usdt流向可查吗 usdt流入交易所代表什么

1. USDT如何兑换成人民币有没有简单便的方法






2. 美股卖出后,资金如何转回国内








3. 黑usdt的来源

usdt是tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(usd)的代币tether usd(下称usdt),1usdt=1美元,用户可以随时使用usdt与usd进行1:1兑换。 tether 公司严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个 usdt 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在 tether 平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度。

4. bsc链的usdt可以转到ok链吗

2、具体来说,BSC网络使用的是权益证明(PoS)共识的修改版本,称为权益抵押证明PoSA算法。简而言之,这意味着 BSC集中在21位验证者身上,他们抵押BNB并负责验证BSC网络的出块。
3、因此,这是一个L1智能合约平台,但是与Eth2拥有的1,000个验证器相比,它也非常集中,只有21个验证器。 由币安(Binance)审查的这套小型验证器使加密货币交换巨头可以更轻松地对网络进行直接控制。
一、币安链 vs币安BSC:
1、在2019年春季,Binance推出了Binance Chain,这与较新的BSC不同。Binance Chain在今天仍然是Binance DEX的所在地, 但从结构上来说,它相当不灵活,因此不太适合为各种dapp提供动力。这就是BSC的用武之地。
2、BSC现在与原始且更简单的币安链并存,在EVM兼容性和对智能合约的支持方面BSC更加先进。因此,虽然Binance Chain 是Binance DEX的所在地,但BSC是PancakeSwap和其他更高级的dapp的平台,这些dapp已很容易从以太坊智能合约中分叉 出来。
3、这种“并行”的区块链动态导致了一种情况,即币安生态系统具有两个中央代币标准(例如以太坊的ERC-20),分别 是BC上的BEP-2和BSC上的BEP-20。 因此,不仅BEP-2和BEP-20代币地址在格式上彼此不同,而且尽管受到ERC-20的启发,但它们两者都是独立的。
二、币安BSC的Etherscan - Bscscan:
1、如果你已经在使用以太坊,那么可能知道Etherscan是以太坊区块浏览器和数据仪表板的黄金标准。 它为理解以太坊的历史和正在进行的活动提供了各种极好的途径。
操作环境 uc浏览器版本13.7.1.1630 苹果13 iOS15.1.1

5. 数字货币中的泰达币 (USDT)是什么,怎么样,如何投资





所以USDT的交易确认等参数是与比特币一致的。根据Tether的CTO及联合创始人Craig Sellars 称,用户可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司提供的银行帐户,或通过Bitfinex交易所换取USDT。赎回美元时,反向操作即可。用户也可在上述两个网站用比特币换取USDT。

6. 黑usdt的来源

3.比特币白皮书英文原版其实并未出现 blockchain 一词,而是使用的 chain of blocks。最早的比特币白皮书中文翻译版中,将 chain of blocks 翻译成了区块链。这是“区块链”这一中文词最早的出现时间。
事实上,英文版的比特币白皮书中并没有出现blockchain这个词,而是block of blocks。在最早的比特币白皮书的中文翻译中,区块链被翻译成区块链。这是“区块链”这个中文词最早出现的时候。

7. 泰达币(USDT)Tethers的前世今生

从2009年比特币的诞生开始,加密货币市场发展至今已经达到数千亿的市值,超过1800 种加密货币发行,并且出现成百上千个加密货币交易所。然而,由于各地政府监管的不明朗,交易所很难获得银行的的支持,法币与加密货币的连接成了一大难题,USDT 也因此孕育而生。


泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。Tether 公司严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在 Tether 平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度。






根据Tether的CTO及联合创始人Craig Sellars 称,用户可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司提供的银行帐户,或通过Bitfinex交易所换取USDT。赎回美元时,反向操作即可。用户也可在上述两个网站用比特币换取USDT。


在合规方面,所有涉及到法币的操作,都要求用户完成KYC认证。当被问及用户如何验证银行帐户保证金时,Craig称法币由Tether Liminted公司保管,并有定期审计,但目前用户还不能直接查询保证金。












8. 如果交易所关闭了,我的usdt 还在吗






9. USDT是什么意思 USDT的解释

1、USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元USD的代币Tether USD(简称USDT),1USDT=1美元。


3、USDT 并不是一个新出现的币种,早在 2015年就已上线交易,但因国内交易所引入较晚,所以很多投资者对其并不是很了解。

4、在 OKEX 和火币专业站上线 USDT 之前,Bittrex、Poloniex、HitBTC、币安、Kraken、Cryptopia、Liqui 等平台就可以交易 USDT。


10. 请问火币网USDT买卖是怎么操作的


1. Is there a simple and convenient way to convert USDT into RMB?

According to my country's "Notice on Carrying out Self-examination and Rectification of Payment Services for Illegal Virtual Currency Transactions" The institution carries out self-examination and rectification work, strictly prohibits providing services for virtual currency transactions, and takes effective measures to prevent payment channels from being used for virtual currency transactions.

So USDT cannot be directly converted into RMB for use.

(1) Extended reading on the flow of usdt:

Tether is a cryptocurrency that combines A virtual currency pegged to the U.S. dollar. Each Tether is symbolically tied to a government-backed fiat currency. Tether is a virtual currency held in a foreign exchange reserve account and backed by legal currency.

USDT is of equal value to the US dollar and can be exchanged for US dollars directly on the official website. However, the exchange of RMB must be done on other digital trading platforms. USDT is Tether and cannot be directly converted into RMB.

2. After selling U.S. stocks, how to transfer the funds back to China

1. Transfer the cash to yourself and your parents, relatives and friends (USD 50,000 each), and then transfer the money back to China after the domestic settlement. Transfer it to your own name. Can be operated once a year.
2. You can find a company that does foreign trade. If you give it US dollars, it will give you RMB domestically.
3. Transfer all the current exchange to yourself, and you can have a foreign exchange settlement quota of US$50,000 a year. The excess can be invested in B shares, H shares, QDII funds, US dollar account gold (bank paper gold), etc.

(2) Extended reading on the flow of usdt:

Investors can go to the United States to open a U.S. stock account and conduct U.S. stock trading activities, or they can speculate in U.S. stocks through some domestic platforms. The platforms are as follows :

1. International brokerages such as Tiger Brokers, Xueying Securities, and Futu Niu Niu can speculate in U.S. stocks. Investors need to prepare the following information to open a U.S. stock account on Tiger Brokers and conduct Hong Kong stock transactions: Proof of identity : Mainland China’s resident ID card or passport can be used; proof of residence: water, electricity and gas bills can be used as proof of residence.

2. The Hong Kong subsidiary of a securities firm or entrusting a Hong Kong company to perform re-entrustment to open a U.S. stock account. Investors can conduct U.S. stock trading activities by opening a U.S. stock account through the Hong Kong subsidiary of a securities firm or entrusting a Hong Kong company to perform re-entrustment. , for example, Orient Securities (Hong Kong), GF Securities (Hong Kong), Dongxing Securities (Hong Kong), etc. It should be noted that when opening an account through a Hong Kong subsidiary of a securities firm, a Hong Kong bank card may not be required for depositing money, but a Hong Kong bank card is required for withdrawals. Therefore, investors should complete the procedures before opening an account. Hong Kong bank card.
Investors can open a U.S. stock account in the United States and conduct U.S. stock trading activities, or they can speculate in U.S. stocks through some domestic platforms. The platforms are as follows:

1. Tiger Securities, Xueying Securities, Futu International coupons like Niu NiuInvestors who can trade U.S. stocks need to prepare the following information to open a U.S. stock account on Tiger Brokers and conduct Hong Kong stock trading: Proof of identity: Mainland China’s resident ID card or passport can be used; Proof of residence: Water, electricity and gas bills can be used Provide proof of residence.

2. The Hong Kong subsidiary of a securities firm or entrusting a Hong Kong company to perform re-entrustment to open a U.S. stock account. Investors can conduct U.S. stock trading activities by opening a U.S. stock account through the Hong Kong subsidiary of a securities firm or entrusting a Hong Kong company to perform re-entrustment. , for example, Orient Securities (Hong Kong), GF Securities (Hong Kong), Dongxing Securities (Hong Kong), etc. It should be noted that when opening an account through a Hong Kong subsidiary of a securities firm, a Hong Kong bank card may not be required for depositing money, but a Hong Kong bank card is required for withdrawals. Therefore, investors should complete the procedures before opening an account. Hong Kong bank card.

