韭菜的知识 韭菜相关知识



51% Attack(51%攻击)



加密货币地址用于在网络上发送或接收交易。 地址通常表示为个数字字字符。


“专用集成电路”简称。 通常,与GPU相比,ASIC专门用于挖矿,可能会节省大量能源。






区块链是一个共享的分布式账本,其中交易通过附加块永久记录。 区块链作为所有交易的历史记录,从发生块到最新的块,因此命名为blockchain(区块链)。

Block Explorer(区块资源管理器)

区块资源管理器是一种用来来查看区块上的所有交易(过去和当前)在线工具。 它们提供有用的信息,如网络哈希率和交易增长率。

Block Height(区块高度)


Block Reward(积分奖励)

它是在采矿期间成功计算区块中的哈希的矿工的一种激励形式。 在区块链上的交易验证的过程中产生新的币,并且矿工被奖励其中的一部分。

Central Ledger(中央帐簿)








Cryptographic Hash Function(加密哈希函数)

密码哈希产生从可变大小交易输入固定大小和唯一哈希值。 SHA-256计算算法是加密散列的一个例子。





Distributed Ledger(分布式账本)

分布式账本,数据通过分布式节点网络进行存储。 分布式账本不是必须具有自己的货币,它可能会被许可和私有。

Distributed Network(分布式网络)




Digital Signature(数字加密)


Double Spending(双重支付)





Ethereum虚拟机(EVM)是一个图灵完整的虚拟机,允许任何人执行任意EVM字节码。 每个Ethereum节点都运行在EVM上,以保持整个块链的一致性。



Genesis Block(创世区块)


Hard Fork(硬分支)

一种使以前无效的交易有效的分支类型,反之亦然。 这种类型的分支需要所有节点和用户升级到最新版本的协议软件。


对输出数据执行散列函数的行为。 这是用于确认货币交易。

Hash Rate(哈希率)


Hybrid PoS/PoW(混合PoS / PoW)

POW(Proof of Work,工作证明)是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。POS(Proof of Stake,股权证明)根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。

混合PoS / PoW可以将网络上的共享分发算法作为共享证明和工作证明。 在这种方法中,可以实现矿工和选民(持有者)之间的平衡,由内部人(持有人)和外部人(矿工)创建一个基于社区的治理体系。


KYC是Know Your Customer的缩写,意思是了解你的客户,在国际《反洗钱法》条例中,要求各组织要对自己的客户作出全面的了解,以预测和发现商业行为中的不合理之处和潜在违法行为。


挖矿是验证区块链交易的行为。 验证的必要性通常以货币的形式奖励给矿工。 在这个密码安全的繁荣期间,当正确完成计算,采矿可以是一个有利可图的业务。 通过选择最有效和最适合的硬件和采矿目标,采矿可以产生稳定的被动收入形式。







Peer to Peer(点对点)

对等(P2P)是指在高度互联的网络中,双方之间的去中心化互动或更多的互动。 P2P网络的参与者通过单个调解点直接相互协商。

Public Address(公用地址)

公共地址是公钥的密码哈希值。 它们作为可以在任何地方发布的电子邮件地址,与私钥不同。

Private Key(私钥)

私钥是一串数据,它是允许您访问特定钱包中的令牌。 它们作为密码,除了地址的所有者之外,都被隐藏。

Proof of Work(工作证明)

POW(Proof of Work,工作证明)是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。

Proof of Stake(股权证明)

POS(Proof of Stake,股权证明)根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。


Scrypt是一种由Litecoin使用加密算法。 与SHA256相比,它的速度更快,因为它不会占用很多处理时间。


SHA-256是比特币一些列数字货币使用的加密算法。 然而,它使用了大量的计算能力和处理时间,迫使矿工组建采矿池以获取收益。

Smart Contracts(智能合约)


Soft Fork(软分支)

