that the mood has bottomed out, which is actually the rhythm of rebound

C. Introduction to TRX wave field information

Current price of 1 TRX=0.086092RMB

TRON market value 5.689 billion, global ranking 17

24H volume 49.888 billion 24H volume 4.292 billion

TRON is a decentralized blockchain network designed for entertainment and content creation. Including social media platforms and content platforms, TRON aims to allow users to create content data that is shared and traded with their authorization. The data can be text, pictures, audio or video.

Like Ethereum, Tron has its own smart contracts, Dapps and wallets. But unlike Ethereum, Tron's goal is to create more complex services, such as its own trading platform, and to build a decentralized gaming network for developers to use.

You can buy TRX on major exchanges:

Huobi Binance Okex ZB ZG MXC Matcha

Tron is powered by Ripple in China Founded by former chief representative Justin Sun. Although Justin Sun is the CEO, the network is managed by a non-profit organization called the TRON Foundation.

History of TRON

In March 2014, Raybo was established, the predecessor of Tron

In July 2017, the Tron Foundation was established in Singapore< br />
️In December 2017, Tron launchedLaunched its own open source protocol

In March 2018, Tron launched the test network and its own network wallet

️In April 2018, Tron elected super representatives

In May 2018, Tron mainnet was launched

In June 2018, Tron’s first genesis block was created

D. Teach you One trick: EOS wallets with insufficient resources can transfer money normally without staking EOS

I’m not going to brag about it, but to be honest, among the three major public chain wallets of ETH, EOS, and TRX, for novice users, it is the most ETH is the easiest to get started with, and EOS is the hardest to get started with. Let’s not talk about the difficulty of creating a new wallet. Let’s just talk about transfers. Ethereum wallet transfers are very similar to the bank accounts we used in the past. How much are the transfer fees (mining fees)? How much ETH is enough? Although the cost is higher, it is simpler. Transferring money in the Youzi Wallet is not that simple. You need to mortgage EOS in exchange for CPU, NET resources, and buy RAM resources. Although it is called free, sometimes I feel that you might as well charge some money. It can make newbies dizzy.

Perhaps it is based on this idea and demand that Gulu, the boss of Bihu, came up with the MYKEY wallet (http://www.idcnpc.com/z/mykey), so you don’t have to do any calculations when transferring money. How to mortgage EOS in exchange for resources? You only need to pay network fees. For new users who register for MYKEY, some network fees will be given for everyone to experience. It is indeed much more convenient. To put it bluntly, this is back to the way ETH originally charged transfer fees (miners It turns out that novices would rather spend some money than use their brains.

Although MYKEY is convenient, there is also a problem. Currently, you can only use the EOS wallet created by MYKEY, and you cannot import old wallets. This is a pain for friends who already have EOS wallets in the past, such as me. There are several EOS wallets with small balances. I want to transfer the EOS out, but the remaining EOS is not enough to be mortgaged in exchange for resources, but I cannot transfer without mortgaging. What should I do? Fortunately, there is a way.

Probably inspired by MYKEY’s charging of network fees, I discovered that the old EOS wallet MEETONE now has a new feature – smooth mode! You only need to turn on this "smooth mode" in your MEETONE wallet to transfer EOS for free, which is super convenient.

Many people have not noticed this feature, and foolishly mortgage EOS in exchange for resources to transfer funds, which is a big loss. Today I will tell you how to use MEETONE to transfer EOS for free. If you haven’t installed the MEETONE wallet yet, click here http://www.idcnpc.com/z/meet/ Register and install the APP on your mobile phone. Follow the following steps:

1. When starting the MEETONE wallet for the first time, do not create a new wallet and select import. Wallet, be prepared to import your past EOS wallet private key. There are many tutorials on the Internet for importing the private key, so I won’t go into details.

2. The picture below shows the old wallet address pratanghua11 that I imported. There are still 1.4 EOS in it. I want to transfer it out, but it shows an alarm of insufficient Net resources. I need to mortgage EOS to exchange for resources. The transfer is just for these 1.4 EOS. Of course I can’t deposit more grapefruit for it, and I’m not stupid.

3. Click on the discovery in the picture below, and then click on the sign in the picture below:

4. Click on the sign in, you can get 1-10ms, which is used to transfer money Energy, come and sign in every day, you will get it every day, and you can get more by signing in continuously. Don’t underestimate these few ms. You must know that you can transfer 30 times in just 10 ms!

Of course, don’t forget to turn on the smooth mode switch in the picture below before transferring. Only then can you use ms to transfer EOS for free. If you transfer a lot, you can also sign in if you are impatient and can’t wait. Use EOS to buy ms, 0.03 EOS can buy 10ms, and you can transfer 30 times! It's really cheap. Of course, for ordinary people, it is enough to use the free MS when signing in. I have saved almost 60 MS, which is enough for 180 transfers!

Okay, it’s that simple. I’ve finished talking. I have successfully transferred the 1.4 EOS in the old wallet to the exchange. I didn’t mortgage a single EOS and didn’t spend a penny on network fees. It's so cool.

By the way, in fact, MEETONE is now more than just a wallet. It has built-in exchanges, financial management, expert strategy copying, trading robots, Airgrab airdrops and many other new functions, especially The "One Exchange" that has been talked about recently is very interesting. You can automatically buy low and sell high among the three major exchanges: Huobi, OK, and Binance. You can also set your own grid trading strategies, etc. Invite friends Come to trade, and there is 40% commission rebate. You can really make a lot of money. If you don’t have ME on your mobile phone yet,Just install ETONE and play around with it right away. You won’t regret it. Just sign in every day to get network fee MS and you can transfer EOS for free. It’s worth it!

E. Ethereum transfer process

Initiation: The user selects the transaction address to be sent (From), enters the target address (To), and the amount ( Value), whether to deploy or call Data, service fee unit price (Gasprice), etc., the confirmation sent to the Ethereum node node and wallet can be the same
Broadcast: After the node receives (or initiates the transaction by itself), it will Verify the transaction. Verification: the signature of the transaction, whether the balance of the initiating account can cover the transfer balance and handling fee, and whether the Nonce is the number of transactions issued by the account. After verification is legal, add the transaction to the node's transaction pool. The transaction pool stores the transactions to be packaged. Install the Ethereum browser wallet plug-in, create a wallet, obtain virtual ether coins, and perform transfer transactions. Experiment content Learning: Getting to know Ethereum for the first time, sending transactions 1. Learn "Initial Ethereum, sending transactions", virtual Ethereum transactions.

F. A complete list of digital currency wallets, which wallet should be used? It is enough to read this article

In terms of storage and mining, I recommend Heshu Hardware Wallet and Jiajiabao Smart Home Mining Machine have only two core advantages of their products: security.

Take Heshu hardware wallet as an example. The advantages of Heshu hardware wallet are:

1. The private key seed is encrypted and physically isolated and never touches the Internet

First of all, when creating the wallet, the seed password is generated and stored in the local encryption chip. And it is mandatory to set a 10-digit payment password.

Then, the transaction is formed in the wallet. At this time, the user is required to enter the payment password to obtain the private key to digitally sign the transaction, and the transaction is completed. In addition, the private key seed is permanently stored in the chip and is physically isolated and never touches the Internet. I no longer have to worry about my password being stolen by hackers.

2. The bank system verifies the financial-grade motherboard and encryption chip

The bank system is used to verify the financial-grade motherboard, and the private key seed is stored in the chip. If the product is stolen or lost, or is damaged by malicious violence, the self-destruct circuit inside the chip will be triggered and all information in this area will be immediately and permanently deleted irrecoverably.

3. Support withdrawals from Bitcoin ATMs around the world, with instant payment, which is convenient and fast.

The reason why digital assets have attracted the attention of many areas around the world is that it is creating a global fast circulation, and the larger the circulation area, the wider the scope, and the higher its use value. The core of digital assets is that it acts as an intermediary between currencies of various countries. Heshu Wallet has built-in many of the world's mainstream exchanges, allowing you to trade digital assets anytime and anywhere. With one machine in hand, you can travel around the world without worrying about exchanging foreign currencies.

4. Multi-party co-signature management of assets

Unlike conventional digital wallets, multi-signature wallets requireDigital currencies can only be transferred with the authorization of multiple key holders, so Heshu Wallet is more secure. Ordinary wallet: A wants to transfer a Bitcoin to X. A only needs his own signature (using a private key) to complete the transaction. Heshu Wallet: A wants to transfer a Bitcoin to key). Hope can help you. Thanks!

G. What currency is trx?

TRX is a token issued by TRON. TRON is a decentralized content protocol based on blockchain. Its purpose is to build a global free content entertainment system through blockchain and distributed storage technology. This protocol enables each user to publish freely. Store and own data, and use digital asset issuance, circulation, and transaction methods to determine the distribution, subscription, and push of content through a decentralized autonomous form, and empower content creators. In this way, a decentralized Content entertainment ecology.
Extended information: What will be the 4 skyrocketing currencies in the future?
1. The concept of Bitcoin (BitCoin) was originally proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. The open source software and construction were designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto’s ideas. P2P network on it. Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.
Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific currency institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire p2p network to confirm and record all Transaction behavior, and the use of cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation.
The decentralized nature of p2p and the algorithm itself ensure that currency value cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins. Design based on cryptography allows Bitcoin to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total quantity is very limited and it is extremely scarce. The currency system had no more than 10.5 million coins in 4 years, after which the total number will be permanently limited to 21 million coins.
Bit is a computer terminology and a unit of information. It is transliterated from the English BIT. The information contained in one bit of a binary number is one bit. For example, the binary number 0100 is 4 bits. So, the concept of Bitcoin is related to currency. It is not difficult to see that Bitcoin is not a real currency, but a computer electronic virtual currency, which is stored on your computer.
Currently, this new virtual currency is not controlled by any government or bank. Therefore, it has not yet been legalized.
2. ETH
Ethereum (English: Ethereum) is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract functions. Through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ethereum (Eether, also known as "Ethereum") provides a decentralized virtual machine (called the "Ethereum Virtual Machine" EthereumVirtualMachine) to process peer-to-peer contracts.
The concept of Ethereum was first proposed by programmer Vitalik Buterin between 2013 and 2014 after being inspired by Bitcoin. It roughly means "the next generation of cryptocurrency and decentralized application platform". ICO crowdfunding began to develop.

H. The Ethereum transfer did not arrive within 20 hours

Newbies will inevitably be nervous when transferring to Ethereum for the first time, because they don’t know how long it will take for the Ethereum transfer to arrive. Every second of waiting is anxious. The network speed of Ethereum transfers is relatively fast, because the Ethereum network solves the problem of insufficient scalability in the Bitcoin network, and the Ethereum network is also faster than the Bitcoin network. Ethereum transfers usually only take a few minutes to arrive. If you make an Ethereum transfer but do not receive the payment information, you can consult customer service, or find out whether there is an error in one of the processes. Whether you are transferring Bitcoin or Ethereum, there is a handling fee. Because the handling fee is an encouragement to miners and a compensation for the miners’ electricity costs. It is not easy for miners to confirm every transaction, so they also need compensation

I. Why does imtoken transfer require trx

Transfers from wallets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum require payment of miners Fees, but mining fees exist in different forms; in addition, it should be noted that TRON wallet and EOS wallet Tron wallet transfers do not require mining fees, but do consume bandwidth and energy. EOS account transfers and other operations will consume CPU. and NET, the consumed CPU and NET will all be refunded to your account over time. Taking the transfer of USDT in the ETH wallet as an example, transferring the USDT in the ETH wallet requires consuming ETH as the transfer mining fee. You can add the usdt contract directly to the trc20 chain, you can add the trc20 wallet, and then add the usdt smart contract. The same goes to the usdt address of trc20, but the trx currency needs to be used as energy fee, so you need to deposit 10 trx to the trc20 address holding the usdt. It may be too much, but it is safe.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