一份完整的健身训练计划表 健身训练计划表格图

『壹』 减脂塑形健身训练计划





















// 提升一般性体能准备(GPP)


// 保持健康和体能


// 防止损伤和避免过度训练







『贰』 trx训练适合什么人

























TRX其实并不是这条训练挂绳的名字,它的全称为Total Resistance






TRX训练非常适合需要减脂, 同时改善形体,尤其是核心力量(腹部)的人群。






















(二) 有些人超重太多或太虚弱,即使用最简单的TRX训练方式都不能够保证训练的安全。然而哑铃却不同。 即使体力最弱的人也能够举一个0、5公斤哑铃 ,所以他们能找到适合开始的训练重量。


TRX训练不如哑铃和杠铃,因为它不具备多方式的训练功能。 TRX 的训练难以系统性地提升,比如每次锻炼增加2-5 %的重量是一个良好的进阶速度。在哑铃或杠铃上帖一小片磁铁或增加小杠铃片就可以很容易地把重量从10增加到10、5kg。但是用TRX训练却不能系统性地添加小重量进行阻力训练,无法取得理想的训练结果。在健睿仕,我们也安装了TRX,作为辅助训练工具。以TRX为主的训练计划对一个教练的专业度凸显有局限性,但对于教练提供上门的私教服务,TRX 是个很好的工具。因此个人认为专业健身人士应根据训练人员的身体素质及场地的环境,选择适合他/她健身目标的器械和项目来训练。







1、 TRX可以针对任何体能水准的人、在任何地方、针对任何体适能或运动表现目标做训练。

2、 All Core ,all the time,TRX将身体看成一个整体,而非单一部位来看,藉由悬吊的方式刻意的改变身体的重心,强迫身体在动作过程中维持正确的排列与重心的维持,比起传统式器械训练的靠背座椅的支撑,使用过程中需要靠自身身体来稳定迫使全身核心的参与。

