币圈的etf怎么玩 币圈etf交易规则及费用

A. 比特币etf是什么意思


ETF是Exchange Traded Funds的缩写,中文名叫做“交易所交易基金”,是一种在交易所上市交易的、基金份额可变的开放式基金。

一旦比特币ETF获得许可,预期的大量法币资本涌入市场,不仅其价格将迅速做出反应,同时对于比特币的风评将产生积极印象。据IT时代报道,技术智库IronWood的CEO Michael Strutton预测,一旦比特币ETF放开,将为比特币市场带来840亿-3360亿美元的资金量,可以将比特币价格推高至4.4万美金一枚。

B. 数字货币的etf有哪些

ETF又称“交易型开放式指数证券投资基金”(Exchange Traded Fund的缩写),简称“交易型开放式指数基金”,又称“交易所交易基金”。ETF是一种跟踪“标的指数”变化、且在证券交易所上市交易的基金。
针对ETF,交易所每15秒钟显示一次IOPV(净值估值,Indicative Optimized Portfolio Value),这个IOPV即时反映了指数涨跌带来基金净值的变化。

C. etf是什么意思能否详细解释一下

etf它的全称是Exchange Traded Fund,是一种在交易所上市交易的、基金份额可变的开放式基金。现在的ETF基金大放异彩,凭借着出色的涨幅再次进入小散们的视野,能赚钱的东西总是自带传播效应



D. ETP与ETF的区别详细介绍一下什么是ETP

ETF 和 ETP 为机构投资者和合格投资者进军加密货币领域提供了便利,降低了风险。只不过,ETF 是基金,而 ETP 是债券,ETF 因此要接受更为严格的监管。
ETF的全文是 Exchange Traded Funds,即交易平台交易基金。按字面理解,就是可以在交易平台交易的基金,简单说就是追踪大盘走势的一篮子标的。 你可以把 ETF 当作是一篮子股票,它们是根据一些指示股票走势的指数选的,比如标普 500,它记录了 500 家公司股票的整体走势。那么,ETF 里的一篮子股票就是这 500 家公司的股票。 需要提出的一点是,你实际上并不直接拥有那 500 只股票, 你拥有的是一个凭证,来证明你拥有这个 ETF。最著名的 ETF 是 SPY ETF,它是全球最大的交易平台交易基金,跟踪的就是标准普尔 500 股市指数的总体水平。
比特币 ETF 就是基于比特币的 ETF。如果你购买了比特币 ETF,你就相当于间接投资了比特币,拥有的是可以交易的比特币基金,而并非直接拥有比特币。但是,你买比特币 ETF 和直接买比特币,在收益上没有任何区别,因为比特币 ETF 追踪的就是比特币的价格,比特币涨了,这个 ETF 也就涨了,反之亦然。 ETF 不过就是换了一种投资比特币的方式而已。唯一的区别是我们不用再去担心比特币会不会被盗了,不再担心把比特币存放在哪里了,也无需走繁琐的程序。
2. ETP
ETP 的全文是 Exchange Traded Procts,即交易平台交易产品。 ETP 是交易平台上市的开放式投资产品,衍生定价,并像股票一样在全国性交易平台进行日间交易和结算。它被归类为优先结构债务证券。基本上说,它们在价值上与其它证券、大宗商品或者指数挂钩。 ETP 是被动投资,旨在通过跟踪基础基准指数来复制特定市场的表现,它的收益在大部分时间会优于主动投资产品。 瑞士证券交易平台 SIX 对 ETP 如此定义:ETP 是有抵押物的,不赚取利息的不记名债务证券,可以以基本或通过杠杆方式复制基础资产(通常来自大宗商品)。与 ETF 一样,它们在多个做市商领域进行日内交易,但从法律上来讲,它们不是基金。 以瑞士证券交易平台在 2018 年 11 月推出的第一个全球多加密货币 ETP 为例,Amun ETP 基于 Amun Crypto Basket Index,该指数跟踪市场资本化和流动性方面五种最佳加密货币的表现。上市之初,该指数的构成如下:BTC(49.7%),XRP(25.4%),ETH(16.7%),LTC(3%)和 BCH(5.2%)。
瑞士金融监管机构 Finma 的发言人称:“区分 ETP 与 ETF 是很重要的,因为 ETP 不受《集体投资计划法案(Cisa)》的约束。” 从概念上讲,Amun ETP 在某种程度上类似于 ETF,它们都允许机构投资者和经认可的散户投资者投资数字资产,而无需保管方,也无需面对其他监管障碍。 但是,为了增加美国证券交易委员会(SEC)批准 ETF 的机会,提出 ETF 产品申请的公司必须证明,加密货币期货市场足够稳定,这也是 SEC 多次拒绝批准比特币 ETF 的理由。对于 ETP,则没有这样的要求,因为美国已有 ETP 产品,诸如 Grayscale Investment 推出的 Bitcoin Investment Trust。

E. 货币ETF是什么














A. What does Bitcoin ETF mean?

Bitcoin ETF, like Bitcoin futures, is also a financial investment product. Compared with direct investment in Bitcoin futures, Bitcoin ETFs cannot bring more benefits to investors, but Bitcoin ETFs can provide investors with a safer and more convenient trading method and can attract more investors and funds.

1. Bitcoin ETF
Bitcoin ETF, simply put, is an ETF that uses Bitcoin as a means. Before that, it is necessary to popularize the concept of ETF.
ETF is the abbreviation of Exchange Traded Funds, and its Chinese name is "Exchange Traded Fund". It is an open-end fund with variable fund shares that is listed and traded on the exchange.
ETF is a special type of index fund, which mainly includes stock ETFs, bond ETFs, commodity ETFs, currency ETFs and other types.
Bitcoin ETF, like Bitcoin futures, is also a financial investment product. Compared with direct investment in Bitcoin futures, Bitcoin ETFs cannot bring more benefits to investors, but Bitcoin ETFs can provide investors with a safer and more convenient trading method and can attract more investors and funds.
However, the approval conditions for ETFs are stricter than those for futures. In 2017, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) repeatedly rejected the listing applications of Bitcoin ETFs from many institutions.
It is reported that the ETF application submitted by the Winklevoss brothers, the founders of Gemini Exchange, was rejected, but the industry's enthusiasm for Bitcoin ETFs has not diminished.

2. The Impact of ETF
Judging from the current opinions of experts and the public, the impact that the SEC will have if the Bitcoin ETF is listed is still positive. On the one hand, it can make the encryption market safer. On the other hand, it can lower the threshold for Bitcoin transactions, thereby allowing a large amount of capital to flow in and accelerate the development of the digital currency industry.
Once the Bitcoin ETF is licensed, a large amount of legal currency capital is expected to flood into the market. Not only will its price respond quickly, but it will also have a positive impression on Bitcoin's reputation. According to IT Times, Michael Strutton, CEO of technology think tank IronWood, predicts that once the Bitcoin ETF is liberalized, it will bring 84 billion to 336 billion US dollars in funds to the Bitcoin market, which can push the price of Bitcoin to 44,000 US dollars. pieces.
Currently, Yuan Yuming, president of Huobi Research Institute, said that the main reason for the previous rejection of Bitcoin ETF was that the price of Bitcoin itself was too volatile and there was a risk of insufficient liquidity. In addition, there may also be concerns about market manipulation. This time these risks still exist, but they may be reduced with regulatory regulations, but no one can say for sure.
He pointed out that if the Bitcoin ETF is approved, it will bring many positive impacts.
First of all, the threshold for Bitcoin transactions will be lowered to create a better future for Bitcoin.The currency trading market brings a large amount of funds
The second one will also accelerate the development of the digital currency industry, such as promoting asset custody
The third one, the adoption of ETF is equivalent to telling the public that the official has recognized Bitcoin as a A legal asset class that changes people's overall view on the regulatory risks of digital currencies, which will accelerate the public's acceptance of digital currencies represented by Bitcoin.
In addition, when trading through the ETF channel, large transfers may be detected and frozen by the bank. Moreover, authoritative exchanges also provide credit endorsements, which improves users’ information on the security of their funds.
In short, Bitcoin ETF has been given high hopes, but whether the advantages of the stable development of the virtual currency market outweigh the disadvantages require further research and verification.

B. What are the ETFs of digital currencies?

ETFs of digital currencies, such as Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is one of the digital currencies, so the Bitcoin ETF can be called a digital currency ETF. ETFs that invest entirely in Bitcoin are called Bitcoin ETFs. Because most of the digital currency ETFs currently applied for are allocated to Bitcoin, everyone now calls digital currency ETFs Bitcoin ETFs. For example, CBOE applied for a Bitcoin ETF, and the fund plans to allocate all Bitcoins through the over-the-counter market. Bitcoin ETF, like the previously launched CBOE and CME Bitcoin futures, is also a financial investment product. Compared with direct investment in Bitcoin futures, Bitcoin ETFs cannot bring more benefits to investors, but Bitcoin ETFs can provide investors with a more convenient and safer trading method, which helps to enhance people’s confidence and attract investors. More investors and funding.
[Extended Information]
ETF is also known as "Exchange Traded Fund" (abbreviation of Exchange Traded Fund), referred to as "Exchange Traded Fund", also known as "Exchange Traded Fund". An ETF is a fund that tracks changes in an "underlying index" and is listed and traded on a stock exchange.
ETF is a special type of open-end fund. It combines the advantages of closed-end funds and open-end funds. Investors can not only buy and sell ETF shares in the secondary market, but also subscribe or redeem from fund management companies. ETF shares, but subscription and redemption must be done in exchange for a basket of stocks (or a small amount of cash) in exchange for fund shares or in exchange for fund shares for a basket of stocks (or a small amount of cash). Due to the simultaneous existence of secondary market transactions and subscription and redemption mechanisms, investors can conduct arbitrage transactions when there is a difference between the ETF secondary market transaction price and the net value of the fund unit.
For ETFs, the exchange displays the IOPV (Indicative Optimized Portfolio Value) every 15 seconds. This IOPV instantly reflects the changes in the fund's net value caused by the rise and fall of the index.
ETF funds are very convenient for investors to invest in indicesa method.
ETF has also been introduced by investment companies in the field of digital currency, so there are various ETF funds about blockchain or digital currency that you often see.
Four major advantages of ETF:
1. ETF has risen rapidly in the international market due to its various innovations in product design. It has the following major advantages.
2.ETF adopts index investment strategy. ETFs have a small deviation from the underlying index, and investing in ETFs can yield returns similar to those of the underlying index; it allows investors to invest in the underlying index at a lower cost, making investing in the index as simple as investing in a stock.
3.ETF can be listed and traded. ETFs continue to trade during trading hours like stocks, and investors can buy and sell based on the instantly revealed trading prices to better grasp the transaction prices.
4.ETF fees are low. By replicating the index and physical subscription and redemption mechanisms, ETFs greatly save operating expenses such as research fees and transaction fees. ETF management and custody fees are not only much lower than actively managed stock funds, but also lower than traditional index funds that track the same index. ETF secondary market transaction fees are similar to stocks, which greatly reduces investors’ transaction costs. ETFs are a brand new investment vehicle. In the investment field, ETF is no longer just an investment product, but an increasingly instrumental product. Investors can invest in ETFs for stock reinvestment, asset allocation, long-term investment, arbitrage trading, timing and short-term investment, etc.

C. What does etf mean? Can you explain it in detail?

The full name of etf is Exchange Traded Fund, which is an open fund listed and traded on an exchange with variable fund shares. type fund. Nowadays, ETF funds are shining brightly, and they have once again entered the eyes of investors with their outstanding growth rates. Things that can make money always have their own communication effects

1. What does ETF mean?

ETF is a traded open-end index fund, often called an exchange-traded fund. It is an open-end fund that is listed and traded on an exchange and has variable fund shares. ETF funds can only be bought and sold in stock accounts. If you want to buy ETF funds over the counter, you can only buy ETF feeder funds. Although etf is very difficult to read, it is not difficult to understand. We might as well break it up and talk about it. Common stock investors call ETFs “on-exchange funds.” By on-exchange, it refers to the stock exchange, that is, the fund can be freely bought and sold on securities trading websites or APPs.

D. The difference between ETP and ETF. Let’s introduce in detail what ETP is.

ETF and ETP provide convenience and reduce risks for institutional investors and qualified investors to enter the field of cryptocurrency. However, ETFs are funds, while ETPs are bonds, so ETFs are subject to more stringent supervision.
1.Bitcoin ETF
ETF’sThe full text is Exchange Traded Funds, that is, trading platform traded funds. Literally understood, it is a fund that can be traded on a trading platform. Simply put, it is a basket of targets that tracks the trend of the market. You can think of an ETF as a basket of stocks that are selected based on some index that indicates stock movements, such as the S&P 500, which records the overall movement of the stocks of 500 companies. So, the basket of stocks in the ETF is the stocks of these 500 companies. One point that needs to be made is that you don't actually own those 500 stocks directly, you have a certificate to prove that you own the ETF. The best-known ETF is the SPY ETF, the world's largest exchange-traded fund that tracks the overall S&P 500 stock market index.
Bitcoin ETF is an ETF based on Bitcoin. If you buy a Bitcoin ETF, you are investing in Bitcoin indirectly. You own a Bitcoin fund that can be traded, rather than owning Bitcoin directly. However, there is no difference in income between buying a Bitcoin ETF and buying Bitcoin directly, because the Bitcoin ETF tracks the price of Bitcoin. When Bitcoin goes up, the ETF will also go up, and vice versa. ETFs are just another way to invest in Bitcoin. The only difference is that we no longer have to worry about whether the Bitcoin will be stolen, no longer worry about where to store the Bitcoin, and there is no need to go through cumbersome procedures.
2. ETP
The full text of ETP is Exchange Traded Procts, which is the trading platform trading products. ETPs are open-ended investment products listed on trading platforms, derivatively priced, and day traded and settled on national trading platforms like stocks. It is classified as a senior structured debt security. Basically, they are linked in value to other securities, commodities or indices. ETPs are passive investments designed to replicate the performance of a specific market by tracking an underlying benchmark index, and their returns will outperform active investment products most of the time. The Swiss securities trading platform SIX defines ETPs as follows: ETPs are collateralized, bearer debt securities that do not earn interest and can replicate an underlying asset (usually derived from commodities) on a fundamental or leveraged basis. Like ETFs, they are day traded across multiple market makers, but legally they are not funds. Take for example the first global multi-crypto ETP launched by the Swiss stock exchange in November 2018, the Amun ETP is based on the Amun Crypto Basket Index, which tracks the performance of the five best cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization and liquidity. At the beginning of the listing, the composition of the index was as follows: BTC (49.7%), XRP (25.4%), ETH (16.7%), LTC (3%) and BCH (5.2%).
A spokesman for Swiss financial regulator Finma said: "It is important to distinguish ETPs from ETFs, as ETPs are not subject to the Collective Investment Schemes Act (Cisa)." Conceptually, Amun ETP Similar to ETFs, they both allow institutional investors and accredited retail investors to invest in digital assets without the need for a custodian and without facing other regulatory hurdles. However, in order to increase the chances of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approving an ETF, companies applying for ETF products must prove that the cryptocurrency futures market is stable enough, which is why the SEC has repeatedly refused to approve a Bitcoin ETF. For ETPs, there is no such requirement, as there are already ETP products in the United States, such as the Bitcoin Investment Trust launched by Grayscale Investment.

E. What is a currency ETF

ETF is a traded open-end index fund.

Traded open-end index funds, also commonly known as Exchange Traded Funds ("ETF" for short), are an open fund listed and traded on an exchange with variable fund shares. type fund.

Easy-type open-end index funds are a special type of open-end funds. They combine the operating characteristics of closed-end funds and open-end funds. Investors can subscribe or redeem funds from fund management companies. At the same time, ETF shares can be bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices like closed-end funds.

However, subscription and redemption must be done in exchange for a basket of stocks for fund shares or for fund shares to be exchanged for a basket of stocks.

Due to the simultaneous existence of securities market transactions and subscription and redemption mechanisms, investors can conduct arbitrage transactions when there is a difference between the ETF market price and the net value of the fund unit.

(5) What is ETF in the currency circle? Extended reading:

ETF characteristics:

Traded open-end index fund It is essentially an index fund, but unlike traditional index funds, exchange-traded open-end index funds can be listed on exchanges, allowing investors to buy and sell a fund that represents the "underlying index" just like buying and selling stocks.

The exchange-traded open-end index fund is a special kind of open-end fund, which not only absorbs the advantages of closed-end funds that can be traded in real time on the same day, but also allows investors to trade on the secondary level just like buying and selling closed-end funds or stocks. Market-traded open-end index fund shares;

It also has the advantage that open-end funds can be purchased and redeemed freely. Investors can subscribe or redeem transactions with fund management companies just like buying and selling open-end funds. open-end index fund shares.

TransactionalThe subscription and redemption of open-end index funds must be based on a basket of stocks (or a small amount of cash) in exchange for fund shares or fund shares in exchange for a basket of stocks (or a small amount of cash).

Due to the existence of this special physical subscription and redemption mechanism, investors can conduct arbitrage transactions when there is a difference between the secondary market transaction price of exchange-traded open-end index funds and the net value of fund units.

In addition, the market price of exchange-traded open-end index funds is basically consistent with the net value of its fund units, and there will be no discount problem common to closed-end funds.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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