币圈持仓是什么意思 币圈持币地址是什么意思

Ⅰ 听说最近在币圈HiEX交易平台挺火爆的,想了解一下。有对这个平台了解的朋友吗,求解答

1. 持币分红、交易挖矿,独家的充值挖矿等玩法!
2. 独家的破发保证基金。
3. HC保障制度,每日跌幅最低不能超过10%。涨不限。
4. 永久保证投资人权益。
5. 第一个具有实际应用场景的TOKENHC。
6. 未来的千倍币。
7. 散户投资者永无锁仓。

Ⅱ 币圈的LP持币人数是什么意思


Ⅲ dogezilla持币地址

2.这说明DogeZilla的共识更强,信徒更愿意加入这个游戏并且抱有极大的期望,并且愿意真金白银投入买个预期(有点类似于电商常说的消费价值),DogeZilla的终极目标——Shiba Inu目前市值是36,699,849,886,约为360亿。如果DogeZilla从现在再翻100倍,那差不多就是屎币的市值了。但是要想达到屎币的地位,散户拼命喊单是远远不够的,还有吸引大户入场,尤其是机构入场。吸引机构入场,很重要的一步是上OKEX、币安、CoinBase等大型交易所,还有很远的路要走。
1、 疫情期间全球央行印钞大放水
2、 明星效应,也就是马斯克支持比特币的那些事(币圈的朋友肯定都知道,就不祥说了)
据悉,以太坊团队计划在下个月执行其柏林更新,其中包括对GAS的优化。以太坊的联合创始人Vitalik Buterin近期表示:他相信智能合约平台将在未来几周内扩大100倍。
NFT最近出现了巨大的增长。此前,NFT还引起了牛市女皇Catherine Wood的注意。她表示,对NFT感到非常兴奋。在美国艺术圈,越来越多的主流艺术家也已经将作品和NFT绑定。

Ⅳ 币圈惨遭血洗,57万人爆仓443亿,此次股价下跌的主要原因是什么




Ⅳ 币圈staking是什么意思


Ⅵ 每个币圈有几个庄家


Ⅶ 疯狂币圈背后:10万瞬间清零,币圈暴跌真正的原因是什么



Ⅷ 币圈一般去哪个论坛

1. 没有被证监会、银保监会认可的金融是不合法的。随着区块链的概念被提出,开始盛行,在中国就有比特币、莱特币、瑞泰币等,这些的收益被吹得神乎奇乎,听了的人都会眼红,新生幻想,殊不知这只是一个庞氏骗局,就会忽悠投资者请君入瓮,将投资者的资金骗进去之后就是一串数字,有的一买就狂跌,聪明的人还可以止损,有的买进开盘疯涨,投资者不断加入筹码,最终无法套现。
2. 中国对这一块属于灰色地带。中国的股市尚不发达,到现今上证指数也才3400点左右,和美国纳斯达克指数,的恒生指数比起来显得太少了,就连国家承认的交易投资市场都还处于成长阶段,新型的交易自然是不合法的,国家也在大力的监管金融交易市场,防止投资者上当受骗。
3. 收益被吹得过高。股神巴菲特的年收益率平均也才20%,为何只有这么一点,因为他懂得市场投资规律,第一是鸡蛋不能放在一个篮子里面,分散风险,第二是任何不符合常态的收益都是假的。就是收益过度的虚高,投资就是一串数字在跳动,没有监管的法律部门,它想怎么变化就能怎么变化,投资者只会被蒙在鼓里玩弄。
4. 一般一个在发行的时候是由一个团队或者公司发行的,发行数量和周期、方式在白皮书里会说明。比如V神的团队发布了eth,目前流通总数为1亿多一点儿,比特币总发行数量是2100万个等..
5. 比特币的总量为2100万个,2140年挖完,挖矿速度四年减半,目前,比特币已经开采了1300万多一点。比特币由一个叫中本聪的人发明创造,此人在2010年以后消失在了比特币圈,并没有人知道此人是谁。
6. 币好是位于新加坡的一个,它和它的运营团队所坚持的是:严格的审核上币机制,只上有潜力的人气币。这个平台的团队,旨在为提供最佳的用户体验和资产提升的通道,它有这样的承诺,也确实这样做到了。

Ⅸ 币圈投资波动很大,出现这种情况的原因是什么




Ⅹ 币圈内战拉响:比特币大战狗狗币,你站哪一方




Ⅰ I heard that the HiEX trading platform is very popular in the currency circle recently, and I would like to know more about it. Is there anyone who knows about this platform? Can you please give me an answer

Among the current domestic projects, HC has the potential to become a “hundred times coin”, which is the platform token currently promoted by HiEX exchange. As the rights representative of HiEX, the total issuance of HC is fixed at 2 billion and will never be issued additionally. Moreover, HC will distribute most of the income to HC holders in a timely manner.
The characteristics can be summarized as follows:
1. Currency holding dividends, transaction mining, exclusive recharge mining and other gameplay methods!
2. Exclusive break guarantee fund.
3. For the HC protection system, the minimum daily decline cannot exceed 10%. There is no limit to the increase.
4. Permanently guarantee the rights and interests of investors.
5. The first TOKENHC with practical application scenarios.
6. Thousand-fold coins in the future.
7. Retail investors never lock up their positions.
Recent official news said that HC will rise across the board before the end of this week. After the increase, the price will be around 0.55, compared with the current 0.25 yuan/piece. It can be said that it is a good time to officially speculate on the bottom, buy now. You can make a small profit before the market opens!

II What does the number of LP currency holders in the currency circle mean?

The number of people holding digital currency or cryptocurrency.
LP is a digital currency or cryptocurrency. It is considered an altcoin in the currency circle and can be bought and sold on digital currency exchanges, but the investment risk is relatively high. Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange that uses cryptographic principles to ensure transaction security and control the creation of transaction units. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency (or virtual currency). Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009, and since then the term cryptocurrency has mostly referred to such designs.
Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, also known as altcoins and alternative coins, are partly generated by referring to the ideas, principles, and source codes of Bitcoin. There are more than 800 types of virtual currencies in circulation similar to Bitcoin. .

Ⅲ dogezilla currency holding address

1. dogezilla currency holding address is 13w. ZillaDoge is a community driven project. Members of the crypto community have now discovered a Dogecoin address holding over 36 billion DOGE ($2.5 billion). The number of DogeZilla currency holders is less than 1/6 of BabyDoge, and its market value is about 1/3 of the latter.
2. This shows that the consensus of DogeZilla is stronger, believers are more willing to join this game and have great expectations, and are willing to invest real money to buy the expectations (somewhat similar to the consumption value often mentioned by e-commerce), DogeZilla The ultimate goal - Shiba Inu's current market value is 36,699,849,886, which is about 36 billion. If DogeZilla doubles another 100 times from now, it will be pretty much shitThe market value of the currency. However, in order to achieve the status of shit currency, it is not enough for retail investors to place orders desperately, but also to attract large investors to enter the market, especially institutions. To attract institutions to enter the market, a very important step is to get listed on large exchanges such as OKEX, Binance, CoinBase, etc. There is still a long way to go.
Extended information: So why did Bitcoin rise so crazily all of a sudden? I think there are two main reasons:
1. During the epidemic, central banks around the world printed money and released money
2. Star effect, that is, Musk’s support for Bitcoin (friends in the currency circle must know this, so I’ll say it ominously) )
However, many novices who have just entered the industry have found that Bitcoin has risen so much that they can no longer afford it, and this surge has also passed. Recently, Bitcoin can be said to be like the heart of a girl in love for the first time, uneasy. Uneasy, ups and downs. Well, in addition to Bitcoin, there are actually many currencies that you can try to invest in. The first: "Ten Thousand Years Old Second" Ethereum
It is reported that the Ethereum team plans to execute its Berlin update next month, which includes optimization of GAS. Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, recently stated that he believes the smart contract platform will expand 100 times in the next few weeks.
Second: The recently very popular concept coin "NFT"
NFT has seen huge growth recently. Previously, NFT also attracted the attention of bull market queen Catherine Wood. She expressed that she is very excited about NFT. In the American art circle, more and more mainstream artists have also tied their works to NFT.

IV The currency circle was brutally wiped out, with 570,000 people liquidating their positions for 44.3 billion. What is the main reason for the stock price drop

The currency circle was brutally wiped out, with 570,000 people liquidating their positions for 44.3 billion. People liquidated their positions by 44.3 billion. The reason for the general price drop in the currency circle this time is mainly because virtual currency itself is a currency without any value. As long as there is any disturbance, the price will plummet. This is not a strange thing. I personally feel that everyone is still paying too much attention to every move in the currency circle. This also leads to the fact that if there is any disturbance in the currency circle, people will immediately follow suit, and ultimately the currency circle market price will suffer huge fluctuations.

So don’t enter the currency circle at this time. After all, if you want to play in the virtual currency market, you must have a rational mentality and strong capital. If not, it is better to hold the currency and wait and see. As an ordinary person, only by holding the currency and waiting and watching can you not lose money.

Based on the above, the main reason for the general decline in virtual currency prices in the currency circle is that the virtual currency itself has no value, and the incentive is the regulatory regulations issued by relevant departments.

IV What does staking in the currency circle mean?

Staking in the currency circle is actually a business model that earns interest by holding currency, that is, token holders use staking, voting, delegation and locking tokens. You can obtain block rewards, dividends and other benefits through actions such as coins. In layman's terms, it is a kind of currency holder who "uses currency to make money".The investment method of "coin" is somewhat similar to a bank's interest-earning savings (holding currency to earn interest), so we usually call it the POS equity pledge economy.
In POS or similar POS mechanisms, anyone can lock up positions through crypto asset mortgages To earn coins, the rate of return is calculated based on the currency standard. The size of the rate of return depends on the inflation model of crypto assets. ATOM and XTZ, which are relatively popular this year, have adopted the Staking model. The figure below shows the annualized rate of return of some crypto assets staking. From the second half of this year to next year, projects such as Ethereum 2.0 and ADA will start staking.
Most of the first encrypted assets imitated the POW mechanism used by BTC, that is, the workload proof mechanism, in the blockchain network. Nodes are mining machines that rely on computing power to obtain block rewards, which wastes a lot of energy. To put it simply, Staking is mining with mortgage assets. The more assets you mortgage, the higher the benefits you will get.
However, relatively speaking, there is a certain threshold for participation, and newcomers will not be able to distinguish whether it is a gimmick or real staking, but this is a new trend in the future. The EOS super node election that was highly hyped last year, those Super nodes need to lock up a certain amount of EOS to obtain the annual additional issuance rewards of EOS, which is also considered Staking.
The Dpos mechanism adopted by BTM’s side chain Bystack requires nodes participating in the election to have 1 million BTM to become After the node, these BTM will be locked, and the node will receive a certain amount of BTM rewards, which is also Staking.
There are generally two ways to participate in staking: the first is to go to the center through the official wallet of the main network or imtoken, etc. This pledge method is relatively safe. It only delegates the rights on the chain and the private key will not be leaked. The other method is to put the coins in a centralized wallet or mining pool, such as Huobi Mining Pool. It supports the equity pledge of many currencies, but it is equivalent to giving your own coins to others for safekeeping. The security is not as good as the first one, but the threshold is relatively low.

VI Each currency circle has Several bookmakers

There are countless bookmakers behind each currency, some big and small, currency exchange, digital currency trading platform.

Ⅶ Behind the crazy currency circle: 100,000 moments Clear, what is the real reason for the collapse of the currency circle

For the current entire virtual currency market, there will be a large-scale plunge at this time because there are certain problems in the entire virtual currency market, and Governments of various countries have also continued to intensify their crackdowns on the entire Bitcoin market. Therefore, for the entire Bitcoin market, its overall market size is constantly shrinking, and the vast majority of institutional investors are cashing out at high levels, so for As for the entire virtual currency market, it is currently at a relatively low position.

More importantly, the crackdown on Bitcoin by governments is gradually increasing, especially for some developed countries. of scriptureFor the economy, their attitude towards Bitcoin is 0 tolerance, so they have used various policy measures to close the Bitcoin trading platform, so the price of Bitcoin has also dropped significantly.

ⅧWhich forum do you usually go to in the currency circle?

telegram, qq, weixin, Babbitt Forum, Twitter, Zhihu, Knowledge Planet, Tieba. . . There are many communication platforms
1. Finance that is not recognized by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission is illegal. As the concept of blockchain was proposed and began to become popular, there are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ritecoin, etc. in China. The benefits of these are boasted to be miraculous, and everyone who listens will be jealous and have new fantasies, but they don’t know it. This is just a Ponzi scheme, which will trick investors into inviting you into the trap. After defrauding investors' funds, there will be a series of numbers. Some will plummet as soon as you buy them. Smart people can stop losses, and some will skyrocket after they are bought. , investors continue to add chips, and ultimately cannot cash out.
2. China belongs to a gray area in this area. China's stock market is still underdeveloped. The Shanghai Composite Index is only around 3,400 points today, which is too small compared with the US Nasdaq Index and the Hang Seng Index. Even the state-recognized trading and investment market is still in the growth stage. New The transactions are naturally illegal, and the state is also vigorously supervising the financial trading market to prevent investors from being deceived.
3. Earnings were overinflated. The average annual return rate of stock god Buffett is only 20%. Why is it only this little? Because he understands the rules of market investment. First, eggs cannot be put in one basket to diversify risks. Second, any return that does not conform to the norm is false. of. It means that the income is excessively high, and investment is just a bunch of numbers jumping around. Without a regulatory legal department, it can change as it wants, and investors will only be kept in the dark and played with.
4. Generally, a token is issued by a team or company at the time of issuance. The number, cycle, and method of issuance will be explained in the white paper. For example, Buterin's team released eth. The current total circulation is a little over 100 million, the total number of Bitcoins issued is 21 million, etc...
If we say that the person who can manipulate the currency price or influence the currency price to a certain extent is As for the banker, as long as you have money, you can buy a large amount through the exchange to raise the price and sell it at a high level to collect leeks. Then there are many bankers.
So businessmen or business groups with relatively large funds, account holders with more coins, etc.
5. The total number of Bitcoins is 21 million, which will be mined in 2140, and the mining speed will be halved in four years. , currently, a little over 13 million Bitcoins have been mined. Bitcoin was invented by a person named Satoshi Nakamoto. This person disappeared from the Bitcoin circle after 2010, and no one knows who he is.
The graphics card mines Bitcoin. This was possible in the past, but now there is almost no profit from mining with the graphics card. Of course, it is okay if your electricity is free. The graphics card mining you are talking about is the second stage of Bitcoin mining. The first stage is to use CPU mining is just an ordinary computer. The second stage is the graphics card mining you mentioned, commonly known as graphics card burning. At present, it has entered the third stage of ASIC mining. At this stage, the computing power is extremely high, the mining income is very low, and the mining cost is almost close to or even exceeds the currency price. Nowadays, the profitability of mining in large mines mainly depends on the energy consumption of mining machines and the advantages of electricity prices
6. Bihao is a company located in Singapore. What it and its operation team insist on is: a strict review and listing mechanism. Only popular coins with potential are listed. The team of this platform aims to provide the best user experience and a channel for asset improvement. It has such a promise, and it has indeed done so.

Ⅸ Investment in the currency circle has fluctuated greatly. What is the reason for this situation?

In recent years, especially this year. News related to the currency circle is frequently searched. The main reason is that there are so many people participating in currency speculation or mining, and the entire market is particularly crazy. Because the market is too crazy, many people have lost their sense of investment, so it is often said that Another important reason why investments fluctuate greatly is because the entire currency circle is not subject to supervision by certain departments. An unregulated market will be even more irrational.

Because some news or one person’s words can cause the virtual currency market to rise or fall sharply, it is actually a very unhealthy investment environment. In fact, one person can control the rise and fall of the market. Very bad information. For the entire investment market, a truly benign market should be gradual, and the target price should fluctuate within a small range, rather than ups and downs. The targets with ups and downs are all small. The target of cutting leeks can even reduce all your property to zero, so it is not recommended that you rush in irrationally.

So the investment in the entire currency circle fluctuates greatly. The main reason is because there is no one to supervise it. In addition, some people who hold a lot of currency can affect the market. In the market Many people are not rational.

I don’t stand on either side. After all, Dogecoin and Bitcoin are both virtual currencies, and they have no value in themselves. As an ordinary person, it is obviously too late to enter the currency circle to participate in speculation now. You may be cut off at any time, so it is better to hold the currency and wait and see.

In fact, from the previous description, it is not difficult for us to find that the current rise and fall of Bitcoin and Dogecoin are determined by one person, and this person's name is Musk. In the currency circle, Musk can be said to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into fish. He is simply the leader of the currency circle. A currency that can be manipulated by individuals is not safe, and it also carries great risks. So in this battle between Bitcoin and Dogecoin, I actually don’t stand on either side. After all, these two virtual currencies are controlled by Musk.

Based on the above, in comparingIn this battle between Bitcoin and Dogecoin, I will not take any side. I will only hold the currency and wait and see, until in the end both virtual currencies will suffer. Of course, it is some ordinary speculators who lose money in the end. After all, big bankers can make a lot of money, while retail investors can only surrender. Cryptocurrencies are risky, so be cautious when speculating!

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 疯狂币圈背后:10万瞬间清零,币圈暴跌真正的原因是什么对于目前的整个虚拟货币市场来说,这时候会出现大规模的暴跌,是因为整个虚拟货币市场出现了一定的问题,而且各国政府对于整个比特币的打击力度也不断加