
经历多次循环的牛熊转换,每一轮不同叙事都瞄准着区块链如何改变人类生活,不过至今仍没有出现一个真正普惠的应用。Sora Ventures 管理合伙人Jason Fang 描述的去中心化科学(DeSci),透过基于区块链的DAO 与代币经济,可能为普惠人类的科学研究发展带来巨大改变; 也可能是下一轮牛市的重大叙事。


去中心化科学或「DeSci」(Decentralized Science) 是一种开源科学专案的概念,组织社群资助,透过知识共享或其他形式的资源共享来完成使命。这是十分有意义的,因为它为研究员、教授和科学家提供了更大的自主性,不被迫接受任何中心化权威的命令。

最重要的是,我们在2015 年和2016 年看到了这种投资趋势,当时区块链基金的核心投资是投资于企业用例,这些用例围绕着具有混合技术堆栈的公司(通常是90% 非区块链,10% 区块链),但其中大多数都无法进行到下一轮融资,因为没有代币的概念,或者团队过于保守。这些基金投资的很多公司也涉及生物技术、医疗保健、物联网和其他科学类别。

直到今天,唯一一家在2015 年成立、存活下来且在CoinMarketCap 上名列前100 的企业区块链公司是VeChain。VeChain 最初是一家供应链公司,帮助公司使用区块链技术增加透明度、可追踪性和来源证明,但很快就在2017 年ICO 狂潮期间转向发布白皮书,并推出供应链解决方案的第一层概念。

去中心化科学(DeSci) 比其他叙事更具意义



如果你看每一次Web3 牛市的历史,它都在一段时间内对非常特定的人才带来好处。DeFi Summer 大大有利于拥有传统金融背景的人,P2E 模型大大有利于游戏玩家和娱乐行业的人,而NFT大大有利于艺术和音乐行业。有趣的是,区块链在每一次新的牛市中都不会触及这些类别,所以我们知道下一波人才群体不会围绕上述类别。这也类似于Web2 投资,某些产业会有其特殊时期,资金很容易被吸引过来,但短时间内,这一浪潮会慢慢衰退,资金将转移到另一个得利人才群体的产业。

Coinbase 已投入DeSci 发展

尽管DeSci 目前还处于非常早期,但我们已经看到DAO (去中心化自治组织),用于资助早期科学专案的使用案例显着增长。例如,HairDAO成立是为了投资于脱发研究,VitaDAO成立是为了解决长寿问题,BeakerDAO专注于一般科学,MoleculeDAO专注于生物技术,ValleyDAO投资于合成生物学的研究。一开始,这些DAO 大多由有固定上限的科学家和研究员运作,但在过去3 个月,我们看到风险资本公司对DAO 产生了巨大的兴趣,并透过他们在代币经济和结构方面的经验提升价值。

Coinbase 执行长Brian Armstrong,也推出了他的DeSci 公司Research Hub,由BoostVC和Sora Ventures支持,这已经成为研究员开源的主要社群平台。

DeSci 将成为下波浪潮,Degen 可改善人类生活

DeSci 已经改变了科学家、研究员和产品开发者在科学领域实现目标的方式。这是一个不能被忽视的类别,Web3 只会加强对任何希望在最短的时间内,实现大规模扩展、资金和成长的研究社群之兴趣和激励结构。


科学即将成为下一个浪潮,Degen 将在其中扮演Web3 如何改善人类生活的角色。

After many cycles of bull-bear transitions, each round of different narratives is aimed at how blockchain can change human life, but so far there has not been a truly universal application. Decentralized science (DeSci) described by Jason Fang, managing partner of Sora Ventures, through blockchain-based DAO and token economy, may bring huge changes to the development of scientific research that benefits mankind; it may also be the next round The big narrative of the bull market.

What is decentralized science (DeSci)?

Decentralized Science or "DeSci" (Decentralized Science) is a concept of open source scientific projects that organizes community funding to complete its mission through knowledge sharing or other forms of resource sharing. This makes sense because it provides researchers, professors, and scientists with greater autonomy without being forced to take orders from any centralized authority.

Most importantly, we saw this investment trend in 2015 and 2016, when the core investments of blockchain funds were investing in enterprise use cases that revolved around companies with hybrid technology stacks (Usually 90% non-blockchain, 10% blockchain), but most of them cannot proceed to the next round of financing because there is no concept of the token, or the team is too conservative. Many of the companies in which these funds invest are also in biotech, healthcare, the Internet of Things and other scientific categories.

To this day, the only enterprise blockchain company founded in 2015 that has survived and ranks in the top 100 on CoinMarketCap is VeChain. VeChain started out as a supply chain company helping companies use blockchain technology to add transparency, traceability and proof of provenance, but quickly pivoted to publishing white papers and rolling out the first layer of concepts for supply chain solutions during the 2017 ICO frenzy .

Decentralized Science (DeSci) is more meaningful than other narratives

Different periods require different results, but history often repeats itself, and the idea of ​​tokenized science projects is more significant than the current focus on games and metaverses. And the craze for entertainment is more engaging and meaningful.

These trends will continue to grow, but our industry will also be looking for something new and attractive in the next bull market, and there will never be a turn back.

If you look at the history of every Web3 bull market, it has benefited very specific talents for a period of time. DeFi Summer greatly benefits people with traditional financial backgrounds, the P2E model greatly benefits gamers and people in the entertainment industry, and NFT greatly benefits the art and music industries. Interestingly, blockchain has not touched these categories in every new bull run, so we know that the next wave of talent pool will not be around the above categories. This is also similar to Web2 investment. Some industries will have their special periods, and funds are easily attracted, but in a short period of time,This wave will slowly fade, and funds will be transferred to another industry that benefits from talent groups.

Coinbase has invested in DeSci development

Although it is still very early days for DeSci, we are already seeing use cases for DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) to fund early-stage scientific projects remarkable growth. For example, HairDAO was founded to invest in hair loss research, VitaDAO was founded to solve longevity problems, BeakerDAO focuses on general science, MoleculeDAO focuses on biotechnology, and ValleyDAO invests in research on synthetic biology. In the beginning, these DAOs were mostly run by scientists and researchers with fixed caps, but in the past 3 months, we have seen a huge interest in DAOs from venture capital firms through their experience in token economics and structure Increase value.

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong also launched his DeSci company Research Hub, supported by BoostVC and Sora Ventures, which has become the main open source community platform for researchers.

DeSci will be the next wave, Degen improves human life

DeSci has changed the way scientists, researchers and product developers achieve their goals in science. This is a category that cannot be ignored, and Web3 will only intensify the interest and incentive structure for any research community looking to achieve massive scale, funding, and growth in the shortest possible time.

Tokenization is a powerful tool for aligning the interests of common shareholders, whether that common shareholder exists in the form of investors, users or token holders. This is the power of decentralization, and it's already happening in other industries, such as gaming.

Science is about to become the next wave, and Degen will play a role in how Web3 can improve human life.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿
