ltc流程体系 ltc流程的五个模块

⑴ 谁知道华为的MTL(市场到商机)流程框架








这就讲到“铁三角”运作,就是 AR(客户经理)+SR(产品经理)+FR(服务经理),团队作战!LTC 的“铁三角”团队既是合作关系,但又有明确分工,客户经理负责客户关系,想尽办法获得客户支持,;产品经理,负责整合背后支撑资源包括研发,给客户最合适的解决方案;服务经理,负责提供服务方案及其客户的网络建设;

⑵ 华为的LTC

华为的销售流程在业内非常出名,叫LTC,Leads To Cash,“从线索到现金”。它的目的是打造一个从市场、线索、销售、研发、项目、交付、现金到服务的闭环运营系统。






⑶ 流程的层级









⑷ 破界突围之路:浅谈流程框架及流程中转站



  从纵向维度:战略与执行流程(简称DSTE:Develop Strategy to Execution)、集成产品开发流程(简称IPD:Integrated Proct Developmeng)、市场与开发流程(简称MTL:Maket to Lead)

  从横向维度:商机到回款流程(简称LTC:Lead to Cash)、订单到交付流程(简称OTD:Order to Delivery)、问题到解决(简称ITR:Issue to Resolution)、集成供应链流程(简称ISC:Integrated Supply Chain)



















⑸ LTC概述与核心精要
















⑹ ltc流程是什么

LTC 是华为的主流程,从线索发现开始,直至收回现金,端到端地拉通。


LTC即 L2C(Leads To Cash),是从线索到现金的企业运营管理思想,华为的LTC流程也深入的应用了这一思想,L2Cplat是这一思想的践行者。


⑺ 华为的流程管理系统(附关键流程图)

任正非先生一直强调客户、流程与绩效是企业管理中最重要的三件事。事实上,华为导入咨询公司的一个重点就是“ 流程管理 ”。在过去的近20年中,华为通过以业务为导向的流程管理体系,大大提升了整体运营效率,取得了举世瞩目的成绩!





1. 流程管理核心:流程要反映业务







2. 流程管理的内容














流程规划:解决了流程的what to do和how to do的问题,主要工作有需求管理、版本管理、流程规划;




3. 流程覆盖全业务



执行类流程,客户价值创造流程,端到端的定义为完成对客户的价值交付所需的业务活动(what to do),并向其他流程提出需求。






level 1 流程分类;

level 2流程组;

level 3流程;

level 4子流程;

level 5活动;

level 6任务。

level 1 流程分类和level 2流程组用于流程管理,回答why to do的问题,支撑公司战略和业务目标实现,体现公司业务模式并覆盖公司全部的业务。

level 3流程和level 4子流程则是用于落实方针政策和管控要求,回答what to do的问题,聚焦战略执行,体现创造客户价值的主要业务流以及为实现主业务流高效和低成本运作,所需要的支撑业务。

level 5活动和level 6任务用于将流程落实到人,使之可执行,回答how to do问题,完成流程目标所需要的具体活动及任务,体现业务的多样化和灵活性。

4. 华为以业务为核心的三大流程











技术开发负责提前准备关键的核心技术、核心部件,建设跨产品的共享组件( CBB)库;



而LTC(Lead To Cash)是从线索到汇款、端到端贯穿公司运作的主业务流,承载着公司最大的物流、资金流和人力投入,LTC是公司级面向客户的主业务流程之一。






5. 如何借鉴







6. 附件:华为流程管理


⑻ 谁知道华为的MTL(市场到商机)流程框架

LTC 是华为的主流程,从线索发现开始,直至收回现金,端到端地拉通。在不同的流程环节卷入不同的角色,并且和其他流程集成协作,在流程中把质量、运营、内控、授权、财经的要素放到流程中去,一张皮运作。



构建公司的流程体系就是构建公司的运营系统,业务是以客户为中心的,业务流也要是从客户中来,到客户中去。那么,基于流程的角色和组织的建设和运作是啥样呢?这就讲到“铁三角”运作,就是 AR(客户经理)+SR(产品经理)+FR(服务经理),团队作战。

LTC 的“铁三角”团队既是合作关系,但又有明确分工,客户经理负责客户关系,想尽办法获得客户支持,;产品经理,负责整合背后支撑资源包括研发,给客户最合适的解决方案;服务经理,负责提供服务方案及其客户的网络建设。







⑴ Who knows Huawei’s MTL (Market to Business Opportunity) process framework?

As shown in the picture:

Huawei’s process management draws lessons from After summarizing its own process operation management based on industry-leading practices, it has compiled a set of global process management rules and systems.

