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1. heco的usdt如何购买


2. tp钱包如何切换不同链地址


3. 96小时TVL3.85亿美金,Pilot晋升Heco龙头之路

3月16日,由Pilot主办、Bibox联合主办、群TV协办、数十家媒体支持的线上访谈圆满结束,本次访谈特邀Bibox Vivian担任主持人,Pilot创始人紫夜担任访谈嘉宾,社群用户参与热情高涨,积讨论积极。主持人与嘉宾就“96小时TVL突破3.85亿美金,Pilot晋升Heco龙头之路”这一主题展开讨论,以下为访谈实录:


嘉宾: 大家好,我是紫夜,13年开始接触比特币,之后在OKCoin当了几年的工程师,18年开始创业。



嘉宾: 首先汇报一下Pilot取得的一些成绩,Pilot Protocol上线3天TVL就突破3.72亿美金;(其中BTC 1059+、ETH 14086+、USDT 3700W+ 、HT280w+ ),在DeFiBox中排第六名。链上持币地址数突破1680+,Pilot初始流动性注入价格为0.3美金,在1小时内涨了5倍达到1.5美金,目前mdex近12小时交易量已超700万美金.



主持人: 我们知道Pilot是Heco链上首个超额借贷项目,可以和我们解释一下超额借贷的具体逻辑吗?对于用户有哪些好处。

嘉宾: 先回答一下对用户有什么好处,目前以MDEX为例,用户以前无杠杆的收益,假如是50% ,那么3倍杠杆之后的收益大概为150% ,去掉预计10%的年化利息,我们能够帮助用户把年化收益从50% 提高到140% ,大家认为这种产品用户是否喜欢和需要?

产品逻辑是这样,首先,需要明确超额借贷是什么? 举个例子,普通的超额抵押,用户存100w资产,借60w美金,这个很简单,很安全。

Pilot是什么呢? 是用户存100w资产,可以借200w资产,共计可以有300万资产参与挖矿,由于是借贷额大于抵押额,这样一来技术和产品就很复杂了。CEX能够实现杠杆很简单,因为用户的钱拿不走,所以可以给5倍,10倍,甚至100倍杠杆。但是DEX实现其实非常复杂,因为DEX不一样,用户如果拿走超额的资产,就会涉及到资金安全性问题了。所以我们最终实现的就是,用户可以在我们的智能合约监管内,去借款,以及使用这笔钱,保证这笔资产,一直是在可靠安全的监管下面进行使用的。

主持人: 在Heco链上曾扎堆出现过毫无意义的仿盘,流动性挖矿如今已经被过度开采了,挖矿生命周期大大缩短,各种DeFi币种大幅下跌。Pilot能独善其身吗?

嘉宾: 我不说我们独善其身,只来评价一下他们为什么不行,我们又为什么可以。



主持人: 关于PTD代币和挖矿,能否先为我们介绍下平台币PTD其背后的升值逻辑?

嘉宾: 首先PTD是Pilot的平台币,未来平台用户的所有权益,都会给予PTD的持有者。


以刚刚举例的用户收益为例:目前以MDEX为例,用户以前无杠杆的收益,假如是50% ,那么3倍杠杆之后我们能够帮助用户把年化收益从50% 提高到140% 这一部分用户3倍的用户的收益,全部会挖矿产生PTD,而其中的MDX的收入,全部给到了开发团队这边,这一块收益,预计80%以上会全部用来回购or分红给全部的PTD持有者。

第二点是以MDEX为例,目前MDEX的总流动性为19亿美金,那我们现在的TVL在3亿美金,假如我们资金使用率达到100%的话(当然100%的使用率实际不会发生,目前举例),这意味着1/6的MDEX流动性将由我们提供,当然MDX 6分之一的收入,也将全部给予PTD的持有者。



主持人: Pilot接下来要上线哪些新产品和市场活动?

嘉宾: 首先是产品规划:目前最重要的就是:“杠杆的流动性挖矿”,在这儿介绍下我们的产品和开发进度,目前杠杆的流动性挖矿,我们是整个DeFi生态内系统最完善的。没有之一。以HT/USDT币对为例,我们可以支持用户3倍借入HT挖矿(借入HT等于看空HT),也支持用户3倍借入USDT(这样等于看多HT)目前的系统完全开发完毕,预计明天16:00上线。欢迎大家前来体验。


后面还有3个大的系统规划,今天就不展开介绍了,大家可以保持关注,大概是杠杆的高效机枪池、跨链的杠杆工具协议、依托在DEX上的借贷工具。基本上来说,就是通过提供超额借贷,来帮助用户博取更高的收益,同时提供双向的借贷,也提供给了用户一个链上的做多or做空工具。目前PTD 选择了在Bibox交易平台首发,希望大家也可以保持关注。

主持人: 您觉得DeFi的未来在哪里?DeFi产品会成为大众理财的选择之一吗?

嘉宾: DeFi经过几年的发展,已经从纯概念逐渐地开始落地,开始到大家都能接触使用了。未来有价值和刚需的产品会越来越多的出现,过往一些行业内的乱象,以及不公开透明的情况会越来越少。



主持人: 无损挖矿什么时候结束,首周42万,那代币后续怎么分配的?

嘉宾: 目前无损挖矿支持4个池子:pHT,pUSDT,pHBTC,pETH 这四个池子首周共计产出42万个币, 无损挖矿预计12周,每周产出递减30%。

主持人: Pilot的无损挖矿有用户表示第一时间体验了,分别是用usdt和hbtc,请问之后是否会开放更多的币种,比如husd,hpt等等?

主持人: 目前火币生态链市场比较情绪化,为什么这个时候选择火币生态链呢?

嘉宾: 最近Heco链确实是多事之秋,但是所有事物的发展总是有起有落,我们还是保持对火币以及heco生态的关注和看好。另一方面,明天16:00之后,大家就能通过点开交易hash,看到我们项目的复杂度,我们目前的系统设计,如果在以太坊的生态,单笔手续费,预估在160-200美金左右。我们认为目前以太坊的成本和速度,不足以支撑我们在以太坊上面发展,所以目前第一步选择了火币Heco。


嘉宾: 简单地给大家介绍一下清算机制:当一个用户的贷款仓位仓位风险值达到我们的极限阈值时候,由于合约无法自发主动清算,所以我们会允许其他人来主动清算这个仓位。其原因是我们想要保护合成资产部分用户的权益,避免穿仓事件的发生,同时清算成功后,清算人将会获得清算头寸的10%来作为主动清算的奖励。

4. shib提币erc20和heco的区别

柴犬币(SHIB)虚拟货币,诞生于2020年8月,发行量为1000万亿,一个去中心化自发社区建设的实验。SHIB代币是Shiba Inu社区的第一个代币,采用公平启动的方式,被誉为 Dogecoin Killer(狗狗币杀手),它允许用户持有数十亿甚至上万亿美元。
Shiba 项目目前发行 3 种代币,分别为 SHIB(柴犬)、LEASH(狗绳)、BONE(骨头)。
发行总量为 1000 万亿 SHIB,其中 50%转到了 Vitalik Buterin 的钱包地址,相当于销毁,另外 50%与 10 ETH 配对放入了 Uniswap 该交易对的资金池。团队不持有任何代币,完全公平启动,所有人获得 SHIB 的途径都是在 DEX 或 CEX 进行购买。
该代币发行数量庞大,且价格极低,受到了广泛的欢迎。Elon Musk 曾在推特公开为其站台,使其成为目前行业内广为流传的 MEME。SHIB 已上线火币、OKEx 等 CEX。
与 SHIB 庞大的总量相反,LEASH 的发行总量仅为 10 万 LEASH,最初被设置为与狗狗币价格挂钩的 Rebase 代币,目前已经关闭 Rebase,是一个普通的 ERC20 代币。在 ShibaSwap 上线后,SHIB 和 LEASH 都将能够在其中进行挖矿。
发行总量为 2.5 亿 BONE,将作为 ShibaSwap 的治理代币。

5. shib提错到了heco怎么找回









6. 波场钱包的币如何转到以太坊钱包里 比如我波场钱包里有某个币,我想转到交易所,但只有ERC20通道


7. heco是什么通道

heco是指火币生态链(Huobi ECO Chain),是一个去中心化高效节能公链,也是火币开放平台推出的首个产品,在支撑高性能交易得基础上,实现智能合约的兼容。



TRON的技术团队为TRON 设计了独特的分布式存储 协议,包括区块存储和状态存储。在存储层的设计中,TRON引入了图数据库的思想,来更便捷的满足现实世界多样性数据存储的需求。

