eth产出规则 eth区块

⑴ 以太坊哈值多久出一次

4日 一、POW模式下ETH的出块速度 如图中蓝色线,以太坊的发行每年产量被限制在7200万以太币的25%(每年以太币的矿产量,不高于1800万。7200万为一次性crowdsale而发行的以太坊)
: 只要选好了矿机,就能够挖到以太币,通常需要14天才能挖到一个以太币。挖以太币的速度快慢,取决于以太坊矿机的算力和效率大小,算力高效率才会高首先,最好使用一些功率更高的GPU来挖掘以太坊。增加GPU数量意味着增加初始投资。市场领先的品牌是AMD或NVIDIA。也就是说按照目前的难度来算,大概十台矿机需要16是广大投资者熟知的区块链资产交易平台,集OTC法币交易、币币交易、现货杠杆交易及合约交易于一体,主要提供比特币、莱特币、以太坊等主流数字货币的购买及出售

⑵ 以太坊的“分片”是指什么

写在文前:视频版本和文字版本略有不同,想要看我深情并茂演绎,请看视频版本 (喵懂区块链22期|分片(Sharding):以太坊太慢,“盘”他!),思维逻辑怪,请看文案加长版。

最近以太坊由于君士坦丁堡升级(Constantinople)而出现了压倒性的积极走势,而以太坊的升级之路则犹如升级打怪一般,落入了rabbithole,谁也不知道这洞有多深。既然是“路漫漫其修远兮”,则把脚下的每一步走好走准,则成了至关重要的点。攻破这一难点之后,以太坊的下一技术难点---Sharding分片,则又被摆到了台面上。本期《喵懂区块链》会带大家走进让以太坊快起来的法宝--- Sharding分片。






以以太坊分片为例,在原有的单链系统中,公链整体的性能取决于单个节点的性能,进行分片之后,每个节点只需要承当全网部分工作,各个分片并行工作,按照Vitalik的话来说,each shard is like a separate galaxy每个分片都像是独立的小宇宙,这样效率自然噌噌噌提升!原本以太坊链全网TPS约为20,现在若增加到100个分片,那么全网TPS可以提升至2000,同理,全网容量也将提升至原来的100倍。







分片的类型我们已经明白了,那么主链(Main chain)和分片链(shard chain)有什么不同呢?



⑶ 什么是以太币/以太坊ETH

以太币(ETH)是以太坊(Ethereum)的一种数字代币,被视为“比特币2.0版”,采用与比特币不同的区块链技术“以太坊”(Ethereum),一个开源的有智能合约成果的民众区块链平台,由全球成千上万的计算机构成的共鸣网络。开发者们需要支付以太币(ETH)来支撑应用的运行。和其他数字货币一样,以太币可以在交易平台上进行买卖 。


⑷ 一文读懂以太坊—ETH2.0,是否值得长期持有

这几天一直在看关于ETH伦敦升级方面的资料,简单的聊一下,在加密货币的世界里,无论是投资机构、区块链应用开发者、矿机商,还是个人投资者、硬件供应商、 游戏 行业从业者等等,提起以太坊,或多或少都会有一些了解。

一方面取决于以太坊代币 ETH 本身的造富效应。从 2014 年首次发行以来,投资回报率已经超过 7400 倍。

另一方面,以太坊作为应用最广泛的去中心应用编程平台,引来无数开发者在其之上开发应用。这些应用不仅产生了巨大的商业价值,伴随 DEFI 生态、NFT 生态、DAO 生态蓬勃发展,也给 ETH 带来了更多使用者。

随着“伦敦升级计划”临近,ETH 再次聚集所有人的关注目光。

以太坊 2.0 到底是什么?包含哪些升级?目前进展如何?

以太坊 2.0 到来,会对现有以太坊生态的去中心化应用产生哪些影响?

ETH 是否值得持续投资?看完相信你会有自己的判断。





以太坊也不例外,它的完整项目名称是“下一代智能合约与去中心化应用平台”,Ether(以太币)是其原生加密货币,简称 ETH。

ETH 除了可以用来与各种类型数字资产之间进行有效交换,还提供支付交易费用的机制,即我们现在做链上操作时所支付的 GAS 费用。GAS 费用机制的出现,即保护了以太坊网络上创建的应用不会被恶意程序随意滥用,又因为 GAS 收入归矿工所有,让更多的用户参与到以太坊网络的记账当中成为矿工,进一步维护了以太坊网络安全与生态发展。

与 BTC 不同的是,ETH 并没有采用 SHA256 挖矿算法,避免了整个挖矿生态出现由 ASIC(专用集成电路)矿机主导以至于大部分算力被中心化机构控制所带来的系统性风险。

以太坊最初采用的是 PoW(Proof of Work)的工作量证明机制,人们需要通过工作量证明以获取手续费回报。我们经常听说矿工使用显卡挖矿,他们做的就是 POW 工作量证明。显卡越多,算力越大,那么工作量就越大,收入也就越高。

当前,整个以太坊网络的总算力大约为 870.26 TH/s,用我们熟悉的消费级显卡来对比,英伟达 RTX 3080 的显卡算力大约为 92-93 MH/s,以太坊网络相当于 936 万张 3080 显卡算力的总和。

以太坊白皮书内非常明确提到之后会将 PoW 工作证明的账本机制升级为 POS (Proof of Stake)权益证明的账本机制。


与 BTC 总量 2100 万枚不同,ETH 的总量并没有做上限,而是在首次预售的 ETH 数量基础上每年增发,增发数量为 0.26x(x 为发售总量)。

但也不用担心 ETH 会无限通胀下去,长期来看,每年增发币的数量与每年因死亡或者粗心原因遗失币的数量大致相同,ETH 的“货币供应增长率”是趋近于零的。

ETH 分配模型包含早期购买者,早期贡献值,长期捐赠与矿工收益,具体分配比例如下表。

现在每年将有 60,102,216 * 0.26 = 15,626,576 个 ETH 被矿工挖出,转成 PoS 后,每年产出的 ETH 将减少。

目前,市场上流通的 ETH 总量约为 116,898,848 枚,总市值约为 2759 亿美元。


1. 边境阶段(2015年):上线后不久进行了第一次分叉,调整未来挖矿的难度。此版本处于实验阶段,技术并未成熟,最初只能让少部分开发者参与挖矿,智能合约也仅面向开发者开发应用使用,并没有用户参与,以太坊网络处于萌芽期。

边境阶段 ETH 价格:1.24 美元。

2. 家园阶段(2016年):以太坊主网于 2016 年 3 月进行了第二次分叉,发布了第一个稳定版本。此版本是第一个成熟的正式版本,采用 100% PoW 证明,引入难度炸弹,随着区块链数量的增加,挖矿难度呈指数增长,网络的性能大幅提升,以太坊项目也进入到快速成长期。在”家园“版本里,还发生了著名的”The DAO 攻击事件“,以太坊被社区投票硬分叉为以太坊(ETH)与以太经典(ETC)两条链,V 神站在了 ETH 这边。

家园阶段 ETH 价格:12.50 美元。

3. 都会阶段(2017~2019年):都会的开发又分为三个阶段,升级分成了三次分叉,分别是 2017 年 10 月的“拜占庭”、2019 年 2 月底的“君士坦丁堡“、以及 2019 年 12 月的“伊斯坦布尔”。这些升级主要改善智能合约的编写、提高安全性、加入难度炸弹以及一些核心架构的修改,以协助未来从工作量证明转至权益证明。

在都会阶段,以太坊网络正式显现出其威力,正式进入成熟期。智能合约让不同链上的加密货币可以互相交易,ERC-20 也在 2017 代币发行的标准,成千上万个项目在以太坊网络进行募资,被称作“首次代币发行(ICO)”,相信很多币圈的老人都是被当时 ICO 造富效应带进来的。到 2019 年,随着DeFi 生态的崛起,金融产品正式成为以太链上最大的产业。

都会阶段 ETH 价格:151.06 美元。

4. 宁静阶段(2020-2023年):与都会分三阶段开发相同,宁静阶段目前预计分成三次分叉:柏林(已完成)、伦敦(即将到来)、以及后面的第三次分叉。“宁静”阶段又称为“以太坊 2.0”,是项目的最终阶段,以太坊将从工作量证明方式正式转向权益证明,并开发第二层扩容方案,提高整个网络的运行效率。