The process should reflect the essence of the business, especially the essence of the business in a complete and systematic manner. The key points in the business and their management should not be circulated outside the process system. A management system based on process construction (IPD/LTC/ ITR) is an operating system and a business operating system.

The purpose of change is to produce more food (sales revenue, profit, quality delivery, improve efficiency, consistent with accounts?) and increase land fertility (strategic contribution, customer satisfaction, effective risk management), and cannot The process systems that contribute directly or indirectly to these two purposes need to be simplified.

The basic management philosophy of Huawei boss Ren Zhengfei is: to deal with the uncertainty of results with the determination of rules, with the goal of producing more food and increasing land fertility.

(1)LTC Process Analysis Extended Reading

Management change must be carried out by business processes before it can be implemented, otherwise it will become empty talk. The management system based on process construction is an operating system and a business operating system. The most important thing is to implement it into the organization, which is process-based organizational construction and operation. Building the company's process system is building the company's operating system. Business is customer-centered, and business flow must come from customers and go to customers.

This is about the operation of the "iron triangle", which is AR (Account Manager) + SR (Product Manager) + FR (Service Manager), working as a team! LTC's "iron triangle" team is a cooperative relationship, but also has a clear division of labor. The account manager is responsible for customer relations and tries every means to obtain customer support; the product manager is responsible for integrating the supporting resources behind it, including research and development, to provide customers with the most appropriate solutions; Service managers are responsible for providing service solutions and network construction for customers;

⑵ Huawei’s LTC

Huawei’s sales process is very famous in the industry, called LTC, Leads To Cash, “from Clue to Cash”. Its purpose is to create a closed-loop operating system from marketing, leads, sales, R&D, projects, delivery, cash to service.

The idea behind this system is clear. The entire process of the company's business must respect the clues obtained by front-line sales, from the delivery of a piece of equipment to the formulation of the company's strategy, all must be guided by it. You can understand it as the front calling for artillery fire from the rear, or you can understand it as the front transmitting market pressure to the rear.

So what does this concept allow Huawei to gain?

The first is to gain keen market insight, always be able to feel the pulse of the market, and take action earlier than others at the critical moment.

For example, 20 years ago, Huawei took the lead in deploying 3G despite limited resources. Not only that, it was the first to see the needs of developing countries to develop the telecommunications industry, and was the first to provide more cost-effective equipment and win more overseas markets. For another example, we will tell the story of Huawei providing "access network" products in the future. The concept of "access network" itself is a product first created by Huawei to meet customer needs.

We will talk about many more cases like this, such as 5G, mobile phones with powerful photography functions, and Huawei entered the photovoltaic industry very early and won the first place in the inverter market, etc. wait. It is easy to take the lead once, but it is difficult to take the lead every time. Huawei's ability to lead time after time is related to its emphasis on marketing and its keen market insight.

⑶ Process level

According to the definition of the process, the process can be based on its complexity (the amount of resources required, the number of activities and activity relationships involved, the participating roles and departments, etc.) to divide the process into multiple levels. The higher the level of the process, the greater the scope of optimization; the lower-level process as a whole constitutes the upper-level process (such as L2-lead/L2-contract/L2-receipt constitutes L1 -LTC)

L0-Company Processes - a collection of all processes that create value for customers after resources are entered into the company. Sometimes from the perspective of business model, L0 can also be seen as the company's position in the value chain.

L1-End-to-end process/business domain/process class - a collection of processes that implement a certain business function (such as the IPD process for product development, the LTC process for selling products to customers), The structure of L1 determines the business model of the enterprise.

L2-logical process group - the logical stages/support functions of a certain business function can be divided (for example, the main business process of LTC is leads-contracts-receipts), and the stage/function division is The natural demand for business management to be controllable is also a reflection of the enterprise's business model. The structure of L2 determines the business model of the enterprise

L3/L4-process/sub-process - determines the execution method of the business at a certain stage under the business. Or for situations where the scenario does not need to be distinguished, it can be directly composed of activities (for example, LTC's lead management is divided into three L3-level processes: collecting leads, distributing leads, and tracking and nurturing leads. All three processes can directly undertake the corresponding activity).
For situations where scenarios need to be further differentiated, L4-sub-processes need to be set up by scenario (for example, under the ITIL architecture, under the Manage IT-Manage IT Services-Manage IT Service Policy, the IT service policy also needs to be further divided into service levels, Availability, continuity, etc., each of which is a sub-process of the IT service strategy). The structure of L3 determines the main factors and critical control points for business success.
The process level of the enterprise shirt selling process list is easy to be confused at this level.The important reason is that from a hierarchical perspective, the process group itself still belongs to the logical process group. Some business scenarios are complex, so there will be process groups divided into scenarios, but some business scenarios are simple, so there will be no process groups.
For the convenience of management, the L3/L4 layers can be unified as the process layer. If there are no scene sub-processes, the L3 and L4 level processes have the same name, until the L5 layer activity layer is further divided according to execution roles.