3. The source of black usdt

usdt is a token tether usd (hereinafter referred to as usdt) launched by tether based on the stable value currency US dollar (usd), 1usdt=1 US dollar, Users can use USDT to USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. Tether strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every USDT token issued, its bank account will have 1 USD of funds guaranteed. Users can conduct fund inquiries on the tether platform to ensure transparency.
Extended information:
1. Tether
Tether is a virtual currency that links cryptocurrency to the legal currency US dollar. Each Tether is symbolically tied to a government-backed fiat currency. Tether is a virtual currency held in a foreign exchange reserve account and backed by legal currency. This method can effectively prevent large price fluctuations in cryptocurrency. Basically, one Tether is worth 1 US dollar.
2. Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency (alias: crypto currency, cryptocurrency) is a trading medium that uses cryptographic principles to ensure transaction security and control the creation of transaction units. The main difference between cryptocurrencies and traditional financial models is the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies. When using a cryptocurrency, the user has a public key and a private key, both of which appear as random strings of numbers and letters.
3. Division of currency levels
Currency levels are usually divided by the central bank-like agencies of each country or region based on the liquidity of the overall financial assets and the actual situation of the country or region. The division of currency levels was only implemented around 1960. The main purpose of dividing currency levels is to enable the monetary authorities to better understand the circulation status of currencies at each level, so that they can regulate the overall money supply and serve the overall national economy. develop.
4. How to trade currencies
If it is digital currency, find a regular foreign foreign exchange dealer to open an account and you can trade digital currencies. The most active digital currency is Bitcoin. On December 17, 2017, BitcoinIt reached an all-time high price of US$19,850 per piece. The fluctuations of digital currencies have no actual value. They rely entirely on the output and holdings of the currency to control price trends. There are almost no rules and the risks are extremely high. Invest with caution.
5. Monetary Funds
A currency fund is an open-end fund that gathers idle funds from society, is operated by a fund manager, and is kept by a fund custodian. It specializes in investing in risk-free money market instruments and is different from other types of funds. Open-end funds have stable returns, high security, high liquidity, and "quasi-savings" characteristics.

4. Can USDT from bsc chain be transferred to ok chain?

USDT from bsc chain can be transferred to ok chain.
1. What is Binance Smart Chain BSC:
1. Binance Smart Chain BSC is Binance’s smart contract platform for decentralized applications (dapps).
2. Specifically, the BSC network uses a modified version of the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus, called the Proof of Stake PoSA algorithm. In a nutshell, this means that BSC is centralized on 21 validators who stake BNB and are responsible for validating blocks on the BSC network.
3. So, this is an L1 smart contract platform, but it is also very centralized with only 21 validators compared to the 1,000 validators that Eth2 has. This set of small validators, reviewed by Binance, makes it easier for the cryptocurrency exchange giant to take direct control of the network.
Extended information:
1. Binance Chain vs Binance BSC:
1. In the spring of 2019, Binance launched Binance Chain, which is different from the newer BSC. Binance Chain is still home to the Binance DEX today, but structurally it is rather inflexible and therefore not well suited to powering various dapps. This is where BSC comes in.
2. BSC now coexists with the original and simpler Binance Chain, and BSC is more advanced in terms of EVM compatibility and support for smart contracts. So while Binance Chain is home to the Binance DEX, BSC is the platform for PancakeSwap and other more advanced dapps that have been easily forked from Ethereum smart contracts.
3. This "parallel" blockchain dynamic has led to a situation where the Binance ecosystem has two central token standards (such as Ethereum's ERC-20), namely BEP- on BC 2 and BEP-20 on BSC. So not only do BEP-2 and BEP-20 token addresses differ from each other in format, but both of them are independent despite being inspired by ERC-20.
2. Binance BSC’s Etherscan - Bscscan:
1. If you have alreadyIf you are working with Ethereum, then you probably know that Etherscan is the gold standard for Ethereum block explorers and data dashboards. It provides a variety of excellent avenues for understanding Ethereum’s history and ongoing activity.
2. BSC also provides a reliable block explorer that can provide advanced insights in real time. This is BscScan, a branch of Etherscan.
3. The usdt of bsc chain can be transferred to ok chain. Operation steps:
1. First open the cross-chain platform, go in and make sure to link your wallet address.
2. Choose the USDT that needs to be cross-chained, and be sure to choose the BSC and OEC chains.
3. After the selection is correct, fill in the cross-chain amount and receiving address. The expected number of receipts will be displayed below. After confirming OK, click below to confirm and wait for the blockchain confirmation to complete.
Operating environment uc browser version Apple 13 iOS15.1.1