TRON包含智能合约,账户 管理,共识等模块。TRON 将会实现基于堆栈式的虚 拟机,并且采用优化过的指令集。了让开发者更好的开发dAPP,TRON采用Java语言作为合约语言,后续会加入更多的语言支持。另外为了满足TRON独特的需求,TRON的共识机制在DPOS基础上做了一定的创新。

8. shib提币erc20和heco的区别


9. 从中国比特币CHBTC账户怎么转出以太坊ETH


10. bsc eth合约地址

类型:浏览器、安卓Android、苹果iOS支持主链:ETH支持浏览器:Chorme、火狐浏览器。先复制钱包地址,然后到下面的地址申请测试币 。
目前来看,领空投时一般需要用到的填写钱包地址有四个,ETH以太坊钱包地址、火币生态链HECO钱包地址、币安智能链BSC钱包地址,波场TRX钱包地址,这四个是常见的,其它不常用的就不介绍了,获取和创建方法都跟这四个差不多一样。创建任何虚拟货币钱包,都要备份好助记词、秘钥,否则钱包丢了资产就无法恢复!!!先介绍一下BSC和HECO1币安智能链 - BSC,全称Binance Smart Chain,它的钱包地址格式虽然跟ETH以太坊地址格式一样,都是0x??开头,但一般情况下是不能直接使用ETH钱包地址的,否则有可能会接收不到币。

1. How to purchase heco’s usdt

A total of three steps are required.
The details are as follows:
1. Download tp to create wallets of different chains, such as heco chain, bsc chain, eth chain and other wallets. Remember the mnemonic phrase. Be sure to remember it well. If you forget the mnemonic phrase, you may find it. Does not return the information in the wallet.
2. In the tp market, you can find some popular token exchange information. You can understand the basic situation of these contracts and determine whether they can be invested. You can also follow them for a period of time to understand the specific situation before trying to trade.
3. You can also find the contract address of the new currency through other methods to understand the basic situation. After finding the contract address of the new token, you can understand which chain it is on, the number and information of the currency held, and pay attention to the holdings.

2. How to switch the tp wallet to different chain addresses

How to switch the tp wallet to different chain addresses: TP wallet transfers eth to the exchange using the ERC20 channel.
TokenPocket is the world's largest digital currency wallet, supporting all mainstream public chains and Layer 2 including BTC, ETH, BSC, HECO, TRON, OKExChain, Polkadot, Kusama, EOS, etc.

3. TVL of 385 million US dollars in 96 hours, Pilot’s road to promotion to Heco’s leader

On March 16, hosted by Pilot, co-organized by Bibox, co-organized by Qun TV, and dozens of The online interview supported by the media came to a successful conclusion. Bibox Vivian was specially invited to serve as the host of this interview, and Pilot founder Zi Ye served as the interview guest. Community users participated with high enthusiasm and actively discussed. The host and the guests discussed the topic of "TVL exceeded 385 million US dollars in 96 hours, Pilot's road to becoming the leader of Heco". The following is the transcript of the interview:

Host: Please introduce yourself to Ziye Club , and introduce us to Pilot

Guest: Hello everyone, I am Ziye. I started to be exposed to Bitcoin in 2013. After that, I worked as an engineer at OKCoin for several years and started my business in 2018.

Next I will introduce Pilot to you. Pilot is an on-chain excess lending protocol that innovatively uses a lending protocol with up to three times leverage to solve the pain point of DeFi mining needs but insufficient funds, and can help users gain greater returns per unit of time.

Moderator: In just 3 days since Pilot was launched, TVL has reached nearly 400 million US dollars. What do you think is the reason why Pilot has been recognized by the public?

Guest: First of all, let’s report some of Pilot’s achievements. Pilot Protocol’s TVL exceeded 372 million US dollars within 3 days of its launch; (including BTC 1059+, ETH 14086+, USDT 3700W+, HT280w+), ranking sixth in DeFiBox. The number of currency holding addresses on the chain exceeded 1680+. The initial liquidity injection price of Pilot was 0.3 US dollars, which increased five times to 1.5 US dollars in 1 hour. Currently, the transaction volume of mdex in the past 12 hours has exceeded 7 million US dollars.

< p> I think the main reason why Pilot is recognized by the public is that PTD is indeed a valuable product, with real value, real revenue, and a product that can develop well in the long term.