宁静阶段可以说是以太坊网络的集大成之作,如果说前个三阶段只是让以太坊的愿景展现的实验平台,宁静阶段之后的以太坊,将正式成为完全体,不仅有完备的生态应用,超级快的处理速度,众多网络协同发展,而且 PoS 机制会非常节约能源,真正代表了区块链技术逐渐走向成熟的标志。

宁静阶段 ETH 价格:2021 年 4 月 15 日完成的柏林阶段,当天价格为 2454 美元。





1. 去中心化自制组织(DAO)生态

什么是去中心化自制组织?还是以我们熟悉的比特币举例:比特币目前市值七千多亿美金,在全球资产市值类排名第九,但比特币并不是某一公司发布的产品,也没有特定公司组织招聘人员进行维护。比特币现有的一切,都源于比特币持有者、比特币矿工自发形成的分布式组织,他们通过投票方式规划比特币发展路线,自发参与维护比特币程序与网络 —这仅仅因为只要拥有比特币,所有人都是比特币网络建设中的受益者,一切维护都源于自身的利益关系。

比特币的发明与成功运行,突破了由荷兰人创建、至今流行 400 多年的公司商业架构,开创出一种全新的、无组织架构的、全球分布式的商业模式,这就是 DAO。

再说回以太坊,以太坊的 DAO 可以由智能合约编写,用户自定义应用场景。简单说就是我们规定出程序执行条件与执行范围,真实世界里只要触发设定好的条件,程序就会自动执行运行,且所有过程都会在以太坊的网络上进行去中心化公开验证,不需要经过人工或者任何第三方组织机构确认。

以太坊 DAO 生态演化出许多商业场景,有慈善机构使用 DAO 建立公开透明的捐款与使用机制,有风投机构使用 DAO 建立公平分配的风险基金。

以太坊生态的很多项目都采用 DAO 自治,代表项目有:Uniswap,AAVE,MakerDAO,Compound,Decred,Dash 等。

2. 去中心化金融(DEFI)生态



举个例子:全世界个人贷款最贵的国家是印度,印度的年轻人房贷利率目前是 8.8%,最高曾经到过 20%;与此对应,全世界个人存款利率最低的国家是日本,日本政府为了鼓励民众消费,在很长一段时间里银行存款利率是负值,日本人在银行存款不仅没有利息,还要给银行交保管费。理论上,如果日本人将自己的存款借与印度人,双方都能获得利益最大化,但现实生活中这样的场景很难发生。一是每个国家都有外汇管制,日本人的钱并不容易能给到印度人,二是印度人的信用如何日本人也不好评估,大家没有统一标准,万一借出去的钱无法归还,不能没了收益还要蒙受损失。



这个例子就是去中心金融的简单应用,实际上,这就是我们参与 DEFI 挖矿是质押理财的原理 —— 当然真正应用实现算法与场景要复杂的多。

DEFI 根据场景不同,又可以分为很多赛道,比如稳定币、预言机、AMM 交易所、衍生品、聚合器等等。

DEFI 代表项目有:Dai,Augur,Chainlink,WBTC,0x,Balance,Liquity 等。

3. 非同质化代币(NFT)生态


这就是 NFT 的应用场景。NFT是我们可以用来表示独特物品所有权的代币,它们让我们将艺术品、收藏品甚至房地产等现实事物唯一代币化。虽然文件(作品)本身是可以无限复制,但代表它们的代币在链上可以被追踪,并为买家提供所有权证明。

相比现实中实物版权、物权的双重交割相比,NFT 只需要交割描述此物品的唯一代币。NFT 作品往往存储在如 IPFS 这样的分布式存储网络里,随用随取,永不丢失,加之交割简单方便,很快吸引了大量玩家与投资者收藏转卖,NFT 出现也给艺术家提供了全新的收入模式。

类似 DEFI 生态,NFT 生态根据应用场景不同也产生了不同赛道,目前比较火热的赛道有 NFT 交易平台,NFT 游戏 平台,NFT 艺术品平台, NFT 与 DEFI 结合在一起的金融平台。

NFT 代表项目有:CryptoKitties,CryptoPunks,Meebits,Opensea,Rally,Axie Infinity,Enjin Coin,The Sandbox 等。

4. 标准代币协议(ERC-20)生态

与 NFT 非同质化代币所对应的,就是同质化代币。比如我们使用的人民币就是一种同质化代币,我们可以用人民币进行价值交换,即使序号不同也不影响其价值,如果面额相同,不同的钞票序号对持有者来说没有区别。

BTC,ETH 和所有我们熟知的加密货币,都属于同质化代币。同种类的一个比特币和另一个比特币没有任何区别,规格相同,具有统一性。在交易中,只需关注代币交接的数量即可,其价值可能会根据交换的时间间隔而改变,但其本质并没有发生变化。

以太坊的 ERC-20 就是定义这种代币的标准协议,任何人都可以使用 ERC-20 协议,通过几行代码,发布自己在以太坊网络上的加密货币。


ERC-20 代表项目有:USDT,USDC,WBTC 等。




用数据举例,目前比特币可处理转账 7 笔 / 秒,以太坊是 25 笔 / 秒,而 VISA 平均为 4500 笔 / 秒,峰值则达每秒上万笔。这种业务处理能力的差别,我们就可以简单理解为是「吞吐量」的差距。而想要提高吞吐量,则需要扩展区块链的业务处理能力,这就是所谓的扩展性。


1. Layer 1 链上扩展,所有交易都保留在以太坊上的扩展解决方案,具有更高的安全性。

链上扩展的本质还是改进以太坊主链本身,使整个系统拥有更高的拓展性与运行效率。一般的方法有两种,要么改变共识协议,比如 ETH 将从 PoW 转变为 PoS;要么使用分片技术,优化方法使网络具有更高效率。

2. Layer 2 链下扩展,在以太坊协议之上分层单独做各场景解决方案,具有更好的扩展性。


我们并不需要明白具体技术实现,只需知道:相比 Layer 1 方案,Layer 2 方案网络不会干扰底层区块链协议,可以替 Layer 1 承担大部分计算工作,从而降低主网络的负担提高网络业务处理效率,是目前公认比较好的扩容方案。


终于讲到以太坊 2.0,回到主题。

通过回顾以太坊的发展 历史 ,以太坊 2.0 并不是新项目,它只是以太坊开发进程的最后一个阶段,它将由整个以太坊生态多个团队协同完成,目标是使以太坊更具可扩展性、更安全和更可持续,最终成为主流并为全人类服务。


1. 更具可扩展性。每秒支持 1000 次交易,以使应用程序使用起来更快、更便宜。

2. 更安全。以太坊变得更加安全,以抵御所有形式的攻击。

3. 更可持续。提高网络性能的同时减少对能源的消耗,更好地保护环境。

最重要的变化,ETH2 将从 ETH1 使用的 PoW(Proof of Work)工作量证明机制升级为 POS (Proof of Stake)权益证明机制。不再以算力做为验证方式,而是通过质押加密货币的数量做为验证手段。矿工不需要显卡也能挖矿,既节省了时间成本与电力成本,又提高了 ETH 的利用率,非常类似钱存在银行获得利息。

ETH2 主要使用的技术是分片分层技术实现整个网络扩容。

ETH2 升级将分为三个阶段进行:

1. 阶段0(正在进行):信标链的创建与合并。信标链是 ETH2 的主链,如同人类的大脑,是 ETH2 得以运行的基础。

2. 阶段1(预计2022年):分片链的创建与应用。当信标链与 ETH1 合并完成后,就进入分片链的开发阶段。分片链可以理解为将 ETH2 主链的整块数据按一定规则拆分存放,单独建立新链处理,用来分担主链上的数据压力,目前规划是建立 64 条分片链。



3. 阶段2(预计2023年):整个网络功能的融合。到了此阶段,整个系统的功能全面开始融合,分片链的功能会更加强大,新的处理机制开始支持账户、智能合约、开发工具的创建,新的生态应用等。

此阶段是以太坊网络的最终形态,网络性能得到全面提升,生态应用全面爆发。但要服务全人类,ETH2 每秒 1000 次的交易效率显然还是远远不够,以太坊也会为它的目标持续优化下去。


1. 对于以太坊生态开发者。ETH2 在部署应用的时候,是需要选择应用在哪条分片网络进行部署,造成这种差异的原因是跨分片通信不同步,这就意味着开发者需要根据自己发展计划做不同的组合。

2. 对与 ETH 持币者。ETH2 与 ETH1 数据完全同步,代币也不会有任何变化,你可以继续使用现在的钱包地址继续持有 ETH。

3. 对于矿工。虽然 PoW 与 PoS 还会并行一段时间,可以预计的 PoW 矿机的产出会越来越少,应该开始减少 PoW 矿机的投资,开始转向 PoS 机制。

4. 对于用户。ETH2 速度更快,交易手续费更低,网络体验会非常好,唯一值得注意的是,由于 Dapp 部署在不同的分片网络上,可能需要手动选择应用的网络选项。


ETH 是除了 BTC 以外市场的风向标,明确了解 ETH2 非常有助于我们理解其他区块链项目,理解二级市场。


1. 通过以太坊的项目分析,我们可以清晰地看到:在比特币之后,以太坊项目的发展史就是目前区块链应用生态的发展史。无论 DEFI 生态,NFT 生态,DAO 生态还是代币、合约、协议生态,其实在以太坊发布白皮书时已有预见,后来出现的项目,都是围绕以太坊做验证。

2. 以太坊的联合创始人里,只有 V 神还在为以太坊事业做贡献,但这并不影响以以太坊繁荣发展。以太坊初始团队只是创建了它,后续的发展是社区、开发者、矿工与用户共同建立的结果,现在的以太坊早已不是某一个人的思维,它是所有以太坊生态参与者共同的结晶,它属于全人类。

3. 以太坊在过去的几年一直沿着既定的开发轨迹发展,虽然中途一度出现过危机,以太坊“被死亡”了好几百次,以太坊还是顽强的发展下来,并且拥有了繁荣生态。ETH2 还要两三年时间才能落地,中间也充满变数,比如其他的公链抢占先机,但可以预见,ETH2 后的以太坊会更加健壮。

4. 不要在抱有任何 BTC 会死亡,区块链行业会消失这样的伪命题。BTC、ETH 让我们看到了突破原有公司组织架构,一种全新无组织架构的商业模式存在,这种商业模式显然更符合这个时代的发展需求,无论项目地发起团队在不在,无论各国政府如何打压,只要技术对人类有贡献,就会由人员自发组织维护,区块链技术是革命。

5. ETH2 的上线,短期看 PoW 奖励与 PoS 奖励并行,可能会让 ETH 总通胀率短期内飙升,长期看 ETH 通胀率始终保持平衡。加上 ETH 本身的生态与应用场景,ETH是值得投资的,目前看不到有其他公链代替以太坊公链的可能性,ETH2 的上线,甚至会对其他公链造成“虹吸效应”,万链归一。

#比特币[超话]# #数字货币#

⑸ 矿工挖到以太坊的区块后,能得到多少以太币的奖励




⑹ 比特币ETH是什么意思



⑺ eth挖矿是什么原理

不知道大家还记得比特币的共识机制是什么吗?比特币的共识机制是 PoW (这是英文 Proof of Work 的缩写,意思是“工作量证明机制”)。简单来说,就是多劳多得,你付出的计算工作越高,那么你就越有可能第一个找到正确的哈希值,就越有可能得到比特币奖励。
以太坊为了弥补比特币的不足,提出了新的共识机制,名叫 PoS(这是英文的缩写,意思是“权益证明”,也有翻译成“股权证明”的)。
PoS 简单来讲,其实就跟它的字面意思一样:权益嘛,股权嘛,你持有的币越多相当于你的股权越多,你的权益越高。
在以太坊最初的设定中,以太坊希望能够通过阶段性的升级,在前期依旧采用PoW来构建一个相对稳定的系统,之后逐渐采用 PoW+PoS,最后完全过渡到 PoS。所以,说以太坊的共识机制是PoS,没错,但是PoS只是以太坊发布之初的一个计划或者说目标,目前以太坊还没有过渡到 PoS,以太坊采用的共识机制仍是 PoW,就是比特币那个 PoW,但是又和比特币的PoW稍稍不同。
以太坊协议规定,难度的动态调整方式是使全网创建新区块的时间间隔为 15 秒,网络用 15 秒时间创建区块链,这样一来,因为时间太快,系统的同步性就大大提升,恶意参与者很难在如此短的时间发动51%(也就是半数以上)的算力去修改历史数据。
第二个信息点是:以太坊最初的设定中,希望通过阶段性升级来最终实现由 PoW 向
时间追溯到 2014 年,在以太坊发布之初,团队宣布将项目的发布分为四个阶段,即 Froniter(前沿)、Homestead(家园)、Metropolis(大都会)和 Serenity(宁静)。前三个阶段共识机制采用 PoW(工作量证明机制),第四个阶段切换到 PoS(权益证明机制)。
2015年7月30号,以太坊第一个阶段“前沿”正式发布,这个阶段只适用于开发者使用,开发人员可于在以太坊网络上编写智能合约和去中心化应用程序 DAPP,矿工开始进入以太坊网络维护网络安全并挖矿得到以太币。前沿版本类似于测试版,证明以太坊网络到底是不是可靠的。
2017 年 9 月,以太坊已经进行到第三个阶段“大都会”。“大都会”由拜占庭和君士坦丁堡两次升级组成,这个阶段的的目标是希望能够引入 PoW 和 PoS 的混合链模式,为 PoW向PoS的顺滑过渡做准备。最近比较热门的“以太坊君士坦丁堡升级”升级的就是这个,在君士坦丁堡升级中呢,以太坊将对底层协议和算法做一些改变,来为实现 PoW 和
1、 静态奖励,5个以太坊;
2、 区块内所花费的燃料成本,也就是Gas,这部分我们上一期内容讲过;
3、 作为区块组成部分,包含“叔区块”的额外奖励,叔就是叔叔的叔,每个叔区块可以得到挖矿报酬的1/32作为奖励,也就是5乘以1/32,等于0.15625 个以太坊。这里我们简单解释一下“叔区块”,“叔区块”这个概念是以太坊提出来的,为什么要引进叔块的概念?这还要从比特币说起。在比特币协议中,最长的链被认为是绝对的正确。如果一个块不是最长链的一部分,那么它被称为是“孤块”。一个孤立的块是一个块,它也是合法的,但是可能发现的稍晚,或者是网络传输稍慢,而没有能成为最长的链的一部分。在比特币中,孤块没有意义,随后将被抛弃掉,发现这个孤块的矿工也拿不到采矿相关的奖励。
但是,以太坊不认为孤块是没有价值的,以太坊系统也会给与发现孤块的矿工回报。在以太坊中,孤块被称为“叔块”(uncle block),它们可以为主链的安全作出贡献。 以太坊十几秒的出块间隔太快了,会降低安全性,通过鼓励引用叔块,使引用主链获得更多的安全保证(因为孤块本身也是合法的) ,而且,支付报酬给叔块,还能激发矿工积极挖矿,积极引用叔块,所以,以太坊认为,它是有价值的。

⑻ 以太坊2.0是什么执行路线

阶段0 –信标链
第0阶段将从信标链的正式启动开始。目前计划于2020年第二季度(预计到2020年12月1日,稍后再更新)。阶段0的目标是为碎片块提供证明和随机性。随着阶段0的推出,出现了一个新令牌ETH2。以太坊的用户将能够通过注册合同转换为ETH2(以1:1的比例)(有效地消耗了您以前持有的ETH)。社区将可以选择在验证者节点上抵押32 ETH2。
阶段2 –执行引擎

⑼ ETH挖矿接受越高越好吗


⑽ 以太坊是如何挖矿的

以太坊的代币是通过采矿过程中产生的,每块采矿率为 5 个以太币。以太坊的采矿过程几乎与比特币相同,对于每一笔交易,矿工都可以使用计算机通过散列函数运行该块的唯一标题元数据,反复,快速地猜出答案,直到其中一人获胜。