软分支与硬分支不同之处在于,只有先前有效的交易才能使其无效。 由于旧节点将新的块识别为有效,所以软分支基本上是向后兼容的。 这种分支需要大多数矿工升级才能执行,而硬分支需要所有节点就新版本达成一致。







Transaction Block(交易区块)


Transaction Fee(手续费)


Turing Complete(图灵完成)

图灵完成是指机器执行任何其他可编程计算机能够执行计算的能力。 一个例子是Ethereum虚拟机(EVM)。


一个包含私钥的文件。 它通常包含一个软件客户端,允许访问查看和创建钱包所设计的特定块链的交易。

During this period, I have frequently contacted some friends in the currency circle, and found that more and more people have begun to join the Republic’s million-dollar currency speculators! Newcomers are often the group that is most likely to be cut off. Many novices like to operate full positions when trading, and then stare at the market all day long. Their mood rises and falls with the K-line, and their nerves are tense all day long. In fact, currency speculation is a wonderful thing, and everyone should enjoy this process!

Today Lao Cui will give you some basic concepts of currency speculation!

51% Attack

When a single individual or group exceeds half of the computing power, this individual or group can control the entire cryptocurrency network. If they have some malicious ideas, they It is possible to issue some conflicting transactions and damage the entire network.


Cryptocurrency addresses are used to send or receive transactions on the network. Addresses are usually expressed as numeric characters.

ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit)

The abbreviation of "Application Specific Integrated Circuit". Typically, ASICs are specialized for mining and may save a lot of energy compared to GPUs.


Bitcoin is the first decentralized open source cryptocurrency that runs on a global peer-to-peer network, eliminating the need for middlemen and centralized issuers.


A block is a packet of data that carries permanently recorded data on the blockchain network.


Blockchain is a shared distributed ledger in which transactions are permanently recorded through appended blocks. The blockchain serves as a historical record of all transactions, from the occurrence block to the latest block, hence the name blockchain.

Block Explorer (Block Explorer)

Block Explorer is an online tool used to view all transactions (past and current) on the block. They provide useful information such as network hash rate and transaction growth rate.

Block Height

The number of blocks connected to the blockchain.

Block Reward

It is a form of incentive for miners who successfully calculate the hash in a block during mining. New coins are generated during the process of transaction verification on the blockchain, and miners are rewarded with a portion of them.

Central Ledger

A ledger maintained by a central agency.


A decentralized confirmation of the success of a transaction by adding it to the blockchain.


Consensus is reached when all network participants agree on the validity of a transaction, ensuring that distributed ledgers are exact copies of each other.


Also known as token,Cryptocurrency is a representation of digital assets.

Cryptographic Hash Function

A cryptographic hash generates a fixed-size and unique hash value from a variable-size transaction input. The SHA-256 calculation algorithm is an example of a cryptographic hash.

Dapp (Decentralized Application)

Dapp (Decentralized Application) is an open source application that runs automatically, stores its data on the blockchain, and is incentivized in the form of cryptographic tokens , and operate with a protocol that shows proof of value.

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization can be thought of as a company that operates without any human intervention and hands over all forms of control to an indestructible set of businesses rule.

Distributed Ledger

Distributed ledger, data is stored through a distributed node network. The distributed ledger does not have to have its own currency, it may be permissioned and private.

Distributed Network

A network in which processing power and data are distributed among nodes rather than having a centralized data center.


This refers to the ease with which data blocks of transaction information can be successfully mined.

Digital Signature

A digital code generated through public key encryption that is attached to an electronically transmitted document to verify its content and the identity of the sender.

Double Spending

Double spending occurs when you spend more than the one-time payment limit.

Ethereum (Ethereum)

Ethereum is a blockchain-based decentralized platform for running smart contracts, designed to solve problems related to censorship, fraud and third-party interference.

EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a Turing-complete virtual machine that allows anyone to execute arbitrary EVM bytecode. Each Ethereum node runs on the EVM to maintain consistency across the blockchain.

Fork (branch)

Forks can create cross-versions of blockchains, running two blockchains compatible in different parts of the network.

