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我们的外汇储备每天都在公布,并受到频繁的专业审计。流通中的所有东西总是与我们的储备相匹配 。

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『一』What is the name of the stablecoin issued by China?

Stablecoins in the encrypted digital currency market are just as the name suggests, referring to cryptocurrencies with low price volatility. Stability here is a relative concept. Compared with the volatility of mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin, legal tender and gold are undoubtedly two currencies with stable prices. The issuance of legal currency is based on the size of the country's economy and is endorsed by the country's credit. When the government does not do evil and the economy is stable, legal currency can maintain its value stability. Because of its limited reserves, stable chemical properties, and easy divisibility, gold has historically maintained value and is known as a natural currency. If the value of digital currency can be anchored to a highly recognized legal currency or gold, , this kind of digital currency can maintain price stability. In "The Denationalization of Currency", Hayek believed that the stability of currency value is a key factor in currency recognition. Only the purchasing power of currency is stable, that is, the overall dominance of commodities remains basically stable. Daily payments and many financial markets function can be realized. However, the existing mainstream digital currencies are highly volatile and are not suitable for daily payments. In order to create a stable digital currency, it is usually necessary to determine the following two elements:
Anchor interest rate
The stable ratio maintained by the stable currency and the anchor. Most of the existing digital currency models first choose 1: The exchange rate of 1 is anchored to the US dollar or other monetary assets, and Digix, which uses gold as the anchor, is linked to gold at a price of 1DGX=1g gold.
2. Why do we need stablecoins
From a practical level, as more and more countries ban fiat currency trading pairs, investors need a medium that can replace fiat currency for value anchoring for transactions and measure holdings. There is value in digital currencies. At this time, the concept of stable digital currency is more focused on anchoring with a certain legal currency or real assets.
From an ideal level, the current legal currency system issued by the state is decision-making centralized, and the issuance of currency is completely in the hands of the state. A country's political instability, economic crisis, government policy errors and other reasons may lead to the failure of legal currency. Instability of value. At this time, decentralized currency provides people with another option to maintain purchasing power, avoiding the chain effects of currency problems and further causing economic and social problems. By then, the concept of stable digital currency will be more similar to the current monetary system, anchored to a certain price level, economic volume and currency demand. Digital currencies such as Bitcoin provide new ideas for avoiding the risks of centralized legal currencies. However, the price volatility of mainstream digital currencies hinders the large-scale market application of digital currencies and the realization of other scenarios.
Financial market transactions also require the price of digital currencies to remain stable. Currency is the foundation of finance. In the financial market, financial transactions such as hedging risks, derivatives, leveraged transactions, and options themselves are predictions and balances of market risks. If the digital currency itself has to bear extreme price risks in the future, credit and debt markets It is difficult to form a digital currency based on unstable prices. If there is a stable price digital currency to implement, it will become moreIt is safer and faster, so giving the currency a stable value is of great significance to the financial market.
3. Stablecoin family history
Stablecoin 1.0: USDT and its strong competitors
Stablecoin 1.0, a centralized asset mortgage model, uses assets in the real world for mortgage to create The first and most typical example of a stable currency in the digital world is USDT issued by Tether.
USDT, the Chinese name is Tether. Each issued Tethers is linked to the U.S. dollar one-to-one, and the corresponding total amount of U.S. dollars is stored in Hong Kong Tether Co., Ltd. When using U.S. dollars as the unit of measurement, there is no risk of fluctuation in the value of the collateral.
The advantage of USDT is that its principle is simple and it directly uses sufficient US dollars as collateral assets, making it the most widely used stable currency in digital transactions. However, the shortcoming of USDT is that it is too centralized. The market has never stopped questioning the transparency and lack of supervision of USDT. In the face of whether the U.S. dollar reserves are sufficient, whether the issuance of air currency will cause bubbles, how safe the U.S. dollar reserve bank is, and whether the U.S. dollar is collateralized. Tether has always claimed that it has sufficient reserves, but it has not disclosed its reserve account audit data so far. Although some currency circle tycoons, Bitfinex shareholder Zhao Dong and CEO Lao Mao claimed to have seen excess reserves in the bank accounts of Bitfinex and Tether, their verbal commitments obviously cannot replace independent third-party audits. There is no way to prove the purpose of the funds.
In addition, the management teams of Tether, the issuing company of USDT, and Bitfinex, one of the world's largest Bitcoin exchanges, are highly overlapping, and the unclear relationship between the two has been criticized. In August 2018, Tether issued a total of US$415 million in USDT, and its market value has reached US$2.8 billion, ranking eighth. USDT was launched on February 25, 2015, and the price fluctuated between $0.92 and $1.05. There was a large deviation in mid-2017. The current daily trading volume is around US$3 billion.

With USDT being the dominant player, the traditional stablecoin 1.0 camp has several new competitors. These institutions also use centralized 1:1 USD mortgages and have made varying degrees of improvements in supervision and transparency.
In March 2018, in response to the opacity of USDT information, TrustCoin launched TUSD to reduce risks through regular supervision. TrueUSD has selected multiple third-party trust and bank accounts to store the mortgage deposits. Individuals can directly see the deposit status of the deposits in the third-party accounts. The deposit accounts for the deposits are regularly audited, and KYC (customer background checks) and countermeasures are added. Money laundering inspections (AML) and other methods, customer funds are legally protected in bank accounts.
201In September 2018, the US exchange Gemini and another blockchain startup Paxos were approved by the New York Financial Services Bureau and accepted its supervision. They issued digital cryptocurrencies GUSD and PAX anchored to the US dollar, which are carried out every month. Account audit. Each additional issuance is confirmed to have funds in the account under the supervision of the US financial regulatory authorities, which undoubtedly provides investors with more reliable digital currency entry and hedging channels.
As a stable currency, sufficient legal currency collateral reduces the risk of changes in collateral prices to the greatest extent, unless the issuer does not maintain sufficient capital reserves. Although USDT is still the dominant player, and it is difficult for new competing products to shake its position in a short period of time, the rising star has indeed been recognized for its higher transparency and security, and has also provided a more reliable solution for those who are worried about the opaque risks of USDT. choose. However, a high degree of transparency is also accompanied by stricter KYC supervision, and privacy will also be weakened. For those who value privacy needs, decentralized stable currencies may be a better choice.
Stablecoin 2.0: Decentralized Margin System
Stablecoin 2.0 uses cryptocurrency as over-collateralization. When the price of the collateral drops, users can cover their positions in time, otherwise the collateral will be forced to be liquidated to ensure Stablecoin price. Typical cases include Bitshares, MakerDAO, Havven, etc.
Bitshares uses the platform's own tokens as collateral, while MakerDAO uses ETH as collateral. As the second largest digital currency after BTC, ETH's price basically reflects the overall risk of the digital currency market, while Bitshare's The price risk is greater relative to ETH. Therefore, DAI, which has been around for less than a year, has surpassed Bitshares of the same type in both price and market capitalization.
According to the chart above, BitUSD has been activated since September 23, 2014, and has basically fluctuated between $0.7-$1.6. The overall deviation was relatively large in 2015 and early 2016. The current daily trading volume is around US$1.5 million.
Dai was launched on December 27, 2017, with a price range of $0.86-$1.06. There was a large deviation in March 2017. The current daily trading volume is around US$10 million.
The encrypted digital asset mortgage method has several advantages. First, it is decentralized, with reduced credit risk. It is executed by a completely transparent and decentralized smart contract. Everyone can see the price fluctuations of the mortgage currency in real time. and contract execution mechanism, there is no need to worry about third-party trust risks such as server shutdown and corporate non-payment. At the same time, the execution method of smart contracts also ensures that the collateral is directly locked and will not be used for multiple pledges, reducing the credit risk of mortgage assets. . Second, it allows existing digital assets to release liquidity. When the price of the stablecoin is lower than the anchor price, anyone can buy and redeem ETH higher than the purchase price for arbitrage, thereby returning the price to its anchor price.
However, the disadvantages of using virtual digital currencies as collateral are also obvious. While credit risks are solved, market risks are exacerbated due to the high volatility of the collateral itself, and the volatility of mortgaged digital currency assets requires digital The currency is overcollateralized several times the price on the smart contract, and the collateral is redeemed when exchanged. For bit assets such as BitUSD, they will be affected by the risks of Bitshares itself. DAI uses ETH as collateral. Although the stability is slightly better, it is still exposed to the overall risks of the digital currency market. The stability of the collateral is compared with Fiat currencies are worse than gold. Although there is a forced liquidation price to ensure the stability of bit asset prices, the liquidation process will cause fluctuations in the stable currency supply. A large amount of stable currency in people's hands is forcibly sold at the liquidation price, causing losses to holders. Although Stablecoin 2.0, which uses cryptocurrency as collateral, maintains the stability of token prices, it can easily cause a sharp drop in the amount of tokens in an instant, causing inconvenience to practical applications.