许多新用户认为,采矿的唯一目的是以不需要中央发行人的方式生成醚(参见我们的指南“ 什么是以太? ”)。这是真的。以太坊的代币是通过采矿过程中产生的,每块采矿率为 5 个以太币。但是,采矿还有至少同样重要的作用。通常,银行负责保持交易的准确记录。他们确保资金不是凭空创造的,用户不会多次欺骗和花钱。不过,区块链引入了一种全新的记录保存方式,整个网络而不是中介,验证交易并将其添加到公共分类账。

Ethereum Mining

尽管“无信任”或“信任最小化”货币体系是目标,但仍有人需要确保财务记录的安全,确保没有人作弊。采矿是使分散记录成为可能的创新之一。矿工们在防止欺诈行为(特别是醚的双重支出)方面达成了关于交易历史的共识 – 这是一个有趣的问题,在分散化的货币未在工作区块链之前解决。虽然以太坊正在研究其他方法来就交易的有效性达成共识,但采矿目前将平台保持在一起。

今天,以太坊的采矿过程几乎与比特币相同。对于每一笔交易,矿工都可以使用计算机反复,快速地猜出答案,直到其中一人获胜。更具体地说,矿工将通过散列函数(它将返回一个固定长度,乱序的数字和字母串,它看起来是随机的)运行该块的唯一标题元数据(包括时间戳和软件版本),只改变’nonce 值’ ,这会影响结果散列值。

如果矿工发现与当前目标相匹配的散列,矿工将被授予乙醚并在整个网络上广播该块,以便每个节点验证并添加到他们自己的分类账副本中。如果矿工 B 找到散列,矿工 A 将停止对当前块的工作,并为下一个块重复该过程。矿工很难在这场比赛中作弊。没有办法伪造这项工作,并拿出正确的谜题答案。这就是为什么解谜方法被称为“工作证明”。

另一方面,其他人几乎没有时间验证散列值是否正确,这正是每个节点所做的。大约每 12-15 秒,一名矿工发现一块石块。如果矿工开始比这更快或更慢地解决谜题,算法会自动重新调整问题的难度,以便矿工回弹到大约 12 秒钟的解决时间。

矿工们随机赚取这些乙醚,他们的盈利能力取决于运气和他们投入的计算能力。以太坊使用的具体工作量验证算法被称为’ethash’,旨在需要更多的内存,使得使用昂贵的 ASIC 难以开采 – 特殊的采矿芯片,现在是唯一可以盈利的比特币开采方式。

从某种意义上讲,ethash 可能已经成功实现了这一目的,因为专用 ASIC 不可用于以太坊(至少目前还没有)。此外,由于以太坊旨在从工作证明挖掘转变为“股权证明”(我们将在下面讨论),购买 ASIC 可能不是一个明智的选择,因为它可能无法长久证明有用。


⑴ How often does Ethereum hash value come out?

Basically, it takes 14 days to mine an Ethereum coin.
On the 4th, the block production speed of ETH in POW mode is the blue line in the figure. The annual output of Ethereum is limited to 25% of 72 million ether coins (the annual mining output of ether coins is no more than 1800 10,000. 72 million Ethereum issued for one-time crowdsale)
: As long as you choose the mining machine, you can mine Ethereum coins. It usually takes 14 days to mine one Ethereum coin. The speed of mining Ethereum depends on the computing power and efficiency of the Ethereum mining machine. The higher the computing power, the higher the efficiency. First, it is best to use some higher-power GPUs to mine Ethereum. Increasing the number of GPUs means increasing the initial investment. The market leading brands are AMD or NVIDIA. In other words, based on the current difficulty, about ten mining machines require 16. It is a blockchain asset trading platform that is well known to investors. It integrates OTC legal currency transactions, currency-to-crypto transactions, spot leverage transactions and contract transactions. It mainly provides Purchase and sale of mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum

⑵ What does “sharding” of Ethereum mean?

Written before the text: video version and text The version is slightly different. If you want to see my affectionate interpretation, please watch the video version (Meow Understands Blockchain Issue 22 | Sharding: Ethereum is too slow, "disk" him!). For weird thinking and logic, please watch Extended version of the copy.

Recently, Ethereum has experienced an overwhelmingly positive trend due to the Constantinople upgrade, and the upgrade path of Ethereum is like upgrading to fight monsters, falling into a rabbithole, and no one can I don't know how deep the hole is. Since "the road is long and difficult", it is crucial to take every step carefully and accurately. After overcoming this difficulty, Ethereum's next technical difficulty, Sharding, has been put on the table again. This issue of "Meow Understands Blockchain" will take you into the magic weapon that makes Ethereum grow faster---Sharding.

What is sharding?

Sharding technology is actually not a new concept. It was originally an optimization solution proposed for large central databases. Specifically, it divides the data in large databases into many data shards (shards) according to certain rules. ), and then store these data fragments in different servers to reduce the data access pressure on each server, thereby improving the performance of the entire database system.

Let’s give a simple example:

For example, Meituan, Didi Taxi and other software that we often use can be sharded according to “city”. Due to different City data does not need to be interconnected. Data from different cities can be stored in different databases. In this way, the database server can be deployed on the node closest to the corresponding city and the access speed can be improved. How?What about enjoying it but not doing it? !

From the above example, we should all have a preliminary understanding of the concept of sharding. So what does sharding look like in a blockchain scenario?

Take Ethereum sharding as an example. In the original single-chain system, the overall performance of the public chain depends on the performance of a single node. After sharding, each node only needs to undertake part of the work of the entire network. , each shard works in parallel. According to Vitalik, each shard is like a separate galaxy. Each shard is like an independent small universe, so the efficiency is naturally improved! Originally, the TPS of the entire Ethereum chain was about 20. Now if the number of shards is increased to 100, the TPS of the entire network can be increased to 2,000. Similarly, the capacity of the entire network will also be increased to 100 times the original.

"Each node only needs to undertake part of the work of the entire network", which will lead to several major questions. 1. How to determine which shard this node is responsible for? 2. Which transactions should be classified into which shards? 3. Does each node only need to store the transaction information (ledger) of its own shard?

Depending on whether the above issues are realized or not, we can divide sharding into three types: network sharding, transaction sharding, and status sharding.

Network fragmentation: How to divide the entire network nodes into different fragments.

Transaction sharding: How to divide the entire network's transactions into different shards.

State sharding: How to allow each node to only maintain the ledger within its own shard without affecting the security of the entire system.

What are the differences and connections between the main chain and the shard chain?

We already understand the types of shards, so what is the difference between the main chain and the shard chain?

Turn left|Turn right

The implementation of Ethereum sharding is a long process, and even Vitalik himself said that it will be done in stages Let’s gradually implement it. Let’s wait and see whether sharding can move from theory to practice.

⑶ What is Ethereum/Ethereum ETH

Ethereum (ETH) is a digital token of Ethereum and is regarded as "Bitcoin version 2.0" , using the blockchain technology "Ethereum" that is different from Bitcoin, an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract results, a resonance network composed of thousands of computers around the world. Developers need to pay Ethereum (ETH) to support the operation of the application. Like other digital currencies, Ethereum can be bought and sold on trading platforms.

Warm reminder: The above explanation is for reference only and does not make any suggestions. There are risks in entering the market, so investment needs to be cautious. Before making any investment, you should ensure that you fully understand the investment nature of the product and the risks involved. Learn more about andAfter carefully evaluating the product, you can then make your own decision whether to participate in the transaction.
Response time: 2020-12-02. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
[I know about Ping An Bank] Want to know more? Come and see "I Know Ping An Bank"~

⑷ Understand Ethereum—ETH2 in one article. 0. Is it worth holding for a long time?

I have been reading information about the London upgrade of ETH in the past few days. Let me briefly talk about it. In the world of cryptocurrency, whether it is investment institutions or blockchain application development Whether it is investors, mining machine vendors, individual investors, hardware suppliers, game industry practitioners, etc., when it comes to Ethereum, they all have more or less understanding.

On the one hand, it depends on the wealth creation effect of the Ethereum token ETH itself. Since the initial issuance in 2014, the return on investment has exceeded 7,400 times.

On the other hand, Ethereum, as the most widely used decentralized application programming platform, has attracted countless developers to develop applications on it. These applications not only generate huge commercial value, but also bring more users to ETH as the DEFI ecology, NFT ecology, and DAO ecology flourish.

As the "London Upgrade Plan" approaches, ETH has once again attracted everyone's attention.

What exactly is Ethereum 2.0? What upgrades are included? How is the progress so far?

What impact will the arrival of Ethereum 2.0 have on the decentralized applications of the existing Ethereum ecosystem?

Is ETH worth continuing to invest? I believe you will make your own judgment after reading it.

If building an application is like building a house, then Ethereum provides modules such as walls, roofs, and floors. Users only need to build the house like building blocks. As a result, the cost and speed of building applications on Ethereum have been greatly improved. The emergence of Ethereum quickly attracted a large number of developers to enter the world of Ethereum to write various decentralized applications, which greatly enriched people's demand for decentralized application scenarios.

Ethereum application development model

Ethereum and ETH

Cryptocurrencies in the existing market are only single tokens where blockchain technology is applied in a certain scenario.

Ethereum is no exception. Its full project name is "Next Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform", and Ether (Ether) is its The native cryptocurrency, referred to as ETH.

In addition to being used for effective exchange with various types of digital assets, ETH also provides a mechanism to pay transaction fees, that is, we are now doing on-chain operations The GAS fee paid at the time. The emergence of the GAS fee mechanism not only protects applications created on the Ethereum network from being abused by malicious programs, but also because GAS income belongs to miners, allowing more users to participate in the accounting of the Ethereum network and become miners, further Maintained Ethereum network security and ecological development.

Unlike BTC, ETH does not use the SHA256 mining algorithm, preventing the entire mining ecosystem from being dominated by ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) mining machines. As a result, the systemic risks caused by most of the computing power being controlled by centralized institutions.

Ethereum initially adopted the PoW (Proof of Work) proof-of-work mechanism, and people need to pass proof of work to obtain handling fee returns. We often hear that miners use graphics cards to mine, and what they do is POW proof of work. The more graphics cards and the greater the computing power, the greater the workload and the higher the income.

Currently, the total computing power of the entire Ethereum network is approximately 870.26 TH/s. Compared with the consumer-grade graphics cards we are familiar with, the NVIDIA RTX 3080 graphics card calculates The computing power of the Ethereum network is approximately 92-93 MH/s, which is equivalent to the total computing power of 9.36 million 3080 graphics cards.

The Ethereum white paper clearly mentions that the ledger mechanism of PoW Proof of Work will be upgraded to the ledger mechanism of POS (Proof of Stake) Proof of Stake.

ETH economic model

Unlike the total amount of BTC, which is 21 million, ETH’s There is no upper limit on the total amount, but an additional issuance is added every year based on the amount of ETH in the first pre-sale, and the additional issuance amount is 0.26x (x is the total amount of the sale).

But there is no need to worry that ETH will continue to inflate indefinitely. In the long run, the number of additional coins issued each year is roughly the same as the number of coins lost due to death or carelessness each year. The "money supply growth rate" of ETH is approaching zero.

The ETH distribution model includes early buyers, early contribution value, long-term donations and miner income. The specific distribution ratio is as follows.

Now, 60,102,216 * 0.26 = 15,626,576 ETH will be mined by miners every year. After converting to PoS, the annual ETH output will decrease.

Currently, the total amount of ETH circulating in the market is approximately 116,898,848 pieces, with a total market value of approximately US$275.9 billion.

Development history of Ethereum

1. Border stage (2015): online The first fork was carried out shortly afterwards to adjust the difficulty of future mining. This version is in the experimental stage, and the technology is not yet mature. Initially, only a small number of developers can participate in mining. Smart contracts are only for developers to develop applications, and there is no user participation. The Ethereum network is in its infancy.

Frontier phase ETH price: $1.24.

2. Home stage (2016): The Ethereum mainnet conducted its second fork in March 2016 and released the first stable version . This version is the first mature official version, using 100% PoW proof and introducing a difficulty bomb. With the increase in the number of blockchains, the mining difficulty increases exponentially, the performance of the network is greatly improved, and the Ethereum project has also entered a rapid development stage. growth period. In the "Homeland" version, the famous "The DAO attack" also occurred. Ethereum was hard-forked by the community vote into two chains, Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC). Buterin stood on ETH's side. side.

Home Phase ETH Price: $12.50.

3. Urban phase (2017~2019): The development of the city is divided into three phases, and the upgrade is divided into three bifurcations, namely in 2017 “Byzantium” in October, “Constantinople” at the end of February 2019, and “Constantinople” in December 2019Istanbul". These upgrades mainly improve the writing of smart contracts, improve security, add difficulty bombs, and modify some core architecture to assist in the future transition from proof of work to proof of stake.

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In the urban stage, the Ethereum network has officially shown its power and officially entered the mature stage. Smart contracts allow cryptocurrencies on different chains to trade with each other, and ERC-20 also became the standard for token issuance in 2017. Thousands of projects are raising funds on the Ethereum network, which is called "Initial Coin Offering (ICO)". I believe that many old people in the currency circle were brought in by the wealth-making effect of ICO at that time. By 2019, with the With the rise of the DeFi ecosystem, financial products have officially become the largest industry on the Ethereum chain.

Urban stage ETH price: $151.06.

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4. Quiet phase (2020-2023): Similar to the three-phase development of the city, the quiet phase is currently expected to be divided into three branches: Berlin (completed), London (coming soon), and the subsequent third fork. The "quiet" stage, also known as "Ethereum 2.0", is the final stage of the project. Ethereum will officially shift from the proof-of-work method to the proof-of-stake method, and develop a second-layer expansion plan to improve The operating efficiency of the entire network.

The quiet phase can be said to be the masterpiece of the Ethereum network. If the first three phases are just to show the vision of Ethereum As an experimental platform, Ethereum after the quiet phase will officially become a complete entity. It not only has complete ecological applications, super-fast processing speeds, and the coordinated development of many networks, but also the PoS mechanism will be very energy-saving and truly represents blockchain technology. A sign of gradual maturity.

Quiet phase ETH price: The Berlin phase completed on April 15, 2021, the price on that day was $2,454.

The upcoming London protocol upgrade

Ethereum Ecology

The ecological development of Ethereum can be divided into two categories: Major categories: The first is Ethereum network ecological application construction, and the second is Ethereum network expansion construction. The two integrate and achieve each other. Applications need a more robust and powerful network as a carrier, and the network needs fully functional application scenarios to serve users.

Let’s talk about the application ecology first. We can divide the Ethereum ecology into the following categories:

1. Decentralized self-made organization (DAO) ecology

What is a decentralized self-made organization? Let’s take the familiar Bitcoin as an example: Bitcoin’s current market value is more than 700 billion U.S. dollars, ranking ninth in the global asset market value category. However, Bitcoin is not a product released by a certain company, and no specific company recruits personnel to maintain it. Everything that exists in Bitcoin originates from the distributed organization spontaneously formed by Bitcoin holders and Bitcoin miners. They plan the development route of Bitcoin through voting and voluntarily participate in maintaining the Bitcoin program and network. This is simply because as long as they have In Bitcoin, everyone is a beneficiary of the construction of the Bitcoin network, and all maintenance stems from their own interests.

The invention and successful operation of Bitcoin broke through the company's business structure that was created by the Dutch and has been popular for more than 400 years, and created a new, seamless An organizational, globally distributed business model, this is DAO.

Going back to Ethereum, Ethereum’s DAO can be written by smart contracts and user-defined application scenarios. To put it simply, we stipulate the program execution conditions and execution scope. In the real world, as long as the set conditions are triggered, the program will automatically execute and run, and all processes will be decentralized and publicly verified on the Ethereum network. No need Confirmed manually or by any third-party organization.

The Ethereum DAO ecosystem has evolved into many business scenarios. Some charities use DAO to establish an open and transparent donation and usage mechanism, and some venture capital institutions use DAO to establish fairness. Allocated risk funds.

Many projects in the Ethereum ecosystem adopt DAO autonomy. Representative projects include: Uniswap, AAVE, MakerDAO, Compound, Decred, Dash, etc.

2. Decentralized Finance (DEFI) Ecosystem

In the traditional business world Here, if we need to borrow money, save money, or buy stocks of a certain company, or make corporate loans or financing, as long as we are conducting financial activities, we cannot do without dealing with financial institutions such as banks, securities institutions, and accounting firms.

In a decentralized world, the essence of the blockchain is a large open ledger that collects everyone’s transaction records. We can trace back every transaction very easily. Every occurrence of a wallet addressFor a transaction, the balance information of any wallet address can be queried to evaluate the assets in the wallet address.

For example: The country with the most expensive personal loans in the world is India. The mortgage interest rate for young people in India is currently 8.8%, and the highest has ever been 20%. ; Correspondingly, the country with the lowest personal deposit interest rate in the world is Japan. In order to encourage people to consume, the Japanese government has kept bank deposit interest rates negative for a long time. Japanese people not only receive no interest on bank deposits, but also pay to the bank. Storage fee. In theory, if the Japanese lend their savings to Indians, both parties can maximize their benefits, but in real life such a scenario is difficult to happen. First, every country has foreign exchange controls. It is not easy for Japanese people to give money to Indians. Second, it is difficult for Japanese people to evaluate the creditworthiness of Indians. There is no unified standard for everyone. If the money lent cannot be returned, , we cannot lose profits but still suffer losses.

But in a decentralized world, such things are much simpler.

If an Indian has Bitcoin in his wallet address, we can use smart contracts and the Indian will pledge his Bitcoin into it. According to Bitcoin at the time At the price, the system automatically gives Indians a credit line, and Indians can use this line to borrow money from Japanese people, and the repayment period and interest rate are stipulated. If the Indians default, the contract will automatically deduct the Bitcoins pledged by the Indians, giving priority to protecting Japan's rights. In this way, the Japanese do not have to worry about safety issues and can enjoy the benefits without worry, and the Indians also have more money as working capital.

This example is a simple application of decentralized finance. In fact, this is the principle of our participation in DEFI mining and pledge financial management - of course the actual application of the algorithm The scene is much more complicated.

DEFI can be divided into many tracks according to different scenarios, such as stable coins, oracles, AMM exchanges, derivatives, aggregators, etc.

Representative projects of DEFI include: Dai, Augur, Chainlink, WBTC, 0x, Balance, Liquidity, etc.

3. Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Ecology

World Famous Paintings "Mona Lisa", only Leonardo da Vinci's original version can be displayed in the Louvre Museum in France. Even if modern technology can reproduce it with incomparable precision, imitationsNone of them have the collection value of the original.

This is the application scenario of NFT. NFTs are tokens that we can use to represent ownership of unique items. They allow us to uniquely tokenize real-life things like art, collectibles, and even real estate. While the files (works) themselves are infinitely replicable, the tokens representing them are trackable on-chain and provide buyers with proof of ownership.

Compared with the dual delivery of physical copyright and property rights in reality, NFT only requires the delivery of the unique token describing the item. NFT works are often stored in distributed storage networks such as IPFS. They can be taken at any time and will never be lost. In addition, the delivery is simple and convenient, and soon attracted a large number of players and investors to collect and resell. The emergence of NFT has also provided artists with new opportunities. revenue model.

Similar to DEFI ecology, NFT ecology has also produced different tracks according to different application scenarios. Currently, the more popular tracks include NFT trading platform, NFT game platform, NFT art platform, a financial platform that combines NFT and DEFI.

Representative NFT projects include: CryptoKitties, CryptoPunks, Meebits, Opensea, Rally, Axie Infinity, Enjin Coin, The Sandbox, etc.

4. Standard Token Protocol (ERC-20) Ecology

and NFT Non-fungible tokens correspond to fungible tokens. For example, the RMB we use is a homogeneous token. We can use RMB for value exchange. Even if the serial numbers are different, its value will not be affected. If the denomination is the same, different banknote serial numbers will make no difference to the holder.

BTC, ETH and all the cryptocurrencies we are familiar with are fungible tokens. There is no difference between one Bitcoin and another Bitcoin of the same type, with the same specifications and uniformity. In a transaction, it is only necessary to pay attention to the number of tokens handed over, whose value may change depending on the time interval of the exchange, but its essence does not change.

Ethereum’s ERC-20 is the standard protocol that defines this kind of token. Anyone can use the ERC-20 protocol and publish it through a few lines of code. On the Ethereum networkCryptocurrency on the Internet.

Currently, there are millions of token types running on the Ethereum network. Most of the projects mentioned above have also been released on the Ethereum network. Own fungible token.

Representative projects of ERC-20 include: USDT, USDC, WBTC, etc.

Ethereum network scalability

Let’s first introduce a concept: blockchain The impossible triangle means that no matter what method we use, we cannot achieve scalability, decentralization, and security at the same time. We can only get two of the three.

This is actually easy to understand. If we want to decentralize and secure, we need more nodes to participate in the network for verification, which will lead to an increase in the number of verifiers. Network efficiency is reduced and scalability is reduced. Network performance construction is to find a balance between the three.

Using data as an example, Bitcoin can currently handle 7 transfers/second, Ethereum can handle 25 transfers/second, and VISA can handle an average of 4,500 transfers/second. The peak value reaches tens of thousands of transactions per second. This difference in business processing capabilities can be simply understood as the "throughput" gap. If you want to improve throughput, you need to expand the business processing capabilities of the blockchain, which is called scalability.

According to different optimization methods, Ethereum network performance expansion solutions can be divided into:

1. Layer 1 on-chain extension, an extension solution where all transactions are retained on Ethereum, with higher security.

The essence of on-chain expansion is to improve the Ethereum main chain itself, so that the entire system has higher scalability and operating efficiency. There are two general methods, either changing the consensus protocol, for example, ETH will change from PoW to PoS; or using sharding technology and optimization methods to make the network more efficient.

2. Layer 2 off-chain expansion, layering solutions for each scenario separately on top of the Ethereum protocol, with better scalability.

Off-chain expansion can be understood as taking calculations, transactions and other business processing scenarios outside the Ethereum main chain for calculation, and finally transmitting the calculated results back to the main chain. chain, the main chain only reflects the finalThe result is regardless of the process, so that no matter how complex the application is, it will not have an impact on the main chain.

We do not need to understand the specific technical implementation, we only need to know: Compared with the Layer 1 solution, the Layer 2 solution network will not interfere with the underlying blockchain protocol. It can undertake most of the computing work for Layer 1, thereby reducing the burden on the main network and improving network business processing efficiency. It is currently recognized as a better expansion solution.

Ethereum 2.0

Finally talking about Ethereum 2.0, back to the topic.

By reviewing the development history of Ethereum, Ethereum 2.0 is not a new project, it is just the last stage of the development process of Ethereum, and it will be dominated by the entire Ethereum Multiple teams in the ecosystem work together to make Ethereum more scalable, secure and sustainable, and eventually become mainstream and serve all mankind.

ETH2 construction goals:

1. More scalable. Supports 1000 transactions per second to make the application faster and cheaper to use.

2. More secure. Ethereum has become more secure against all forms of attacks.

3. More sustainable. Improve network performance while reducing energy consumption and better protecting the environment.

The most important change is that ETH2 will upgrade from the PoW (Proof of Work) proof-of-work mechanism used by ETH1 to the POS (Proof of Stake) proof-of-stake mechanism. . Instead of using computing power as a verification method, the amount of pledged cryptocurrency is used as a verification method. Miners can mine without a graphics card, which not only saves time and electricity costs, but also improves the utilization of ETH, which is very similar to earning interest by depositing money in a bank.

The main technology used by ETH2 is sharding and layering technology to expand the entire network.

The ETH2 upgrade will be divided into three phases:

1. Phase 0 (Ongoing): BeaconChain creation and merging. The beacon chain is the main chain of ETH2, just like the human brain, and is the basis for ETH2 to operate.

2. Phase 1 (expected to be 2022): Creation and application of shard chains. When the beacon chain is merged with ETH1, it will enter the development stage of the shard chain. The shard chain can be understood as splitting and storing the entire data of the ETH2 main chain according to certain rules, and establishing a new chain separately to share the data pressure on the main chain. The current plan is to establish 64 shard chains.