L5-Activities - the elements that make up the process and the key matters to realize the value of the process. Activities generally have only one single responsible role (that is, they can be located in responsible positions). The structural relationship of activities determines the efficiency of the process. Common process optimization methods such as ESEIA, ASME value-added analysis, and Hammer's Nine Principles are all based on analyzing activities and structures and exerting value at the process level.

L6-Task – matters to complete the activity. Completed by a single responsible role, the activity is further dismantled into the content formed by the specification.

Although in a broad sense, a collection of multiple activities with input and output is a process. But for enterprises, based on the number of participating roles, it can be simply judged whether it is a process, activity or task.

⑷ The road to breakthrough: a brief discussion on process framework and process transfer station

Previous articles have discussed that based on business strategy, on the one hand, annual operating budget and output indicators must be made and goals; on the one hand, it is necessary to derive the value chain model and output the process framework through process planning.

In fact, the process frameworks of manufacturing companies are very similar. For example, Huawei’s core business processes (excluding management and auxiliary processes) mainly include:

From a vertical perspective Dimensions: Strategy and Execution Process (DSTE: Develop Strategy to Execution), Integrated Product Development Process (IPD: Integrated Proct Developmeng), Market and Development Process (MTL: Maket to Lead)

From Horizontal dimension: Lead to Cash (LTC), Order to Delivery (OTD), ITR (Issue to Resolution), Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Integrated Supply Chain)

Recently, we have been thinking about the problem of process boundaries or transfer stations. The process is the business, and it is naturally end-to-end. However, an enterprise cannot draw one process to the end, but has a core backbone process that forms an overall process framework..

So, what is the transfer station between processes?

We believe that there are two processes that directly generate value for an enterprise: one is the LTC process, and the other is ITR process. Because the LTC process generates repayments, products and services can be monetized. The ITR process generates service revenue, or after solving customer problems and improving customer satisfaction, secondary sales are generated.

Let’s first talk about the interaction between the LTC process and other processes. The IPD process outputs products and product solutions, which may come from customer needs in LTC or market insights from the MTL process;

Therefore, customer needs in the LTC process form the input of the IPD process. In turn, the products or product solutions output by IPD are ultimately reflected in the order grabbing in the LTC process; that is, the LTC process and the IPD process are inputs to each other.

Some people think that the LTC process will include two sub-processes, one is the order development process (IPD solves product 0→1, and the order development process is based on the customer needs in LTC, combined with the products output by IPD , solve 1→N); the other process is the order delivery process;

The closed loop of the ITR process is divided into several levels. One is to quickly solve the problems reported by customers (fire-extinguishing type, mainly responsible for after-sales);

The other is to form design standards and process standards for the problems of the ITR process, input them into the IPD process, and close the loop from the product source to eliminate repeated mistakes;

At the same time, the ITR process The questions can also be structured (such as customers, channels, products, problems, etc.) and connected with the LTC process. Historical questions can be retrieved and verified when placing sales orders; in other words, the ITR process can form the IPD process, LTC Input to the process;

The ISC process is also one of the very important processes of the enterprise, and more than 70% of the costs are related to this process;

Its source can come from annual planning (or Sales forecast, etc.), such as annual category supplier introduction and elimination planning; it can also come from the development of new products in IPD or the demand for new LTC materials, forming new sources; it will eventually return to the OTD process (support Fast delivery);

The DSTE process starts from the business strategy, forms annual plans, key tasks and performance, and implements them, often affecting all core processes of the enterprise;

A brief summary:

DSTE processThe owner is the top operator of the enterprise (president or general manager), and is related to the core business processes of the enterprise;

The owner of the IPD process is the person in charge of R&D, and the MTL process, LTC process, and ITR process form its input , IPD is output to the LTC process;

The owner of the MTL process is the market person in charge, which is derived from market insights and forms the input to the IPD process;

The owner of the LTC process is the sales person The person in charge, business opportunities, MTL process, ITR process form its input, LTC can include order product development and order delivery process;

ISC process owner is the person in charge of the supply chain, sales forecast, LTC process, IPD process Forming its input, ISC outputs into the OTD process.