Stablecoin 3.0 Algorithmic Bank: Where to Go from Economic Utopia
In early 2018, a large number of stablecoin ideas based on algorithmic banking mechanisms sprung up, and became known as Stablecoin 3.0. These projects include Basis (formerly Basecoin ), CarbonMoney, Kowala, Reserve, etc. However, while all parties are showing their prowess in the design of the stabilization mechanism, few people have noticed that in March 2018, Nubits, the only algorithmic banking practice on the market, suffered its second collapse since its listing in 2014. But this time it failed to reshape value like it did in 2016.
In May 2016, due to the rise in Bitcoin prices, a large number of Nubits stablecoins were resold to buy Bitcoin. Nubits experienced its first collapse due to a significant drop in demand. This crash took about three months to recover. After that, although the currency price deviated for a short time due to the instantaneous increase or decrease in buy and sell orders, the overall trust consensus of 1 US dollar was still maintained until March 20, 2018. . Since then, Nubit has fallen into a death spiral caused by the decline in currency prices, with currency prices and market value showing a trend of collapse. As of September 26, the price of Nubits has fallen to one-tenth of the anchor price. And judging from the team’s attitude, price trends and community confidence, it will be difficult to make a comeback this time.
So far, after the popularity of algorithmic bank stablecoins has subsided, the progress of projects that originally had high hopes, such as Basis and Carbon, has been delayed. The only low-key practical project, Nubits, has collapsed. With the advent of the bear market, people have high risks for the tokens in their hands. Disgusted, all this caused this naturally high-risk theoretical school to encounter difficulties on the ground.
Algorithmic banks, also known as SeigniorageShares, do not require any company or asset as endorsement. Instead, they are based on the quantity theory of money in economics and increase or decrease the supply of money according to changes in the currency market value. Algorithmic banks controlThe means by which the currency issuer controls the money supply is similar to the currency system in which the government or central bank that issues legal currency carries out macro-control. The difference is that it uses a decentralized smart contract algorithm to realize this process instead of the central bank.
In short, the implementation of Stablecoin 3.0 is relatively difficult, and there are no existing successful projects on the market to refer to. In the assumptions at the beginning of the year, 2018 was supposed to be the year when algorithmic banking mechanisms showed their full potential, but difficulties arose in their implementation due to limited technical levels, sluggish market conditions and other reasons. On the contrary, many new members have appeared in the stablecoin 1.0 family, which is centralized but has less price risk. However, whether it is the decentralized stabilization mechanism of stablecoins 2.0 and 3.0, or the formalization of the supervision of mortgage assets by a series of USDT competitors, they all reflect the unremitting pursuit of a fair and transparent mechanism and more possibilities for the blockchain. Exploration of sexuality.
4. Stablecoin Data Analysis
Stablecoin Market Value
As of October 9, 2018, among the existing stablecoins on the market, it can be seen that the market value of USDT still occupies an absolute dominant position, reaching 2.8 billion US dollars, accounting for approximately 92% of the total market value of stablecoins. With the exception of USDT, TUSD, DAI and Bitshares, the market capitalization of other stablecoins only accounts for 1%. In the stablecoin market, USDT’s status will be difficult to shake in the short term.
After TUSD was launched in March 2018, its market value has grown rapidly and has become the second largest stablecoin after USDT. Its market value has exceeded US$100 million. The market value of Bitshares and DAI has also reached the US$10 million level.
How stable are stablecoins?
In order to explore how stable stablecoins are, we refer to the calculation method of tracking error (TrackingError) in securities to measure the deviation of the price of stablecoins relative to one dollar. The tracking error is calculated as follows:
where TEi represents the tracking error of fund i; n is the number of samples, and TDTI is the difference between the net value growth rate of fund i in time t and the return rate of the benchmark portfolio in time t. The mathematical meaning of tracking error is the standard deviation of the deviation of sample data from the baseline value within a period of time. Applying this concept can measure the extent to which stablecoin prices deviate from $1. We selected five stablecoins that are anchored to US$1 and have existing price data spanning more than three months for analysis. After calculating the tracking error of all historical data, we get the following comparison:
As can be seen from the figure, based on the results obtained from all historical data, the stablecoins with the best stability are TUSD and DAI, followed by USDT. However, because several stable currencies appeared at different times, USDT and Bitshares appeared as early as 2014 and experienced many huge market fluctuations. The latest TUSD was only listed in March 2018.
In order to eliminate the impact of early market fluctuations on stablecoin prices, we selected the price tracking errors of several stablecoins since April 2018 to observe.
from spanJudging from the consistent timeline of the past six months, USDT is not only far ahead in market capitalization, but also the stablecoin with the smallest anchoring error. Followed by TUSD and DAI, which came from behind, the stability of the two is about the same, while Nubits has been unable to maintain its anchor price.
As for the abnormal deviation of Nubits, we can find out from the price trends of several stable coins.
Nubits, launched in 2014, is the only practical project of algorithmic bank’s stablecoin mechanism in the market. Since March 20, 2018, Nubit has fallen into a death cycle caused by the decline in currency prices. The currency price and market value have shown a trend of collapse. . As of October 8, the price of Nubits has fallen to one-tenth of the anchor price.
The algorithmic bank adopted by Nubits is based on the quantity theory of money in economics. It increases or decreases the supply of money according to changes in the market value of money. It is similar to the monetary system where the government or central bank that issues legal currency carries out macro-control. The difference is that , which uses a decentralized smart contract algorithm to implement this process instead of the central bank. However, without sufficient collateral, it is difficult for users to agree that it is anchored to US$1 or other legal currencies. In early 2018, a large number of stablecoin ideas based on algorithmic banking mechanisms sprung up, and became known as stablecoins 3.0. These projects include Basis (formerly Basecoin), CarbonMoney, Kowala, Reserve, etc., and they adopt different mechanisms to Solve the problem of trust and stability of algorithmic banks, but there are difficulties in implementation due to limited technical level, sluggish market conditions and other reasons. However, in any case, algorithmic banks are worthy of further exploration as a decentralized stable currency.
After excluding Nubit, the fluctuations of the four stablecoins USDT, TUSD, DAI, and BitUSD can be seen more clearly. Among them, BitUSD has been activated since September 23, 2014, with large volatility and frequent deviations from anchoring. When the price is more than 10%, it has exceeded 20% at the highest point. DAI was launched on December 27, 2017, with a price range of $0.86-$1.06. There was a large deviation in March 2017. The current daily trading volume is around US$10 million.
It can be seen from the data and trend charts that USDT, TUSD, and DAI perform best in terms of stability. In the past year, the price has only floated above 5% in a few cases. For example, in May 2018, the currency After An Exchange announced the listing of TUSD, the market violently rose due to a large number of purchases by some people who did not understand the nature of TUSD. This also proves that the value of stablecoins relies heavily on people's consensus on their value.
From the perspective of market value and stability, USDT, TUSD and DAI are the undisputed TOP3 stablecoins. However, the development of stable digital currencies is still in the continuous trial and exploration stage, whether it is the decentralization of stablecoins 2.0 and 3.0 stabilizersystem, or the formalization of supervision of mortgage assets by a series of USDT competitors, all reflect the unremitting pursuit of a fair and transparent mechanism and the exploration of more possibilities in the blockchain. We look forward to more stable currencies in the market A wonderful performance.
5. Risks of Stabilizing Digital Currency
1. Competitive Risks of Digital Currency Plans of Central Banks of Various Countries
The prosperity and development of blockchain technology and digital currency market have also attracted the attention of central banks of various countries, including China. Many countries in the world have shown a positive attitude towards digital currency and have put the issuance plan of national legal digital currency on the agenda. Venezuela plans to launch the digital currency Petro, and the Bank of England (BoE) research department has been studying digital currencies since 2015 and may issue its own digital currency. In October 2017, the Russian government announced that it would issue an official digital currency, CryptoRuble ("Digital Ruble"). Sweden is studying the issuance of electronic krona. In January 2018, the Bank of Korea will also form a team specializing in cryptocurrency research.