For example, from Beijing to Shanghai, the original means of transportation was only one highway, and all vehicles needed to run on it, which would make it very crowded; now Through sharding technology, more modes of transportation such as high-speed trains and airplanes are available, and the diverted vehicles arrive at the same time faster. This is the role of the sharding chain.

Schematic diagram of the interaction between shard chain and main chain

3. Phase 2 (expected to be 2023): Integration of the entire network functions. At this stage, the functions of the entire system begin to be fully integrated, the functions of the shard chain will become more powerful, and new processing mechanisms will begin to support the creation of accounts, smart contracts, development tools, new ecological applications, etc.

This stage is the final form of the Ethereum network. Network performance has been comprehensively improved and ecological applications have exploded. But to serve all mankind, ETH2’s 1,000 transaction efficiency per second is obviously far from enough, and Ethereum will continue to optimize for its goals.

What impact does ETH2 have on everyone?

1. For Ethereum ecosystem developers. When deploying an application, ETH2 needs to choose which shard network the application will be deployed on. The reason for this difference is that cross-shard communication is not synchronized, which means that developers need to make different combinations according to their own development plans.

2. For ETH holders. The data of ETH2 and ETH1 are completely synchronized, and the tokens will not change. You can continue to use your current wallet address to hold ETH.

3. For miners. Although PoW and PoS will continue to exist in parallel for some time, it is expected that the output of PoW mining machines will be less and less, and investment in PoW mining machines should begin to be reduced and start to shift to the PoS mechanism.

4. For users. ETH2 is faster, has lower transaction fees, and the network experience will be very good. The only thing worth noting is that since Dapps are deployed on different sharded networks, you may need to manually select the application’s network options.

Is ETH worth investing in?

ETH is the benchmark for markets other than BTC. A clear understanding of ETH2 is very helpful for us to understand other blockchain projects and the secondary market.

Let’s briefly summarize a few points:

1. Through Ethereum projects From the analysis, we can clearly see that after Bitcoin, the development history of the Ethereum project is the development history of the current blockchain application ecosystem. Regardless of DEFI ecology, NFT ecology, DAO ecology or token, contract, and protocol ecology, it was actually foreseen when Ethereum released the white paper, and the projects that emerged later were all verified around Ethereum.

2. Among the co-founders of Ethereum, only Buterin is still contributing to the cause of Ethereum, but this does not affect the prosperity and development of Ethereum . The initial team of Ethereum just created it, and subsequent development is the result of the joint efforts of the community, developers, miners and users. The current Ethereum is no longer the thinking of one person, it is the joint crystallization of all Ethereum ecological participants. It belongs to all mankind.

3. Ethereum has been developing along the established development trajectory in the past few years, although there was a crisis midway and Ethereum was "dead" Hundreds of times, Ethereum has still developed tenaciously and has a prosperous ecosystem. It will take two or three years for ETH2 to be implemented, and there are many variables in the process, such as other public chains taking the lead. However, it is foreseeable that Ethereum after ETH2 will be more robust.

4. Do not hold on to any false propositions that BTC will die and the blockchain industry will disappear. BTC and ETH allow us to see the existence of a new unorganized business model that breaks through the original company organizational structure. This business model is obviously more in line with the development needs of this era, no matter whether the project initiating team is present or not, no matter what the governments of various countries do Suppression, as long as technology contributes to mankind, it will be maintained by people's voluntary organizations. Blockchain technology is a revolution.

5. The launch of ETH2, shortIt is expected that the parallelization of PoW rewards and PoS rewards may cause the total inflation rate of ETH to surge in the short term, while the inflation rate of ETH will always remain balanced in the long term. Coupled with ETH's own ecology and application scenarios, ETH is worth investing in. Currently, there is no possibility of other public chains replacing the Ethereum public chain. The launch of ETH2 will even cause a "siphon effect" to other public chains. The chain is unified.

#BTC[超话]# #digital currency#

⑸ How many Ether coins will the miners receive as rewards after mining the Ethereum block?

For now, the mining modes can be roughly divided into three modes: PPLNS, PPS, and PPS+. However, if you want to obtain a stable income from mining, it is recommended to use PPS mode mining software.

When miners are mining, if they want to know how many Ethereum rewards you have received, you can use Salmon Miner to see clearly the daily mining income.

Haiyu miners display their income in BTC for easy viewing, and support withdrawals to Alipay wallets and Bitcoin wallets.

⑹ What does Bitcoin ETH mean?

Bitcoin is BTC, and ETH is Ethereum.
The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and was officially born on January 3, 2009[1]. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.
Ethereum (English Ethereum) is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract functions. It provides a decentralized Ethereum Virtual Machine through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ether (ETH). ) to handle peer-to-peer contracts.

Warm reminder:
1. The above information is for reference only and does not make any suggestions;
2. According to the "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks", there is no approval in my country digital currency trading platform. According to my country's digital currency regulatory regulations, investors have the freedom to participate in digital currency transactions at their own risk.
Response time: 2021-02-01. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
[I know about Ping An Bank] Want to know more? Come and see "I know about Ping An Bank"~

⑺ What is the principle of eth mining

Anything involving coins cannot be separated from mining. In the Ethereum network, if you want to obtain Ethereum, you must alsoAchieved through mining. When it comes to mining, it must be inseparable from the consensus mechanism.
I wonder if you still remember what the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin is? Bitcoin's consensus mechanism is PoW (which is the abbreviation of Proof of Work in English, meaning "proof of work mechanism"). To put it simply, the more you work, the more you gain. The higher the computational effort you put in, the more likely you are to be the first to find the correct hash value, and the more likely you are to be rewarded with Bitcoin.
However, Bitcoin's PoW has certain flaws, that is, its transaction processing speed is too slow, and miners need to constantly collide hash values ​​through calculations, which is wasteful and inefficient. Friends who are involved in blockchain knowledge should see this statement:
In order to make up for the shortcomings of Bitcoin, Ethereum proposed a new consensus mechanism called PoS (this is the English abbreviation, meaning "Proof of Equity", also translated as "Proof of Equity").
To put it simply, PoS is actually just like its literal meaning: equity, equity. The more coins you hold, the more equity you have, and the higher your equity is.
Ethereum’s PoS means: the more coins you hold, the longer you hold the coins, the difficulty of your calculation will be reduced, and mining will be easier.
In the initial setting of Ethereum, Ethereum hoped to build a relatively stable system through phased upgrades, still using PoW in the early stage, then gradually adopting PoW+PoS, and finally transitioning completely to PoS. Therefore, it is true that the consensus mechanism of Ethereum is PoS, but PoS is only a plan or goal when Ethereum was released. At present, Ethereum has not transitioned to PoS. The consensus mechanism adopted by Ethereum is still PoW, which is Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s PoW, but it is slightly different from Bitcoin’s PoW.
The amount of information here is a bit large.
The first information point is: the consensus mechanism currently used by Ethereum is also PoW, but it is slightly different from Bitcoin's PoW. So, what is the difference between it and Bitcoin’s PoW: To put it simply, the mining difficulty of Ethereum can be adjusted, but the mining difficulty of Bitcoin cannot be adjusted. Just like our college entrance examination, because the teaching situation and the number of students in each province are different, the college entrance examination is divided into national papers and independent questions for each province.
Ethereum said that I was in favor of setting the questions according to regions. Bitcoin said: No, the test must be the same across the country and the difficulty level will be the same for everyone!
The popular explanation is that Bitcoin uses computer computing power to do a large number of hash collisions and lists various possibilities to find a correct hash value. As for the Ethereum system, it has a special formula to calculate the difficulty of each subsequent block. If a block is verified faster than the previous block, the Ethereum protocol increases the difficulty of the block. By adjusting the block difficulty, you can adjust the time required to verify a block.
The Ethereum protocol stipulates that the difficulty is dynamically adjusted to enable the entire network to create newThe time interval between blocks is 15 seconds, and the network takes 15 seconds to create the blockchain. In this way, because the time is too fast, the synchronization of the system is greatly improved, and it is difficult for malicious actors to launch 51% ( That is, more than half) of the computing power is used to modify historical data.
The second information point is: In the initial setting of Ethereum, it is hoped that the transition from PoW to
PoS will be realized through phased upgrades.
Dating back to 2014, at the beginning of the release of Ethereum, the team announced that the release of the project would be divided into four phases, namely Froniter (Frontier), Homestead (Homestead), Metropolis (Metropolis) and Serenity (Tranquility) . The consensus mechanism uses PoW (Proof of Work) in the first three stages, and switches to PoS (Proof of Stake) in the fourth stage.
On July 30, 2015, the first phase of Ethereum, "Frontier", was officially released. This phase is only available to developers. Developers can write smart contracts and decentralized applications on the Ethereum network. With DAPP, miners began to enter the Ethereum network to maintain network security and mine Ethereum coins. The cutting-edge version is similar to a beta version and proves whether the Ethereum network is reliable.
On March 14, 2016, Ethereum entered the second stage of "Home". At this stage, Ethereum provided a wallet function so that ordinary users can easily experience and use Ethereum. There are no obvious technical improvements in other aspects, but it just shows that the Ethereum network can already run smoothly.
In September 2017, Ethereum has entered the third stage "Metropolis". "Metropolis" consists of two upgrades, Byzantium and Constantinople. The goal of this stage is to introduce a hybrid chain model of PoW and PoS to prepare for the smooth transition from PoW to PoS. This is the upgrade of the recently popular "Ethereum Constantinople Upgrade". In the Constantinople upgrade, Ethereum will make some changes to the underlying protocols and algorithms to achieve PoW and
PoS lays a good foundation.
How much reward will you get for Ethereum mining? Miners who successfully win the block creation competition will receive the following income:
1. Static reward, 5 Ethereum;
2. The fuel cost spent in the block, that is, Gas, this part We talked about it in the last issue;
3. As a component of the block, it includes additional rewards for "uncle blocks". The uncle is the uncle's uncle. Each uncle block can get 1/32 of the mining reward. As a reward, that is 5 times 1/32, which equals 0.15625 Ethereum. Here we briefly explain the "uncle block". The concept of "uncle block" was proposed by Ethereum. Why is the concept of uncle block introduced? This also starts with Bitcoin. In the Bitcoin protocol, the longest chain is considered absolutely correct. If a block is not part of the longest chain, it is said to be an "orphan block". An orphan block is a block that is also valid, but may have been discovered later, or the network transfer was slower, and did not become part of the longest chain. In Bitcoin, orphan blocks are meaningless and will be discarded later, and the miners who discover this orphan block will not receive mining-related rewards.
However, Ethereum does not believe that orphan blocks are worthless, and the Ethereum system will also reward miners who discover orphan blocks. In Ethereum, orphan blocks are called "uncle blocks" and they can contribute to the security of the main chain. Ethereum's block production interval of more than ten seconds is too fast, which will reduce security. By encouraging the reference of uncle blocks, the reference to the main chain can obtain more security guarantees (because the orphan blocks themselves are also legal), and the uncle will be paid. Blocks can also motivate miners to actively mine and actively reference uncle blocks. Therefore, Ethereum believes that it is valuable.