⑸ Overview and core essence of LTC

Sales are related to the life and death of a company, but the sales process system of many companies is disorganized and inefficient; they fail to gain insight into the market to find more business opportunities. There are not enough project leads. Even if there are project leads, project opportunities are lost because they fail to effectively track and cultivate leads as early as possible; it is difficult to respond to customer needs quickly; the customer-facing interface is confusing, and sales staff basically work alone, and it is difficult to form combat effectiveness. Many sales staff The direct result of lack of sales experience and ability is: the probability of winning the bid in the market is low, there are various risks and problems in the delivery of the winning bid, the payment is slow, and even the final "unfinished project" has huge accounts receivable... ...At this time, it is necessary to sort out and rebuild the process, and based on the process, improve sales capabilities and build a wolf marketing organization with execution, creativity, and vitality.

Huawei's LTC sales process reform project is a typical case, and its experience is worthy of reference by all companies. The basic method is to sort out and rebuild the sales process, and embed appropriate sales methods, sales concepts, etc. into the process. At the same time, many sales capability empowerment trainings will be organized and corresponding tools and templates will be provided, so that the company can obtain the best results. It is not just a "rigid and cold" new sales process, but an upgrade of the entire sales system (including processes, sales methods, sales tools, sales templates, personnel soft capabilities, etc.), striving to achieve the goal of building an excellent sales organization Ability, the success of future enterprise projects will no longer rely heavily on individual sales ability and its contingency, but will use organizational capabilities and systems to ensure and improve sales success rates. As long as new employees are trained in the new sales system and carry out project operations according to the sales process, they can reach the level of senior sales personnel and ensure a certain project success rate. (It is no longer like in the past, if senior salespeople leave, it will seriously affect performance, thereby achieving "an iron-clad camp and flowing soldiers". The sales organizational system and process are mature enough, and the impact of personnel turnover on performance will be smaller).

Mr. Xu Haoming was fortunate enough to be transferred by Huawei to join the Huawei team solution team for the LTC transformation project. He worked in depth with the Accenture consulting team to complete the solution design and implementation of the Huawei LTC project. Therefore, I would like to share something here. , I hope it can inspire other companies and avoid some detours...

Why is Huawei determined to spend billions on LTC reform projects? Because Huawei has felt that the process before the launch of the LTC project was fragmented, there was no cross-department structured process, there was no unified end-to-end pull-through, the efficiency was low, and the quality of project operation was poor, which restricted Huawei's development..., through early Through the R&D IPD reform project over the past few years, Huawei's product research and development has made great progress. However, it is obvious that the sales line cannot keep up with business development needs, so it is determined to "undertake major surgery" on the sales process. Just like becoming a martial arts master, you need to get through any supervisors. The two main processes (contexts) are the same. Huawei hopes to work hard to open up the two main processes (contexts) of the company: research and development (IPD) and sales (LTC), so as to promote and support rapid business development and become a top expert.

However, the LTC project involves all of the company’s ongoing sales businesses (sales revenue exceeded 300 billion when the project was launched), so the degree of difficulty can be imagined. Some people metaphorically say that the LTC reform project is It's like changing the tires of a running sports car on the highway. It is indeed very challenging because it cannot affect the company's business. What should I do? Therefore, we had to carefully carry out the change project in stages. The first stage was: problem survey (sending questionnaires to all front lines around the world, interviewing some front lines in person, combined with the opinions of experts returning from the front lines, and classifying and summarizing the problems faced , problems that need to be solved urgently); the second stage is the program planning and design stage. Accenture and Huawei sorted it out and output practical and detailed solutions (in this process, Huawei experts and Accenture continued to discuss, constantly listened to feedback from the front line, and constantly optimized. After countless rounds of collisions and quarrels, a staged plan was finally formed. plan); the third stage is the IT development stage (the implementation of the process requires an IT system to carry it, so that all key mission activities can run in the IT system. In the end, LTC's IT means that as long as there is a network, you only need to browse on IE etc. The fourth stage is to find representative offices to conduct pilot projects, and then optimize the process; the fifth stage is to find typical representative offices in different regions to conduct pilot projects, and then continue to optimize the process; the sixth stage is to small area Implement and then continue to optimize the process; the seventh stage is when the process is mature and can be promoted on a large scale; the eighth stage is to continuously collect feedback on issues to optimize the process and release it for use in various regions around the world.

