eth空投的代币怎么领 空投eth假的吗

① ape空投怎么领


② bsc eth合约地址

类型:浏览器、安卓Android、苹果iOS支持主链:ETH支持浏览器:Chorme、火狐浏览器。先复制钱包地址,然后到下面的地址申请测试币 。
目前来看,领空投时一般需要用到的填写钱包地址有四个,ETH以太坊钱包地址、火币生态链HECO钱包地址、币安智能链BSC钱包地址,波场TRX钱包地址,这四个是常见的,其它不常用的就不介绍了,获取和创建方法都跟这四个差不多一样。创建任何虚拟货币钱包,都要备份好助记词、秘钥,否则钱包丢了资产就无法恢复!!!先介绍一下BSC和HECO1币安智能链 - BSC,全称Binance Smart Chain,它的钱包地址格式虽然跟ETH以太坊地址格式一样,都是0x??开头,但一般情况下是不能直接使用ETH钱包地址的,否则有可能会接收不到币。

③ metaufo怎么看空投领了没有


④ 比特币手机只领取一个比特币是哪个app











⑤ 币圈:何谓 空投糖果”,“airdrop”,“薅羊毛”能做什麽呢 答客问

空投糖果教学区 手把手教学喔













建议用翻译软件,来了解意思,如GOOGLE 翻译,都可以哟,喵喵就是这样子玩的,建议关键字要记得就差不多了

翻译网站-> 网络翻译





为什麽不能用交易所的地址呢?  (很重要)




IMtoken教学 来这


钱包是密钥的管理工具, 他只包含密钥而不是确切的某一个代币。钱包中包含成对的私钥和公钥。用户用私钥来签名交易, 从而证明该用户拥有交易的输出权。而输出的交易信息则存储在区块链中。

用户在使用 imToken 时, 你的 Keystore, 助记词, 明文私钥, 都是钱包, Keystore 是你加了"锁"的钱包, 而助记词和明文私钥是完全暴露在外的钱包, 没有任何安全性可言, 所以在使用助记词和明文私钥时, 一定要注意保密

⑥ 空投和多投是什么意思


一:即可获得VGS 30万个(预计十月份上交易所)亲测到账
二:即可获得 PNS 80081个(预计十月份上交易所)
三:即可获得DAPP 10000个(预计十一月份上交易所)

四:用imtoken转0.00个eth 到这个地址会得到空投CANDY 57600个左右(已上各大交易所)亲测到账

会收到3800个ACT空投币 ,火币现价0.5左右,


会收到6200个SNT现价0.4左右 亲测到帐,

会收到10000个MDS 已上火币交易现价0.25左右 亲测到账,

八:用imtoken转0.088个ETH到这个合约地址会收到10000个ZIL 已上火币交易现价0.35左右 亲测到账。

⑦ 波宝钱包安全吗

安全的,波宝钱包(Tronlink)是一个基于波场的手机钱包APP,目前用户注册填写邀请码送300积分、邀请好友注册送300积分,积分后续可以兑换各主流数字货币,具体兑换比例未知,建议大家先注册下,能推荐的可以推荐下 波宝钱包空投积分领取流程:
3、点击“我的”—“好友邀请”—右上角“领取奖励”填写邀请码:sDBv 领取300积分,另外邀请一个好友也送300积分,积分后续可以兑换主流币,具体兑换比例目前未知
操作环境:iphonexr14.7.1 tronlink3.6.0
2.按照要求抄下助记词并且输入助记词后,将可以正常使用钱包。注意,请勿对助记词进行截屏。切记手抄助记词,并将助记词存放在安全处。 波宝钱包积分邀请规则: 好友(新用户)通过平台用户发送的邀请安装波宝钱包APP后,在"我的-邀请好友"页面成功填写邀请码,即视为邀请成功;邀请者和受邀者各得300积分; 每个独立设备只能被邀请一次; 系统若检测出异常,积分归0; 波宝钱包积分用途: 未来可以通过积分兑换TRX/ETH/BTC/BTT等主流币和糖果; 作为平台未来推出所有增值服务和平台应用场景的基础使用; 在积分商城兑换商品。 这类的是正规的区块链钱包,因此遇到了大家可以注册下,能推荐的推荐下,先放那就好,毕竟不知道现在积分兑换主流币的比例是个怎样的情况,有可能值钱,也有可能不值钱,不过也没有什么损失对吧!又不用什么认证之类的,唯一麻烦点的就是需要那本子把创建钱包时的助记词好好记下!

