eth 域名 eth域名注册

⑴ 以太坊总量多少枚

2.Ethereum(以太坊)是一个具有智能合约的平台,最大的贡献就是建立了标准化的代币使用标准,比喻ERC-20,同币种存储协议标准,不同币种转换标准ERC-721.还有其他交易、租拟,转让等各种金融数字货币标准应用,使开发人员能够建立和发布下一代分布式应用。 Ethereum可以用来编程,分散,担保和交易任何事物:投票,域名,金融交易所,众筹,公司管理, 合同和大部分的协议,知识产权,还有得益于硬件集成的智能资产。 以太坊将使用混合型的安全协议,前期使用工作量证明机制(POW),用于分发以太币,然后会切换到权益证明机制(POS)。自上线时起,每年都将有0.26x,即每年有60102216 * 0.26 = 15626576个以太币被矿工挖出。转成POS后,每年产出的以太币将减少。

⑵ 以太坊是骗人的吗怎么做


⑶ ens币有投资价值吗

1.说起ENS币这一币种,相信很多投资者对于该币种又不是很了解,或者还是第一次听说。根据最新的行情数据显示,截止到2021年11月21日11:49,ENS当前价格是49.2851美元,今日涨幅为+15.3%,24h成交额是3.5亿。ENS当前流通市值为0,ENS的总供应量为10000万ENS,当前市场流通量为2500万ENS,当前市场上比较主流的可以交易ENS币的交易所有:OKEX、Huobi Global、Gate.io等。
2. “ENS”,全称Ethereum Name Service,是基于以太坊的分布式域名服务,允许任何人通过竞价流程方便的注册一个以.eth结尾的域名。它提供了一种安全且去中心化的方式,将简单的人类可读域名解析为链上及链下的地址资源,ENS于2017年初在以太坊基金会成立,2017年5月4日正式登陆以太坊的ENS,通过独有的竞标机制,使得任何用户都可以通过竞价流程为自己的以太坊地址注册一个(或多个)以“.eth”结尾的以太坊域名。ENS由新加坡非营利性组织True Names LTD管理,是一项公益事业,是属于社区的互联网基础设施的一部分。
3. 同时ENS也可以与自己拥有的DNS域名一起使用,目前ENS支持许多DNS域名,如“.com”、“.io”、“.xyz”等等,此外ENS是构建于ERC721协议,也即每一个ENS域名其实就是一枚NFT,所以目前注册完成之后,可以在OpenSea等NFT交易市场选择一个价格挂出,后续进行拍卖转让从某种程度上讲,以太坊地址等长数字字母混合的形式(一般都是42位)对绝大多数用户而言绝不友好,本身也不利于加密普及,每年因为地址错误输入导致的巨额损失事件也屡见报端。

⑷ 可不可以通俗点解释一下以太坊


⑸ 以太坊和以太经典的区别


















ETC,平均14秒,升级之后维持在10-14秒,根据ECIP-1010 和 ECIP-1036协议。
















⑹ ETH怎么买卖


⑺ 什么是以太币/以太坊ETH






⑻ 以太坊是什么以太坊与区块链有什么关系










以太坊有很多区块链应用,如黄金和股票的数字化应用、金融衍生品应用、DNS 和数字认证等等。


以太坊也被一些金融机构、银行财团(比如 R3),以及类似三星、Deloitte、RWE 和 IBM 这类的大公司所密切关注,由此也催生出了一批诸如简化和自动化金融交易、商户忠诚指数追踪、旨在实现电子交易去中心化的礼品卡等等区块链应用。






⑼ ETH-以太坊在哪里可以买


⑴ How many Ethereum coins are there in total?

