eth1改为eth0 eth怎么换成bnb

⑴ 怎样改变eth0,eth1,eth2,eth3所对应的物理网卡

你好, AC地址也叫物理地址、硬件地址或链路地址,由网络设备制造商生产时写在硬件内部。IP地址与MAC地址在计算机里都是以二进制表示的,IP地址是32位的,而MAC地址则是48位的。MAC地址的长度为48位(6个字节),通常表示为12个16进制数,每2个16进制数之间用冒号隔开,如:08:00:20:0A:8C:6D就是一个MAC地址,其中前6位16进制数08:00:20代表网络硬件制造商的编号,它由IEEE(电气与电子工程师协会)分配,而后3位16进制数0A:8C:6D代表该制造商所制造的某个网络产品(如网卡)的系列号。只要你不去更改自己的MAC地址,那么你的MAC地址在世界是惟一的。

⑵ centos 修改网卡名称为eth0


cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

mv ifcfg-eno1  ifcfg-eth0

2. 编辑ifcfg-eth0 ,修改NAME=eth0  , HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, 如果是静态IP一并修改

3. 修改 etc/default/grub  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX 增加  "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"

4. 添加网卡规则    vi   /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rule

SUBSYSTEM=="net",ACTION=="add",DRIVERS=="?*",ATTR{address}=="需要修改名称的网卡MAC地址",ATTR{type}=="1" ,KERNEL=="eth*",NAME="eth0"

5. 执行grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg命令生成更新grub配置参数

6. reboot 重启

⑶ linux怎么把eth1改成eth0

编辑/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules,找到与ifconfig -a得出的MAC相同的一行(NAME='eth1'这一行),把它改为"NAME=eth0 ",然后把上面一行(NAME='eth0')删除掉。

⑷ linux怎样修改网卡的名字为eth0

1、修改/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules,将eth0 改为em1,将eth1 改为em2,注意:只需要修改name即可,不需要修改kernel;
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em2

⑸ 3.ubuntu server的网卡绑定和桥接

为了方便做这个实验,我在虚拟机上配置了4块网卡,其中eth0和eth1配置为NAT模式,eth2和eth3配置为“仅主机模式”。eth0和eth1可以通过NAT转换连接外网,网段为192.168.36.X,eth2和eth3不能连接外网网段为172.16.22.X。创建网桥之前要先安装bridge-utils: sudo apt install bridge-utils 。网卡配置如下:


修改配置文件后,执行 sudo netplan apply 使配置生效,此时网络配置如下:


执行 sudo netplan apply 后,两个网卡的网络都是通的,网络配置如下


执行 sudo netplan apply 后,两个网卡的网络都是通的,网络配置如下(修改网桥配置后,有时执行 sudo netplan apply 后网络不通,需要重启服务器)











总结:以上就是ubuntu1804网卡静态IP地址、bond、桥接、bond+桥接的配置方式。查看网络可以用 ifconfig 命令,当前哪个模式的网卡(网桥、bond)工作,哪个模式的网卡(网桥、bond)就会显示有IP地址。通过配置文件或有IP地址的设备都可以确定网卡的工作模式。

⑹ 理解Linux下网卡的bonding


网卡bond,即网卡绑定,也称作网卡捆绑。网卡绑定有多种称谓:Port Trunking, Channel Bonding, Link Aggregation, NIC teaming等等,其实说的是一回事。就是将两个或者更多的物理网卡绑定成一个虚拟网卡。通过绑定可以达到链路冗余、带宽倍增、负载均衡等目的。是生产场景中提高性能和可靠性的一种常用技术。




表示使用MAC地址的XOR Hash负载分担,网络上特定的通信双方会始终经由某一个网卡的链路通信,和交换机的聚合强制不协商方式配合。(需要xmit_hash_policy [1] ,需要交换机配置port channel)




在5的tlb基础上增加了rlb(接收负载均衡receiveload balance).不需要任何switch(交换机)的支持。接收负载均衡是通过ARP协商实现的.

模式1、模式5和模式6不需要交换机端的设置,网卡能自动聚合。模式4需要支持802.3ad。模式0,模式2和模式3理论上需要静态聚合方式。 (据说实测中模式0可以通过mac地址欺骗的方式在交换机不设置的情况下不太均衡地进行接收。)



根据实际需求,选择合适的bonding模式,为bond0设置bonding kernel mole。
在 /etc/modprobe.conf 中添加以下内容




另外还可以使用 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr 查看bond0接口是否处于活动状态,以及各网卡MAC地址情况。



将网口添加到bond中:ifenslave bond eth0 eth1【bond要先up】
将bond中删除网口:ifenslave -d bond eth0
bond中网口主备倒换:ifenslave -c bond eth1


第一种: 你可以看到,这种方式的话,多个bond口的模式就只能设成相同的了:

第二种: 这种方式,不同的bond口的mode可以设成不一样:


⑺ linux虚拟机克隆后网卡怎么变成了eth2怎么改成eth0

重启network service就可以了

⑻ 用什么命令启动网卡eth0

如果是临时的。。就是说重启网卡或者重启系统时就会失效。可以用ifconfig eth0 netmask。。。如果需要网关的话还要配置:router add default gw 192.168.1.X

⑴ How to change the physical network cards corresponding to eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3

Hello, AC address is also called physical address, hardware address or link address. It is determined by the network equipment manufacturer. Written inside the hardware during production. IP addresses and MAC addresses are both represented in binary in computers. IP addresses are 32 bits, while MAC addresses are 48 bits. The length of the MAC address is 48 bits (6 bytes), usually expressed as 12 hexadecimal numbers, and each two hexadecimal numbers are separated by colons, such as: 08:00:20:0A:8C: 6D is a MAC address. The first 6 hexadecimal digits 08:00:20 represent the network hardware manufacturer's number, which is assigned by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and the next 3 hexadecimal digits 0A:8C: 6D represents the serial number of a network product (such as a network card) manufactured by the manufacturer. As long as you don't change your MAC address, your MAC address is unique in the world.
Hope this helps.

⑵ Centos changes the network card name to eth0

1. First rename the network card configuration file name eno1 to eth0:

cd /etc/sysconfig/network -scripts/

mv ifcfg-eno1 ifcfg-eth0

2. Edit ifcfg-eth0, modify NAME=eth0, HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx: xx, if it is a static IP, modify it together

3. Modify etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and add "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"

4. Add network card rules vi /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rule

SUBSYSTEM=="net",ACTION=="add",DRIVERS=="?*",ATTR{address }=="MAC address of the network card whose name needs to be changed",ATTR{type}=="1",KERNEL=="eth*",NAME="eth0"

5. Execute grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg command to generate updated grub configuration parameters

6. reboot< /p>

⑶ How to change eth1 to eth0 in Linux

Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and find the same MAC as the one obtained by ifconfig -a One line (NAME='eth1' line), change it to "NAME=eth0", and then delete the above line (NAME='eth0').

⑷ How to change the name of the network card to eth0 in Linux

Linux can change the name of the network card through the following steps:
1. Modify /etc/udev/rules.d/70- persistent-net.rules, change eth0 to em1, change eth1 to em2, note: you only need to modify the name, no need to modify the kernel;
2. Rename the network card configuration file, you need to rename the ifcfg-eth0 file Named ifcfg-em1, the ifcfg-eth1 file needs to be renamed to ifcfg-em2,
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1
>mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em2
3. Edit the network card configuration file, change the name, and delete the uuid (if not, delete it) No), restart the server. After the restart, the network card name has been modified and the network is normal.

⑸ 3. Ubuntu server network card binding and bridging

In order to facilitate this experiment, I configured 4 network cards on the virtual machine, of which eth0 and eth1 are configured in NAT mode , eth2 and eth3 are configured in "host-only mode". eth0 and eth1 can connect to the external network through NAT conversion, and the network segment is 192.168.36.X. eth2 and eth3 cannot connect to the external network segment of 172.16.22.X. Before creating a bridge, you need to install bridge-utils: sudo apt install bridge-utils. The network card configuration is as follows:

Only configure one address for eth0, and the configuration file is as follows:

After modifying the configuration file, execute sudo netplan apply to make the configuration take effect. At this time, the network configuration is as follows:

Configure eth0 and eth2 with static IP. The configuration file is as follows:

After executing sudo netplan apply, the networks of both network cards are connected. The network configuration is as follows
Create a network bridge br0, and then bridge br0 to eth0. The configuration file is as follows:

After executing sudo netplan apply, the networks of both network cards are connected, and the network configuration is as follows (after modifying the bridge configuration, sometimes the network is blocked after executing sudo netplan apply, and the server needs to be restarted) )

Create two network bridges br0 and br1, and then bridge to eth0 and eth2 respectively. The configuration file is as follows:

Test the networks of the two network segments and they are all connected.

There are 7 modes for network card binding. The concepts are as follows:

Test the network and there is no problem.

Network card binding is used to provide network card interface redundancy, high availability, and port aggregation functions. The bridged network card is then used by services that require bridging devices. Bind the network cards eth0 and eth1 to bond0, and create a network bridge br0 to bridge with bond0. The configuration file is as follows:

Test the network, there is no problem

Bind eth0 and eth1 as bond0, connect to the NAT network, and simulate the external network through the shared host network; eth2 and eth3 The binding is bond1, and the connection is only to the host network to simulate the intranet. The configuration file is as follows:

Test network:

Bind eth0 and eth1 as bond0, connect to the NAT network, and simulate the external network through the shared host network; bind eth2 and eth3 For bond1, connect only the host network to simulate the intranet, create bridges br0 and br1, and bridge them to bond0 and bond1 respectively. The configuration file is as follows:

Test network:

Summary: The above is the static IP of the ubuntu1804 network cardConfiguration methods of address, bond, bridge, bond+bridge. You can use the ifconfig command to check the network. Which mode of network card (bridge, bond) is currently working, and which mode of network card (bridge, bond) will display the IP address. The working mode of the network card can be determined through the configuration file or the device with an IP address.

