元宇宙包含触觉感知吗 元宇宙的元

❶ 元宇宙概念是什么







❷ 在多元宇宙的某个地方是否存在有意识但没有生命的实体




❸ 什么是元宇宙概念






❹ 为什么宇宙之大 只能感觉到自己的思想和疼痛,世界上自己的强烈感有时候越想越强,有时候感觉自己是主角


❺ 元宇宙是一件很可怕的事情吗









❻ “元宇宙”是什么是游戏吗还是什么奇怪的东西


❼ 在奥特曼里,怪兽/超兽真的没有痛觉吗

超兽super beast(terri-monster)是异次元改造生物超级怪兽简称,是由宇宙怪兽和地球生物合体或由多个怪兽合体而成,拥有凌驾于普通的怪兽之上实力,也是《艾斯·奥特曼》整部剧敌人,在其他《奥特曼》系列中也有客串。登场次数最多经典超兽有导弹超兽贝劳克恩 、一角超兽巴克西姆、蛾超兽多拉格利、满月超兽鲁纳蒂克斯等。

❽ 鱼会感觉疼痛吗

鱼会感觉到痛吗?这是一个有争议的话题。 多数人认为像鱼类这样的冷血动物是没有痛觉的,在他们看来, 只有那些在脑部有新皮质的动物才会有疼痛感。 鱼类真的没有痛觉吗?要证明这个问题很难。 首先,鱼类不像小狗那样可爱有趣, 因此不能像小狗那样从人们那里得到很多的同情。 其次,鱼类不能像小狗那样叫, 因此也就不能告诉人们它们是否感觉到疼痛。 第三,如果鱼类能感觉到痛,那么是疼痛还是反射? 比如一条鱼咬钩,它的反应是因为疼痛还是因为反射呢? 这并不是一个愚蠢的问题。当你的手摸到烫手的东西时会迅速抽开, 这不是因为你的大脑已经感觉到了疼痛,而是因为反射。 自动把手抽开这个动作受脊髓的控制,大脑并没有参与。 当热刺激手上的热感受器时,热感受器会发放电信号到脊髓, 然后脊髓发放冲动信号到肌肉,支配肌肉将手抽开。 整个过程都没有大脑的参加。当然,也许是出于礼貌, 脊髓还是会发放电信号告诉大脑发生了什么事情, 因此在手抽开一会儿以后,你会意识到烫手和疼痛。 然后你的左脑会告诉右脑说: “ 嗨,你刚刚又把手放在热炉子上了。 我告诉你就是想让你记住,看你下次还敢不敢碰烫手的东西。 ” 顺便 说一句,疼是为了让人记住教训。因此当鱼受到刺激时会有反应, 但这种反应是因为反射还是因为疼痛?还不清楚。 最后,鱼类有意识么?不知道。如果鱼没有意识, 那么鱼就不会感觉疼痛。 意识是一个很大的哲学问题,即便是对人, 也还没有解决关于意识的产生的问题,更何况鱼。所以, 暂时不提哲学,转而从更简单的科学上来寻求答案。 科学家研究了 20 条虹鳟鱼。虹鳟鱼和人类一样有骨骼系统, 这也正是科学家选择它们的原因。 首先,科学家发现虹鳟鱼的头部有 58 个特殊的感受器, 有些感受器对一种刺激有反应,而有些感受器则对多种刺激有反应。 人类的痛觉感受器可以同时对热和化学刺激有反应,虹鳟鱼也一样, 在 58 个感受器中,有 22 个感受器可以归类为痛觉感受器。 实际上,在显微镜下,这些感受器与人类的痛觉感受器极其相似, 能将信号传递到大脑。所以,虹鳟鱼拥有感觉痛觉的物质基础。 第二,科学家用各种物质刺激虹鳟鱼的嘴巴, 受刺激后鱼的心律增加了 30% ,且鱼腮移动的频率也急剧增加。 不过,这些反应可能是反射,不一定是鱼感觉到了疼痛。 第三,科学家将虹鳟鱼分成两组做试验, 其中一组的嘴唇被注入蜂毒或醋酸, 另一组则注入盐水或不进行任何处理。结果发现, 被注入蜂毒或醋酸的虹鳟鱼开始摇摇晃晃, 这同重压下脊椎动物的行为很相似, 而且被注入醋酸的虹鳟鱼还在容器底部的砂砾上磨嘴唇。 前一组虹鳟鱼恢复进食所需的时间是后一组的 3 倍。 看来这并不像条件反射。 最后 ,在科学家给予虹鳟鱼止痛剂吗啡,很快,这些鱼的行为变正常了。 总结上述试验结果,科学家认为,这些虹鳟鱼是有痛觉的。 受刺激后它们的反应跟我们人类一样 —— 首先是躲避, 之后是异常行为,最后给予止痛剂后就变正常了。 在我们的世界里,一般来说, 唯一可以不杀死其他生物而获取它们的身体和能量的是植物。 植物从空气和土壤中吸取物质,从阳光中吸取能量。 其余所有的动物靠杀死其他生命生存,不管是动物还是植物。 我们必须吃饭,但不必造成痛苦。 那么,在下一次钓鱼时,你该怎么做呢?带上一些冰和冰水, 将钓上来的鱼立即放入冰水中。鱼在冷水中的新陈代谢降低, 随即处于休眠状态,而后进入麻木状态。这时, 你再把它从水中拿出来放到冰上,让它在麻木状态下死亡。 所以,不要因为鱼是冷血动物,我们就可以成为冷血杀手。