Chinese regulators have repeatedly reminded that there are risks in virtual currency and CROWDSALE. The 7 departments pointed out in the "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks" that the tokens or virtual currencies used in token issuance financing are not issued by the monetary authorities and are not It has monetary attributes such as legality and compulsory nature, does not have the same legal status as currency, and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market. In September 2017, CROWDSALE was suspended and the virtual currency trading platform was shut down. However, since 2014, the People's Bank of China has established a dedicated research team, and in early 2015, it further strengthened its capabilities and conducted in-depth research on the digital currency issuance and business operation framework, the key technologies of digital currency, and the digital currency issuance and circulation environment. On January 20, 2016, the People's Bank of China held a digital currency seminar in Beijing and clarified the strategic goal of the central bank's issuance of digital currency.
The legal digital currency issued by the state is an improvement on the existing legal currency, and its recognition around the world is limited. Moreover, it is still a centralized currency, which cannot guarantee privacy and cannot avoid economic crises or monetary policy errors. risk.
However, the legal digital currency promoted by the country is endorsed by the state and is mandatory for use. This process is very likely to be accompanied by the tightening of regulatory policies on digital currency. In addition, legal digital currency applies blockchain technology, which can also meet people's needs for digital currency for daily payments, so it will have a certain impact on encrypted stable currencies.
2. The value of the anchor is unstable
Existing stable currency anchors include the US dollar, other stable currencies, gold, etc., but the value of the anchor currency also has risks in a complex economy. When the anchor When there are large fluctuations in value, if stable currencies fail to make timely adjustments, the risks in the entire financial market will be exacerbated.
In response to various risks, the token has also proposed many countermeasures in the white paper. For example, DAI proposed a target price change rate feedback mechanism. When the market becomes unstable,At this time, this mechanism will be activated according to the sensitivity parameter, so that DAI maintains the price of the US dollar, but deviates from the fixed ratio to the US dollar. Sensitivity parameters are set by MKR holders, but target price and target price change rate are determined directly by the market once initiated. When a serious emergency occurs, global liquidation steps are triggered, ensuring that both DAI and CDP holders receive convertible NAV.
3. Other black swan events
Black swans often refer to economic crises, or events that are extremely unlikely to occur but will have systemic and significant negative chain impacts. Including economic crisis, problems with mortgage assets, government regulatory policies, etc. Black swan events are highly uncertain, and once they occur, they will have a huge impact on the stability of digital currencies.
6. The Development of Stable Digital Currency
The development of stable digital currency depends on people’s recognition and acceptance of digital currency. At this stage, most people's understanding of digital currencies is still limited to mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have large price fluctuations. Therefore, their understanding of digital currencies as investment products exceeds their function as exchange tools. The emergence of stable digital currency is conducive to people's gradual acceptance of digital currency and its widespread use around the world to meet people's daily consumption needs. Judging from the white paper plans of several stable currencies and the problems existing in reality, stable currencies have the following development directions in the future:
1. Diversification of anchor currencies
Several plans for stable digital currencies currently emerging The development path, starting from the anchor, is first anchored to one or several global currencies, and finally it is widely recognized and used around the world, and a more realistic way of reflecting people's purchasing power is sought. In other words, in terms of anchors, we will start with a single currency and anchor multiple mainstream currencies according to actual conditions, and finally realize the possibility of linking to prices. The anchoring ratio will also be converted from hard anchoring to soft anchoring based on the relationship between legal currency and prices.

『二』Will the USDT blockchain be congested

Undoubtedly, USDT has had a halo since its birth. The second half of 2017 was a disaster for the currency circle, but for USDT it was Opportunity, with its unique stability advantages, quickly assumed the role of the link between legal currency and tokens. It was recognized by major exchanges and the majority of leeks, and became a recognized stable currency in the currency circle. However, with the continuous issuance of USDT, there are more and more doubts about USDT. "Stable currency instability" and "money printing machine in the currency circle" have become new labels for USDT. Coupled with the US government's investigation and supervision of Tether, USDT The trust crisis is getting more and more serious. This time it was reported that CNH has been continuously resisted by many big players in the currency circle, and there are very few voices of support. Although USDT faces many doubts, I feel that USDT’s current position in the currency circle will not have a big impact in the short term, let alone a collapse. Unless the US government takes a drastic action, this possibility is unlikely.

『三』What do you think about USDT plummeting? We need to worryWill USDT collapse?

USDT is Tether, a digital currency pegged to the US dollar. This is a legal currency. It is different from other digital currencies. How could it collapse?

『四』 usdt What does the drop mean?

The drop in usdt shows that there is greater volatility in the market, and it also shows that investors are not very optimistic about currencies in the market. The exchange of stable currencies and legal currencies in the market has not established a relatively smooth mechanism. Therefore, if USDT has a credit crisis in the market, investors may be the first to exchange such currencies for Ethereum and the like. Instead of the US dollar, this will cause it to rise sharply. Faced with the currency's decline, many investors have said that Usdt is backed by the U.S. dollar, so the chance of a complete collapse is not very high.
Extended information:
1. On October 17, 2021, usdt plummeted, triggering massive selling. After the decline, BTC/USD rose slightly by 2% at the close. At the same time, Tether's USDT/USD currency pair fell below 0.95 when the Asian market opened. On October 15, 2021, USDT suffered a large number of panic selling, and its price plummeted by 13%. However, the pair started to gain momentum during early Asian trading hours, jumping to 7,800 from previous lows near 6,300.
2. Characteristics of Tether
1) Stable currency
Tether converts cash into digital currency and anchors or pegs the prices of national currencies such as the US dollar, euro and Japanese yen.
2) 100% support
In our foreign exchange reserves, traditional currencies always support every currency at a 1 to 1 price. So 1 dollar_ is always equal to 1 dollar.
3) Transparent
Our foreign exchange reserves are published every day and subject to frequent professional audits. Everything in circulation always matches our reserves.
4) Blockchain Technology
The Tether platform is built on blockchain technology, leveraging the security and transparency they provide.
5) Wide Integration
Tether is the most widespread digital-fiat currency. Use tethers on Bitfinex, shapUNK, GoCoin and other exchanges.
6) Security
Tether’s blockchain technology provides world-class security while meeting international compliance standards and regulations.
The biggest feature of USDT is that it is equivalent to the same amount of U.S. dollars, 1 USDT = 1 U.S. dollar. Making it a good store of value in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

『五』How long can a similar capital investment project with a three-month payback period last? One person invests 1.2w.