Genesis Block

The first block of the blockchain.

Hard Fork

A type of fork that makes a previously invalid transaction valid, and vice versa. This type of fork requires all nodes and users to upgrade to the latest version of the protocol software.


The act of performing a hash function on output data. This is used to confirm currency transactions.

Hash Rate

The performance measurement of a mining rig is expressed in seconds.

Hybrid PoS/PoW (Hybrid PoS / PoW)

POW (Proof of Work, proof of work) refers to how much currency you get, depending on the workload you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more money will be allocated to you. There will be more mines. POS (Proof of Stake) is a system that allocates interest based on the amount and time you hold the currency. In POS mode, your "mining" income is proportional to the age of your currency and has nothing to do with the computing performance of your computer. .

Hybrid PoS/PoW can use the shared distribution algorithm on the network as proof of sharing and proof of work. In this approach, a balance between miners and voters (holders) can be achieved, creating a community-based governance system between insiders (holders) and outsiders (miners).


KYC is the abbreviation of Know Your Customer, which means know your customer. In the international "Anti-Money Laundering Law" regulations, organizations are required to have a comprehensive understanding of their customers in order to predict and discover Unreasonable and potentially illegal conduct in business practices.


Mining is the act of verifying blockchain transactions. The need for verification is usually rewarded to miners in the form of currency. During this crypto-security boom, mining can be a profitable business when the calculations are done correctly. Mining can generate a stable form of passive income by choosing the most efficient and suitable hardware and mining targets.

Multi-Signature (Multi-Signature)

Multi-signature addresses require more than one key to authorize transactions, thus adding a layer of security.


A copy of the ledger operated by participants in a blockchain network.

Oracles (database)

Oracles serve as a bridge between the real world and the blockchain by providing data to smart contracts.

Peer to Peer (Peer to Peer)

Peer to Peer (P2P) refers to decentralized interaction or more interactions between two parties in a highly interconnected network. Participants in a P2P network negotiate directly with each other through a single mediation point.

Public Address

The public address is the cryptographic hash of the public key. They act as email addresses that can be published anywhere, unlike private keys.

Private Key

A private key is a string of data that allows you to access the token in a specific wallet. They serve as passwords and are hidden from all but the owner of the address.

Proof of Work (Proof of Work)

POW (Proof of Work, Proof of Work) refers to how much currency you get, depending on the workload you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more mines will be allocated to you. There will be more.

Proof of StakeProof of Stake)

POS (Proof of Stake) is a system that allocates interest based on the amount and time you hold the currency. In the POS mode, your "mining" income is proportional to your currency age, and It has nothing to do with the computing performance of the computer.


Scrypt is an encryption algorithm used by Litecoin. It's faster compared to SHA256 because it doesn't take up a lot of processing time.


SHA-256 is the encryption algorithm used by Bitcoin and a series of digital currencies. However, it uses a lot of computing power and processing time, forcing miners to form mining pools to gain revenue.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts encode business rules in programmable languages ​​onto blocks and are implemented by network participants.

Soft Fork

A soft fork differs from a hard fork in that only previously valid transactions can render it invalid. Soft branches are basically backwards compatible since old nodes recognize new blocks as valid. This kind of branch requires a majority of miners to upgrade to execute, while a hard branch requires all nodes to agree on a new version.


Solidity is the programming language used by Ethereum to develop smart contracts.


Cryptocurrency, token


A test blockchain used by developers. It is mainly used to prevent changes to assets on the main chain.

Transaction Block

A collection of transactions aggregated into a block, which can then be hashed and added to the blockchain.

Transaction Fee

All cryptocurrency transactions involve a small transaction fee. These fees add up to the block reward that miners receive when they successfully process a block.

Turing Complete

Turing Complete refers to the ability of a machine to perform any calculation that any other programmable computer can perform. One example is the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).


A file containing a private key. It usually consists of a software client that allows access to view and create transactions for the specific blockchain for which the wallet is designed.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿
