trx练背动作 trx练背阔肌

① 想要增强下肢力量,该如何进行TRX体能训练











② TRX训练的好处,TRX动作详解




TRX(Total Body Resistance Exercise)是指悬吊式阻抗训练,利用一组可伸缩式的绳索,透过自身的体重当作阻力,将手部、腿部、身体倾斜或反复动作。洪佳成教练指出,当身体倾斜角度愈大,TRX的训练强度则较高,建议初学者从低强度开始。






















③ TRX训练带怎么用能锻炼哪些部位呢




④ 在家怎么练习背部肌肉才最高效





⑤ trx划船一组做多少个trx划船每天做几组







1. 双手握TRX把手,掌心向内,双手之间距离与肩同宽

2. 伸直双手,接着双脚向前小步移动,直到感觉TRX带子出现张力,躯干如图所示处于大约45度倾斜的角度,这是开始动作

3. 身躯呈直线,保持稳定

4. 肩膀下沉,肩胛骨往内收,感受背部肌群紧缩,慢慢将身躯往把手的方向拉起,手肘靠近身躯

5. 利用背部力量慢慢下放身躯,至双手伸直,还原动作





① If you want to enhance the strength of your lower limbs, how to perform TRX physical training

For those who want to achieve a shaping effect, they may not be able to bear the weight-bearing movements at the beginning. Today is We teach you a simple set of TRX training, which does not require much strength.

Action 2: TRXY training

It can exercise our shoulder muscles. First, face the training belt and keep your upper arms slightly bent in front of your chest. , the body must be balanced and stable, and both feet must be stationary. Since this action is a single-joint action, the requirements for the shoulder muscle groups will be higher, especially for the arm deltoid muscle group. See the picture above for demonstration. During the action , the angle of the forearm and forearm remains unchanged, and the entire movement is controlled slowly to ensure that TRX always maintains tension without any changes in the pelvis and core.

Action Three: TRX Rowing

This action helps to exercise our back muscles. First, face the training belt, palms facing each other, and the upper arms in front of the chest, keeping a slight bend. In this state, the entire core is tightened, the pelvis cannot be shaken, the body remains stable, the center of gravity is slightly tilted backward, the entire shoulder blades are tightened, and your shoulder girdle is kept stable. This action must first exert force on your back and tilt the center of gravity slightly backward. Then pull the body back to the highest point, touch the thumb to the chest, and then lower it down. The whole movement must keep the back to exert force in advance.

Action 4: TRX lower limb movement

This movement is While improving the strength of the lower limbs, increase the stability of the ankles and lower limb joints. First, face the training belt, hold it tightly with both hands, and maintain the tension of the training belt. Keep your feet apart at a standard distance, with your toes facing forward, and your hips and knees slightly bent. Squat down until your thighs should not deviate from the ground, as parallel as possible, and your calves should be as perpendicular to the ground as possible. Slowly lift your body, keep your core tightened during the movement, point your knees to your toes, and do not buckle your thighs inward.

This action is simpler than other actions. During the training process, you can reduce the support points to increase the intensity. Adjust the center of gravity to one foot, take a small step back with the opposite foot, and point the toes on the ground. On this basis, do a toe-back step, extend the back foot backward to the farthest end, ensure that the back foot touches the ground and support the body, the front leg still maintains a squat posture, the thigh returns to the initial position, and repeats this action to continue training. .

Keep the knee joint stable during the movement, and always maintain one direction during training. The back foot can point to the ground with the toes. At this time, the toes can also not point to the ground, reducing the support points, continuing to increase the difficulty, and at the same time You can add knee-lifting movements, which are more difficult and stimulate one leg better.

The above are TRX's bodyweight movements. It is a complete system. Compared with weight-bearing training, it reduces joint pressure and reduces the risk of injury. Be sure to choose your own angle during the movement, and do not do movements that are too large. TRX will be more effective for people who are in shape.

② Benefits of TRX training, detailed explanation of TRX movements

Building muscles can help you live longer! Sports become more popularNowadays, not only men but also many women have begun to train muscles and join muscle training courses one after another. The most popular fitness program recently is TRX, which can train muscles in all parts of the body while doing muscle strength and aerobic exercise. More and more studies have found that people with more muscle mass have better metabolism and naturally have a longer healthy life.


Body resistance training muscles

TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise) refers to suspension resistance training, which uses a set of retractable ropes to use your own body weight as a Resistance, tilting or repetitive movements of hands, legs, body. Coach Hong Jiacheng pointed out that when the body tilt angle is larger, the training intensity of TRX is higher, and it is recommended that beginners start with low intensity.


Benefits of TRX training

1. Increase muscle lines, balance and endurance

2. Increase calorie consumption

3. Improve core strength and flexibility

4. Increase joint stability

5. Improve sports performance

6. Reduce body fat ratio


7. As long as you find a hanging point, they can become your gym


More muscles, longer life, and healthier body

Resistance training is commonly known as weight training , you can exercise your muscles with bare hands, weights or various fitness equipment. Using your own body weight as resistance is less likely to cause injuries. According to research, the amount of muscle content is related to the length of life. People with more muscle content have better metabolism and can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.


Warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise

Although exercise can help maintain posture and improve physical health, excessive exercise can have the opposite effect. Common sports injuries such as muscle stiffness, It is easy to cause strains and sprains. It is recommended to warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise to restore muscle elasticity and reduce the chance of injury.