5. What is Tether (USDT) in digital currency, how is it, and how to invest

USDT is the U.S. dollar in the currency circle and can be used for arbitrage. You can directly use the price difference between RMB against USDT and RMB against USD on the OKEx Bitcoin exchange to buy low and sell high, and earn interest from it. Tether is a virtual currency that pegs cryptocurrency to the U.S. dollar, a legal currency. It is a virtual currency that is held in a foreign exchange reserve account and backed by legal currency.

(5) Extended reading on the flow of usdt:

It had a thick leg when it was released in February 2015. At that time, Bitcoin futures trading volume The largest trading platform: bitfinex announced support for Tether (hereinafter referred to as USDT) trading. Subsequently, the altcoin trading platform Poloniex exchange also supported USDT. With the strong rise of Ethereum, P Network has the potential to be the leader among alternative currency trading platforms, and it has also boosted the trading volume of USDT.

USDT is issued and traded using the Omni (formerly Mastercoin) protocol, and Omni currency can be said to be the first 2.0 currency on the market based on the Bitcoin blockchain.

So USDT’s transaction confirmation and other parameters are consistent with Bitcoin. According to Craig Sellars, CTO and co-founder of Tether, users can wire USD via SWIFT to a bank account provided by Tether, or exchange for USDT through the Bitfinex exchange. When redeeming U.S. dollars, just reverse the operation. Users can also exchange Bitcoin for USDT on the above two websites.

6. The source of black USDT

Hello, the source of black USDT is: the development of blockchain has produced black USDT
1. Blockchain is distributed New application models of computer technologies such as data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, and encryption algorithms.
2. Blockchain (Blockchain) is an important concept of Bitcoin. It is essentially a decentralized database. As the underlying technology of Bitcoin, it is a series of data blocks generated using cryptographic methods. Each data block contains Collects a batch of Bitcoin network transaction information to verify the validity of the information (anti-counterfeiting) and generate the next block.
3. In the original English version of the Bitcoin white paper, the word blockchain does not actually appear, but chain of blocks is used. In the earliest Chinese translation of the Bitcoin white paper, chain of blocks was translated into blockchain. This is the earliest time when the Chinese word "blockchain" appeared.
The Cyberspace Administration of China issued the "Blockchain Information Service Management Regulations" on January 10, 2019, which will come into effect on February 15, 2019.
Extended information: 1: Definition of blockchain
1. From a technological perspective, blockchain involves many technological issues such as mathematics, cryptography, Internet, and computer programming. From an application perspective, in short, blockchain is a distributed shared ledger and database, which has the characteristics of decentralization, non-tampering, full traceability, traceability, collective maintenance, openness and transparency. These characteristics ensure the "honesty" and "transparency" of the blockchain and lay the foundation for establishing trust in the blockchain. The rich application scenarios of blockchain are basically based on blockchain, which can solve the problem of information asymmetry and achieve cooperation, trust and coordinated action among multiple entities.
2. Blockchain is a new application model of computer technologies such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithms. Blockchain is an important concept of Bitcoin. Essentially, it is a decentralized database. At the same time, as the underlying technology of Bitcoin, it is a series of data blocks related to cryptographic methods. Each data block contains information about a batch of Bitcoin network transactions to verify the validity of its information (anti-counterfeiting) and generate the next block.
In fact, the word blockchain does not appear in the English version of the Bitcoin white paper, but block of blocks. In the earliest Chinese translation of the Bitcoin white paper, blockchain was translated into blockchain. This is when the Chinese word “blockchain” first appeared.
The Cyberspace Administration of China issued the "Blockchain Information Service Management Regulations" on January 10, 2019, which will come into effect on February 15, 2019.

7. The past and present life of Tethers

Since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, the cryptocurrency market has grown to reach hundreds of billions. has a market capitalization, more than 1,800 cryptocurrencies have been issued, and hundreds of cryptocurrency exchanges have emerged. However, due to the unclear supervision of local governments, it is difficult for exchanges to obtain support from banks. The connection between legal currency and cryptocurrency has become a big problem, and USDT was born as a result.