❾ 元宇宙的含义是什么





❶ What is the concept of the Metaverse

The term Metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where , people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. Up to now, it seems that it still describes an advanced future world.

In March 2021, Roblox, the first Metaverse concept stock, was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange; in May, Facebook stated that it would transform into a Metaverse company within five years; In August, ByteDance spent a huge amount of money to acquire the VR startup Pico... The Metaverse has undoubtedly become one of the hottest concepts in the technology field.

To be precise, the metaverse is not a new concept, it is more like the rebirth of a classic concept under the influence of new technologies such as extended reality (XR), blockchain, cloud computing, and digital twins. concretization of the concept.

Related industries

From the perspective of enterprises, Metaverse is still in the initial stage of industry development. Whether it is the underlying technology or application scenarios, it will not mature with the future There is still a big gap in terms of form, but this also means that there is huge room for expansion of metaverse-related industries.

Therefore, if digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold on to the market, and if start-ups in the digital technology field want to gain the opportunity to overtake in corners, they must plan in advance or even increase their presence on the metaverse track.

❷ Are there conscious but inanimate entities somewhere in the multiverse

I think this question has nothing to do with the multiverse and everything to do with the definition of consciousness and life. We could easily ask this question of our own universe, and I think it would be the more interesting question. So let’s take a look, what is conscious, but not alive?

Defining consciousness is simple, but finding its requirements is not. We know that consciousness means that some entity has an actual experience of the world. Not just memory or perception. A conscious thing not only receives information from the world around it, but actively receives, processes, and experiences information. Some things may say "ouch" but feel no pain, and some things may experience terrible pain but be unable to show it. So identifying it is quite difficult.

You can also imagine any kind of technological consciousness, such as an advanced robot or even a replica of the human mind running on a computer. No one can say for sure whether these things are conscious or not, but it's not impossible, so I'd say there could be some things that are conscious but not technically alive in our universe and in any theoretical universe.

❸ What is the concept of the metaverse?

The metaverse is a digital world that is virtual in the space dimension and real in the time dimension; from the perspective of authenticity, there is both a real world in the metaverse digital replicas, as well as creations of virtual worlds.

CongduFrom an independent perspective, the Metaverse is a parallel space that is both closely connected to the external real world and highly independent; from a connectivity perspective, the Metaverse is a sustainable, broad space that includes networks, hardware terminals, and users. Covered virtual reality system.


Metaverse 1 Ci was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. To this day, the description is still An advanced future world.

As for the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci, who creatively conceived the idea in his 1981 novel "Real Names" A virtual world that can be entered and experienced through brain-computer interfaces.

❹ Why is it that the universe is so vast that we can only feel our own thoughts and pain? Sometimes our own strong feelings in the world become stronger the more we think about them, and sometimes we feel that we are the protagonist

Because we Our consciousness thinks from our own perspective, and when you put your thinking from the perspective of the universe, you will feel that you are dispensable, but if you think from your own consciousness, you will take it for granted. It makes you feel that you are yourself, and that the world is actually spinning around you, and you even have the illusion that you are the protagonist. Your feeling is the same as when I was in junior high school and my grades were very poor, but I still had the feeling that I would definitely make a lot of money in the future

❺ Is the Metaverse a very scary thing

The metaverse is not a terrible thing, it is a development and progress in related industries.