3、 3D的训练,TRX以固定于单个锚点悬吊的方式,得以以不同平面不同于传统器械式训练单一平面的训练方式来进行训练,让我们的训练更像我们日常生活会做到的动作。

4、 独特的悬吊原理能增加全身肌群的平衡、协调与稳定,对于强化肌力、核心肌群、燃烧脂肪、雕塑曲线有极佳的效果

『叁』 trx健身是什么


后来,一个叫做 Randy Hetrick 的美国海豹突击队的指挥官,在退役后重新设计了该套装备和训练计划,变成可以民用的健身课程——TRX悬挂训练系统。







『肆』 TRX训练带怎么用能锻炼哪些部位呢




『伍』 系统健身房健身方案











动作1:杠铃卧推 3-4组*6-12次

动作2:哑铃上斜卧推 3-4组*6-12次

动作3:哑铃平板飞鸟 3-4组*8-12次

动作4:双杠臂屈伸 3-4组*最大次数

动作5:俯卧撑 3-4组最大次数


动作1:直立哑铃锤式弯举 3-4组*8-12次

动作2:俯卧斜板曲杠弯举 3-4组*8-12次

动作3:托臂弯举 3-4组*8-12次

动作4:直立负重弯举 3-4组*8-12次

动作5:俯卧斜板杠铃片弯举 3-4组*8-12次

动作6:坐姿哑铃弯举 3-4组*8-12次


动作1:仰卧卷腹起 10-20次

动作2:悬垂收膝 10-20次

动作3:坐姿左右转体 10-20次

动作4:仰卧卷腹 10-20次

动作5:仰卧反向卷腹 10-20次

动作6:绳索下压 10-20次

动作7:悬垂举腿 10-20次

动作8:绳索转体 10-20次

动作9:TRX收膝 10-20次









动作1:器械负重深蹲 3-5组*8-15次

动作2:哑铃负重深蹲+推肩 3-5组*8-15次

动作3:直立绳索后拉 3-5组*8-15次

动作4:绳索直臂下压 3-5组*8-15次

动作5:直立哑铃交替弯举 3-5组*8-15次

动作6:侧身体屈 3-5组*8-15次

动作7:俯撑搁球收腹 3-5组*练到力竭

『陆』 TRX训练是啥


『柒』 trx训练能增肌吗trx可以代替杠铃吗






『捌』 功能性训练之----TRX悬挂绳


TRX的英文是Total Resistance Exercise的缩写,即“全身抗阻力锻炼”的意思。这种悬挂绳的训练方法有很多种,主要以训练上肢力量和核心力量为主。它有两个最基本的动作:手撑和脚撑。万变不离其宗,这两个最基本的动作可以延伸出来很多种动作模式。

手撑有两种撑法,像上图中那样,一种是用手撑在绳上,一种是用仰卧拉住绳子。撑在绳子上可以做俯卧撑,高抬腿以及其他各种动作。仰卧拉住绳子,主要是用手臂拉动身体往上倾,手臂的位置可以是W型,Y型 ,H型。



『玖』 怎么使用TRX或者rip60

TRX的应用灵活度高,基本上你可以使用TRX去训练身体所有肌肉,只要你能发挥创意,或多上网找资料,你可以足不出户、安在家中训练了!最大的优点就是锻炼你的核心力量!而且它十分方便,简单的构造和轻便的体积是你随时随地健身的好伙伴?!简单!一个基本的TRX绳一般由:登山扣、中间锚环、主环套、调整护扣、凸轮带扣、手握把 脚支架,下面我们详细用图片来标注下具体的位置:TRX固定最简单的方式就可以可以通过自己家里的门缝就能安装,这个相信大家都很容易能办到吧,家里总有门!还有一种就是用专业的固定圆盘专用固定扣固定在你需要固定任何墙面上面,TRX门扣的安装。

『拾』 TRX训练的好处,TRX动作详解




TRX(Total Body Resistance Exercise)是指悬吊式阻抗训练,利用一组可伸缩式的绳索,透过自身的体重当作阻力,将手部、腿部、身体倾斜或反复动作。洪佳成教练指出,当身体倾斜角度愈大,TRX的训练强度则较高,建议初学者从低强度开始。






















『一』Fitness training plan for fat reduction and shaping

Fitness training plan for fat reduction and shaping

Fitness training plan for fat reduction and shaping, exercise also has certain requirements Technically, we can also improve our physical fitness while exercising, and the effect of weight loss is also very obvious. This sport has relatively high requirements for physical fitness. Let’s take a look at the fat loss and body shaping fitness training plan with me. Knowledge.

Fat loss and body shaping fitness training plan 1


A good exercise plan is necessary for fitness, otherwise you will feel like you have nothing to do after entering the gym. I tried a few times here and a few times there, and I also exercised, but it had no effect. It was half the result with twice the effort.


The first step after entering the gym and changing into fitness clothes is to warm up. Don’t be too troublesome. Warming up is not only the beginning of a good exercise, but also necessary to prevent physical injuries. step. Warm-up usually involves brisk walking on a treadmill or elliptical machine for 7-8 minutes. It's OK until your body just feels a little warm.


Fat loss and body shaping seem to be two exercise programs, but in fact they are closely related and inseparable. The plan for you here is to do 30 minutes of strength training after warming up. You can use fixed gym equipment to do squats, pull-downs, deadlifts and other compound strength training. The training intensity is high enough and the effect is good. You can also do targeted training for the large muscle groups of the body, such as chest muscles, thighs, latissimus dorsi, gluteal muscles, etc. (Choose large muscle groups because training large muscle groups consumes more energy.)


After 30 minutes of strength training, 20-30 minutes of aerobic training should be carried out. For heavy people, it is recommended to use an elliptical machine, which will cause less damage to the knees. Those with a small weight base can also choose running and spinning. If you want better results, you can choose to change ordinary aerobic training to HIIT.


The last step is to stretch. Stretching is very important for body muscle shaping and post-exercise recovery. The recommended stretching time is 10-15 minutes.

