xrp会崩盘吗 xrp翻了多少倍

① bsv是什么币

BSV(Bitcoin Satoshi Vision)是遵循中本聪白皮书原始设计和协议稳定的比特币,实现原定的大规模链上扩容愿景,旨在成为全球通用的点对点电子现金与价值数据传输网络。
Bitcoin SV中的“SV”是Satoshi Vision(中本聪愿景)的缩写。Bitcoin SV提供了一种全新的全节点比特币现金(BCH)实现方式,旨在实现中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)最初在其比特币白皮书中所设定的愿景。
与其他竞相对比特币作出不必要变更的竞争性比特币现金(BCH)实现方式不同,Bitcoin SV的开发规划路线图在于恢复中本聪的初始协议、保持协议稳定性、进行大规模扩容、继而允许大型企业放心地在稳固的比特币现金(BCH)基础上开发创建项目活动。





Gov Capital曾预测BSV可能会比今天增加一倍。他们预测,BSV在一年内可能会达到645.267美元。根据该网站,在5年内,BSV可能会飙升至$3275.132。


比特币SV Genesis协议更新发生在2020年2月4日,而一周前BSV节点1.0.0的更新版本已经发生。此次升级将对块大小施加硬性限制,并且正在酝酿许多共识更改,其中一些更改包括恢复功能和更改数字脚本类型。到2020年底,BSV可能会有各种各样的进步,最高可能达到500美元。

BSV社区非常活跃,他们对即将到来的ATH感到乐观。到2023年,BSV可能会排名上升并可以击败比特币现金和XRP,以确保在市值方面排名第三。BSV正在努力成为最大的比特币分叉。尽管有关于BSV进行数据处理的传言,但它从未被隐藏。克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright)以备受瞩目而闻名,因此被称为BSV。到2023年底,BSV可能会达到600美元。



② 炒币怎么炒

首先,估计前景,收集意见 香港两位90后虚拟货币投资者马光建(KK)和刘胜军(哈维)表示,他们注意到每次内地打击时,比特币价格虽然暴跌,但很快反弹上涨,证明其具有升值潜力。然而,包括罗杰斯和摩根大通总裁戴蒙在内的许多投资大师和银行家不时抨击比特币等虚拟货币,认为这是一个骗局,没有投资价值。但业内人士认为,这是因为这些银行家“害怕”比特币,比特币的底层技术未来将对传统金融机构产生重大影响。 第二,打开电子钱包进行存储。 如果投资者觉得投资比特币比较靠谱,可以用不同的方式投资比特币,但要开通电子钱包,从不同的方式存入比特币或者在购买前提现。 下载钱包后,用户将获得一个个人账号或专属二维码,用于买卖交易。钱包分为热钱包和冷钱包。热钱包是在线钱包,使用方便,可以在手机或电脑上免费下载。其中,区块链钱包是最受用户欢迎的一款,记录了过亿笔交易,但被黑的概率很大。建议存入较小金额的交易。冷钱包是一种物理硬件存储设备,类似于网银的“安全编码器”和USB,其中Trezor和Ledger Nano比较流行。冷钱包在存钱时要随身携带硬件,但安全性更高,适合存款金额较高的交易。 第三,选择不同的交易方式。 1.比特币ATM简单快捷;不需要提前注册账户,交易将以匿名方式进行。买家直接投入纸币后,可以在ATM机上扫描个人比特币钱包中的二维码进行交易。有些ATM机还可以打印出私钥,买家可以自行将购买成功的比特币存入“钱包”。这是最简单快捷的方式,入场费没有限制,只要是纸币就行。 2.面对面就近交易:类似于产品拍卖平台,Localbitcoins会定位买家的位置,寻找位于附近区域的卖家。买卖双方可以直接沟通协商,自行设定结算方式。这种交易方式可以一手支付现金,一手支付比特币。" 3.交易所交易:市场上有许多来自世界各地的比特币交易所。交易量较大的交易所有火币、币行、OKEX、Bitfinex、Bitstamp、Gemini、Gatecoin。最近,每个比特币的价格接近4000美元,但投资者也可以选择只购买0.1比特币。付款方式通常是电汇,开户手续复杂。手续费视每次交易所而定。以Gatecoin为例,手续费从0.02%到0.35%不等。 四。准备文件和申请开户: 在通过交易所购买比特币之前,买方需要在交易所网站申请个人账户,并提交个人资料,包括准备以下文件。成功上传所有文档后,通常需要几天才能收到确认邮件。证件包括身份证件(护照/身份证)、3个月内的住址证明(水电费账单)、银行账户信息、手机号码、用身份证件拍摄的个人照片。 动词 (verb的缩写)风险太大,不容忽视: 虽然虚拟货币看似容易投机,但却是一种高风险的另类投资。波动区间是个大国,一天内随时可能暴跌数百美元。它在许多国家仍被视为非法货币,不能为投资者提供足够的保护。另外,交易所也可能被黑。其中一家交易所Bitfinex去年遭到黑客攻击,导致约6500万美元的比特币被盗,投资者的资金变相消失。 炒币有哪些技巧? 1.把闲钱用来投资,不要借钱贷款去投机——投钱+投精力。 2.严格筛选价值货币,制定符合实际情况的合理资金配置方案——孙孙投资战术。 3.补仓——入市后有回调是正常的,需要合理配置资金,分批介入。 4.拒绝满仓,合理分配仓位,不要把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,有效降低风险。 5.擦亮眼睛——多读钱圈新闻,财经最新消息,早知识,早了解,早赚钱。 6.逆向思维,不要与庄家和市场对抗,顺其自然,顺势而为。 7.合约开仓,无满仓,20-50的倍数,好用100杠杆,不求一夜暴富,但求稳健盈利。 8.控制你的收入——管理你的头寸比什么都重要。如果没有把握,就不要轻易操作。不操作,就没有风险,也不会亏钱。没事就看看自己的资产,有没有管理,管理是否合理。 9.底在你心里,顶在你心里。不要害怕。钱圈只会让你成长,心态比运营更重要。先把炒币法记在心里,不要担心赚钱! 对于投资者来说,炒币时不跟风很重要。钱币圈里有很多新人,小白,他刚开始炒钱币。看到群里有人说扔了就暴跌,就立马跟着操作。这个操作其实是最蠢的,因为很多人根本没有股票,或者是忽悠币圈新人,制造恐慌,让你砸盘,也就是让你低价出货。有些人会忍不住害怕。你扔出去,那些人就低价拿货。如果你低价出售,你会赔钱。你制造恐慌,低价拿货的人就挣钱了。其他炒币的永远只会给出建议。关键是自己判断。