In addition, in the LTC transformation project, Huawei’s solution team not only worked with Accenture consultants to discuss sorting out and rebuilding the sales process, but also cooperated with other consulting companies to integrate other consulting companies’ appropriate sales methods and sales processes. Concepts (such as SPI solution sales method), etc. embeddedinto the sales process. At the same time, our solution team created or refreshed many Huawei sales tools and templates, and organized countless sales capability empowerment trainings. The result of the project team was not only a "rigid and cold" new sales process, but a new sales process. It is an upgrade of the entire sales system (including processes, sales methods, sales tools, sales templates, personnel soft skills, etc.), and strives to achieve the goal of building excellent sales organizational capabilities, and the success of future projects will no longer rely heavily on sales. Personal abilities and their contingency, but organizational abilities and systems are used to ensure and improve the sales success rate. As long as new employees are trained in the new sales system and carry out project operations according to the sales process, they can reach the level of senior sales personnel and ensure a certain project success rate. (It is no longer like in the past, if senior salespeople leave, it will seriously affect the performance! In this way, the sales organization system and process will be mature enough, and the impact of personnel turnover on performance will be smaller). Finally, some of the outputs of our LTC project team are as follows:

"Overview of the company's process relationships"; "Overview of the sales process V1.1"; "Lead management process V1.1"; "Project establishment process V1.1"; "Lead tracking and cultivation process V1.1"; "Bidding process V1.1"; "Contract review process V1.1"; "Demand guidance process V1.1"; "Contract negotiation process V1 .1》; "Contract Signing Process V1.1"; "Contract Fulfillment Process V1.1"; "Program Design Process V1.1"; "Bid Price Application Decision Process V1.1"; "Sales Project Planning Report Template V1. 1"; "Pain Chain Analysis Template V1.1"; "Sales Project Failure Summary Template V1.1"; "Sales Guidance Nine-frame Concept Model Template V1.1"; "Customer Decision Chain Analysis (Customer Relationship Analysis) Template V1. 1》; "Key Person Table Template V1.1"; "Product KeyMessage Template V1.1"; "Project Operation Checklist Template V1.1"; "Insight into Customers (Customer Profile) Template V1.1"; "Global Hilltop Project Template V1.1"; "Key Account Management Template V1.1"; "How to Dialogue with CXO Training Materials V1.1-Student Edition"; "Negotiation Training Materials V1.1-Student Edition"; "Learn Wolf from Huawei Sex Marketing Training Materials V1.1-Student Edition"; "Project Operation and Management Training Materials V1.1-Student Edition"; "Brand Marketing Training Materials V1.1-Student Edition"; "Building High-Performance Team Training Materials V1.1 -Student Edition"; "Why Huawei is Strong in Execution Training Material V1.1-Student Edition"; "Wolf Channel Management Training Material V1.1-Student Edition"; "Shaping Excellent Corporate Culture Training Material V1.1-Student Edition"; "Who killed the contract? V1.1-Student Edition"; "Goal and Plan Management that Begins with the End in Mind V1.1-Student Edition"; "Strategic Management, Strategy Decoding and Strategy Execution V1.1-Student Edition"; "Middle Management Leadership Ability Improvement V1.1-Student Edition"; "Cross-Department Communication and Collaboration V1.1-Student Edition"; "Huawei Quality Management System V1.1-Student Edition";

This is worthy of reference by other companies , Process reengineering is not just about creating and outputting some process documents, but upgrading the organization's sales capabilities. Only in this way can we achieve the purpose of improving market competitiveness. We must not create processes just for the sake of creating processes.

In terms of management change, management innovation, and process reengineering, Huawei’s following practices are also worthy of reference:

1. Huawei is courageous and willing to invest. The pattern is obviously different from that of many business owners. Many business owners think that management is just that, and they all know the principles of management. When encountering management problems, internal employees can discuss them themselves, change the processes and management methods, and just tinker with them. They think that hiring consultants is a waste of money. As everyone knows, because they are reluctant to hire consultants to invest, and they often have limitations when looking at their own business problems, and they also lack the determination and courage (it is difficult for them to change their own lives), management always lacks something, leading to missed development opportunities. You may end up doing nothing or being eliminated by market competitors.

2. Huawei is prepared for danger in times of peace and constantly “fiddles”, regardless of changes, to continuously activate the organization and activate human nature. The vast majority of companies, unless absolutely necessary, are happy to stay in their "comfort zone" and lack a sense of crisis and innovation.

3. Huawei has set some principles for management change. Some business owners want to make changes, but they often fail to do so, or the results are not very good, because change means changes in power, interests, etc., and is often met with great resistance, and employees are all talking about it, each with their own opinions. principle, so without some principles of change, it often ends in failure.

4. The goal of change must be clear! We cannot change because of change and forget the fundamental goal of the enterprise!