The current total supply of Ethereum coins is 111,562,994 coins.
1. Ethereum is a virtual currency that appeared after Bitcoin. Although it is a virtual currency that appeared later, the development momentum of Ethereum is that the latecomers will catch up. This does not mean that Bitcoin has withdrawn. The trend of virtual currency has started, but it can be seen that people are gradually accepting such virtual currency
2. Ethereum was officially released in 2015 and issued 72 million Ethereum digital currencies. In addition, Ethereum can pass every year Mining produces approximately 18.72 million coins, and there is no limit to the total amount, which is infinite. When Ethereum developers launched Ethereum, they not only referred to the relevant rules of Bitcoin, but also combined some laws in finance. Taking into account the year-by-year increase in the number of investors and the increase in investor asset strength, they decided on the issuance of Ethereum. for infinity.
Extended information:
1. Ethereum (ETH for short) is a next-generation cryptographic ledger that can support many advanced functions, including user-issued currency, smart protocols, decentralized transactions and the establishment of decentralized Centralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) or Decentralized Autonomous Companies (DACs).
2.Ethereum (Ethereum) is a platform with smart contracts. Its biggest contribution is the establishment of standardized token usage standards, such as ERC-20, the same currency storage protocol standard, and different currency conversion standards ERC- 721. There are also various financial digital currency standard applications such as transactions, leases, transfers, etc., allowing developers to build and release the next generation of distributed applications. Ethereum can be used to program, decentralize, secure and trade anything: voting, domain names, financial exchanges, crowdfunding, corporate governance, contracts and most agreements, intellectual property, and smart assets thanks to hardware integration. Ethereum will use a hybrid security protocol, using the proof-of-work mechanism (POW) in the early stage to distribute Ethereum, and then switching to the proof-of-stake mechanism (POS). From the time of launch, 0.26x, that is, 60102216 * 0.26 = 15626576 Ether coins will be mined by miners every year. After converting to POS, the number of Ether coins produced each year will decrease.

⑵ Is Ethereum a lie? How to do it?

It is not a lie. You must be led by knowledgeable people to enter the industry, otherwise you will be led by unfamiliar people. In the capital market, there are two directions for doing Ethereum.
First: download the exchange software and trade on it. It is the same as stock trading. You can buy long, short, quantify, and open contracts. You can also use leverage, which is similar to stock operations. You can make money quickly and lose money quickly.
The second type is to go to the manufacturer to buy a graphics card or mining machine, then connect it to the Internet and power it up, and then you can mine on your computer. You will get profits every day and can withdraw cash. This is very easy and risk-free. There is only a payback period. This industry belongs to The bigger the investment, the greater the returnThe faster you go, the more you earn.
Hope this can help you

⑶ Does ens coin have investment value?

It is valuable.
1. Speaking of the ENS currency, I believe that many investors do not know much about this currency, or this is the first time they have heard of it. According to the latest market data, as of 11:49 on November 21, 2021, the current price of ENS is $49.2851, with an increase of +15.3% today, and a 24-hour transaction volume of 350 million. The current circulating market value of ENS is 0, the total supply of ENS is 100 million ENS, and the current market circulation is 25 million ENS. The more mainstream exchanges that can trade ENS coins in the current market include: OKEX, Huobi Global,, etc. .
2. "ENS", the full name of Ethereum Name Service, is a distributed domain name service based on Ethereum, allowing anyone to conveniently register a domain name ending with .eth through the bidding process. It provides a secure and decentralized way to resolve simple human-readable domain names into on-chain and off-chain address resources. ENS was established at the Ethereum Foundation in early 2017 and officially landed on May 4, 2017. Ethereum's ENS, through its unique bidding mechanism, allows any user to register one (or more) Ethereum domain names ending with ".eth" for their Ethereum address through the bidding process. ENS is managed by True Names LTD, a Singapore-based non-profit organization, and is a public welfare undertaking that is part of the Internet infrastructure belonging to the community.
3. At the same time, ENS can also be used with your own DNS domain name. Currently, ENS supports many DNS domain names, such as ".com", ".io", ".xyz", etc. In addition, ENS is built on the ERC721 protocol , that is, each ENS domain name is actually an NFT, so after the current registration is completed, you can choose a price to list it in NFT trading markets such as OpenSea, and conduct subsequent auction transfers. To a certain extent, the Ethereum address and other long numbers and letters The mixed format (usually 42 bits) is not friendly to the vast majority of users, and it is not conducive to the popularization of encryption. Huge losses caused by incorrect address input are frequently reported every year.
Extended information
ENS replaces Ethereum addresses with characters that are easy for humans to remember. This is a key step in the popularization of encryption. Users can choose a more user-friendly address to remember, making it simple to send and receive encrypted assets. , reducing the risk of transferring money to the wrong address.