The DeFi track mainly includes DEX, machine gun pools, and lending. For example, aave has increased ten thousand times because it has actual demand, and our excessive borrowing can greatly improve the Improve the utilization rate of funds and improve depositors’ income. On the other hand, it is possible to increase the borrower's income through excessive leverage, so it is a win-win situation for depositors, borrowers and the platform, which is why it is so recognized by users.

Moderator: We know that Pilot is the first over-loan project on the Heco chain. Can you explain to us the specific logic of over-loan? What are the benefits to users.

Guest: First, let me answer what are the benefits to users. Currently, taking MDEX as an example, if the user’s previous unlevered income is 50%, then the income after 3 times leverage is about 150%, excluding the estimated With 10% annualized interest, we can help users increase their annualized income from 50% to 140%. Do you think users like and need this product?

The product logic is as follows. First, we need to clarify what excess borrowing is? For example, with ordinary over-collateralization, the user deposits 1 million assets and borrows 600,000 US dollars. This is very simple and safe.

What is Pilot? The user deposits 1 million assets and can borrow 2 million assets. A total of 3 million assets can be used for mining. Since the loan amount is greater than the mortgage amount, the technology and products are very complicated. It is very simple for CEX to achieve leverage. Because users cannot take away their money, they can provide 5 times, 10 times, or even 100 times leverage. However, the implementation of DEX is actually very complicated, because DEX is different. If users take away excess assets, it will involve fund security issues. So what we ultimately achieve is that users can borrow and use the money within our smart contract supervision, ensuring that this asset is always used under reliable and safe supervision.

Moderator: There have been a lot of meaningless imitations on the Heco chain. Liquidity mining has now been over-exploited, the mining life cycle has been greatly shortened, and various DeFi currencies have fallen sharply. . Can Pilot survive alone?

Guest: I won’t say that we are immune to this, but I will just comment on why they can’t and why we can.

First of all, many so-called "The original intention and product design of the "Tu Dog" project are problematic. The entire product does not have any potential revenue possibilities, so it is definitely unsustainable.

Our products and systems have very natural and real characteristics. Revenue, let me quietly reveal it here, is at least tens of millions of dollars per month. So we are not worried about the so-called life cycle and risk issues. I will answer the specific revenue later.

Moderator: Regarding PTD tokens and mining, can you first introduce to us the appreciation logic behind the platform currency PTD?

Guest: First of all, PTD is Pilot’s platform currency, and all rights and interests of future platform users will be , will be given to PTD holders.

Regarding the logic of appreciation, I will expand on it from two aspects. The first point is: the interest between deposits and loans, currently 20% of the interest income will be given to On the development team's side, a large proportion of the profits will be used to repurchase or distribute dividends to all PTD holders. Based on the current deposit scale of 300 million U.S. dollars, hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars in interest are generated every day, and tens of millions of U.S. dollars per month. level of interest.

Take the user income just given as an example: currently taking MDEX as an example, the user’s previous unlevered income, if it is 50%, then after 3 times the leverage, we can help the user annualize The income increased from 50% to 140%. The income of this group of users 3 times that of users will all be mined to generate PTD, and all the income from MDX will be given to the development team. It is expected that more than 80% of the income will be all Used to repurchase or distribute dividends to all PTD holders.

The second point is to take MDEX as an example. The current total liquidity of MDEX is US$1.9 billion, so our current TVL is US$300 million. , if our fund utilization rate reaches 100% (of course, 100% utilization rate will not actually happen, for example at present), this means that 1/6 of MDEX liquidity will be provided by us, and of course, 1/6 of MDX’s income will also All will be given to PTD holders.

For users, we provide efficient and useful leverage mining tools. For MDEX, we can greatly improve their utilization rate by increasing their capital utilization rate. Depth and liquidity.

Therefore, Pilot is a product with rigid demand for users, platforms or DEX.

Moderator: Pilot answer What new products and market activities will be launched next?

Guest: First of all, product planning: the most important thing at the moment is: "leveraged liquidity mining". Here we will introduce our products and development progress. At present, we have the most complete system in the entire DeFi ecosystem for leveraged liquidity mining. No one else. Taking the HT/USDT currency pair as an example, we can support users to borrow HT 3 times for mining (borrowing HT is equivalent to shorting HT) , also supports users to borrow 3 times USThe current system of DT (this is equivalent to long HT) is fully developed and is expected to be online at 16:00 tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to come and experience it.