⑧ 什么是空投糖果








域名特点:英语语法风格通用双拼组成,空投亲和。后缀采用了.Com(全球最流行,最古老),是典型的门户模式运营。, - Never miss a Free Crypto Airdrop again!Airdropalert.Com













这四个站都支持http https,更新及时!

⑨ 攻略 | 如何领取大量CANDY(糖果),进入区块链世界



你可以把CANDY看作是区块链世界的第一支ETF基金【 ETF(Exchange Traded Funds)是股票里的概念,实际上就是 把一揽子股票交给一个共同管理者,打包并重新发售的新股票 】 。有业内人士断定:“由于整合了各种新发代币,CANDY的价格,也可以作为衡量区块链行业景气程度的标准,且具备衡量区块链行业景气程度的能力。”






只要你在CandyOne上完成账号注册( CandyOne注册方法 ),就可以领取100个CANDY。网址:







a. 买课就送CANDY,比例应该是1:100左右,即1块钱的课程,可以拿到100个CANDY;
b. 可以进行囤课,特别是区块链相关的课程,讲的比较清晰,可以通过这里,买课领取糖果,同时学习区块链这个新工具,再不学习就要落后了。



① How to receive ape airdrop

Only by leaving an Ethereum address can you receive the airdrop.
Ethereum is a public chain platform that allows anyone to create smart contracts and issue their own tokens. The standards for tokens are ERC-20 and ERC-721. Because the project you receive the airdrop for is created on Ethereum and uses these two token standards, you have to leave an Ethereum address to receive the airdrop.
How do you know if the address you left is correct? Click on your> Ethereum wallet account and check the payment address. The combination of letters and numbers starting with 0x is the address of your Ethereum wallet.
How do you know if you have received the airdrop: If the airdrop arrives, there will be more similar tokens in your Ethereum wallet. If not, it means it has not arrived or you have not received it.

② bsc eth contract address

Official website:
Type: Browser, Android Android, Apple iOS Main chain supported: ETH Supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox. First copy the wallet address, and then go to the address below to apply for test coins.
Currently, there are four wallet addresses that generally need to be filled in when receiving airdrops, including ETH Ethereum wallet address, Huobi Ecological Chain HECO wallet address, Binance Smart Chain BSC wallet address, and Tron TRX wallet address. These four are common, and other less commonly used ones will not be introduced. The acquisition and creation methods are almost the same as these four. When creating any virtual currency wallet, you must back up the mnemonic phrase and secret key, otherwise the assets in the wallet cannot be recovered if they are lost! ! ! First, let’s introduce BSC and HECO1 Binance Smart Chain - BSC, the full name of Binance Smart Chain. Although its wallet address format is the same as the ETH Ethereum address format, both starting with 0x??, but under normal circumstances, the ETH wallet address cannot be used directly. Otherwise, you may not be able to receive coins.

③ How to check whether you have received the airdrop in Metaufo

Check it in the wallet record. Here's how to view it.
1. Metaufo will automatically create an eth wallet address for the user when the user creates an identity. Click the mask blue smiley face logo in the upper right corner.
2. Click EnterDashboard to enter Wallets to query the short position collection records.

④ Which app can only receive one Bitcoin from a Bitcoin mobile phone

1. ETH mobile mining

ETH mobile mining is an app that can be used through mobile phones This is a software that makes money by mining. Users can trade with confidence in this software. All transaction information is open and transparent, and the latest monetary policies can be seen every day.

2. HBC Environmental Protection Chain

HBC Environmental Protection Chain is a very easy-to-use investment and financial management app. Users canYou can redeem environmental coins by completing mining tasks, and the mining gameplay provided here is very simple.

3. Cloud computing power mining platform

The cloud computing power mining app is also a financial management app. This app is very friendly to novices and has a very detailed operation guide. , you can also receive additional benefits by checking in every day.

4. VeChainWork

VeChainWork is a very professional blockchain service software. It contains rich financial information and you can see the latest prices of various currencies. You can also participate in discussions on different topics in the community.

5. Fire Brush Vision Mining

Fire Brush Vision is a new blockchain money-making platform, where users can directly receive tasks and complete tasks to obtain rewards. No investment or effort is required, just use your spare time to buy a mining machine.

⑤ Coin Circle: What is "airdrop candy", "airdrop", what can "wool" do? Answer customer questions

The airdrop candy teaching area provides step-by-step teaching

Question: What is airdrop candy?

What is airdrop? Simply put, airdrop is a way for the development team to invite users to participate in an event. After the event is completed, will give you virtual currency. These free cryptocurrencies will be transferred directly to your wallet address, without the need for you to mine, buy, or hold the original currency before the fork. It can also be given away for free without any conditions. Your currency. Generally, there are some altcoins that use airdrops to issue coins, such as XNN, BTX, Stellar, OmiseGo, Byteball

Bytes, etc.

Rules for airdrops It is decided by the digital currency party. It can give you a certain number of coins when you register, or there are many distributed through snapshots. For example, the XNN coin is actually a blockchain copied from EOS, much like a fork. It is a currency but it is not, because it does not inherit the previous records of the original currency. Therefore, you cannot distribute candies through forks. Instead, you take a snapshot of the original currency and then airdrop the currency to you according to the address of the original currency.
< br />Why does the issuer want to airdrop coins? In fact, this is a marketing method to attract more users by giving away things. On the one hand, giving away coins can increase the enthusiasm of investors; Distribute chips, speed up circulation, and allow coins to spread further. The more people who hold digital currency, the higher the recognition and the more valuable it will be.

Question: Really? Is it free?

Answer: Basically it is free, so there are conditions to get it.Complete the basic registration, or invite friends to come together. As for what benefits they have, because when you come here and are optimistic about their projects, you may participate in their ICO and crowdfunding, and they will be able to learn more. The funds received to complete their projects are a bit like listed stocks, and a bit like gambling. Of course, we can also not participate in the ones that cost money, and only participate in airdrops. We will not recommend any projects that cost money, only participate in them. It’s free

Question: Can you really sell the airdropped candies for money?

Answer: Not necessarily, because it is a newly launched project and most of it has not been traded yet. So, many of them have been negotiated and will be listed on the exchange after the crowdfunding and airdrop are completed. However, airdrops that have just ended are usually cheaper, so it is recommended to just leave them alone. Bitcoin also took eight years to rise sharply.

Question: Do you feel it’s not worth the money?

Answer: Because most of the projects are newly released and require popularity and promotion as well as crowdfunding money to complete. I got it. For small investors, the wait is worth it! 8 years ago, Bitcoin was also measured in cents... If you have money, of course you can play more, and if you have less money, of course you can play for free. You can earn more by playing both! Meow Meow itself has nothing to sell, but I will consider it in a year or two!

Question: What should I do if there are foreign websites? I can’t understand @@"

It is recommended to use translation software to understand the meaning, such as GOOGLE Translate, which is fine. Meow Meow is To play like this, just remember the recommended keywords

Translation website -> Internet translation

Google Translate

After entering, enter what you want Just enter the translated text...

Question: Do you feel like you don’t make much money?