Special Tips

A good fitness plan is important, but the most important thing for everyone to keep fit is persistence. Plan + persistence = good figure!

Fat Loss and Shaping Fitness Training Plan 2

Full body training is an ideal choice for those who are new to fitness, are not very keen on training and have less training time.

It can target several large muscle groups at the same time, achieve a high-intensity cardiorespiratory training in less time with fewer exercises than before, burn more calories and boost metabolism.

In addition, full-body training can help improve muscle endurance and tone (slightly increase muscle size and reduce body fat).

Depending on the type of program, full-body training is best suited for improving one'sGeneral Physical Preparation (GPP) to maintain health and fitness levels, prevent injury and avoid overtraining.

// Improve General Physical Preparation (GPP)

When starting a fitness program, it is important to have a good overall physical fitness foundation to plan the intensity training phase and reduce the risk of injury. . Before moving on to heavier, higher-level weight training, you should begin with basic exercises designed to improve basic movement. At this stage, it is ideal to augment your bodyweight training with suspension exercises.

// Maintaining Health and Fitness

Because full-body training improves general muscular fitness, it not only aids development but also helps maintain overall health and fitness. Although maximum results were not achieved, using a full-body training program improved strength and power while maintaining good levels of muscular endurance and increasing muscle size. Using full-body circuit training to improve cardiorespiratory fitness can improve physical and mental health.

// Prevent injury and avoid overtraining

Full-body training programs usually include relatively easy exercises using your own body weight, or exercises with light external loads. Suspension training is excellent for making subtle, progressive changes in resistance during the initial stages of exercise and for improving the efficiency of certain movement patterns before adding resistance to the movement.

The suspension training mentioned above is the focus of today’s discussion.

Suspension training can be used as a stand-alone training modality or as part of a training program to improve muscular fitness with traditional strength equipment.

Incorporating suspension training into your current training program provides a variety of training methods for your muscles. Although the resistance and load of some of these exercises may seem low compared to traditional resistance or strength training, it is enough to improve muscle strength. Therefore, it is important to understand the contribution of suspension training to overall training volume and to avoid overtraining.

Suspension training is also an effective way to warm up muscles and tendons before engaging in heavier resistance training. Weightlifting exercises increase tension in muscles near the joints and core, and suspension training prepares these muscles for this while activating proprioceptor activity in the joints. Suspension training as a similar warm-up can produce greater power when lifting heavier weights.

The complete TRX full-body training program shown below can be used as an independent exercise training, or as a finishing exercise for those with higher fitness levels.

『二』 Who is trx training suitable for?

Who is trx training suitable for?

Who is trx training suitable for? Who is not suitable for trx training? The trx training belt is a very popular fitness equipment in China in recent years. Although it is just a rope, it has great training effect.The results will surely shock you. I believe that fitness experts all want to know this question, so follow me to see who is suitable for trx training

Who is suitable for trx training 1

Who is suitable for trx training

TRX training is very Suitable for people who need to lose fat while improving their body shape, especially core strength (abdomen). The training intensity of TRX is not as good as weight-bearing training, which means that the training time can last longer, which means that it not only stimulates muscle growth but also has the effect of aerobic training, killing two birds with one stone, building muscle and shaping.

Whether you are new to fitness or a veteran who has been practicing for a long time, you can adjust the resistance according to your body weight by changing the angle between your body and the suspension belt to exercise yourself. Effect.

My own experience after using TRX is that for fitness beginners, you can treat this as all training. After your physical fitness improves, it is also very good to go to the gym to use equipment. You are already a fitness veteran. I think TRX is also very good as a warm-up. If you want to build muscle, you still need heavy weight.

What are the movements of trx training

Kneeling down

Set the TRX to the middle of the calf, kneel facing the TRX with both hands holding the handles, arms straight, palms down. Tighten your abdominal muscles and back, push your arms forward, lean forward, keep your back straight, bend your arms and press down while standing up, return, and repeat for 30 seconds to one minute.

Advanced: Complete the action while standing. Beginner: Move your knees forward, perpendicular to the ground.

Suspension plank swing

Several actions to shape the body and strengthen physical fitness

Start in plank pose with your feet on the handles, tighten your core, and keep your upper body stable Move, put your feet together and exert force on your lower abdomen, straighten your legs to one side of your body, return to the middle position, and do the other side, repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Advanced: Move directly bilaterally without making any movements in the middle position. Beginner: When moving, you can bend your legs to the sides of your body, but always keep your upper body still.

Suspension Bridge Pose

Lie flat on the floor, bend your legs and place your feet on the TRX, place your hands on both sides of your body, keep your legs still, tighten your core, and lift Lift your hips, lower your waist to your back, and then slowly lower yourself. Repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Advanced: Complete the movement on one leg, 30 seconds for each leg. Beginner: Just lift your hips.

Hanging V-shaped abdominal crunch

Several actions to shape the body and strengthen physical fitness

Set the strap to a longer position, lie flat on the floor, and hold the handles with both hands Stretch your arms straight in front of your chest, palms facing each other, and lift your legs together at 45 degrees from the ground. Inhale, open your arms when exhaling, tighten your core and lift your upper body, keep your back straight while raising your legs, slowly return to the starting position, and repeatDo this for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Advanced: When doing the movement, lower your legs as low as possible and then lift them up. Beginner: Keep your legs flat on the floor at all times.

trx training experience

TRX is actually not the name of this training lanyard. Its full name is Total Resistance

Exercise, which means "whole body resistance exercise". Of course, you can unofficially call it "hanging up and practicing anytime and anywhere."

This training method originated from the U.S. Navy SEALs. Orangutan’s TRX course is also a body-weight training exercise based on this system. During the training process, the resistance is self-adjusted through body weight and the angle between the body and the suspension belt to achieve the ideal goal of fat loss and shaping.

In the process of losing fat and shaping, if we can cover the three major muscle groups of chest, back, and legs with resistance training every week, plus a reasonable and short aerobic diet, then we can stick to it. The effect will be very obvious. In the short video, Coach Weili uses four different combinations to demonstrate a training movement for the large chest muscles that is essential for shaping. Interactive training with the orangutan at any time will never be boring, so start learning quickly.

Who is trx training suitable for 2

Who is trx training suitable for?

TRX training is very suitable for people who need to lose fat while improving their body shape, especially core strength (abdominal).

The training intensity of TRX is not as good as weight-bearing training, which means that the training time can last longer. In other words, it not only stimulates muscle growth but also has the effect of aerobic training, killing two birds with one stone.

Whether you are new to fitness or a veteran who has been practicing for a long time, you can adjust the resistance according to your body weight by changing the angle between your body and the suspension belt to exercise yourself. Effect.

My own experience after using TRX is that for fitness beginners, you can treat this as all training. After your physical fitness improves, it is also very good to go to the gym to use equipment. You are already a fitness veteran. I think TRX is also very good as a warm-up. If you want to build muscle, you still need heavy weight.

When using TRX training, it is a very important principle to practice within your ability. During exercise, everyone must pay attention to:

First, grasp the amount of resistance within your ability. Adjust, don't rush to challenge high difficulty;

Second, pay attention to the movement posture, wrong movement posture can easily cause injuries to muscles and ligaments;

Third, during training, the main rope must be Always maintain tension to ensure the effectiveness of the action;

Fourth, keep the force on both arms even during use;

Fifth, during use, the main rope should be kept away from the upper arm , so as not to abrade the skin.

TRXBenefits of suspension system training:

1. Compact and easy to carry

TRX uses advanced industrial technology, weighs less than 2 pounds, and requires only a very small storage space for installation. The method is also very simple. Whether at home or outdoors, just fix the belt to the door, wall or other place, and you can start exercising at any time.