Currently, the first batch of leveraged currency pairs supports HT/USDT and HUSD/USDT. Here I will focus on the liquidity mining of HUSD/USDT. Under normal circumstances, liquidity mining will cause some impermanent losses, which is also a problem that users have always hated. But the impermanent loss between the two stablecoins can be almost ignored. Then this kind of currency pair will be happier if used for leverage, because it provides 3 times the return, but almost 0 times the risk. We estimate that this currency pair will also have a TVL of one million to ten million US dollars.

There are three major system plans later, which I won’t introduce today. You can keep paying attention. They are probably the efficient machine gun pool of leverage, the cross-chain leverage tool protocol, and lending based on DEX. tool. Basically, it helps users gain higher returns by providing excess loans, while providing two-way borrowing and lending, and also provides users with a long or short tool on the chain. At present, PTD has chosen to be launched on the Bibox trading platform, and I hope everyone can stay tuned.

Moderator: Where do you think the future of DeFi is? Will DeFi products become one of the financial management options for the public?

Guest: After several years of development, DeFi has gradually begun to be implemented from a pure concept, and everyone can access and use it. In the future, more and more valuable and urgently needed products will appear, and the chaos and lack of openness and transparency in some industries in the past will become less and less.

In the short term, there is definitely still a long way to go for DeFi to become a public financial management, but we have also noticed that including our central bank’s DCEP and Facebook’s Libra are very good ideas. and signals. I think blockchain and decentralized finance have a bright future.

-------------User questions and answers---------

Moderator: When will the lossless mining end? 420,000 in the first week. How will the tokens be distributed in the future?

Guest: Currently, lossless mining supports 4 pools: pHT, pUSDT, pHBTC, and pETH. These four pools have a total output of 420,000 coins in the first week. Lossless mining is expected to last for 12 weeks, with weekly output. Decrease by 30%.

Moderator: Some users have experienced Pilot's lossless mining for the first time, using usdt and hbtc respectively. Will more currencies be opened in the future, such as husd, hpt, etc.?

Moderator: The Huobi Ecological Chain market is currently quite emotional. Why did you choose the Huobi Ecological Chain at this time?

Guests:The Heco chain has indeed been in troubled times recently, but the development of all things always has its ups and downs. We still keep our attention and optimism about Huobi and the Heco ecosystem. On the other hand, after 16:00 tomorrow, you can click on the transaction hash to see the complexity of our project. With our current system design, in the Ethereum ecosystem, a single transaction fee is estimated to be 160- About 200 US dollars. We believe that the current cost and speed of Ethereum are not enough to support our development on Ethereum, so we have chosen Huobi Heco as our first step.

Moderator: In addition, after the loan is opened, how to understand the liquidation rules?

Guest: Let me briefly introduce the liquidation mechanism: when the risk value of a user's loan position reaches our limit threshold, since the contract cannot spontaneously and actively liquidate, we will allow others to actively liquidate. this position. The reason is that we want to protect the rights and interests of some users of synthetic assets and avoid the occurrence of liquidation events. At the same time, after successful liquidation, the liquidator will receive 10% of the liquidated position as a reward for active liquidation.

4. The difference between erc20 and heco for shib withdrawal

The difference between erc20 and heco for shib withdrawal
1. erc20 is used for withdrawal and transfer, and can only be used in Ethereum format The address used is used for transactions on the Huobi platform, and only supports the format of the Huobi public chain;
2. The security factor and running speed of erc20 are moderate, and it does not have such high efficiency, and its usage can Save a lot of resources and costs.
Extended information:
1. What is shibi:
Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB) virtual currency was born in August 2020 with a circulation of 1,000 trillion. It is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community construction. SHIB token is the first token of the Shiba Inu community. It adopts a fair launch method and is known as the Dogecoin Killer. It allows users to hold billions or even trillions of dollars.
2. Development History:
In August 2020, Shiba Inu Coin was born with a circulation of 1,000 trillion.
On May 7, 2021, Hiromichi Mizuno, an independent director of Tesla and the former chief investment officer of a Japanese pension fund, said on social media: “Investors can trade Shiba Inu coins in the short term, but do not treat your Shiba Inu pet dogs like this. Elon Musk immediately responded: "I'm looking for a Shiba Inu (coin)!"
As of May 9, 2021, the Shiba Inu coin soared nearly 1,200% in one day.
On May 10, 2021, Shiba Inu Coin, the virtual currency after Dogecoin, came into people’s view. In just 2 days, Shiba Inu Coin went from being a cheap altcoin to becoming the world’s number one cryptocurrency.
The Shiba project currently issues 3 types of tokens, namely SHIB (Shiba Inu), LEASH (dog leash), and BONE (bone).
The total amount of issuance is 1000 trillion SHIB, 50% of which was transferred to Vitalik Buterin’s wallet address, which is equivalent to being destroyed, and the other 50% was paired with 10 ETH and put into the Uniswap trading pair’s capital pool. The team does not hold any tokens, it is completely fair to launch, and the way for everyone to obtain SHIB is to purchase it on DEX or CEX.
The token is issued in large quantities and at an extremely low price, and has been widely welcomed. Elon Musk once publicly endorsed it on Twitter, making it a widely circulated MEME in the industry. SHIB has been listed on CEX such as Huobi and OKEx.
Contrary to the huge total amount of SHIB, the total issuance amount of LEASH is only 100,000 LEASH. It was initially set as a Rebase token linked to the price of Dogecoin. Rebase has been closed. It is a Ordinary ERC20 token. After ShibaSwap goes online, both SHIB and LEASH will be able to mine in it.
The total issuance amount is 250 million BONE, which will serve as the governance token of ShibaSwap.