The so-called fund disk refers to the online MLM model that uses the direct sales multiplication principle to use rolling or static capital circulation to make up for the west, and use the money from new members to pay to previous members. In essence, It's a pyramidMLM scam. It is extremely covert, deceptive and socially harmful. Capital market does not refer to publicly offered public and private equity funds, but refers to a model that compiles various stories of extremely high rates of return to deceive people's greed for money and conduct underground fund-raising. This kind of fund-raising rarely lasts for more than three years, because after one or two years, most of the fund owners have fled with their money. Therefore, we say this is a game played by a few bold liars against a large group of money-hungry fools. Sadly, this kind of deceptive game is a game where you sing and I appear, and people who are greedy for money lose money and gamble again and again. To summarize the profit model of the capital market, there are basically the following two points.
1. Use big money to win small money (big investment to win small income): Whether it is daily income of 1% or 1.5%, or monthly income of 10% or 30%, investors must first invest 100%. To get the profit from the capital disk company, you can only wait foolishly. When the time comes, you win the bet once; when you don’t wait, the call comes every day. Sadly, historical experience has repeatedly proven that it is only a matter of time before all the capital invested is gone.
2. Long-term investment to achieve high returns: Invest a sum of money, wait 12-18 months, or even two to three years, and the return will be ten to dozens of times. It sounds very tempting, but it takes one to three years for a dream to come true. During these 365-1095 days, misfortune may happen at any moment.

Warm reminder:
The above information is for reference only. There are risks in entering the market, so investment needs to be cautious. Before making any investment, you should ensure that you fully understand the investment nature of the product and the risks involved. After understanding and carefully evaluating the product, you can make your own judgment on whether to participate in the transaction.

Response time: 2020-12-01. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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『Lu』How to ensure better cloud warehouse Transactions

All cloud storage chain CWC are mined by mining pool computing power nodes, CWC is not locked!

If "Qi" collapses, will the USDT in your hand return to zero< /p>

It is recommended that you do not hold a large amount of USDT for a long time. If you want to fight a long-term war, you should choose large-market currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. After all, it is not easy for us, so we must do it and cherish it!

『8』 Is Bitcoin valuable?

Is Bitcoin valuable?

Informed outsiders will seriously say that "blockchain is very valuable as the next generation Internet - the value Internet."

But they will also say that "things (that is, coins) that transmit value through the Internet of Value have no value."

Then it’s these “things” that are worthless,Or is it their perception?

In fact, this type of contradiction often occurs in China, but it is relatively rare abroad. Because of some special circumstances in the country, all walks of life must unify when encountering some related problems. Argument. In foreign countries, you will rarely come across statements like "Blockchain is very valuable, but Bitcoin is worthless", except for some rotten old people in the traditional financial circle.

Of course, this is not important, because I have always believed in the saying "what you understand will naturally understand".

Then having said that, in fact, if this question is further expanded, it will become: Is Bitcoin valuable? But that would make the question too big and unnecessary, since Bitcoin certainly has value. But part of the source of Bitcoin’s value comes from “delivering value”, so let’s discuss this topic today:

Is there any value in “delivering value”?

At present, the world's most important large companies that started out as "keeping assets and delivering value" mainly include PayPal, Alipay and WeChat Pay. Because neither Ant Financial nor WeChat Pay are independently listed, we mainly use PayPal as a reference.

What PayPal does to traditional finance is actually to solve the things you can do online. In fact, when you use Alipay and WeChat to pay merchants, it is essentially transferred from your bank card to the other party's bank card. But why are everyone happy to use WeChat and Alipay? To put it simply, it’s because it’s easy to use.

So why use PayPal when you can transfer money directly from bank to bank? Logically this is also the case, because PayPal provides better "delivering value" services. PayPal, which provides this service, has a current market value of US$120 billion. The current market value of Bitcoin is US$134 billion, which is almost the same.

Let’s put aside the other attributes of Bitcoin and today we will only talk about “value transfer”. You can use Bitcoin to transfer money to another person, maybe your neighbor or someone across the ocean. There is no limit to the transfer amount. The transfer time is ten minutes and the transfer cost is a few dollars. Is this valuable?

Fintech products such as PayPal, Alipay, and WeChat Pay have proven that they can provide better transfer services to specific groups of people, then this product and enterprise is valuable, and is worth up to hundreds of billions of dollars. level.

Having said that, there is a reason why blockchain is called the Internet of Value. Let me give you the simplest example. USDT now assumes the main transfer "mission" on the blockchain. Basically, more than half of the effective transfers on Ethereum and Tron come from USDT transfers, which plays a decisive role. So the question is, why use USDT instead of USD? You must know that USDT does not have a sovereign guarantee, and it is no longer guaranteed1Than 1 to US dollars.

The core reasons are two. 1. People who use it cannot use US dollars for various reasons; 2. USDT is more convenient in the cryptocurrency world.

No need to say more about the first one. If you say more, you may not read this article. So the second one is actually obvious. This development path is quite similar to the path of early Internet payment products.

Back to the question of Alipay, do you remember why everyone started using Alipay at that time? Because it is difficult to use online banking to buy things on Taobao, but it is very smooth to use Alipay. Although the bank transfer was completed through Alipay at the beginning.

The same is true in the cryptocurrency world. From the Internet field to the blockchain field, a transitional product is naturally needed. Now it seems that this thing is USDT.

In fact, USDT is used as a "crypto dollar". Cryptocurrencies with stable values, that is, stable coins, are more acceptable to them. We have encountered many such people in our many years of experience in the industry. Bitcoin has a huge problem as a means of payment, so the so-called "buying coffee with Bitcoin" is a dispensable need in my eyes. It's better if you have it, it doesn't matter if you don't have it.

Bitcoin itself is provided for public storage and serves as a very low-frequency special payment method.

Then the question of whether Bitcoin has value is very simple. You only need to answer one question: Are there any better application scenarios for Bitcoin in the world?

Obviously, there is. Then that's enough.

『九』 What rules will be permanently banned in legal currency transactions if you violate them

(1) You must use your own bank card, Alipay or WeChat to receive/pay;
(2) It is prohibited to note any sensitive words such as "bitcoin" and "virtual currency" when making payment;
(3) If you cancel more than 3 orders, you will be banned from legal currency transactions for 2 days.

『Shi』What is the relationship between Huobi’s USDT, BTC and ETH?

1. The prices of BTC and ETH you see on this platform are not really against the US dollar. The price is priced in USDT currency, and USDT is priced in over-the-counter legal currency transactions. Their increases and decreases are all calculated in USDT. All three of them are virtual currencies. They are just currency-to-crypto transactions, not real US dollar prices.

2. USDT is a completely domestic altcoin. It used to be called realcoin, but it just changed its name. Realcoin is the second generation of domestic altcoin. The first generation was called realcoin. CHNcoin Chinese currency, both of which crashed and ran away in 2013 and 2014.

3. The actual value of USDT currency can be said to be equal to 0. TEDA Company, which issues USDT, has stopped providing any services to American citizens.That is to say, TEDA cannot provide exchange and withdrawal of USDT against US dollars.

(10) What are the consequences of the collapse of usdt? Further reading:

1. is a safe and trustworthy Bitcoin trading platform in China. It can obtain real Huobi has invested tens of millions of RMB in Series A capital such as GE Fund, Dai Zhikang, and Sequoia Capital (shareholders of many world-renowned companies such as Apple and Alibaba). Huobi implements strict risk control management and operates stably. As of the end of 2016, Huobi’s cumulative trading volume reached 2 trillion yuan.

2. will mainly focus on overseas transactions in the future. Founder Li Lin said in an open letter that it currently operates five major businesses around the world, including Huobi Global Professional Station, Huobi Korea, Huobi China, Huobi Wallet, and Huobi Global USD Station. Among them, Huobi China focuses on blockchain technology research and development and application information, while Huobi Korea and Huobi Global USD Station will continue to provide digital asset trading services for local legal currencies against digital currencies.

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