⑷ Can you explain Ethereum in a simple way?

Ethereum is not actually a currency, but a decentralized smart protocol. It can be understood as a huge global ledger. The logic of this smart protocol does not require a specific server to support its daily operation. Instead,The terms of the agreement given by the automated executors between various scattered users before entering. This is an application that evolved from decentralization.
After comparing with Bitcoin, we can find that Ethereum establishes a new encryption technology, and its program development difficulty is simpler than that of Bitcoin. This breakthrough greatly reduces development costs and development time for developers who apply blockchain technology. The emergence of Ethereum once again reiterates the necessity of splitting centralization and the feasibility and advantages of decentralized distributed applications, giving the existing economic market and financial industry a new direction of development and throwing a new direction to society. Brand new entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities.

⑸ The difference between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic

About the variability of the blockchain.

ETH, if most people agree to modify the chain, which is variability, then the blockchain records and contracts can be modified.

ETC, blockchain records and contracts cannot be modified, that is, they cannot be tampered with.

Here are the pros and cons of both methods.

The advantage of variability is that people can change in time to make the right decisions, so modifying the specification is more practical than finding loopholes.

Immutability means that no matter how smart people are at the time, they cannot make mistakes. Therefore, when problems arise with this solution, it is best to find and solve loopholes through the existing legal framework. .

About the difference in development

ETH, whether it is intentionally arranged or has been like this from birth, the core decisions of the blockchain are made and implemented by the Ethereum Foundation with the participation of the community. Partly developed by it.

ETC, blockchain decisions are mainly made through three loose, collaborative teams receiving feedback with community participation.

In any case, anyone can make suggestions for improvements to both blockchains. This is the benefit of open source and it is very common. You will find that developers of both chains pass Github and Reddit come to communicate with each other. I hope to increase the frequency of communication and exchange in order to achieve common goals.

About compatibility

Currently, both blockchains are compatible with each other. Contracts, or applications written on ETH, can be applied on ETC, and vice versa.

ETH, focusing on eWASM, is committed to providing a platform for more and more developers, and the issue of contract security is secondary, such as: Viper.

ETC focuses on allowing developers to create more secure contracts, such as Viper, IOHK research, at the expense of consuming the number of potential developers.

Obviously, both chains can accommodate each other, regardless of whether their intentions are the same. My view is that the number of developers is not necessarily linked to the quality of the product.

About transaction speed

ETH, an average of 25 seconds, will be shortened after the upgrade.

ETC, an average of 14 seconds, will remain at 10-14 seconds after the upgrade, according to the ECIP-1010 and ECIP-1036 protocols.

About block capacity

ETH, as the daily transaction volume of ETH gradually reaches 5 million, the block capacity is becoming increasingly saturated. This situation is similar to the recent transaction fee issue of Bitcoin. , this problem can be solved by expanding the block size, by increasing the default fuel limit.

ETC, currently there is still a lot of room for block capacity. As more and more people accept ETC, the block capacity will also increase, just like ETH.

About the community

ETH, mainly discussed on Reddit

ETC, mainly discussed on Slack

About monetary policy

ETH, the planned supply has grown steadily, resulting in an average inflation of 3% over the life of the ETH blockchain.

ETC, inflation will reach 3% before 2025, when the total supply will reach 200 million ETC, and deflation will follow.

Regarding the regional distribution of transaction volume

ETH, China accounts for 20%, South Korea 25%, and the United States 25%.

ETC, China accounts for 50%, South Korea 25%, and the United States 10%.

About securities

In ETH, investors currently do not have the option to trade securities. Recently, an ETF of ETH, a traded open-end index fund, was rejected by regulators.

ETC has an ETC trading trust fund, which allows investors to own ETC without owning the asset itself.