⑹ Understand the bonding of network cards under Linux

I found that the knowledge related to network card bonding under Linux may be used in my work. I found some articles to read, and then edited them together, and I used the strengths of each.

Network card bond, that is, network card binding, also called network card bundling. Network card bonding has many names: Port Trunking, Channel Bonding, Link Aggregation, NIC teaming, etc., but they actually mean the same thing. It is to bind two or more physical network cards into a virtual network card. Link redundancy, bandwidth doubling, load balancing and other purposes can be achieved through binding. It is a common technology used in production scenarios to improve performance and reliability.
Linux has a built-in driver for network card binding, which can bundle multiple physical network cards into multiple different logical network cards (for example, bundle eth0 and eth1 into bond0, and bundle eth2 and eth3 into bond1). For each bond interface, different bonding modes and link monitoring options can be defined separately.

Corresponding to different load balancing and fault-tolerance feature requirements, there are a total of 7 Linux network card bond modes, bond0-bond6.

Indicates round-robin load sharing, and it is a polling method. For example, the first packet goes to eth0, and the second packet goes to eth1 until the data packet is sent.

Indicates active and backup mode, that is, only one network card is working at the same time.

Indicates XOR Hash load sharing using MAC addresses. Specific communication parties on the network will always communicate through the link of a certain network card, and cooperate with the switch's aggregation to force non-negotiation. (xmit_hash_policy [1] is required, and the switch needs to be configured with port channel)

Indicates that all packets are sent from all bound network interfaces, without considering balanced traffic sharing. There is only a redundancy mechanism, but it is too wasteful of resources. This model is suitable for the financial industry because they require a highly reliable network that does not allow for any problems. It needs to be coordinated with the switch's aggregation forced non-negotiation mode.

Indicates support for the 802.3ad protocol and cooperates with the switch's aggregation LACP mode (requires xmit_hash_policy). The standard requires that all devices operate at the same speed and duplex mode when operating in aggregation.

The slave is selected for sending based on the load of each slave, and the current slave's turn is used when receiving. This mode requires that the slave interface's network device driver has some kind of ethtool support; and ARP monitoring is not available.

Based on tlb 5, rlb (receive load balance) is added. It does not require any switch (switch) support. Receive load balancing is achieved through ARP negotiation.

Mode 1, mode 5 and mode 6 do not require switch-side settings, and the network cards can be automatically aggregated. Mode 4 requires support for 802.3ad. Mode 0, mode 2 and mode 3 theoretically require static aggregation. (It is said that in actual testing, mode 0 can receive unbalanced reception through mac address spoofing without setting the switch.)

Create the ifcfg-bond0 file, configure the IP address, subnet mask, Gateway and other parameters.

Modify the configuration files of eth0, eth1, and eth2, comment or delete the configuration of IP address, mask, gateway and MAC address, and add settings about MASTER and SLAVE

According to actual needs , select the appropriate bonding mode and set the bonding kernel mole for bond0.
Add the following content to /etc/modprobe.conf

Confirm whether the module is loaded successfully

Restart the network (or restart the host):

View Status of bond0:

You can also use ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr to check whether the bond0 interface is active and the MAC address of each network card.

From the above confirmation information, we can see 3 important information:
1. The current bonding mode is active-backup
2. The current network port in the Active state is eth2
3. The physical addresses of bond0, eth0, and eth1 are the same as the physical addresses of eth2 in the active state. This is to avoid confusion on the upper switch.

You can ping a remote address, and then disconnect the network cable of the eth2 port in the Active state to verify whether the active/standby mode can be switched normally and whether the business is affected.

Add the network port to the bond: ifenslave bond eth0 eth1 [bond must be up first]
Delete the network port from the bond: ifenslave -d bond eth0
Perform active and standby switchover of the network port in the bond: ifenslave -c bond eth1

The previous three network ports are bound to one bond1 In this case, if we want to set up multiple bond ports, for example, the physical network ports eth0 and eth1 form bond0, and eth2 and eth3 form bond1, how should we set them up?
The setting method of the network port setting file is the same as the method described in step 1 above, except that the settings of /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf cannot be simply superimposed as follows:

< p> There are two correct setting methods:
The first one: You can see that in this way, the modes of multiple bond ports can only be set to the same mode:

Second: In this way, the modes of different bond ports can be set to different settings:

According to the above two setting methods, if you want to set up 3, 4, or even more Bond mouth, but it is ok.

⑺ How to change the network card to eth2 after cloning the Linux virtual machine? How to change it to eth0

Modify directly
Change it to 0, and then modify the configuration information accordingly
Just restart the network service

⑻ What command is used to start the network card eth0

Permanently The modification is to directly change the network card configuration file. . . It depends on which version of Linux you have. . If it is redhat series. You can modify it directly in /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0. .
If it is temporary. . This means that it will become invalid when the network card is restarted or the system is restarted. You can use ifconfig eth0 netmask . . If you need a gateway, you also need to configure it: router add default gw 192.168.1.X

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