5. How to retrieve heco if shib is mentioned by mistake

Export the private key from Bitpie wallet and import it into the heco chain of Huobi wallet. Find the contract address of shib in heco and add The assets are filled in and they are in there.

The recharge addresses of HECOBSCETH all start with 0x. Many friends are anxious or make mistakes and easily copy the wrong address, causing the tokens on the BSC chain to be mistakenly transferred to the HECO or ETH chain. How to deal with this situation, look below!

First distinguish the wrong chain and platform. For example, you originally wanted to transfer the USDT on the BSC chain to the exchange, but accidentally copied the address to the USDT recharge address of the exchange's ETH chain, which is ERC20. Recharge address. In this case, you have no way to retrieve the coins. You need to contact the platform’s online customer service and go through the return process to return it to the address you used to withdraw the money.

If you are transferring to the chain and you withdraw USDT on the BSC chain from the exchange, and you accidentally write the address as the address on the ETH chain, you will not be able to find the USDT in your BSC wallet. , but the chain shows that it has been received. At this time, where did the coin go? This coin is in the wallet on the BSC chain that is the same as your ETH address. You only need to import the mnemonic phrase of the wallet on the ETH chain into the BSC chain to see USDT. If you can’t see it, add it to your wallet. USDT contract on the chain.

The following is an example of transferring the wrong chain to the chain:

1. In March, this friend came to me and said that he had transferred the wrong chain and he wanted to transfer USDT to BSC.On the chain, but when withdrawing coins from the Matcha Exchange, the ERC20 chain is used.

2. How to find his coins is to import the mnemonic phrase of the BSC wallet into the wallet on the ETH chain.

Remarks: The BSC chain is displayed as BEP20 on some platforms; the consent of the parties has been obtained for the example;

6. How to transfer the coins in the TRON wallet For example, there is a certain currency in my TRON wallet in my Ethereum wallet. I want to transfer it to the exchange, but there is only an ERC20 channel.

If you cannot go to the exchange, please verify the authenticity of the investment as soon as possible. It is very likely that Got cheated.

7. What channel is heco?

Heco refers to the Huobi ECO Chain, which is a decentralized, efficient and energy-saving public chain launched by the Huobi Open Platform. The first product, on the basis of supporting high-performance transactions, achieves compatibility with smart contracts.

The difference between erc20 and trc20 lies in the different address styles, different networks used, and different security. In terms of address style, erc20 starts with the number 0 and a lowercase relatively low.

Storage layer:

TRON’s technical team designed a unique distributed storage protocol for TRON, including block storage and state storage. In the design of the storage layer, TRON introduces the idea of ​​graph database to more conveniently meet the needs of diverse data storage in the real world.

TRON includes smart contracts, account management, consensus and other modules. TRON will implement a stack-based virtual machine and use an optimized instruction set. In order to allow developers to better develop dAPP, TRON uses Java language as the contract language, and more language support will be added in the future. In addition, in order to meet TRON's unique needs, TRON's consensus mechanism has made certain innovations based on DPOS.