③ 区块链货币真的有办法预测走势吗


④ 既然Opencoin理论上可以增发Ripple XRP,它是否扮演了央行的角色Ripple XRP和比特币相比,具有何种先进

Opencoin并未扮演央行的角色,Ripple XRP只是世界上第一个支付网关。Ripple协议将P2P的概念延伸至跨货币的层面。P2P,即Peer-to-Peer,意为为陌生的债权人和债务人搭建中介桥梁。“Ripple支付网络允许任何货币在任何人之间流通。目前在走一条和一些欧美银行与政府合作将概念具体化的路。它充当的事一种安全的货币媒介,并不是货币,虽然可以增发,但也只能是一个媒介,有开发运营的主体。


⑤ 瑞波币被下架,恒星币能翻身吗


人们猜测非常有可能是 恒星XLM或是柚子EOS 。

恒星币XLM与瑞波币XRP都有同一个爹,那就是创始人Jed McCaleb。从功能上来讲,我们可以认为是相似的。第一版恒星代码压根就是复制的瑞波。第二版更换了共识算法并在功能上与瑞波有了比较大的区分,但在支付和发行资产方面依然是重合的。











⑥ 胶片单反机ricoh xrp的反光镜弹上去了 弄不下来了咋办

ricoh xr是台电子快门的胶卷单反机,

看下快门是不是在T档,是的话就再按下快门,如果不是,拿下电池试下,如果 是我,会把镜头拆下,用手指帮反光板复位,这成功的先例有几次,


⑦ SEC为什么成了空军最强大的武器



⑧ 比特币大幅跳水,超47万人爆仓,背后是否有人暗箱操作




⑨ 如何快速识别K线图中不同级别均线、判断趋势走向、建立仓位







① What is bsv?

BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision) is a Bitcoin that follows the original design and protocol stability of Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper, realizing the original vision of large-scale on-chain expansion. It aims to become a global peer-to-peer electronic cash and value data transmission network.
The "SV" in Bitcoin SV is the abbreviation of Satoshi Vision. Bitcoin SV offers a new full-node Bitcoin Cash (BCH) implementation designed to fulfill the vision originally set out by Satoshi Nakamoto in his Bitcoin white paper.
Unlike other competing Bitcoin Cash (BCH) implementations competing to make unnecessary changes to Bitcoin, Bitcoin SV’s development roadmap is to restore Satoshi Nakamoto’s original protocol, maintain protocol stability, and implement large-scale This expansion will allow large enterprises to confidently develop and create project activities based on the solid foundation of Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
Extended Information
What is the mainstream currency of BSV?
BSV is a mainstream currency. The birth of BSV coincided with the big bear market at the end of 2018. The currency price first halved from the highest point of 117 to 67 US dollars. In late December, with the oversold rebound of Bitcoin, BSV directly reversed in a V-shape and broke the new high to 129. US dollar, (the market value was low in the early stage) and Bitcoin at that time rebounded from the bottom of 3100 to 4000.

Later on April 15, 2019, due to the external dispute between cws and cz, Binance announced that it would delist BSV. Everyone should be aware of the status of Binance Exchange. As soon as this incident came out, it was almost washed away Most speculative players once thought that BSV was about to go cold, and the currency price fell directly from more than 70 to the historical bottom of 49 US dollars.

After a period of sideways trading, it ended on May 21, 2019. At night, the price of the currency suddenly started to skyrocket. In just one hour, it went from the lowest of 60 US dollars to 195, which more than tripled. Then it quickly fell back to 85 US dollars and adjusted upward again to refresh the second high of 258. This can be regarded as the first time that BSV has made people crazy.

Market Prediction of BSV Coin Future Price:
Wallet Investor is one of the top cryptocurrency prediction sites and is known to give conservative predictions for every coin. But in this case, they predict that BSV could surge to $325.116 by the end of 2020 and $530.720 within five years.

Crypto Ratings has made six-month and one-year predictions for BSV price. They predict that within six months, BSV could rise to $657.24, an increase of approximately 108%. By the end of 2020, BSV is estimated to have reached $980.41, which seems to be an optimistic prediction.

Gov Capital once predicted BSVProbably double what it is today. They predict that BSV may reach $645.267 within a year. According to the website, within 5 years, BSV could surge to $3275.132.

According to Trading Beast, BSV could reach as high as $293.167 by the end of 2020, $328.31 by 2021, and $564.71 by 2023. The lowest conservative price can be $199.35 in 2020 and $223.53 in 2021.

The Bitcoin SV Genesis protocol update occurred on February 4, 2020, while the updated version of BSV Node 1.0.0 had already occurred a week ago. The upgrade will impose a hard limit on block sizes, and a number of consensus changes are in the works, some of which include recovery functionality and changes to digital script types. By the end of 2020, BSV may see various advancements, possibly reaching as high as $500.

BSV community is very active and they are optimistic about the upcoming ATH. By 2023, BSV may rise in the rankings and beat Bitcoin Cash and XRP to secure the third spot in terms of market capitalization. BSV is working hard to become the largest Bitcoin fork. Although there are rumors about BSV’s data processing, it has never been hidden. Craig Wright is known for being in the spotlight, hence the name BSV. By the end of 2023, BSV may reach $600.

In the next five years, BSV is likely to experience countless advancements. The whitepaper is similar to Bitcoin, so most traders will probably view it as an alternative to Bitcoin, as they can buy BSV at a much lower price than Bitcoin, with similar features and vision. As adoption increases, 2025 will see more progress in the cryptocurrency space. BSV could surge to $750 by the end of 2025.

What currency is bsv? Through the above introduction, I believe everyone has an understanding of what currency BSV is. For investors, it does not matter whether to invest in BSV. What is important is that before investing in BSV, one must understand BSV. Investors can go through the BSV white paper To understand BSV, only with a basic understanding can investors prescribe the right medicine. After all, currency selection is risky and investment needs to be cautious.