5. Huawei continues to change and has summarized sixteen experiences for successful change.

Ren Zhengfei said that management is to grasp three things: customers, processes, and performance. In the future, Huawei will only leave the world with a management system supported by processes and IT, because everyone will pass away and every product will eventually be eliminated; enterprise management is ultimately the management of processes, which is to enable business to operate in a customer-centered and efficient process. Therefore, the importance of enterprise management processes is self-evident. Since the effective management of an enterprise requires processes to guide, carry and implement it, how to design an efficient customer-centered operation process? What should be done to continuously manage change? Many companies hope to solve corporate problems and improve market competitiveness by reengineering processes. Everyone has a unified understanding, but in the end, most companies make big noises but little rain? How should it be implemented specifically? Worth thinking and communicating.

⑹What is the LTC process?

LTC is Huawei's main process, starting from clue discovery to cash recovery, from end to end.

Involved in different roles in different process links, and integrated and collaborated with other processes. In the process, elements of quality, operation, internal control, authorization, and finance were put into the process to operate in one piece. . The LTC process is mainly divided into three major sections: managing leads, managing opportunities, and managing contract execution.

LTC stands for L2C (Leads To Cash), which is an enterprise operation management idea from leads to cash. Huawei’s LTC process also deeply applies this idea. L2Cplat is this A practitioner of an idea.

It takes the company's two major operational cores of marketing and R&D as the main line, runs through the entire process of corporate operations, and deeply integrates mobile Internet, SaaS technology, big data and corporate operational wisdom, aiming to create a market, A closed-loop platform ecological operation system of leads, sales, R&D, projects, delivery, and cash-to-service.

⑺ Huawei’s process management system (with key flow charts attached)

Mr. Ren Zhengfei has always emphasized that customers, processes and performance are the three most important things in enterprise management. In fact, one of the key points of Huawei's introduction of consulting companies is "process management." Over the past nearly 20 years, Huawei has greatly improved its overall operational efficiency through a business-oriented process management system and achieved world-renowned results!

Huawei advocates a process-based enterprise management approach. All business activities are guided by clear structured processes. Process construction liberates everyone from massive, low-value, simple and repetitive work. come out.

First of all, everyone must understand that a process is a series of repeatable, logically sequenced activities that transform one or more inputs into clear, measurable outputs. The human body itself is a very flawless process. No matter where there is a problem, the human body will feel uncomfortable and affect everyone's daily life.

A process is a series of repeatable, logically sequenced activities that transform one or more inputs into clear, measurable outputs. In essence, processes are the mechanisms created by organizations. In essence, processes are the mechanisms created by organizations.

Huawei advocates a process-based enterprise management approach. All business activities are guided by clear structured processes. Through process construction, everyone can be freed from massive, low-value, simple and repetitive work. Liberated.

1. The core of process management: the process must reflect the business

Huawei’s process management draws on industry-leading practices. After summarizing its own process operation management, it has compiled a set of global Rules and systems for process management.

The process should reflect the essence of the business, especially the complete systemSystematically reflect the nature of the business. The key points in the business and their management should not be circulated outside the process system. The management system (IPD/LTC/ITR) based on process construction is an operating system and a business operating system.

Process management is a responsible person-driven management that is based on business process standards and is goal- and customer-oriented. Responsible persons in various positions in the business process, regardless of their position, exercise the authority specified in the process, assume the responsibilities specified in the process, abide by the restrictive rules of the process, and follow the next process as users to ensure the high quality and efficiency of the process operation.

Establishing and improving a process-oriented statistical and assessment indicator system is the key to implementing final results responsibility and strengthening process management.

Customer satisfaction is the core of establishing an assessment indicator system for each link of the business process. Improve the level of programming, automation and information integration of process management.

Huawei's process management requirements constantly adapt to market changes and the company's business expansion requirements. They change with time and events, and the original business process system is simplified and improved.

2. Contents of process management

Process classification:

Huawei divides process management into operational processes (including strategic management, integrated product development, Customer relationship management, integrated supply chain) and management support processes (processes across functional departments).

The operational process is the main line of company management, a process that creates value for customers, and is also the basis for the company's existence. The management support process provides services and support for the efficient execution of operational processes.

Process level:

The level of the process is related to the management level. Different process levels correspond to the work of different management levels, and the main process is used for middle- and high-level business decisions. And end-to-end cross-functional business management, secondary sub-processes are used for intelligent domain management to ensure that the delivery of functional domains can meet the needs of the main process, and operational-level processes are used to guide grassroots activities.

Process Architecture:

The process architect describes a comprehensive view of the company's process classifications and hierarchies.