2. Suitable for people with different fitness levels

Whether you are a beginner or a fitness expert, want to lose weight or build muscles, you can adjust it according to your own body weight. Adjust the resistance by changing the angle of the body and the suspension belt to achieve your own exercise purpose.

3. Adjust the balance function

Suspension training is like practicing yoga on a rope. It requires both endurance and mastering various balance skills.

4. Exercise the lower back muscles

In recent years, the American fitness industry has particularly emphasized the exercise of the lower back muscles, especially the muscles near the spine. When we stand upright, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the gravity of the earth. Over time, it is easy to suffer from back pain. Office workers generally need to sit for long periods of time in the office, and this symptom is even more pronounced. TRX can adjust the shape of the spine, fully relax the joints, and exercise the muscles of the lower back, which is the most suitable way of fitness. The so-called core strength training refers to this.

Who is not suitable for trx training?

The price of TRX or similar training tools is within the reach of almost everyone. Conducive to public health and fitness. The difficulty of TRX training will be limited by your weight.

(1) It cannot add any weight except your weight. So as you get stronger, TRX becomes less and less effective. A healthy person can do hundreds of push-ups, rows, or squats with the TRX, which makes this workout so easy! Additionally, if you follow a proper diet and exercise plan, you may lose weight, making the exercise even easier. It's getting easier. This is exactly the opposite of what you want. As you get fitter and stronger, you want your training to increase in difficulty.

(2) Some people are too overweight or too weak, and even the simplest TRX training method cannot guarantee the safety of training. But dumbbells are different. Even the weakest person can lift a 0.5kg dumbbell, so they can find a suitable weight to start training with.

Personal thoughts on training with TRX:

TRX training is not as good as dumbbells and barbells because it does not have multi-modal training functions. TRX training is difficult to improve systematically. For example, increasing the weight by 2-5% for each exercise is a good progression rate. You can easily increase the weight from 10 to 5kg by attaching a small piece of magnet to the dumbbell or barbell or adding small barbell plates. butWhen training with TRX, you cannot systematically add small weights for resistance training, and you cannot achieve ideal training results. At JRX, we have also installed TRX as an auxiliary training tool. Training plans based on TRX have limitations in highlighting a coach's professionalism, but TRX is a good tool for coaches to provide door-to-door personal training services. Therefore, I personally believe that professional fitness professionals should choose equipment and items for training that are suitable for his/her fitness goals based on the physical fitness of the trainer and the environment of the venue.

Resistance adjustment:

1. The greater the angle of the body, the greater the resistance.

2. Lifting one thigh is very helpful for exercising more balance.

3. The further away from the fulcrum, the more strenuous it is and the higher the stability requirements.

Reduced difficulty: Standing on tiptoe with one leg forward can help the body lose weight.

TRX’s official description states:

1. TRX can train for people of any physical level, anywhere, and for any physical fitness or sports performance goals.

2. All Core, all the time, TRX looks at the body as a whole, rather than as a single part. It deliberately changes the center of gravity of the body through suspension, forcing the body to move during the movement. To maintain the correct alignment and center of gravity, compared to the backrest support of traditional equipment training, you need to rely on your own body to stabilize and force the participation of the whole body core during use.

3. For 3D training, TRX is fixed on a single anchor point and suspended, so it can be trained in different planes, which is different from traditional equipment-based training on a single plane, making our training more like Actions we do in our daily lives.

4. The unique suspension principle can increase the balance, coordination and stability of the whole body muscles, and has excellent effects on strengthening muscle strength, core muscles, burning fat and sculpting curves

< p>『三』What is trx fitness

The origin of the TRX physical training system: In the physical training system of the US military, many classic training props have been produced. In the 1980s, a towel made of high-density fiber entered the individual soldier's supply bag. It was strong and could withstand hundreds of pounds of weight. Many soldiers wrapped it around the tank barrel and grabbed it with both hands. Do pull-ups on both ends, or tie a homemade kettlebell to an ammunition box for curls and other movements. After entering the new century, the US military has developed a new suspension training system that can ensure wartime training intensity with just a few straps, and rarely causes injuries and avoids non-combat attrition.