8. The difference between shib withdrawal erc20 and heco

What is the difference between USDT withdrawal TRC20 and ERC20?
The difference between erc20 and trc20 lies in different address styles, different networks used, and different security. In terms of address style, erc20 starts with the number 0 and a lowercase relatively low.
1. Features of TRC20
1. The handling fee for payment... No handling fee?!
Yes! There is no handling fee for transferring USDT on Tron, but there is no handling fee for withdrawing TRC-USDT on the exchange. Will still receive cash withdrawals?Renewal fee (charged by the exchange). Address example: (TRC-20 contract)
2. Currently still under testing
Most exchanges support the deposit of TRC-USDT, but because TRC-USDT is still under testing, the exchange’s Deposits and withdrawals are closed.
2. ERC20 Features
1. The type of handling fee paid is ETH
ERC-USDT, like other Tokens on Ethereum, is stored on the Ethereum address, so every time you transfer, you need to pay The handling fee type is ETH. Address example: (ERC-20 contract)
2. Most exchanges support deposits and withdrawals, and the withdrawal limit is low
Basically, mainstream exchanges support ERC-USDT deposits and withdrawals, and you can choose when withdrawing coins. Are you referring to a BTC address or an ETH address. Moreover, taking Huobi as an example, the minimum withdrawal limit of ERC-USDT (2USDT) is currently smaller than Omni-USDT (200USDT).
3. Support smart contracts, making on-chain transaction queries more convenient
Unlike Omni-USDT, ERC-USDT can support smart contracts. ERC-20 USDT transactions can be queried in mainstream Ethereum browsers. Interested users can go to Tokenview's Ethereum browser to query ERC-USDT transaction details.
What do erc20 and trc20 mean?
USDT-ERC20 is USDT issued by Tether based on the ETH network. The deposit address is the ETH address, and the deposit and withdrawal are through the ETH network. USDT-ERC20 uses the ERC20 protocol.
In early 2018, the Ethereum network exploded in popularity, smart contracts became popular in blockchain applications, and ERC20-USDT appeared. Like Omni-USDT, using ERC20-USDT also requires payment of absenteeism fees, but the transfer speed has been significantly improved. Due to its good security and fast transfer speed, ERC20-USDT is widely accepted by the market. TEDA, the issuer of USDT, has also begun to abandon Bitcoin Omni in favor of the more efficient Ethereum ERC20. With the recent issuance of USDT by TEDA on Ethereum, the number of ERC20-USDT has increased significantly and now exceeds 50% of the total amount of Omni-USDT. In addition to officially abandoning the Omni protocol, mainstream exchanges have also begun to support ERC20-USDT. On July 3, Binance Exchange announced that it would switch from the OMNI network to the ERC20 network. Although the USDT of the original OMNI network can continue to be recharged and credited, the USDT of the OMNI network will not be able to be withdrawn.
TRC20-USDT is USDT issued by Tether based on the TRON network. The deposit address is the TRON address, and deposits and withdrawals are made through the TRON network. TRC20-USDT (USDT-TRON) uses the TRC20 protocol.
In April 2019, TEDA announced the issuance of USDT based on the TRC-20 protocol on Tron, and TRC20-USDT was born. When TRC20-USDT was issued, it promised to be completely open and transparent, with zero transfer fees and transfers in seconds. Different from the first two, there is currently no handling fee for TRC20-USDT transfers, which is also a highlight of TRON. However, the current development of TRC20-USDT is not very mature and security cannot be guaranteed.

9. How to transfer ETH from the China Bitcoin CHBTC account

Log in to the China Bitcoin CHBTC website and click the [Finance] menu bar;

10 . bsc eth contract address

Official website: https://metamask.io/.
Type: Browser, Android Android, Apple iOS Main chain supported: ETH Supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox. First copy the wallet address, and then go to the address below to apply for test coins.
Currently, there are four wallet addresses that generally need to be filled in when receiving airdrops, including ETH Ethereum wallet address, Huobi Ecological Chain HECO wallet address, Binance Smart Chain BSC wallet address, and Tron TRX wallet address. These four are common, and other less commonly used ones will not be introduced. The acquisition and creation methods are almost the same as these four. When creating any virtual currency wallet, you must back up the mnemonic phrase and secret key, otherwise the assets in the wallet cannot be recovered if they are lost! ! ! First, let’s introduce BSC and HECO1 Binance Smart Chain - BSC, the full name of Binance Smart Chain. Although its wallet address format is the same as the ETH Ethereum address format, both starting with 0x??, but under normal circumstances, the ETH wallet address cannot be used directly. Otherwise, you may not be able to receive coins.

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