② How to speculate in currencies

First, estimate the prospects and collect opinions. Ma Guangjian (KK) and Liu Shengjun (Harvey), two post-90s virtual currency investors in Hong Kong, said, They noticed that every time the mainland cracked down, although the price of Bitcoin plummeted, it quickly rebounded and rose, proving that it has the potential to appreciate. However, many investment gurus and bankers, including Rogers and JPMorgan Chase Chairman Dimon, have criticized virtual currencies such as Bitcoin from time to time, believing that it is a scam and has no investment value. But industry insiders believe that this is because these bankers are "afraid" of Bitcoin.The underlying technology will have a significant impact on traditional financial institutions in the future. Second, open the e-wallet for storage. If investors feel that investing in Bitcoin is more reliable, they can invest in Bitcoin in different ways, but they must open an electronic wallet, deposit Bitcoin in different ways, or cash out before purchasing. After downloading the wallet, users will receive a personal account or exclusive QR code for buying and selling transactions. Wallets are divided into hot wallets and cold wallets. Hot wallets are online wallets that are easy to use and can be downloaded for free on your phone or computer. Among them, the blockchain wallet is the most popular among users and has recorded over 100 million transactions, but the probability of being hacked is high. It is recommended to deposit smaller amounts for transactions. A cold wallet is a physical hardware storage device, similar to online banking's "security encoder" and USB, among which Trezor and Ledger Nano are more popular. Cold wallets require you to carry the hardware with you when depositing money, but they are more secure and suitable for transactions with larger deposit amounts. Third, choose different trading methods. 1. Bitcoin ATM is simple and fast; there is no need to register an account in advance, and transactions will be conducted anonymously. After the buyer directly puts in the banknotes, he can scan the QR code in his personal Bitcoin wallet at the ATM machine to conduct the transaction. Some ATM machines can also print out private keys, and buyers can deposit successfully purchased Bitcoins into their "wallet" by themselves. This is the easiest and quickest way, there is no limit on the entrance fee, as long as it is banknotes. 2. Face-to-face nearby transactions: Similar to product auction platforms, Localbitcoins will locate buyers and find sellers located in nearby areas. Buyers and sellers can communicate and negotiate directly and set their own settlement methods. This transaction method allows you to pay cash in one hand and Bitcoin in the other. " 3. Exchange trading: There are many Bitcoin exchanges from all over the world on the market. Exchanges with large trading volumes include Huobi, Bixing, OKEX, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Gemini, Gatecoin. Recently, every Bitcoin The price is close to $4,000, but investors can also choose to purchase only 0.1 Bitcoin. The payment method is usually wire transfer, and the account opening procedure is complicated. The handling fee depends on each exchange. Taking Gatecoin as an example, the handling fee ranges from 0.02% to 0.35 % varies. 4. Prepare documents and apply for account opening: Before purchasing Bitcoin through the exchange, the buyer needs to apply for a personal account on the exchange website and submit personal information, including preparing the following documents. After successfully uploading all documents, it usually takes a few It takes only a few days to receive the confirmation email. The documents include ID (passport/ID card), proof of address within 3 months (utility bill), bank account information, mobile phone number, and personal photo taken with the ID card. Verb (verb of verb) abbreviation) is too risky to ignore: Although virtual currencies may seem easy to speculate on, they are a high-risk alternative investment. The volatility range is large and can plunge hundreds of dollars at any time in a day. It is still considered a high-risk alternative in many countries. Illegal currency does not provide adequate protection for investors. In addition,Exchanges can also be hacked. One of the exchanges, Bitfinex, was hacked last year, resulting in the theft of approximately $65 million in Bitcoin and the disappearance of investors' funds. What are the techniques for speculating on coins? 1. Use your spare money to invest, don't borrow money for speculation - invest money + invest energy. 2. Strictly screen valuable currencies and formulate a reasonable fund allocation plan that conforms to the actual situation - Sun-Sun investment tactics. 3. Cover up positions - it is normal for there to be a correction after entering the market, and it is necessary to allocate funds reasonably and intervene in batches. 4. Refuse to fill a full position, allocate positions reasonably, do not put eggs in one basket, and effectively reduce risks. 5. Keep your eyes open - read more money news, the latest financial news, learn early, understand early, and make money early. 6. Think reversely, don’t fight against the dealer and the market, just let nature take its course and go with the trend. 7. Contract opening, no full position, multiple of 20-50, easy to use 100 leverage, not seeking to get rich overnight, but seeking steady profits. 8. Control your income – Managing your positions is more important than anything else. If you are not sure, don't operate easily. Without operation, there is no risk and no loss of money. If nothing happens, just take a look at your assets to see if they are managed and whether they are managed reasonably. 9. The bottom is in your heart and the top is in your heart. do not be afraid. The money circle will only make you grow, and mentality is more important than operations. Keep the currency speculation method in mind first, don’t worry about making money! For investors, it is important not to follow the trend when speculating in currencies. There are many newcomers in the currency circle, Xiaobai, who has just started speculating in coins. When I saw someone in the group saying that if I throw it away, it will plummet, I immediately followed suit. This operation is actually the stupidest, because many people don’t have stocks at all, or they are trying to fool newcomers in the currency circle, creating panic and making you smash the market, that is, letting you sell at a low price. Some people can't help but be afraid. If you throw it out, those people will get it at a low price. If you sell low, you will lose money. If you create panic, people who buy goods at low prices will make money. Other speculators will always give advice. The key is to judge for yourself.

③ Is there really a way to predict the trend of blockchain currency?

Yes, in fact, most of the rise or fall of digital assets is based on news and technology. To judge whether it is rising or falling, you can only judge when the news is basically calm. When there is a lot of news, you simply cannot judge accurately, and the news will cause interference to you

④ Since Opencoin Theoretically, it is possible to issue more Ripple gateway. The Ripple protocol extends the concept of P2P to the cross-currency level. P2P, or Peer-to-Peer, means building an intermediary bridge for unfamiliar creditors and debtors. "The Ripple payment network allows any currency to circulate between anyone. It is currently taking a path to concretely implement the concept in cooperation with some European and American banks and governments. It acts as a securityA monetary medium is not a currency. Although it can be issued additionally, it can only be a medium with a development and operation body.

Bitcoin is a decentralized Internet digital currency that has some characteristics and attributes of currency. It is generated by miners through mining and has no issuance body. The total number of Bitcoins is fixed at 21 million. Bitcoins will be mined in 2140, but mining cannot end there. Currently, Bitcoin mining requires professional ASIC mining machines, such as the mainstream Avalon 3rd generation single-module mining machine on the market.

⑤ Ripple was delisted, can Stellar Lumens turn around?

Since Ripple was formally accused by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in December, Ripple and two executives conducted up to Following the issuance of $1.3 billion in unregistered securities. Ripple #XRP# has halved from US$0.6 to less than US$0.3. Moreover, international majors such as Bitstamp and Coinbase have also announced that they will suspend XRP trading or delist XRP. Ripple fell from the peak to the bottom. People are speculating, who will the SEC’s next target be?

People speculate that it is very likely to be Stellar XLM or Yuzu EOS.

Both Stellar XLM and Ripple XRP have the same father, the founder Jed McCaleb. Functionally, we can think of them as similar. The first version of Stellar Code is basically a copy of Ripple. The second version has changed the consensus algorithm and is significantly different from Ripple in terms of functionality, but it still overlaps in terms of payment and asset issuance.

If Stellar is the same as Ripple, then Stellar will definitely be the next one to fall under the guns of the SEC. But Stellar is very different from Ripple:

Ripple connects with big banks and institutions, and financial giants collude together, making it easy for insider information trading and so on. Moreover, in order to promote Ripple, it often engages in profit transfer. For example, hundreds of millions of XRP were given to exchanges and banks in the early days. And Stellar said from the beginning that it wanted to do inclusive finance, go to third world countries, and go to Africa to help the poor. I really struggled with this in Nigeria for several years. Although the effect is not very good, in the end the market relies on Europe, America and East Asia for improvement. But this brand of community and micro-payment is still coming out.

Ripple is operated by a commercial company, so it is a profitable enterprise. Have the motivation and motivation to sell coins. Stellar is operated by Stellar Foundation (SDF), a non-profit organization. So from a management perspective, Stellar is much better. Because Ethereum also has the Ethereum Foundation, Ethereum is a non-security token recognized by the SEC.

In terms of the total amount of coins, Ripple has 100 billion, most of which are in the hands of Ripple Company, which is extremely centralized. The Stellar Foundation boldly destroyed 55 billion XLM in 2019, bringing the total number of stars to only 50 billion. With practical actions, the Stellar Foundation’s degree of centralization in currency distribution has been reduced.

Stars are also very favorable at nodes. Because Stellar's consensus algorithm is specifically designed for public chains, Stellar's current consensus node distribution is very reasonable, and most of the nodes are controlled by the community. The Ripple algorithm is more like a consortium chain. Ripple's crazy addition of community nodes feels like "there is no silver here". The community also believes that the addition of nodes is a change made in response to the SEC.

Therefore, we can see that even if Star is accused, he can come up with very strong reasons to defend himself. There is very reliable evidence and action in terms of currency distribution, node distribution, and community governance. The evidence for Ripple is very pale.

It can also be reflected from the market that the price of Stellar relative to Ripple has changed from less than one-third to nearly two-thirds now. If Ripple falls and Stellar can withstand the accusations, spring will come. Ripple's accusation this time also gave Stellar time to respond. Community governance can be improved as the lawsuit progresses. Three lawsuits that decided the fate of Ripple

So should Ripple holders jump out of the car? Most of the negative effects have now been eliminated, but it can be expected that other exchanges will follow suit and delist the products. Therefore, if you can’t bear to part with Ripple, you must be prepared for another decline. Everything depends on how the lawsuit progresses. Although reconciliation is more likely, there will still be twists and turns in the process. Focus on the band, but keep a bottom position. Because if there is a settlement, or if Ripple has to destroy part of XRP, there will be a very big rebound.

The holder of the star was happier. When the sky fell, the tall Ripple held it first. The safety cushion is sufficient and you can continue to hold it. There can also be the benefit of market substitution.

Overall, Ripple is accused of being a good opportunity for Stellar. Perhaps what the Stellar community expects to be one to one with Ripple, or even exceed Ripple, will be realized in 2021.

⑥ The reflector of the film SLR Ricoh
Ricoh I will remove the lens and use my fingers to reset the reflector. This has been successful several times.

Rookies should ask a master to repair it, because the reflector is very delicate and the possibility of self-defeating is very high. high.

⑦ Why the SEC has become the Air Force’s most powerful weapon

The U.S. SEC and CFTC will discuss today whether Ethereum and Ripple are securities. In fact, this news began to circulate as early as the end of April. I also mentioned on April 24 and April 25 that there are three types of news that can have an impact on the market. One of them is the United States’ regulation of ICO and Impact of news on whether ETH and XRP are classified as securities. these two daysThe market's decline and inability to rebound is the market reaction after such news fermented. People once again panicked and sold on such news.

The safe point for bulls is the support level 8400. As long as the price does not break 8400, the overall market trend will gradually fluctuate upward. Don't be too influenced by the news. If ETH and XRP are not securities, the market will still move upward with a high probability, but it may be a slow upward trend. After all, the market panic has been created, and the previous rebound has been interrupted. I want to inspire everyone's confidence and entry again. Emotions still need time to ease. If there is an obviously negative conclusion, the market will continue to test downwards, but the momentum of the decline will be limited. Then, after the impact of the news is relieved, the market will take off again.

⑧ Bitcoin plunged sharply, and more than 470,000 people liquidated their positions. Is there anyone operating behind the scenes?

This huge plunge in Bitcoin prices can be said to have directly caused many people to lose their money. Behind this plunge, many people also doubt whether there is someone operating behind the scenes to control the price of Bitcoin. So today we will discuss whether there was any behind-the-scenes operation behind the liquidation of 470,000 people.

Third, how do you view the behind-the-scenes operations?

Many people say that the trading price of Bitcoin is controlled by several groups. They control the rise and fall of Bitcoin to keep the funds in their hands rising. To be honest, it is possible. As long as you have a large amount of Bitcoin, you can control the direction of the market. But to be honest, if you harvest leeks simply by controlling the market trend, it would be a bit fussy for such a large amount of funds.

⑨ How to quickly identify different levels of moving averages in the K-line chart, determine the trend, and establish positions

How to quickly identify different moving averages in the K-line chart?

Principles: 1) The degree of fit between the moving average and the K-line; 2) The curvature; 3) The degree of parallelism with the large-level K-line. MA5 is most closely bonded to the K-line and has the largest curvature, MA120 is the farthest away and has the smallest curvature, and MA60 is more parallel to MA120 than MA30. Therefore, the daily K-line in the chart below is MA120 (top)/MA10 (yellow)/MA5 (white)/MA60 (blue)/MA30 (pink) from top to bottom

How to use moving average analysis The trend?

1. On the daily K-line, MA120 is downward, MA60 is flat, and MA30 is upward. It forms a convergent graphic structure, which shows that: 1. The bear market is not over; 2. There is a certain probability of rebound in the near future, MA60 is the support level, and the winning rate of going long before falling below MA60 is greater; 3. MA5 and MA10 are intertwined, indicating a short cycle Internal shock.

2. On the daily K-line, the four graphics are extremely similar.big. This shows that the linkage between the four currencies is obvious. The graphics of BTC and ; In addition, ETH and EOS have already stood above MA120, which shows that the two currencies are more active, that is, they have a large decline in the early stage and a large increase in the later period.

On the 3.4-hour K line, MA60 crosses above MA120, and the two form an obvious ascending channel. MA30 crosses below MA60 and bonds with MA10/MA5. Therefore, the recent trend is upward. The recent operation recommendation is to use the 4-hour MA120 as the support and MA60 pressure, and sell high and buy low. When MA60 goes flat or even downward, stop long operations.

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