1. Introduction to USDT

Tether USDT (USDT) is a token Tether USD (hereinafter referred to as USDT) launched by Tether based on the stable value currency U.S. dollar (USD), 1USDT= 1 USD, users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. Tether strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every USDT token issued, its bank account will have 1 US dollar of funds guaranteed. Users can conduct fund inquiries on the Tether platform to ensure transparency.

2. Past Life of USDT

In late November 2014, Realcoin, a company registered in the Isle of Man and Hong Kong, changed its name to Tether.

It was a big success when it was released in February 2015. At that time, the largest trading platform for Bitcoin futures trading: bitfinex announced that it supported Tether (hereinafter referred to as USDT) trading.

Subsequently, the altcoin trading platform Poloniex exchange also supported USDT. With the strong rise of Ethereum, P Network has the potential to be the leader among alternative currency trading platforms, and it has also boosted the trading volume of USDT.

USDT is issued and traded using the Omni (formerly Mastercoin) protocol, and Omni coin can be said to be the first 2.0 currency on the market based on the Bitcoin blockchain. Therefore, USDT’s transaction confirmation and other parameters are consistent with Bitcoin.

According to Tether’s CTO and co-founder Craig Sellars, users can wire USD via SWIFT to a bank account provided by Tether, or exchange for USDT through the Bitfinex exchange. When redeeming U.S. dollars, just reverse the operation. Users can also exchange Bitcoin for USDT on the above two websites.

Its website claims to strictly adhere to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every 1 USDT token issued, its bank account will have 1 US dollar of funds guaranteed.

In terms of compliance, all operations involving legal currency require users to complete KYC certification. When asked how users can verify the bank account margin, Craig said that the legal currency is kept by Tether Limted and has regular audits, but currently users cannot directly query the margin.

Currently, USDT’s trading volume is the largest among all stable virtual currencies.

3. Some main features of USDT:

1. Stability

Since Tethers (USDT) is composed ofBacked by real-world currency storage, it claims users can enjoy the benefits of digital, blockchain-based transactions without the volatility of most cryptocurrencies.

2. Transparency

Tether claims that its legal reserve account will be regularly audited to confirm that its reserve account can actually support the value of Tethers (USDT) in circulation. Balances are updated regularly and are publicly accessible at any time. All Tether transactions are recorded on the public blockchain.

3. Minimum Transaction Fees

There are no transaction fees when sending money between two Tether accounts or any two blockchain-based wallets capable of storing Tether. However, converting Tethers (USDT) to fiat currency may require paying some service or transaction fees to the parent company.

4. Advantages and risks

The biggest advantage of USDT is that it can protect investors’ assets in the currency circle from shrinking with the rise and fall of the market. It is equivalent to the same amount of US dollars. , 1USDT=1 US dollar, making it a good value-preserving token in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

The biggest risk of USDT is that the issuance of Tether is completely centralized, that is, issuance, acceptance, regulatory risks, and operational risks are all concentrated in Tether.

8. If the exchange is closed, will my USDT still be there?

If the exchange is closed, will my USDT still be there? If a digital currency exchange is closed, you cannot withdraw cash. Just like a bank collapses, the coins inside are basically impossible to withdraw, so try to use large trading websites like Huobi and Binance to trade. If investors If a digital currency is purchased and transferred to a cold wallet, the investor's coins will still be in his wallet if the digital currency platform collapses.

Solution to the freezing of usdt

A currency transaction, purchased in the usdt trading area, can also be understood as exchanging usdt for other digital currencies. This At that time, if the transaction price is different from the price you listed to buy and the transaction cannot be completed immediately, it will not be unfrozen until the transaction is completed. It can be unfrozen until the transaction is successful. If there is still no successful transaction for a long time, and you just need to unfreeze usdt, just cancel the pending order.

usdt is frozen. It is usually frozen during the transaction process. Most exchanges adopt matching transactions. In order to avoid fake transactions, the exchange adopts the method of seller freezing digital transaction assets before the transaction is completed. , there are only two situations when USDT is frozen.

