巴黎世家致敬中国元素 巴黎世家经典元素

A. 元宇宙对传统文化的冲击


B. 麦客存储-为何大厂纷纷注册“元宇宙”商标它有何趋势





而当下元宇宙的切入点——超写实数字人,清华大学的学霸华智冰,近日成为天猫数字主理人的AYAYI ,都是超写实数字人的代表,也是元宇宙切入点的价值表现。


它会被互联网大厂看中,无外乎元宇宙吸纳着当前科技领域中的信息革命(5G/6G)、互联网革命(web3.0)、人工智能革命,以及VR、AR、MR,不仅囊括了所有的数字技术,还包括区块链技术成就;丰富了数字经济转型模式,融合 DeFi、IPFS、NFT 等数字金融成果。


C. 元宇宙的未来趋势是什么如何抓住新的机遇

我们国家现在需要的是技术上的飞跃和突破,比如芯片、比如创新药,还有那些极度依赖进口的行业。但制造业是我们国家的基石,也是打开全球市场的王牌。我们不会一定会和全世界走同一条路线,但全世界制造业相关的东西,大部分一定Made In China。所以,有任何新兴的东西,一定要和中国制造联系起来,找到对应生产的企业,就是稳稳的幸福。

D. 元宇宙的发展前景

元宇宙独立于我们的宇宙之外,但是与外部的真实世界紧密相连,我们可以把宇宙看作是一个平行空间,元宇宙的时间维度和我们的现实宇宙一样,都是真实的,但是元宇宙没有自己的实体空间,它只存在于网络之上,是一个将用户和网络统一的有机整体,元宇宙之中包罗万千,实现了多方面高度的覆盖。但是元宇宙的开发任重而道远,我们的技术尚不成熟 。然而,毕竟元宇宙代表了未来互联网科技发展的大方向,多家公司也因此而赚得盆满钵满,就比如开发了会说话的汤姆猫的公司汤姆猫,仅仅因为公司方面,关于是否开发元宇宙进行了回复,就导致公司股票狂涨。

E. 元宇宙是一种骗局还是人类的未来

F. 如何为宇宙代言


G. 元宇宙是下一个资金流向的风口吗为什么





H. “元宇宙”的概念火了,你看好“元宇宙”概念股吗





I. 耐克收购虚拟鞋业公司,为何耐克也进军元宇宙了






J. 蓝色光标最新消息

1,无上限投入巨资:蓝色光标【市值182亿】表示元宇宙相关的虚拟人IP和技术、XR技术、虚拟空间等业务方向是公司未来会重点关注并全力投入的赛道,公司对这一领域的投资额度不设上限,公司管理层和投资部目前正在对相关标的进行全面的调研和谈判,公司可支持超10亿的资金投入布局元宇宙相关赛道,全面构建公司的自有IP、技术和内容核心能力。 解析:敢于无上限的投入元宇宙,肯定是非常看好元宇宙的未来,A股第一家。
2、注册专业元宇宙公司:蓝色光标成立全资子公司“蓝色宇宙数字科技有限公司”,该公司将作为蓝色光标专注探索元宇宙相关投资和运营业务的主阵地,将整合蓝色光标已经具备的虚拟直播间、虚拟IP运营相关资源和团队,全面推进元宇宙相关业务的探索和落地。 解析:专业的事情专业的人来做,这也是A股首家上市公司成立专业的元宇宙公司。
3、与专业公司合作:蓝色光标与【当红齐天】及旗下子公司齐乐无穷签署战略合作协议,双方将联合推动XR体验在重点行业的应用拓展及商业化项目落地。 当红齐天的背景:国内顶尖的XR沉浸式体验解决方案企业,股东有张艺谋以及中航信托、小米等。旗下以VR为主题的SoReal超体空间,正密集推出众多创新项目,其中包括近5000平米5G+XR体验空间的上海迪士尼小镇项目,将于近期落成并开放体验。同时,面积达2.2万平方米、融合众多知名IP,及VR、AR、全息影像等前沿技术的首钢“1号高炉SoReal超体空间”,将呈现全球顶尖的沉浸式娱乐体验,成为全球首个文化科技赋能工业遗存的创新展示窗口。
5,点评:未来蓝色光标有可能和facebook成立合资公司共同开发中国元宇宙市场,如果达成,那么蓝色光标的市值上千亿都指日可待。 C、业绩大增:关于VR/AR的标的公司,公司参与的基金以及公司投资部正在积极洽谈,未来也会是蓝标的重要投资方向,公司在未来希望有自己的IP、技术,甚至平台。披露的三季报显示,2021年前三季度,公司实现营业收入314.83亿元,同比增长9.10%;归母扣非净利润5.94亿元,同比大增30.13%;经营性现金流6.40亿元,同比大增166.11%。
6,资金充裕:因国际业务引入战略投资者和公司近年来优异的经营活动现金流表现 公司目前有充沛的现金储备,蓝色光标2021年三季报亦显示,当期末货币资金为35.71亿元。 E、其它元宇宙相关资讯:

A. The impact of the metaverse on traditional culture

Abstract What concept is the most popular right now? That’s probably three words: Metaverse.

B. Maike Storage - Why are major manufacturers registering the "Metaverse" trademark one after another? What are the trends?

Currently, many major Internet companies are showing signs of laying out the Metaverse and have registered "Metaverse" one after another. "Trademarks, including but not limited to Gouchang, Ali, etc. Why has the “Metaverse” become a hot topic among major Internet companies? What exactly is it? What kind of wave will it make in the future?

Today, Maike Storage will take you to understand this "metaverse" shrouded in mystery!
What is the "Metaverse"?

The term metaverse comes from Neal Stephenson’s science fiction novel “Avalanche”. “Avalanche” constructs the idea that people in the real world can break the boundaries of time and space and digitally incarnate in the metaverse. Live and never go offline.

If you have watched the movie "Ready Player One", you will not be too unfamiliar with the metaverse. The scenes in "Ready Player One" show the "metaverse" composed of people in virtual space and time nodes. Study, travel, live, etc. in the universe.

The entry point of the current metaverse is hyper-realistic digital people. Hua Zhibing, a top student at Tsinghua University, and AYAYI, who recently became the digital manager of Tmall, are all representatives of hyper-realistic digital people. , is also the value expression of the entry point of the metaverse.

After saying so much, some people may still be confused. What exactly does the metaverse refer to? Many experts and practitioners gave explanations:
What is the future trend of the Metaverse?

It will be favored by major Internet companies because the metaverse absorbs the information revolution (5G/6G), Internet revolution (web3.0), artificial intelligence revolution, and the current information revolution in the field of science and technology. VR, AR, and MR not only include all digital technologies, but also include blockchain technology achievements; they enrich the digital economic transformation model and integrate digital financial achievements such as DeFi, IPFS, and NFT.
In a nutshell, the Metaverse is the starting point of the post-Internet era and a concrete manifestation of future digitalization. With the popularization of the Metaverse, the online digital economy and the offline real economy will accelerate the in-depth integration, and the value of blockchain technology to build digital trust, control data, and prevent privacy leakage will also be clearly demonstrated.

After all, the digital Metaverse is built on the network and computing power. Blockchain, as the key technology of the Metaverse, will build an infrastructure that breaks the original identity distinction and data moat. Through intelligent Contracts create economic systems. It will set off a wave of digitalization in the future. With the connection between real world elements and virtual networks, the Metaverse will become an important part of our social life.

C. What is the future trend of the Metaverse and how to seize new opportunities

1. What is the Metaverse?
If IThe world we live in now is a real world, a real universe, so the metaverse is actually a virtual world. You can understand it as transmitting ideology into another world, similar to the simulation game we play.
What our country needs now is technological leaps and breakthroughs, such as chips, innovative drugs, and industries that are extremely dependent on imports. But manufacturing is the cornerstone of our country and the trump card that opens up global markets. We will not necessarily follow the same route as the rest of the world, but most of the manufacturing-related things around the world must be Made In China. Therefore, if there is any emerging thing, it must be linked to Made in China. Finding the corresponding production company is a stable happiness.

D. The development prospects of the Metaverse

There are eight major elements about the Metaverse. For those who want to experience virtual reality, perhaps the most important things are identity, friends, immersion and low latency.
In addition to these, there are four major elements: diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization.
These eight elements are the definitions given by roblox. Regarding roblox, it is actually a large-scale game. What is special is that it is the largest multiplayer online creative game in the world. Players from all over the world have developed a large number of digital content such as 3D and VR here. At the same time, this game is compatible with casual games. Games, virtual worlds, and self-created content. And the game also has two virtual currencies. They are robux and Tix respectively. Now that Tix is ​​gone, players mainly use robux.
Based on these eight elements, we can make a cross-definition of the universe from four aspects. That is independence, connectivity and time and space and authenticity.
The Metaverse is independent of our universe, but is closely connected to the external real world. We can regard the universe as a parallel space. The time dimension of the Metaverse is as real as our real universe. , but the Metaverse does not have its own physical space. It only exists on the network. It is an organic whole that unifies users and the network. The Metaverse encompasses everything and achieves a high degree of coverage in many aspects. However, the development of the Metaverse has a long way to go, and our technology is not yet mature. However, after all, the Metaverse represents the general direction of future Internet technology development, and many companies have made a lot of money from it. For example, the company that developed Talking Tom Cat, Tom Cat, simply because the company has no idea whether to develop Talking Tom Cat. Metaverse responded, causing the company's stock to skyrocket.

E. Is the Metaverse a scam or the future of mankind

F. How to speak for the universe

Here are some ways to speak for the universe.
1. Gender-neutral endorsement: "Final Fantasy", which is well-known in the gaming circle, has a very popular virtual character called "Thunder". In the game, she is absolutelyIt is the position of a heroine. It is precisely because of the popularity and positioning of the gaming industry that she cooperated with Prada for its platform 9 years ago, that is, in 2012, and what she is wearing is the 2012 spring and autumn men's new products.
2. Hold a press conference in the metaverse: Berlin fashion organization × well-known Animal Crossing fashion blogger × fashion director of trend magazine, the three parties jointly DIYed an Animal Crossing luxury brand catwalk. Brands participating in the show include Prada, Gucci, LV, Balenciaga, etc. This kind of joint show by luxury brands is definitely the first time in the world. From the T stage, the audience seats on both sides are full of cats and dogs, and in the middle of the stage are catwalk models wearing virtual products. The cute and cute feeling is really attractive.

G. Is the Metaverse the next hot spot for capital flows? Why?

The Metaverse seems to have become a new hot spot now. Zuckerberg's Facebook company has been renamed META. He said that he will fully transform the company into a metaverse company, so this should be regarded as a new funding outlet. After this period of hype, this sector has now reached a relatively high position, so everyone should not get involved casually now. I think this sector can be allocated for the long term and should be invested in companies that have more opportunities and are stronger.

1. Is it the next trend?

Not only is Zuckerberg going to enter the metaverse, but many other Internet companies are also going to enter this field. So from the actual industry point of view, there is indeed a lot of money flowing into this outlet to invest in this outlet.

After everyone has finished reading, remember to like + follow + collect.

H. The concept of "Metaverse" is popular. Are you optimistic about the concept of "Metaverse" stocks?

I am very optimistic about the Metaverse. I think the Metaverse may be a new development in the future. direction.

The concept of the Metaverse first came from the field of blockchain, and it has also been hyped as a variety of virtual currencies. Although many people do not believe in virtual currencies, they even think that the Metaverse is just a tool for people to use capital to speculate. But the Metaverse itself has great potential for development and is also very suitable for young people. I think as young people gradually become the mainstay of society, the concept of the metaverse will become more and more popular.

1. The concept of the metaverse is extremely popular.

The concept of the Metaverse is currently relatively popular in the virtual currency market and investment circles. In the entire virtual currency market, the AXS coin in the Metaverse concept has soared 200 times in two months. In the investment circle, many well-known institutions have chosen to invest in the Metaverse concept. The Metaverse can be understood as the Internet version 2.0. I think more and more people will join the Metaverse.

I. Nike acquired the virtual shoe company, why did Nike also enter the metaverse?

This is because Nike recognizes the development prospects and potential of the metaverse, and also hopes to occupy the metaverse in advance. fields and get moredevelopment advantages. Nike is indeed a relatively powerful company. Although this company cannot win our love, it is undeniable that the company does have strong strength and can invest in more fields.

The Metaverse is also a relatively popular field. This field can not only attract more investors, but also become the next trend. Many people are indeed able to invest and want a piece of the action. Nike acquires a virtual shoe company. Why does Nike also enter the metaverse? I think there are three main reasons:

First, Nike needs to further enhance its influence and competitiveness.

Nike's competitive advantage is indeed gradually decreasing, and its competitiveness is also gradually being weakened. Therefore, the company not only needs to expand its scope of influence, but also needs to further enhance its competitiveness, so Nike will change its development direction and further expand new businesses. It is precisely because Nike has this demand that the company needs to further explore new industries and create higher benefits for the company.

The above is the reason for my analysis.

J. BlueFocus latest news

1. Unlimited investment of huge sums of money: BlueFocus [market value 18.2 billion] represents the virtual human IP and technology and XR technology related to the Metaverse , virtual space and other business directions are the tracks that the company will focus on and fully invest in in the future. The company has no upper limit on the amount of investment in this field. The company's management and investment department are currently conducting comprehensive research and negotiations on relevant targets. The company It can support over 1 billion in capital investment to lay out metaverse-related tracks and comprehensively build the company's own IP, technology and content core capabilities. Analysis: If you dare to invest in the Metaverse without any upper limit, you must be very optimistic about the future of the Metaverse. It is the first A-share company.
2. Register a professional Yuanverse company: BlueFocus established a wholly-owned subsidiary "Blue Universe Digital Technology Co., Ltd.", which will serve as BlueFocus's main focus on exploring Yuanverse-related investment and operating businesses. Integrate the resources and teams related to virtual live broadcast rooms and virtual IP operations that BlueFocus already has to comprehensively promote the exploration and implementation of Metaverse-related businesses. Analysis: Professional things are done by professional people. This is also the first A-share listed company to establish a professional Yuanshi company.
3. Cooperation with professional companies: BlueFocus signed a strategic cooperation agreement with [Denghong Qitian] and its subsidiary Qile Wuxian. The two parties will jointly promote the application expansion and commercialization projects of XR experience in key industries. The background of Qitian’s popularity: China’s top XR immersive experience solution company, with shareholders including Zhang Yimou, AVIC Trust, Xiaomi, etc. Its VR-themed SoReal super space is intensively launching many innovative projects, including the Shanghai Disney Town project with nearly 5,000 square meters of 5G+XR experience space, which will be completed and open for experience in the near future. At the same time, Shougang’s “No. 1 Blast Furnace SoReal Super Space” covers an area of ​​22,000 square meters and integrates many well-known IPs and cutting-edge technologies such as VR, AR, and holographic imaging.It will present the world's top immersive entertainment experience and become the world's first innovative display window where culture and technology empower industrial heritage.
4. Cooperation with many giants:
a. BlueFocus announced the business progress of the virtual live broadcast room jointly created with Alibaba Damo Academy: 34 units have been signed and sold at a price of 99,000 yuan/room. Purchase The brand covers leading enterprises in multiple categories such as maternal and infant, beauty, health care, household cleaning, and 3C. One of the beauty brands revealed that from 3:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on November 11 this year, the virtual live broadcast room sales reached 10,000 yuan, and the average stay time of the audience exceeded 40 seconds. The performance of the virtual anchor has far exceeded expectations. Currently, BlueFocus is still in contact with dozens of brands and is expected to sign contracts with over 100 brands in the short term.
b. As early as the beginning of this year, BlueFocus has begun to deploy Douyin e-commerce, Tencent private domain, cross-border e-commerce and other fields, fully entering the trading field, and providing customers with full-link promotion of "marketing + sales" Serve.
c. The company has in-depth cooperation with Tencent in games, animation, reading, etc.; at the same time, there is also in-depth cooperation in the virtual human business as the entrance to the metaverse.
d. The 2020 annual report shows that Facebook is BlueFocus’s largest supplier, with a cooperation amount of up to 12.8 billion yuan. The company’s strategy of actively entering the Metaverse coincides with Facebook’s strategy of vigorously developing Metaverse technology.
5. Comment: In the future, BlueFocus may set up a joint venture with Facebook to jointly develop the Chinese Yuanverse market. If this is achieved, BlueFocus's market value will reach hundreds of billions just around the corner. C. Great increase in performance: Regarding VR/AR target companies, the funds the company participates in and the company's investment department are actively negotiating, and it will also be an important investment direction of Blue Label in the future. The company hopes to have its own IP, technology, and even platform in the future. The disclosed three quarterly reports show that in the first three quarters of 2021, the company achieved operating income of 31.483 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.10%; non-net profit attributable to the parent company was 594 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.13%; operating cash flow was 640 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.13%. A huge increase of 166.11%.
6. Abundant funds: Due to the introduction of strategic investors in the international business and the company's excellent cash flow performance from operating activities in recent years, the company currently has ample cash reserves. BlueFocus's third quarter report for 2021 also shows that the monetary funds at the end of the period were 35.71 billion. E. Other metaverse related information:

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 比亚迪申请元宇宙商标被驳回,申请商标需要符合哪些条件比亚迪申请元宇宙商标被驳回,而驳回的原因则是因为“元宇宙”是一种新型的未来数字技术,该文字如果用在指定的商品上,会让消费者对产品产生误认,所以不