Detailed explanation of TRX movements

Bench press: Chest muscle training, leaning over and pushing down, your chest muscles, upper arm muscles, shoulder muscles, abdominal muscles and other core stabilizing muscle groups can be strengthened at the same time Exercise to. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

Supine pull-down: You can exercise the back muscles, posterior shoulder muscles, waist muscles, etc. Exhale with bent arms and inhale with straight arms. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

Arm flexion and extension at the back of the neck: triceps training, keeping the upper arm stable, flexing and extending the elbow joint, tightening the abdomen, inhaling downward and exhaling upward. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

Incline curl: biceps training, butt tightening, upper arm stabilization,Breathe out upward and inhale downward. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

③ How to use the TRX training belt and which parts can be exercised

We often see a hanging elastic band in the gym, which is what we call trx in the title , but not many people know how to use this elastic band for training. In fact, it has many functions. Here are a few specific analyzes for you.

On this basis, we can shift the center of gravity to one foot, move the other foot back and point the toes on the ground, and then do a lunge squat with the non-supporting leg backwards , so as to train the unilateral leg more fully.

The above introduces you to a few simple trx movements. Friends who don’t know this equipment can try it by themselves.

④ How to practice back muscles at home most efficiently

Many home trainers do not practice back muscles when exercising at home. Many people think that there is no rowing machine, With barbells and fixed equipment, it is difficult to achieve good training results for the back. In fact, no, we can prepare a pair of dumbbells at home to effectively exercise the back muscles. Although the effect and intensity of exercise are not comparable to those in the gym, the flexibility of exercise is high. If we encounter something that prevents us from going to the gym to exercise, we can use dumbbells to complete back training at home.

The fourth set of back training movements

We practice this training movement while standing, bending the knees and leaning forward, keeping the back straight, and then grasping with both hands Hold the dumbbells and open your hands toward the back so that the muscles in your back can feel the contraction.

This action is the same as when you practice it. Don’t make the weight too heavy. Practice with light weight and maintain the correct posture. The training effect will be better!

⑤ How many sets of trx rowing should be done in one set and how many sets of trx rowing should be done every day

trx rowing is an action that can exercise the back muscles very well. It still requires a certain amount of time to practice this action. For the basics of fitness, it is best for fitness newbies to seek guidance from a coach. Now let me tell you how many reps of trx rowing can be done in one set? How many sets of trx rowing should you do every day?
How many reps can you do in one set of trx rowing?
Using TRX for rowing training can bear your own weight, but it can reduce the burden on your lower back. Use more scapula clamping movements to help you feel the contraction of your back muscles.

Difficulty: from easy to difficult - standing → lying on your back → lying on your back with a boost or one hand - weight bearing!

First, hang a handle with a handle on the horizontal bar For the sling, the handle is about 1 meter above the ground. With your hands shoulder-width apart, hold the sling with your overhand grip.

Body posture: Toes pointed upward, heels on the ground, tighten the abdomen and buttocks, keep shoulders, back, hips and legs in a straight line as much as possible to keep the trunk stable.

When pulling up during the action, the shoulder joint first moves backward, fix it, put your back away (scapula clamp), then pull with your hands (keep your elbow slightly clamped in), and feel the back muscles tighten. After bringing your chest close to the handle, use your back strength to control the lowering speed and feel your back muscles being stretched until your hands are straightened.

Number of exercises: 10-15 times * 4 groups.

Key points of trx rowing action
1. Hold the TRX handle with both hands, palms facing inward, and the distance between the hands should be shoulder width

2. Straighten your hands, and then Move your feet forward in small steps until you feel tension in the TRX straps, and your torso is at an angle of approximately 45 degrees as shown in the picture. This is the starting action

3. Keep your body in a straight line and remain stable

4. Drop your shoulders, draw your shoulder blades inward, feel the back muscles tightening, and slowly pull your body toward the handle, keeping your elbows close to your body

5. Use your back Slowly release the strength to the body until the hands are straight, and restore the movement

trx rowing training effect
Speaking of my own figure, I am actually very helpless hahaha, I was on the school team when I was in junior high school I played basketball and participated in a lot of track and field training. The intensity at that time made me a lot stronger. When I graduated from the third year of junior high school, my weight had reached 57kg. I was 165cm at the time, which was a lot of weight, but I was lean. Later, when I entered high school, I was too lazy to exercise and my weight soared to 64kg. I am so fat that I dare not look at photos now. Later, in my senior year of high school, I felt that I could no longer gain weight, so I started to exercise again. I ran every day, dieted, and used the cucumber and egg method to lose weight. After two months of eating and exercising, I lost 52kg. I felt very proud. But now that I think about it, I really don’t want to eat it anymore, it’s so disgusting.

Later, I went to Canada. Haha, I started to gain weight again, and gained back 62kg in 5 years. When I got home, my mother couldn't bear to look at me and asked me if I had inflated my body so it became as swollen as a balloon. After working, I started working out and found a personal trainer. I have to say that a good personal trainer can find out where your problems are very well. Moreover, weight is really not a measure of a person's beauty or good figure. Lines, lines, lines are what matters.

I have classes on a week, 2.4 hours of aerobics, and 6 hours of rest. The content of the course focuses on strength training (arms, back, core, legs), flexibility (yoga, Pilates), and physical fitness (tap, trx, boxing). So it can be said to be a combination of strength and softness. It is no exaggeration to say that every time I finish physical training, I end up vomiting. Aerobics are mainly elliptical machines, rowing machines and ski machines.

Diet is the most important. It must be less oil and less salt, and eat more cereals (quinoa, brown rice), purple potatoes, vegetables and lots of protein. I personally feel that fitness does not mean that you cannot eat anything, including carbohydrates, etc.Wait, I can't eat it, otherwise I will die of discomfort. Therefore, you can adjust your diet appropriately according to your body's needs and daily conditions. Just be healthy. I barely looked at the photos, haha, I was sweating a lot too, haha.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