The other is selling usdt, which can be understood as cash withdrawal. When you submit an order, your usdt is frozen. When the merchant who purchased usdt pays you, you go to the backend to confirm the payment. The order is more successful than the transaction, and this USDT is allocated to this order.single merchant. If you do not receive payment, contact customer service within half an hour to intervene.

9. What does USDT mean? Explanation of USDT

1. USDT is a token Tether USD (referred to as USDT) launched by Tether based on the stable value currency USD, 1USDT=1 Dollar.

2. Users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. The biggest feature is that it is equivalent to the same amount of US dollars, 1 USDT = 1 US dollar.

3. USDT is not a new currency. It has been online for trading as early as 2015. However, due to the late introduction of domestic exchanges, many investors do not know much about it.

4. Before OKEX and Huobi Pro launch USDT, Bittrex, Poloniex, HitBTC, Binance, Kraken, Cryptopia, Liqui and other platforms can trade USDT.

5. After the currency-to-crypto transaction, many investors are more concerned about how to convert the tokens in their hands into legal currency. The emergence of USDT provides everyone with a way to convert the tokens they hold into legal currency. channel.

10. How does USDT trading on operate?

The general operation is that when you want to buy a certain currency, the first step is to purchase the legal currency on the trading platform. Use RMB to buy USDT in the trading area. The second step is to transfer the USDT from the fiat currency account to the currency account. The third step is to go to the currency trading area to select the correct trading pair to buy the currency you want.
If you want to sell, first sell the currency according to the market price. What you get is USDT. Then transfer the USDT from the currency account to the legal currency account. You can get it by selling USDT in the legal currency trading area. The corresponding RMB.
Following this step, you have completed the purchase and sale of Zheng Xumo on the Huobi platform.
Author: Zhihu user I175po
Source: Zhihu
Copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprinting, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprinting, please indicate the source.
Bitcoin: An encrypted virtual currency that is not issued by a specific monetary institution and is generated through a large amount of calculations (computing power consumption) based on a specific algorithm. The total amount of the delay is 21 million, which cannot be increased and is not controlled by any centralized organization (individual, company or country). Without revealing the secret key, the security is extremely high (it is impossible to crack it with existing human technology, which is much higher than the security of banks). Bitcoin uses a distributed database composed of many nodes throughout the P2P network to confirm and record all transactions and storage behaviors (that is, unlessAll nodes are destroyed or more than 51% of the entire network's computing power is attacked, otherwise Bitcoin is absolutely safe). Bitcoin features: decentralization (maintained by all currency holders and will not be controlled by any centralized organization), rarity (a total of 21 million, non-renewable, and cannot be over-issued), security (existing human technology cannot be cracked), long-term storage (it can be stored permanently without any cost and will not be lost, just keep the secret key).
The reason for the creation of Bitcoin: The origin of Bitcoin was the 2008 financial crisis. Central banks around the world overissued currency, leading to global inflation. Some libertarians and anarchists believe that excessive currency issuance is the plunder of personal wealth by centralized organizations (governments or countries). To give a simple example, the world's wealth currently stands at 10 trillion US dollars, owned by people all over the world. The United States issued an additional $10 trillion in banknotes, bringing the number of banknotes in the world to $20 trillion. The world’s banknotes = $10 trillion for the people of the world + $10 trillion for the U.S. government. The world's wealth is owned by the people of the world -> half of it is owned by the people of the world and the US government. In this process, the U.S. government has transferred half of the world's wealth from the hands of people around the world to itself without any effort (printing money is negligible). In the end, the money issued by the U.S. government was transferred to the hands of power holders through corruption and insider operations. This is naked robbery. In the same way, the issuance of currency by other non-global currency countries is plundering their own people, and the issuance of currency by global currency countries (such as US dollars, euros, pounds and other globally circulating currencies) is plundering people all over the world. This plunder itself is extremely unfair. Therefore, Satoshi Nakamoto proposed the concept of a decentralized cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) to replace central bank currency as a digital gold to serve as a global currency.
Similarities between Bitcoin and gold: rarity, easy storage, permanent preservation, value recognition (that is, the value will not disappear completely because a certain group of people give up. At the time of publishing, the number of Bitcoin addresses exceeded 36 million , which means that the value has been recognized by a considerable number of people. Even if some people give up Bitcoin, there are still more than 10 million people who recognize Bitcoin)

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