Through the "archaeology" of the ideas and concepts of the metaverse, the metaverse can be cross-defined from the four aspects of time and space, authenticity, independence, and connectivity.

From the perspective of time and space, the Metaverse is a digital world that is virtual in the space dimension and real in the time dimension; from the perspective of authenticity, there are both digital replicas of the real world and virtual worlds in the Metaverse. The creation of the world.

From the perspective of independence, the Metaverse is a parallel space that is both closely connected to the external real world and highly independent; from the perspective of connectivity, the Metaverse is a space that includes networks, hardware terminals and users. A sustainable, wide-coverage virtual reality system.

From an enterprise perspective, the Metaverse is still in the initial stage of industry development. Whether it is the underlying technology or application scenarios, there is still a large gap compared with the mature form in the future. But this also means that there is huge room for expansion in Yuanverse-related industries.

Therefore, if digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold on to the market, and if start-ups in the digital technology field want to gain the opportunity to overtake in corners, they must plan in advance or even increase their presence on the metaverse track.

PoliticsFrom the perspective of the government, Yuan Universe is not only an important emerging industry, but also an area of ​​social governance that needs attention. Matthew Ball, a senior research expert on the Metaverse, put forward: "The Metaverse is a concept on the same level as the mobile Internet."

Using the mobile Internet as an analogy to the Metaverse, we can better understand government departments' response to the Metaverse. The inner logic of its concerns. The government hopes that by participating in the formation and development process of the metaverse, it can proactively consider and solve related problems brought about by its development.

❻ What is the "Metaverse"? Is it a game or something strange?

Many friends who like to play games think that the Metaverse is just a virtual game scene. But it's more real. In fact, the immersive game scene experience is just an insignificant part of the metaverse. For example, the road is just a kind of architectural component in the real world.
The Metaverse is an extremely large virtual universe that is parallel to the real world and can include everything in the real world, not just game scenes. Let’s take games as an example. In games in the metaverse, we can experience the touch of a face-to-face collision with the opposite player, and feel the most realistic feeling of various firearms or various props. If it is a library, we can browse through it at will with our own consciousness in the universe, and pull out a chair in the library of the metaverse, sit down and read slowly. Yes, the feeling in the metaverse is different from the real world. The gap is not big, or it goes beyond the real world.
The original source of the Metaverse was a science fiction novel in 1992, which was an imagination for the future development of the Internet. When time spans to modern times, the Metaverse is getting closer and closer to us. In the next few decades, it is very likely that the metaverse will become popular in our lives, but it will be more technically difficult.
In the metaverse, each of us will have an identity of our own, and we can engage in various social interactions, various consumptions, and experience various different scenarios. For example, attractions from all over the world are condensed into the metaverse. You can shake hands and talk with tourists from other countries at the attractions in the metaverse.
Now regarding the Metaverse, various countries have begun to make plans. The stocks of various companies related to the Metaverse are basically soaring. Even our domestic Tencent is making bold attempts in the Metaverse. The future of the Metaverse is promising.

❼ In Ultraman, do monsters/super beasts really feel no pain?

Although this was said by Ultraman Ace himself, it was not the case when fighting super beasts before. So added. It’s unclear whether Super Beasts can feel pain, but Super Beasts are definitely stronger than ordinary monsters. Rather than saying that they don’t feel pain, it’s better to say that Super Beasts don’t feel pain so easily. That’s why Ultraman Ace hits Super Beasts so hard and uses various weapons. A unique skill that decomposes super beasts.
Super beast (terri-monster) is the abbreviation of super monster, a modified creature from another dimension. It is a combination of space monster and earth creature or a combination of multiple monsters.Formed into a single body, he possesses strength that surpasses ordinary monsters. He is also the enemy of the entire "Ultraman Ace" series, and also has guest appearances in other "Ultraman" series. The classic super beasts that have appeared the most include Missile Super Beast Belokon, One-horned Super Beast Bakshim, Moth Super Beast Dragali, Full Moon Super Beast Lunaticus, etc.
In the 20th chapter of "Ultraman Zeta" "The Last Brave", Ultraman Ace returns and explains that "any creature will feel pain, fear, or reveal weaknesses when attacked. But Super Beast doesn’t feel that way.”

❽ Do fish feel pain?

Do fish feel pain? This is a controversial topic. Most people think that cold-blooded animals like fish have no sense of pain. In their opinion, only those animals with neocortex in the brain can feel pain. Do fish really feel no pain? It is difficult to prove this problem. First of all, fish are not as cute and interesting as puppies, and therefore do not get as much sympathy from people as puppies. Second, fish can't bark like puppies, so they can't tell people whether they're feeling pain. Third, if fish can feel pain, is it pain or a reflex? For example, when a fish bites a hook, is its reaction caused by pain or a reflex? This is not a stupid question. When your hand touches something hot and you pull it away quickly, it's not because your brain has already sensed the pain, but because of a reflex. The action of automatically pulling your hand away is controlled by the spinal cord, and the brain is not involved. When heat stimulates the thermoreceptors on the hand, the thermoreceptors will send electrical signals to the spinal cord, and then the spinal cord will send impulse signals to the muscles, which control the muscles to pull the hand away. There is no brain involved in the whole process. Of course, maybe out of politeness, the spinal cord still sends electrical signals to tell the brain what happened, so after you pull your hand away for a while, you will realize that it is hot and painful. Then your left brain will tell your right brain: "Hey, you just put your hand on the hot stove again. I am telling you just to let you remember and see if you dare to touch hot things next time." By the way To put it bluntly, pain is for people to remember lessons. So when fish are stimulated they respond, but is this response due to a reflex or due to pain? Not sure yet. Finally, are fish conscious? have no idea. If the fish is unconscious, then the fish cannot feel pain. Consciousness is a big philosophical problem. Even for humans, the problem of the generation of consciousness has not yet been solved, let alone fish. Therefore, let’s put aside philosophy for the time being and look for answers from simpler science. Scientists studied 20 rainbow trout. Rainbow trout have a skeletal system just like humans, which is why scientists chose them. First, scientists discovered that rainbow trout have 58 special receptors on their heads. Some receptors respond to one stimulus, while others respond to multiple stimuli. human pain experienceThe receptors can respond to both thermal and chemical stimuli, as do rainbow trout, and of the 58 receptors, 22 can be classified as nociceptors. In fact, under a microscope, these receptors look very similar to human pain receptors, which transmit signals to the brain. Therefore, rainbow trout have the material basis for feeling pain. Second, scientists used various substances to stimulate the mouth of rainbow trout. After stimulation, the fish's heart rate increased by 30%, and the frequency of gill movement also increased sharply. However, these reactions may be reflexes and not necessarily the fish feeling pain. Third, scientists divided rainbow trout into two groups for experiments. One group had their lips injected with bee venom or acetic acid, and the other group had their lips injected with saline or no treatment. It was found that rainbow trout injected with bee venom or acetic acid began to sway, which is similar to the behavior of vertebrates under heavy pressure, and rainbow trout injected with acetic acid also rubbed their lips on the gravel at the bottom of the container. Rainbow trout in the former group took three times longer to resume feeding than in the latter group. It doesn't seem like a conditioned reflex. Finally, after the scientists gave the rainbow trout the painkiller morphine, the fish soon began to behave normally. Summarizing the above test results, scientists believe that these rainbow trout can feel pain. After being stimulated, they react in the same way as us humans - first they avoid, then they behave abnormally, and finally they become normal after being given analgesics. In our world, generally speaking, the only things that can harvest the bodies and energy of other living things without killing them are plants. Plants absorb materials from the air and soil and energy from sunlight. All the rest of the animals survive by killing other living things, whether animals or plants. We must eat without causing pain. So what should you do on your next fishing trip? Bring some ice and ice water, and put the caught fish into the ice water immediately. The metabolism of fish in cold water decreases, and they immediately enter a state of dormancy and then enter a state of torpor. At this time, you take it out of the water and put it on ice to let it die in a torpor state. So, don’t let us become cold-blooded killers just because fish are cold-blooded animals.

❾What is the meaning of the metaverse?

The metaverse mainly refers to the virtual world.

The Metaverse is a relatively abstract concept. Currently, we do not have a precise definition of the Metaverse. In a sense, the collection of virtual worlds we can understand is the metaverse. If you have trouble understanding this concept, try understanding the real world we all live in. However, at the spiritual and conscious level, many of the activities we perform are actually independent metaverses.

1. What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is a collection of virtual worlds. This is a new term in the post-Internet era, and it is also a very popular concept. I don't know if you've ever seen a movie,The movie is called Ready Player One. In this movie, the battle scenes between the protagonist and his friends take place in the metaverse. In real life, they have real identities, and their real identities do not affect the identity of the metaverse.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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