⑻ What is the execution route of Ethereum 2.0?

The first is the first "layer" of the Ethereum 2.0 architecture, which is the beacon chain. Then development will move to build 1-the Shard chain and finally build 2-the execution engine.
Phase 0 – Beacon Chain
Phase 0 will begin with the official launch of the Beacon Chain. Currently planned for Q2 2020 (estimated by December 1, 2020, will be updated later). The goal of Phase 0 is to provide proof and randomness to shard blocks. With the launch of Phase 0, a new token emerged, ETH2. Users of Ethereum will be able to convert to ETH2 (at a 1:1 ratio) by signing up for the contract (effectively depleting your previous ETH holdings). The community will have the option to stake 32 ETH2 on validator nodes.
Phase 1 - Sharded Chain
The first phase will allow Ethereum to scale massively through "shards". The network will be divided into 64 shards running simultaneously, meaning they will all handle transactions and calculations. Phase 1 will also allow fragments to communicate with each other through cross-links.
Phase 2 – Execution Engine
The second phase will bring the final form of Ethereum 2.0. This is when the existing Proof-of-Work (legacy) and newer Proof-of-Stake networks come together. From here, ETH will be merged into ETH2.0 and start a new era of Ethereum.
Sharing from Teacher Qiao from the Online Blockchain Technology Training Department of Lianqiao Education

⑼ Is the higher the ETH mining acceptance, the better?

The higher the computing power of the mining machine and the longer the time it takes to participate in mining, the higher the proportion of digital currencies mined by the mining pool will be obtained. This settlement method is closely related to the probability of mining coins, if the mining pool mines many digital currencies in one day.
Eth is generated through mining. On average, 2 blocks are generated every 13 seconds. When mining, miners use computers to calculate the answer to a function calculation question. Until a miner calculates the correct answer, the packaging information of the block is completed. , and makeThe first miner to calculate will be rewarded with 2 ETH.

⑽ How Ethereum is mined

Ethereum’s tokens are generated through the mining process, and the mining rate for each block is 5 Ethereum coins. The mining process for Ethereum is almost the same as for Bitcoin, for each transaction, miners use computers to run the block's unique header metadata through a hash function, guessing the answer repeatedly and quickly until one of them wins.

Many new users believe that the only purpose of mining is to generate ether in a way that does not require a central issuer (see our guide "What is Ether?"). This is real. Ethereum tokens are generated through the mining process, with a mining rate of 5 Ethereum per block. But mining has a role that is at least as important. Typically, banks are responsible for keeping accurate records of transactions. They ensure that funds are not created out of thin air and that users do not cheat and spend their money multiple times. However, blockchain introduces a completely new way of record-keeping, where the entire network, rather than intermediaries, verifies transactions and adds them to a public ledger.

Ethereum Mining

Although a "trustless" or "trust-minimized" monetary system is the goal, there are still people who need to keep financial records secure and ensure no one cheats. Mining is one of the innovations that makes decentralized records possible. Miners reach consensus on transaction history in terms of preventing fraud (especially double spending of ether) – an interesting problem that decentralized currencies have not solved before working blockchains. While Ethereum is working on other methods to reach consensus on the validity of transactions, mining currently holds the platform together.

How Mining Works
Today, the mining process for Ethereum is almost the same as for Bitcoin. For each transaction, miners can use computers to guess the answer repeatedly and quickly until one of them wins. More specifically, the miner will run the block's unique header metadata (including timestamp and software version) through a hash function (which will return a fixed-length, scrambled string of numbers and letters that will appear random) , only changes the 'nonce value', which affects the resulting hash value.

If a miner finds a hash that matches the current target, the miner is awarded ether and broadcasts the block throughout the network for each node to verify and add to their own copy of the ledger. If Miner B finds the hash, Miner A will stop working on the current block and repeat the process for the next block. It is difficult for miners to cheat in this game. There is no way to fake this work and come up with the correct answers to the puzzles. That's why the puzzle-solving method is called "proof of work."

On the other hand, there is little time for others to verify that the hash value is correct, which is exactly what each node does. Approximately every 12-15 seconds, a miner discovers a stone. If the miner starts faster than this orSolve the puzzle more slowly, and the algorithm automatically rescales the difficulty of the problem so that miners bounce back to about 12 seconds of solution time.

Miners earn this ether randomly, and their profitability depends on luck and the amount of computing power they invest. The specific proof-of-work algorithm used by Ethereum is called ‘ethash’ and is designed to require more memory, making it difficult to mine using expensive ASICs – special mining chips that are now the only profitable way to mine Bitcoin.

In a sense, ethash may have succeeded in achieving this, since dedicated ASICs are not available for Ethereum (at least not yet). Additionally, since Ethereum aims to move from proof-of-work mining to “proof-of-stake” (which we’ll discuss below), buying an ASIC may not be a wise choice as it may not prove useful long term.

Moving to Proof-of-Stake
Ethereum may never need miners, though. Developers plan to abandon proof-of-work, the algorithm currently used by the network to determine which transactions are valid and protect them from tampering, in favor of proof-of-stake, where the network is secured by token owners. If and when the algorithm is launched, proof-of-stake could be a means to achieve distributed consensus that uses fewer resources.

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