Because you get it for free, you generally don’t make much money. I have time. It’s good to play for fun, or you can play seriously, but not every project has very little money, some are still very valuable. Invite friends to come together.

Why can’t I use the address of the exchange? (Very good. Important)

This is a mistake that newbies will make. Let me briefly explain it. The address of the currency on the exchange... They don’t know how to classify currencies, and Ethereum-specific wallets, such as imtoken, airdrop coins. When you drop it into your dedicated wallet, it will automatically classify it, automatically determine what currency it is, and put it in the correct location. And you will find that the exchange will tell you which currency you need to transfer to and which address you need to transfer it to. Wrong, it means that the money has disappeared. Be sure not to make this mistake. Remember that when we transfer any money, we must pay attention to whether it can be transferred, so as not to... lose everything.

Some wallets support There are multiple currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but their addresses are differentYes, you will know by looking in your wallet. If you don't want to send different amounts of money to the same place, that's the end of it. If Bitcoin is transferred to an Ethereum address, your money... will say goodbye to you forever! ! To play airdrop candy, you basically use the Ethereum wallet imtoken, which has only one address. When participating in the airdrop, they will ask you to enter the ETH address (ETH

address). Paste it and it will disappear. wrong! You must not use the eth address of your exchange, you won’t be able to receive it! ! Remember

IMtoken tutorial is here

2 What is a wallet

A wallet is a key management tool. It only contains the key and not the exact specific key. a token. The wallet contains pairs of private and public keys. The user uses the private key to sign the transaction, thereby proving that the user has the right to output the transaction. The output transaction information is stored in the blockchain.

When a user uses imToken, your Keystore, mnemonic phrase, and plaintext private key are all wallets. Keystore is the wallet you have added a "lock" to, while the mnemonic phrase and plaintext private key are A wallet that is completely exposed has no security at all, so when using mnemonics and plaintext private keys, you must pay attention to confidentiality

⑥ What are airdrops and multidrops

Airdrop benefits are available for personal testing!

Add the contract address in imtoken and you will receive candy airdrops. Open your own imtoken wallet, click the '+' sign, and add the smart contract address in the search box
One: That's it Obtain 300,000 VGS (expected to be on the exchange in October) and receive it for personal testing
Two: You can get 80,081 PNS (it is expected to be on the exchange in October)
Three: You can get 10,000 DAPP ( It is expected to be listed on the exchange in November)

Four: Use imtoken to transfer 0.00 eth to this address and you will get an airdrop of about 57,600 CANDY (already listed on major exchanges) personally tested and received it

< p>Five: Use imtoken to transfer 0.046 ETH to this contract address
You will receive 3800 ACT airdrop coins, the current price of Huobi is about 0.5,

Six: Use imtoken to transfer 0.052 ETH to this contract address The contract address

will receive 6200 SNT, the current price is about 0.4. After personal testing,

Seven: Use imtoken to transfer 0.055 ETH to this contract address
and you will receive 10,000 MDS have been traded on Huobi and the current price is about 0.25. After personal testing,

Eight: Use imtoken to transfer 0.088 ETH to thisThe contract address will receive 10,000 ZIL. It has been traded on Huobi and the current price is around 0.35. It will be received after personal testing.

⑦ Is Tronlink safe?

It is safe. Tronlink is a mobile wallet APP based on Tron. The current user registration form is The invitation code will give you 300 points, and inviting friends to register will give you 300 points. The points can be exchanged for various mainstream digital currencies later. The specific exchange ratio is unknown. It is recommended that you register first. If you can recommend it, you can recommend the Bobo Wallet airdrop point collection process:
1. Download the Tronlink mobile APP through the link above
2. Open the APP and create a wallet. When creating the wallet, remember to back up the mnemonic phrase to avoid losing the wallet
3. Click "My" - "Friend Invitation" —Fill in the invitation code in the "Receive Rewards" section in the upper right corner: sDBv to receive 300 points. In addition, inviting a friend will also give you 300 points. The points can be exchanged for mainstream currencies later. The specific exchange ratio is currently unknown
Operating environment: iphonexr14.7.1 tronlink3.6.0< br>Extended information:
Precautions when creating a wallet with Bobo Wallet:
1. Click to create a wallet, set the wallet name and wallet password. Note: Bobo is a decentralized wallet, so be sure to remember the password. If the password is forgotten, the official will not be able to help the user retrieve it.
2. After copying down the mnemonic phrase and entering the mnemonic phrase as required, you will be able to use the wallet normally. Note, please do not take a screenshot of the mnemonic phrase. Remember to copy the mnemonic phrase by hand and store it in a safe place. Bobo Wallet Points Invitation Rules: After a friend (new user) installs the Bobo Wallet APP through an invitation sent by a platform user, and successfully fills in the invitation code on the "My - Invite Friends" page, the invitation is deemed successful; the inviter and the invited Each participant will get 300 points; Each independent device can only be invited once; If the system detects an abnormality, the points will be returned to 0; Purpose of Bobo wallet points: In the future, points can be exchanged for mainstream currencies such as TRX/ETH/BTC/BTT and candies; Used as the basis for all value-added services and platform application scenarios launched by the platform in the future; redeemed for goods in the points mall. This type of wallet is a regular blockchain wallet, so if you encounter one, you can register it, and if you can recommend it, just leave it first. After all, I don’t know what the ratio of points to mainstream currencies is now, and it may be valuable. It might not be valuable, but there’s nothing to lose, right? There is no need for any authentication or the like. The only troublesome thing is that you need a notebook to write down the mnemonic phrase when creating the wallet!

⑧ What is airdrop candy?

Airdrop candy is actually a stage where many projects obtain token chips at almost zero cost when they are newly launched. They adopt the method of gift distribution. However, due to its The excellent publicity effect, diffusion ability and the myth of multiple profits without capital have pushed the concept of airdrop to the altar.

Generally known as airdrop, candy airdrop, virtual goodsCoin airdrop, digital currency airdrop, Token airdrop, free mining, currency airdrop, some English regions also classify it as FreeToken, FreeMoney, and Candy.

In particular, airdrops have not only supplemented the income of many marketers, but have even created waves of myths about getting rich.

The world’s four major airdrop websites

1. (English) AirdropAlert:

AirdropAlert (http://AirdropAlert.Com) is the world’s first airdrop website , officially operated from 2017-8, is a well-known airdrop website in English, ranking first in Google blockchain-related Airdrop keyword searches.

Website: [http://AirdropAlert.Com]

Domain name features: Common double spelling in English grammar style, airdrop friendly. The suffix is ​​.Com (the most popular and oldest in the world), which is a typical portal model operation. , - Never miss a Free Crypto Airdrop again! Airdropalert.Com

2. (Chinese/English) Tokenairdrop

Coin Airdrop ( is the second airdrop website in the world. It was officially operational in 2017-9. It provides both Chinese and English services, mainly in Chinese. It was officially operational in 2017-9 and appeared at the same time as AirdropAlert. The website style is relatively simple and simple, without too much information. The style is stable and always makes people feel at home. It is the second largest airdrop website in the world, ranking first in the number of Chinese airdrop search results on the Internet, Google, and 360.

Website: [http://TokenAirdrop.Org][http://TokenAirdrop.Com][http://CoinAirdrop.Org]

Domain name features: Token/Coin( Coin) + Airdrop (airdrop) double spelling literal translation domain name, Chinese and English airdrop friendly. The suffixes are .Org (the most trusted by search engines) and .Com (the most popular and oldest domain name). Obtaining these domain names shows that the operator is very forward-looking and operates in a novelty-seeking mode.

Coin airdrop - high-quality candy airdrop & virtual currency airdrop & digital currency airdrop & Token airdrop & airdrop coins & free coins all in one place! The most professional candy airdrop network - the Chinese flagship of blockchain airdrop!

3. (English) AirdropKing

AirdropKing (http://AirdropKing.IO) appeared late, but it suddenly emerged on Telegram and successfully became the third largest airdrop website in the world.

Website: [http://AirdropKing.IO]

Domain name style AirdropKing is an aggressive domain name combination. The .IO suffix tells visitors that it is a blockchain technology themed website.

4. (Chinese) CandyAirdrop

CandyAirdrop.Com uses the .com domain name, which is quite satisfactory and mainly updates Chinese airdrop information.

Website: http://CandyAirdrop.Com

These four sites all support http https and are updated in a timely manner!

⑨ Strategy | How to get a lot of CANDY (candy) and enter the blockchain world

Many friends may not know much about candies. According to professional terminology, "candy" is a joking term in the blockchain world, which refers to those virtual coins that are used by project parties as a promotional tool and distributed for free.

The CANDY received this time is an airdrop token issued jointly by locking the candies of different project parties in one address. It is a basket of tokens placed in a package that forms CANDY. There are currently one trillion CANDY in total, and nearly 20 tokens including PRS, BIG, XIN, MTN, etc. are currently locked, with a value of nearly 100 million US dollars.

You can think of CANDY as the first ETF fund in the blockchain world [ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) is a concept in stocks, which is actually handing over a basket of stocks to a co-manager , packaged and re-issued new shares]. Some insiders concluded: “Due to the integration of various newly issued tokens, the price of CANDY can also be used as a standard to measure the prosperity of the blockchain industry, and it has the ability to measure the prosperity of the blockchain industry.”

There are two ways to deal with the CANDY currently collected:

The first is to save it and wait for the CANDY to appreciate in value. There is a very promising story here, which was released in June 2017. I bought a candy called Stellar. At that time, most people didn’t take it seriously and were too lazy to receive it. Now it has become the sixth-largest blockchain asset in the world by market value. Therefore, if you believe in the future value of CANDY, you can store CANDY in your own wallet;

The second is to exchange for ETH, and the CANDY you receive is stored in your walletIn the CandyOne account, you can then withdraw CANDY to the BigONE trading platform in CandyOne, then exchange it for a certain amount of ETH, and then exchange it for other currencies through ETH... or you can exchange it for legal currency.

Regardless of the above two forms, as long as you believe in the blockchain and believe like the author that the blockchain is a tool for the future world, then the value of CANDY will continue to increase.

Method 1: Register to receive 100 CANDY

As long as you complete the account registration on CandyOne (CandyOne registration method), you can receive 100 CANDY. Website:

Method 2: Share to get more CANDY

You can share the invitation link in CandyOne with your friends to invite Friends register to receive CANDY, and at the same time, you can also get 30 CANDY rewards. The more people enter through your link, the more you will get!

Method 3: Airdrop benefits of each trading platform

Multiple trading platforms will have CANDY airdrops, such as the CANDY welfare airdrop conducted by BigONE during the Spring Festival. You can register for a trading platform account , and then receive the airdropped CANDY.

Method 4: Buy a course and get CANDY in

In Yitidian, as long as you buy a course and study, you can get a certain amount of CANDY. The author is a Yitidian Loyal users of Tingting have invested thousands of yuan in learning this year. In this CANDY collection, they received 600,000 CANDY. Let’s listen to the features of getting CANDY:

a. Get CANDY for free when you buy a course. The ratio should be about 1:100, that is, for a course worth 1 yuan, you can get 100 CANDY;
b. You can stock up on courses, especially blockchain-related courses, which are explained clearly. You can buy courses here to get candies, and at the same time learn the new tool of blockchain. If you don’t learn, you will fall behind.

Let’s listen to the candy collection guide:
Let’s listen to the blockchain course:

As long as you are optimistic about the future of blockchain, you can first receive some candies, listen to the course, and startUnderstand this unknown territory and then step into it step by step.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