⑹ How to buy and sell ETH

In layman’s terms, buy ETH on the exchange, then wait for the price to rise and sell it to earn the difference. The prices of virtual currencies, including ETH, are difficult to predict. There is no limit to the rise or fall, and losses can be huge. However, in Domain Kingdom, the starting investment is only 5 US dollars. You only need to judge the direction of the rise and fall of the ETH price. If you are correct, you will make a profit. If you are wrong, you will lose 5 US dollars of the transaction. The loss is controllable.

⑺ What is Ethereum/Ethereum ETH

Ethereum, the English name of Ethereum, or ETH for short, is a virtual investment currency that has been hotly speculated recently. It is known as the world's second largest digital currency by market capitalization, second only to Bitcoin.

Ethereum is a digital token of Ethereum, because the openness of Ethereum requires the use of tokens - Ethereum ETH to support applications. Ethereum can also be traded on the trading platform. Simply put, Ethereum is a platform and a programming language that enable developers to build and launch the next generation of distributed applications.
Ethereum can be used for programming, guarantees and transactions. It can also be used to organize voting, domain name sales, financial trading platforms, and online crowdfunding.Management company,
formulates contracts and most agreements, and can also integrate hardware and smart assets.

The price of Ethereum has soared not only due to the promotion of the Ethereum community, but more importantly, virtual currency investors are looking for investment products to replace Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is subject to the supervision of the domestic central bank and a series of problems such as being rejected for ETF listing have caused investors to be pessimistic about the prospect of Bitcoin. At this time, the emergence and promotion of Ethereum are being favored by these virtual currency investors!

BtcTrade platform (Bitcoin trading network), as the largest and most reliable trading platform in China, launched Ethereum trading as early as November. When Ethereum was launched, it was around 50 yuan, and now it has risen to 300 yuan, which is amazing! What is the prospect of Ethereum ETH? It remains to be seen whether it can gain such attention like Bitcoin!

⑻ What is Ethereum? What is the relationship between Ethereum and the blockchain?

What is Ethereum:

Ethereum is a technology based on Bitcoin and concepts applied to computer innovations. Ethereum itself imitates many of Bitcoin's technologies to maintain the computer platform. Blockchain technology is one of them.
The Ethereum platform can safely run any program that users want.

The advantages of Ethereum over other competing currencies

Before the emergence of Ethereum, there were already some digital currencies that imitated Bitcoin. However, these projects themselves have certain shortcomings and can only support one or several specific applications at the same time. (A better digital currency trading platform is in "Bihui")

However, the reason why Ethereum can surpass the limitations of these previous projects is because of the core idea of ​​Ethereum.

What Ethereum wants to implement is a blockchain protocol with a built-in programming language. Since it supports programming languages, theoretically any blockchain application can be defined in this language and then serve as a An application that runs on the Ethereum blockchain protocol.

Ethereum is designed to be very flexible and adaptable.

Ethereum aims to combine the strengths of blockchain technology in order to add the advantages of blockchain, such as decentralization, openness and security, to almost all computing fields. .

Ethereum’s blockchain applications

Ethereum has many blockchain applications, such as gold and stock digital applications, financial derivatives applications, DNS and digital Certification and more.

Ethereum has been implemented by many startup companies in more than 100 blockchain applications.

Ethereum has also been closely followed by some financial institutions, banking consortiums (such as R3), and large companies like Samsung, Deloitte, RWE and IBM, which has also spawned a number of projects such as Simplification and automation goldFinancial transactions, merchant loyalty index tracking, gift cards aimed at decentralizing electronic transactions, and other blockchain applications.

The relationship between Ethereum and blockchain:

Ethereum is a programmable blockchain.

Ethereum does not give users a series of preset operations (such as Bitcoin transactions), but allows users to create complex operations according to their own wishes.

In this way, Ethereum can be used as a platform for many types of decentralized blockchain applications, including but not limited to cryptocurrency.

Like other blockchains, Ethereum also has a peer-to-peer network protocol. The Ethereum blockchain database is maintained and updated by numerous nodes connected to the network. Each network node runs an Ethereum emulator and executes the same instructions. Therefore, people sometimes refer to Ethereum as the "world computer".

⑼ ETH - Where can I buy Ethereum

Because Ethereum is a mainstream currency, it can generally be purchased on most exchanges. If you don’t understand, you can ask me

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