Later, a U.S. Navy SEAL commander named Randy Hetrick redesigned the equipment and training plan after retiring and turned it into a fitness course that can be used by civilians - the TRX Suspension Training System.

TRX has three advantages

According to the coach, more than 1,000 gyms in the United States are currently using TRX, and similar devices are also installed in some public places to facilitate citizens to exercise on their own. There are three main reasons why this sport can spread rapidly within a few years.

First, many bodybuilders who want to improve their balance function are tired of traditional equipment such as exercise balls. One young man said that using the TRX device to perform various "suspension training" is like practicing yoga on a rope, which requires both endurance and a series of balance skills.

Secondly, in today's fitness field, the theory of "functional exercise" has gradually become popular. This theory advocates the comprehensive and coordinated exercise of the muscles of the whole body, rather than just the exercise of local muscles. TRX does exactly that.

Thirdly, another advantage of TRX is its ability to exercise the lower back muscles. In recent years, the American fitness industry has placed special emphasis on training the muscles of the lower back, especially the muscles around the spine. In this regard, Kathy Davis, executive director of the American Health and Fitness Association, pointed out that in this context, the emergence of fitness projects such as TRX can be described as "opportunistic".

The fitness instructor said that when we stand upright, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the gravity of the earth. Over time, we will inevitably experience back pain. Office workers often need to sit in the office for a long time, and this symptom is more obvious. TRX can adjust the shape of the spine, fully relax the joints, and exercise the muscles of the lower back, which is the most suitable way of fitness.

『四』How to use the TRX training belt and which parts can be exercised

We often see a hanging elastic band in the gym, which is what we say in the title trx, but not many people know how to use this elastic band for training. In fact, it has many functions. Let’s analyze a few of them in detail below.

On this basis, we can shift the center of gravity to one foot, move the other foot back and point the toes on the ground, and then do a lunge squat with the non-supporting leg backwards , so as to train the unilateral leg more fully.

The above introduces you to a few simple trx movements. Friends who don’t know this equipment can try it by themselves.

『Wu』system gym fitness plan

People who go to the gym to exercise can be mainly divided into the following two categories:

The first category is: muscle gain, muscle gain Heavy

The second category is: slimming down and losing fat

The fitness goals of these two groups of people are different, so the training methods are also different.

1. Gym exercise methods for people who want to gain muscle and gain weight

①Warm up

Use aerobic fitness equipment to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes, such as Jog on the treadmill for 10 minutes, or warm up with bare hands.

②Strength exercises

Use fixed strength fitness equipment or free weight equipment to train the bodyPerform strength training on 2 to 3 muscles for about 45 minutes. For example, if the training areas arranged that day are chest, arms, and abdominal muscles, then you can arrange the following:

Chest: You can choose 3-5 movements from these movements to practice.

Action 1: Barbell bench press 3-4 groups*6-12 times

Action 2: Dumbbell incline bench press 3-4 groups*6-12 times

Action 3: Dumbbell flat fly 3-4 groups * 8-12 times

Action 4: Parallel bar arm extensions 3-4 groups *maximum reps

Action 5: Push-ups 3 -4 sets of maximum reps

Arms: Also choose 3-5 movements from the following movements to practice.

Action 1: Upright dumbbell hammer curl 3-4 groups*8-12 times

Action 2: Prone inclined plank curl bar 3-4 groups*8-12 Times

Action 3: 3-4 sets of arm curls*8-12 times

Action 4: Upright weight-bearing curls 3-4 sets*8-12 times

Action 5: Prone inclined plate barbell curls 3-4 groups*8-12 times

Action 6: Seated dumbbell curls 3-4 groups*8-12 times

Abs: You can choose 3-5 actions from the following 9 abdominal exercises to exercise your abdomen.

Action 1: Lie on your back and do crunches 10-20 times

Action 2: Hang and draw your knees 10-20 times

Action 3: Sit and turn left and right 10 times -20 times

Action 4: Supine abdominal crunches 10-20 times

Action 5: Supine reverse abdominal crunches 10-20 times

Action 6: Rope Press down 10-20 times

Action 7: Hanging leg raise 10-20 times

Action 8: Rope rotation 10-20 times

Action 9: TRX knee-tightening 10-20 times

Please arrange each training plan according to your actual situation. For beginners who are just starting to exercise, it is recommended to arrange 2 to 3 exercises for each muscle, do 3 to 4 groups of each action, and do 8 to 12 exercises in each group. Use gradually increasing weights to perform exercises, which is a form of slowly increasing muscle weight.


You can choose to use aerobic fitness equipment for 5 to 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, or stretch the muscles in various parts of the body.

2. Gym exercise methods for weight loss and fitness people

① Warm-up

The warm-up exercises are all the same. Use aerobic fitness equipment to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes. , such as jogging on a treadmill for 10 minutes or exercising with bare hands to warm up. There is not much to say here about using aerobic fitness equipment to warm up. You can refer to the following 4-minute warm-up video for bare-handed warm-up:

②Strength exercises

Use fixed-strength fitness equipment or free-strength equipment to strengthen the body. 2 to 3 muscles or whole body muscles for 30 minutesStrength training left and right. Let’s share a gym training plan for girls, which consists of 7 movements:

Action 1: Squats with weights on equipment for 3-5 groups*8-15 times

Action 2: Weight-bearing dumbbells Squat + shoulder press 3-5 groups*8-15 times

Action 3: Upright rope pull-back 3-5 groups*8-15 times

Action 4: Rope straight arm Press down 3-5 groups*8-15 times

Action 5: Alternate upright dumbbell curls 3-5 groups*8-15 times

Action 6: Side body bend 3- 5 groups*8-15 times

Action 7: Push-up with ball and abdominal contraction 3-5 groups*practice to exhaustion

What is "Lu" TRX training

The fitness instructor said that when we stand upright, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the effect of the earth's gravity, which will inevitably lead to back pain over time. Office workers often need to sit in the office for a long time, and this symptom is more obvious. TRX can adjust the shape of the spine, fully relax the joints, and exercise the muscles of the lower back, which is the most suitable way of fitness.

『撒』 Can trx training build muscle? Can trx replace barbells?

Trx training is a very popular program in gyms now, and many bodybuilders like it very much. They can exercise all the muscle lines of the body. Let’s first talk about how to build muscle through trx training. Can trx replace barbells?

Can trx training increase muscle mass?

Don’t you want to go to the gym today? But when I do it at home, I only have a few movements, push-ups, crunches, squats, and at most it’s just aerobics. These are very limited and the action is a bit dated. What I want to recommend to you is a small fitness equipment that can build muscle, burn fat, and shape your body—the TRX suspension training belt. Give me a fulcrum and I can exercise anywhere. Of course, I can also shake the earth.

Kicking is something I have to kick every day. I can practice stretching my legs, lifting my hips, and tightening my abs. Even if I don’t have time to go to fitness yoga, I can still spend ten minutes kicking and stretching. There are many benefits. It’s true that you can practice three-quarters and eat seven-cents. There are many weight loss recipes on the Internet that you can refer to, but I can't do it anyway. This is why the results of my practice have been so slow in the past two years.

I train with TRX, and I can also practice at home on a yoga mat (when I practice at home, I just bend my legs flat). I push the cross up with my hips and do 12-15 reps per set. Do 4 sets, resting for one minute after each set.

『8』 Functional training——TRX suspension rope

Functional training can appear in many gyms and fitness studios, and usually appears in one-on-one In personal training courses, functional training pays more attention to core training and stability training than traditional equipment training. There are many ways to use a tool. First, let’s talk about the TRX suspension rope.

TRX in English is Total ReThe abbreviation of Sistance Exercise means "whole body resistance exercise". There are many ways to train this kind of hanging rope, mainly training upper body strength and core strength. It has two basic movements: hand support and foot support. Invariably, these two basic movements can be extended into many action modes.

There are two ways to support the hand support. As shown in the picture above, one is to support the rope with your hands, and the other is to lie on your back and pull the rope. You can do push-ups, leg raises, and other exercises while hanging on the rope. When you lie on your back and hold the rope, you mainly use your arms to pull your body upward. The position of your arms can be W-shaped, Y-shaped, or H-shaped.

There is also a foot support, which is also divided into two types, one is prone and the other is supine. When lying down, you mainly do push-ups with your hands supported, and you can do sprint running with your feet. When lying on your back, you can use your arms to support the ground to exercise core strength.

It talks about some of the most basic movements. If children go to the gym, they can learn about functional training. There are many other equipment for functional training, which will be introduced later.

『玖』How to use TRX or rip60

TRX is highly flexible in application. Basically, you can use TRX to train all muscles in the body, as long as you can use your creativity or surf the Internet more Find information and you can train at home without leaving home! The biggest advantage is exercising your core strength! And it’s very convenient, with its simple structure and lightweight size, making it your good partner for fitness anytime, anywhere? ! Simple! A basic TRX rope generally consists of: carabiner, middle anchor ring, main ring sleeve, adjustment buckle, cam buckle, hand and foot bracket. Below we use pictures to mark the specific positions in detail: TRX fixation is the simplest You can install it through the door crack in your home. I believe everyone can do this easily. There is always a door at home! Another way is to use a professional fixing disc with a special fixing buckle to fix it on any wall you need to fix it, and install the TRX door buckle.

『Shi』Benefits of TRX training, detailed explanation of TRX movements

Building muscles can help you live longer! As sports become more and more popular, not only men, but many women also begin to train their muscles and join strength training courses. The most popular fitness program recently is TRX, which can train muscles in all parts of the body while doing muscle strength and aerobic exercise. More and more studies have found that people with more muscle mass have better metabolism and naturally have a longer healthy life.


Body resistance training muscles

TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise) refers to suspension resistance training, which uses a set of retractable ropes to use your own body weight as a Resistance, tilting or repetitive movements of hands, legs, body. Coach Hong Jiacheng pointed out that when the body tilt angle is larger, the training intensity of TRX is higher, and it is recommended for beginnersStart with low intensity.


Benefits of TRX training

1. Increase muscle lines, balance and endurance

2. Increase calorie consumption

3. Improve core strength and flexibility

4. Increase joint stability

5. Improve sports performance

6. Reduce body fat ratio


7. As long as you find a hanging point, they can become your gym


More muscles, longer life, and healthier body

Resistance training is commonly known as weight training , you can exercise your muscles with bare hands, weights or various fitness equipment. Using your own body weight as resistance is less likely to cause injuries. According to research, the amount of muscle content is related to the length of life. People with more muscle content have better metabolism and can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.


Warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise

Although exercise can help maintain posture and improve physical health, excessive exercise can have the opposite effect. Common sports injuries such as muscle stiffness, It is easy to cause strains and sprains. It is recommended to warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise to restore muscle elasticity and reduce the chance of injury.


Detailed explanation of TRX movements

Bench press: Chest muscle training, leaning over and pushing down, your chest muscles, upper arm muscles, shoulder muscles, abdominal muscles and other core stabilizing muscle groups can be strengthened at the same time Exercise to. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

Supine pull-down: You can exercise the back muscles, posterior shoulder muscles, waist muscles, etc. Exhale with bent arms and inhale with straight arms. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

Arm flexion and extension at the back of the neck: triceps training, keeping the upper arm stable, flexing and extending the elbow joint, tightening the abdomen, inhaling downward and exhaling upward. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

Incline curls: Biceps training, tighten your buttocks, stabilize your upper arms, exhale upwards and inhale downwards. 15 reps each, 3 sets.

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