0-layer architecture: Classify processes from the perspective of the value chain, and decompose the processes in the 0-layer architecture layer by layer to form a hierarchical architecture of processes;

1-tier architecture: The process in this layer is the main process (end-to-end business process across functional departments);

2-tier architecture: The process in this layer is the self-process (business process within functional departments) Process);

3-tier architecture: internal decomposition of functions.

The four stages of the process management system:

Including process planning, process construction, process execution, and process operation. The four stages form a closed loop.

Process planning: It solves the problems of what to do and how to do of the process. The main tasks include demand management, version management and process planning;

Process construction: it is Process process asset management involves process requirement analysis, process solution design, process document development, process integration verification, and process pilot confirmation.

Process promotion: It is the work of solving process document management, involving business adaptation, organizational adaptation, promotion and empowerment.

Process operation: It is a hierarchical authorization and management mechanism for processes, including some maturity assessment, process performance management, process assurance, and CT/SACA work.

3. Processes cover the entire business

Huawei’s business processes cover the entire business and are divided into three categories: execution, enablement, and support.

Execution type:

Execution type process, customer value creation process, end-to-end is defined as the business activities required to complete the delivery of value to customers (what to do), and make demands on other processes.

Enabling class:

The enabling class process responds to the needs of the execution class process to support the value realization of the execution class process.

Support type:

Support type processes are some basic processes of the company, which exist to enable the entire company to continue to operate with high efficiency and low risk.

Huawei's business processes are quite in-depth, ranging from refinement to executability, and are divided from top to bottom:

level 1 process classification;

level 2 process group;

level 3 process;

level 4 sub-process;

level 5 activity;

level 6 tasks.

Level 1 process classification and level 2 process groups are used for process management, answer why to do questions, support the realization of company strategy and business goals, reflect the company's business model and cover all the company's businesses.

Level 3 processes and level 4 sub-processes are used to implement policies and management and control requirements, answer what to do questions, focus on strategic execution, reflect the main business flows that create customer value, and provide the key to achieving the main goals. Business flow operates efficiently and at low cost, supporting the business required.

Level 5 activities and level 6 tasks are used to implement the process to people, make it executable, answer how to do questions, and complete the specific activities and tasks required to complete the process goals, reflecting the diversification of the business. and flexibility.

4. Huawei’s three major business-centered processes

Huawei has always advocated a process-based enterprise management approach, using processes to organize repetitive, simple, and large-volume tasks Template, establish three corresponding systems, namely IPD (integrated product development), LTC (collection), ITR (after-sales), and use process IT to solidify, from accepting customer needs to delivering products that meet customer requirements , end-to-end integrated management process across functional departments.

1) Huawei's IPD system:

Huawei began to implement the IPD system in 1998, breaking Huawei's department-based management structure model and shifting to business processes and production lines. core management model.

Huawei's IPD mainly consists of a solidified structured R&D process and a cross-departmental team that supports process implementation.

In the past, Huawei's product development was entirely the responsibility of the R&D department, and the technical direction was chosen by key figures. Under the IPD model, people from each department must participate in the planning and implementation process to form a cross-departmental team - IPMT and PDT (IPT).

Cross-department teams basically need to make relevant plans before product development and coordinate with each other during the product development process to ensure that the product is technologically advanced and cost-effective from beginning to end. Reasonable and in line with market demand.

IPD is divided into six modules: demand management, strategic planning, product planning, technology planning, technology development and product development.

Demand management focuses on customer needs and implementation process monitoring. The demand management process includes five stages: collection, analysis, distribution, implementation, and verification.

Strategic planning formulates the company's mid- to long-term product development strategies and directions; product planning formulates the company's product development plans and product version roadmaps.

Technical planning formulates the company's development plan for key core components; the technical management process includes five stages: technical planning, pre-research, architecture development, technology and platform development, component reuse and evaluation.

Technology development is responsible for preparing key core technologies and core components in advance, and building a cross-product shared component (CBB) library;

Product development is based on product planning and relies on mature sharing components to complete product development and launch quickly, with high quality and efficiency. The product development process includes six stages: concept, planning, development, verification, release, and life cycle.

2) Huawei's LTC system:

LTC (Lead To Cash) is the main business flow that runs through the company's operations end-to-end from leads to remittances, carrying the company's With the largest investment in logistics, capital flow and human resources, LTC is one of the main business processes facing customers at the company level.

The LTC process is an end-to-end process established from a marketing perspective: "Discover sales leads - Cultivate leads - Convert leads into orders - Manage order execution/remittance".

The LTC process is not a simple process optimization, but a business process reconstruction from the customer's perspective. The core elements to ensure the success of the reconstruction include the following three aspects:

1. Deeply understand the customer's business process, and use this as a basis to match the business process of the business unit (organization);

2. The process change methodology is correct, and the "iron triangle" model is the magic weapon to ensure the success of process change;

3. The organizational structure and performance appraisal indicators are adjusted accordingly according to the reconstructed business process to provide support for process operation.

