xrp和btc xrp是以太坊的代币吗

Ⅰ 2019最有潜力的虚拟币是哪种


Ⅱ 最近行情比较好的数字货币有哪些


Ⅲ 比特币莱特币以太坊瑞波币的区别


Ⅳ 瑞波币(XRP)、以太币、eCell币哪个更具有投资价值


Ⅳ 瑞波币XRP值得投资吗未来XRP升值机会大吗


Ⅵ 比特币和瑞波币 恒星币 以太坊他们之间是什么关系

比特币不是互联网上唯一的数字货币,还有瑞波币(Ripple),恒星币(Stellar),莱特币(Litecoin),以太坊(Ethereum),等等其他数字货币。当然,目前最流行的依然是比特币。但很多时候,一些开发人员、创业者、或是企业会让我们知道,其实我们需要更好的数字货币。一个名叫杰德-迈克卡勒伯(Jed McCaleb)的程序员------电驴之父------开发了瑞波币,应该比比特币更好,之后他有推出了恒星币,比瑞波币更好,更令人欣喜的是,他不是一个人在战斗。




在某种程度上,这个项目经过了长达十年的努力,他们希望开发一种全新的网络协议,通俗的说,就是“货币互联网”。如果回到上世纪九十年代初,我们知道著名的马克·安德森(Marc Andreessen)创办了网景网页浏览器,而现在,该项目就是希望扮演类似的角色,他们要在互联网上建立发送资金的标准方式。事实上,最初的超文本传输协议(定义了网络的基础标准的http)里面包含了用于支付的代码。但是这个代码从来没有被使用过,最近几年,许多公司(比如比特币交易所Coinbase,还有帮助企业接受各种线上数字货币的Stripe公司)都至少在尝试为线上数字货币创建一个约定俗成的标准。未来,我们希望可以在网上发送货币和接收货币就像发送短消息或电子邮件一样简单,不过距离这个天堂我们还有很长的路要走,不过至少,现在我们的方向是正确的。

Ⅶ 现在比较好的数字货币有哪几种

目前全世界发行有上百种数字货币,比较受欢迎的数字货币有:比特币(Bitcoin,BTC)、以太坊(Ethereum,ETH)、莱特币(Litecoin,LTC)、比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash,BCH)等等。


Ⅷ 瑞波币(XRP)在美国被暂停交易,发生了什么事




Ⅸ 比特币大幅跳水,超47万人爆仓,背后是否有人暗箱操作




Ⅹ XRP瑞波币是什么,和eCell币、比特币BTC有什么不同


Ⅰ Which virtual currency has the most potential in 2019

BTC will be halved in 2020. I don’t need to say more about what the halving means. The market will be at the end of November or December. The biggest bull market in history has begun. Why are you still playing copycats?

Ⅱ What are the better digital currencies in recent times?

Foreign exchange is unstable now

Ⅲ The difference between Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple

You are asking about the difference between Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. Bitcoin is the world’s first cryptocurrency; the underlying principles of Litecoin and The design concept is basically modeled after Bitcoin; Ethereum is the second-largest encrypted digital currency in the world; Ripple is considered by many to be the most valuable digital cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin is currently the cryptocurrency with the highest market value, and it is also the most thoroughly implemented blockchain project so far; Litecoin’s network processing efficiency has been upgraded compared to Bitcoin, making up for Bitcoin’s Some shortcomings; Ethereum. Some people once predicted that Ethereum may surpass Bitcoin at some point in the future; Ripple. Before the emergence of Ethereum, Ripple was the world’s second-largest encrypted digital currency for a long time. .
Bitcoin is the most thoroughly implemented blockchain project. Initially, the project itself was designed to create a virtual currency that is safe and can circulate freely. As of today, it has basically been fully realized; Litecoin cooperates with Bitcoin coins, together become the digital encryption of the future, the gold and silver coins in the cryptocurrency world. Litecoin has made some more practical improvements and designs, so Litecoin is the most successful currency among mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple; Ethereum is a specialized cryptocurrency launched by the Ethereum blockchain project. There are digital tokens, which are the proprietary tokens of the Ethereum project; XRP is the basic token of the Ripple network, and the Ripple network is a blockchain protocol that assists global inter-bank settlement, with the help of the blocks of the Ripple network With the chain protocol, we can transfer money freely in any corner of the world without being restricted by currency types. They use Ripple as the intermediary.

IV Which one has more investment value, Ripple (XRP), Ethereum or eCell?

The price fluctuation of Ripple is relatively stable. eCell is an ERC20 token and there will be certain risks in the future. In terms of room for growth, Ethereum is the digital currency second only to Bitcoin.

Ⅳ Is Ripple XRP worth investing in? Is there a big chance of XRP appreciation in the future?

Ripple is relatively stable compared to other digital currencies, and its price will not fluctuate too much. I am more optimistic about eCell in the near future. The future value of the currency.

VI What is the relationship between Bitcoin, Ripple, Stellar Lumens, and Ethereum?

Bitcoin is not the only digital currency on the Internet, there are also Ripple, Stellar Lumens (Stellar), Litecoin, EthereumEthereum, and other digital currencies. Of course, the most popular one is still Bitcoin. But many times, some developers, entrepreneurs, or companies will let us know that we actually need a better digital currency. A programmer named Jed McCaleb - the father of eDonkey - developed Ripple, which was supposed to be better than Bitcoin, and later launched Stellar Coin is better than Ripple, and what’s even more gratifying is that he is not fighting alone.

There is a trend now, that is, the industry hopes to develop a technology that allows all these online digital currencies to flow with each other, which means that in the future you can transfer money at will in different online digital currency systems. . This technology is called the "Interledger Protocol (ILP)" and was initiated by Ripple. However, in recent months, after the company released this idea, they have also received support from many well-known companies in the industry, including Microsoft and the World Wide Web. Obviously, Ripple wants to set the technical standard for online digital currencies on the Internet. They hope to develop a single global network that can not only unify all digital currencies, but also unify all businesses and individuals who use these digital currencies.

“We hope to stand at a higher level and extract the differences between various digital currencies,” said Stephen Thomas, chief technology officer of Ripple. “We are trying to develop a global standard for payments. ."

The launch of this protocol hopes to allow more people to use online digital currencies, expand the scope of use of online digital currencies, and allow us to transfer funds more efficiently. This is actually the goal of many existing projects. For example, the original intention of the design of Ripple and Stellar is to allow users to transfer money to these two digital currency accounts using any currency, and also to allow the two digital currencies to correspond Convert to other currencies. You can send Bitcoin and the other person gets Litecoin. You can also send US dollars, and what the other party receives is dogecoin. But for businesses and the developer community, there are restrictions on how they can use these ledgers, so there are some complications because you can't move money from one payment network to another. But now, the “interledger protocol” hopes to change all that.

To some extent, this project has been a decade-long effort. They hope to develop a new network protocol, which is, in layman's terms, the "Monetary Internet." If we go back to the early 1990s, we know that Marc Andreessen famously created the Netscape web browser, and now this project hopes to play a similar role, they want to create a way to send money on the Internet. Standard way. In fact, the original Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http, which defines the underlying standard for the web) included code for payments. But this generationThe code has never been used, and in recent years, many companies (such as Bitcoin exchange Coinbase and Stripe, which helps companies accept various online digital currencies) have at least attempted to create a common standard for online digital currencies. . In the future, we hope to be able to send and receive money online as easily as sending a text message or email, but we are still a long way from that paradise, but at least for now we are heading in the right direction.

Ⅶ What are the better digital currencies now?

There are currently hundreds of digital currencies issued around the world. The more popular digital currencies are : Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), etc.

Warm reminder:
1. The above explanation is for reference only and does not make any suggestions.
2. Before investing, it is recommended that you first understand the risks of the project and have a clear understanding of the project's investors, investment institutions, on-chain activity and other information, rather than investing blindly or entering the fund by mistake. Investment involves risks, so be cautious when entering the market.
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Ⅷ Ripple (XRP) was banned in the United States Trading was suspended, what happened

Ripple (XRP) was recognized as a security by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Ripple hired 21 people Lawyers gear up to fight U.S. SEC lawsuit against Ripple (XRP).

Currently, the case is still ongoing, and the results will be known in the next few months.

Ⅸ Bitcoin plunged sharply, and more than 470,000 people liquidated their positions. Is there anyone operating behind the scenes?

This huge plunge in Bitcoin prices can be said to have directly caused many people to lose their money. Behind this plunge, many people also doubt whether there is someone operating behind the scenes to control the price of Bitcoin. So today we will discuss whether there was any behind-the-scenes operation behind the liquidation of 470,000 people.

Third, how do you view the behind-the-scenes operations?

Many people say that the trading price of Bitcoin is controlled by several groups. They control the rise and fall of Bitcoin to keep the funds in their hands rising. To be honest, it is possible. As long as you have a large amount of Bitcoin, you can control the direction of the market. But to be honest, if we simply control the market direction to achieve harvesting,As for food, for such a large amount of funds, it is a bit fussy.

XRP What is XRP and how is it different from eCell and Bitcoin BTC?

A protocol currency issued by Ripple in 2011, it is the base currency of the Ripple network. All three are encrypted digital currencies. eCell is a token created based on the Ethereum smart contract. Everyone should be familiar with BTC.

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