5. How to learn from

Ren Zhengfei requires: "Employees should participate in management and constantly optimize the work process and work quality...reform all unreasonable processes." Then, How to improve to adjust unreasonable links, ensure the rationality of the process, and achieve the purpose of simplifying the complex? This is something we can learn from.

Measure the reasonableness of the arrangements of each link. Huawei uses the three questions of "who, where, and when" to confirm whether the arrangements of each link in the process are reasonable. Once any unreasonableness is discovered, it is immediately overturned and started over to keep all links in the best order and ensure work The orderliness of the links.

Who: Who operates this link? Are the operating skills proficient? Is this area what the employee is best at? Is there a mismatch between positions and employee abilities? How much time can be saved if employees who are familiar with the first phase of work are transferred back from the second phase?

Where: What is the distance between the operating locations of each link? Is it convenientWork handover? If the operating location of a certain link is changed, can the work handover time be shortened? After adjusting the placement of equipment and instruments, will it be more convenient and shorter for the operator to use it?

When: The time from the beginning of the first link to the end of the last link, including moving time between various links, processing time and delays caused by machine failure, unavailability of parts, etc. What are the times? Is the time schedule too tight, making employees nervous and tired? Or is it too lenient and difficult to complete the task before the deadline?

Process management can help us liberate ourselves from complex and tedious work, reduce unnecessary friction, and provide convenience for work. What kind of process management do you use?

6. Attachment: Huawei Process Management

Disclaimer: Part of the content of this article is compiled based on Internet information, and the copyright of the article belongs to the original author. Pay tribute to the original author! The purpose of publishing is to do good and benefit others. If there are any issues related to the content of the work, copyright or other issues, please contact me to delete it and apologize!

⑻ Who knows Huawei’s MTL (Market to Business Opportunity) process framework?

LTC is Huawei’s main process, starting from clue discovery to cash recovery, from end to end. Involve different roles in different process links, and integrate and collaborate with other processes. In the process, the elements of quality, operation, internal control, authorization, and finance are put into the process, and they operate in one piece.

The LTC process is mainly divided into three major sections: managing leads, managing opportunities, and managing contract execution.

Management change must be carried out by business processes before it can be implemented, otherwise it will become empty talk. The management system based on process construction is an operating system and a business operating system. The most important thing is to implement it into the organization, which is process-based organizational construction and operation.

Building the company's process system is to build the company's operating system. Business is customer-centered, and business flow must come from customers and go to customers. So, what does the establishment and operation of process-based roles and organizations look like? This talks about the "iron triangle" operation, which is AR (account manager) + SR (product manager) + FR (service manager), working as a team.

LTC’s “iron triangle” team is a cooperative relationship, but also has a clear division of labor. The account manager is responsible for customer relations and tries every means to obtain customer support; the product manager is responsible for integrating the supporting resources behind it, including research and development, to provide The most suitable solution for customers; service manager, responsible for providing service solutions and network construction for customers.

(8) Extended reading of ltc process analysis:

Huawei has taken the lead in building a domestic big data business ecosystem since 2015, hoping to The "Big Data 1+6 Business Model" establishes strategic cooperation with domestic enterprises and scientific research institutions in the field of big data to jointly promote the progress and development of the domestic big data industry, work with partners to create big data integration solutions and promote the implementation of big data applications. .

As the first and only big data trading and service company listed on the New Third Board, Datatang has become one of Huawei's selected outstanding partners. It is understood that Datatang has previously provided professional data service solutions to many top Internet companies and high-tech companies at home and abroad.

Huawei’s “Big Data 1+6 Business Model” includes: 1 basic big data platform, namely Huawei’s enterprise-level big data analysis platformA big data basic platform built on FusionInsight, Huawei cloud computing services, and hardware; 6 types of big data partners, including big data sources, massive data organization, big data mining analysis, big data commercial applications, big data visualization, and big data top-level design wait.

Among them, big data sources have a core strategic position in the entire "Big Data 1+6 Business Model" and are the basis for all big data analysis and applications. As the largest big data source provider in China, Datatang has attracted Huawei's attention with its technological advantages, massive data sources and innovative business model.

Qi Hongwei, President of Datatang, said that the strategic cooperation between the two parties aims to jointly develop customers in major industries through the sharing of resources in technology, products, platforms, projects, channels, etc., to create complementary advantages, mutual benefit, win-win and sustainable development. Development of strategic partnerships.

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