eth转到etc地址了 eth转到btc地址

1. 钱包的币怎么转到交易平台


2. eth 钱包 知道地址和地址秘钥 怎么地址之间转账


3. 怎么借出自己的eth


4. 以太坊钱包地址在哪里 如何买卖以太坊


5. 比特派 ETH、ERC20 Token 批量转账教程,好用!


比特派的批量转账功能可以将你的ETH或ERC20的TOKEN 同时发送到多个地址(当前最多支持255个)。




1、打开比特派,在左上角切换到“ETH体系”点击 “批量转账”






地址,金额 (地址和金额之间用英文的逗号分隔,多组信息之间需要换行)


0xc35f4f66ef......20db8f7d , 0.001

0xfe4503c78......4e4ae1ae , 0.002







6. 1. 树莓派:eth桥接到wlan口,共享上网

背景: 树莓派外接5G无线网卡,推流器连接raspberry 3B lan口,共享上网。

验证: raspberry 3B连接手机的热点,PC通过网线与raspberry的lan口相连,实现上网。


1. 首先给raspberry的eth设置一个静态ip地址。

2. 修改IP转发规则,允许ip数据的转发。(ip_forward的设置)

3. 路由设置,配置iptables,进行两个网卡的桥接。

4. 开启raspberry的DHCP服务,在eth口上开启。

5. 开启DNS服务。


1. 给树莓派的eth分配静态地址。


sudo ifconfig eth0 up



配置文件 /etc/network/interfaces,请注意此处wlan0的地址参数要和etc/udhcpd.conf相关参数相对应。

sudo vi  /etc/network/interfaces

#iface default inet dhcp


auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static




2. 启动IP转发


方法1:sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

方法2:sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

方法3:sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1


3. iptables设置

     iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE

4. dhcp服务

4.1 安装udhcpd服务

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install udhcpd

4.2 配置DHCP服务

    sudo vi /etc/udhcpd.conf

    1. 修改网络接口,设置成对应的网卡号

    2. 设置remaining,去除前面的#符号

    #remaining     yes    改为   remain    yes

    3. 设置树莓派的IP地址

        修改opt router为192.168.173.1,那么配置完成之后这个地址将作为网关,连接到raspberry eth口的设备网关需要设置为此IP.

        此处opt dns被修改为公共的DNS地址和

4.3 使能DHCP

     配置 /etc/default/udhcpd

    sudo nano  /etc/default/udhcpd


    DHCPD_ENABLED="no"    改为     #DHCPD_ENABLED="no"

4.4  启动服务

    1. 启动udhcp的服务:sudo service udhcpd start

    2. 设置开机启动: sudo update-rc.d  udhcpd enable

5. dns服务

在进行调试的时候发现无法查询到raspberry使用的dns地址,按照常规方法查到的dns地址为127.0.1.1。在网上查了一下 感兴趣的可以参考一下这篇文章。



A、DNSPod DNS+:DNSPod的 Public DNS+是目前国内第一家支持ECS的公共DNS,是DNSPod推出的公共域名解析服务,可以为全网用户提供域名的公共递归解析服务!

DNS 服务器 IP 地址:

首选:        备选:


DNS 服务器 IP 地址:

首选:        备选:

C、阿里 AliDNS:阿里公共DNS是阿里巴巴集团推出的DNS递归解析系统,目标是成为国内互联网基础设施的组成部分,面向互联网用户提供“快速”、“稳定”、“智能”的免费DNS递归解析服务。

DNS 服务器 IP 地址:

首选:        备选:


1. How to transfer the currency in the wallet to the trading platform

Method of transferring to the exchange:
Download the TP wallet, create the TP wallet, withdraw the virtual currency to the wallet, withdraw the currency to the wallet Success, then click on the wallet virtual currency balance, select the amount and type of transfer, click on transfer, and then enter the exchange account, the transfer is successful.
TP wallet is a safe storage of digital currencies and safe purchase of digital currencies. It integrates EOS wallet, ETH wallet, BTC wallet, IOST wallet, BOS wallet, COSMOS wallet, Binance wallet, Moker wallet, Jingtong wallet, and ENU wallet. Decentralized universal digital wallet.
Operating environment: Xiaomi 11MIUI12.6.5, t_p version number: v1.3.5; Apple 12, ios14, t_p version number: v0.9.6
Extended information:
1. Virtual coins are placed in exchanges and wallets What’s the difference:
1. The exchange keeps the coins for you. In the public chain system database, these coins are in the exchange’s account. At present, all exchanges are private enterprises and do not have any Credit endorsement, including the three major exchanges, may go bankrupt due to poor management (refer to the hacker attack on the exchange);
2. When the currency is mentioned in its own public chain address, it is your own custody and needs to be Keep the mnemonic phrase yourself, so that your assets will co-exist with the entire public chain. Remember that the mnemonic phrase will only appear once when it is created. Keep it well. If the mnemonic phrase is lost or leaked, causing asset losses, who should you contact? It’s useless. The blockchain only recognizes the mnemonic phrase, and there is no customer service. It is recommended that you copy the mnemonic phrase by hand and save multiple copies on U disk. Before releasing coins from the address, you must first verify your mnemonic phrase and the corresponding wallet. Is the address correct? Only by transferring virtual assets to your public chain account can these assets truly belong to you.
2. Can investment in virtual currency receive legal protection:
Currently, "virtual currency" investment in our country does not have any supervision and is not protected by law. ICO is illegal in our country. All coins listed on exchanges are traded in foreign markets. Therefore, when investing in virtual currencies, you must choose value coins. Do not blindly follow the trend of investment, because some pyramid schemes under the banner of "blockchain" Coins and air coins will pack up and leave after making money. If you are unfortunate enough to be deceived, it will be difficult to redeem the money you invested. So before that, open your eyes wide and recognize the current situation of the currency circle. It is best not to have a speculative mentality when investing in digital currencies. Investing one penny to earn 100 yuan is suitable for buying lottery tickets. There are currently too many air coins and MLM coins in the domestic market. You must be careful to identify them and never be deceived. When investing, you must systematically learn relevant knowledge, download some market software, and pay attention to some current news.

2. Eth wallet knows the address and address key, how to transfer funds between addresses

First, download an Ether wallet, such as imtoken or Bitpie.
Then, import the private key so thatOpened the wallet.
Then click Transfer, enter the address, and you can transfer.

3. How to lend your own eth

On the "Assets" page, click ETH to enter the "Currency Details Page" of ETH, click "Transfer" and enter "ETH Transfer" " page, paste or manually enter the ETH payment address (please confirm the payment address repeatedly), or use "Scan" to directly scan the QR code and enter the ETH payment address. Fill in the transfer amount and select the appropriate mining fee (the system will give a recommended value. The smaller the mining fee, the slower the transfer, and the higher the mining fee, the faster the transfer speed).
Reminder: Transfers require payment of mining fees. It is recommended that you refer to the recommended value given by the system and do not set a mining fee that is too low, because a mining fee that is too low will cause the transfer to fail. On the other hand, when the on-chain transfer fails, the mining fee will still be consumed, causing unnecessary losses to you.

4. Where is the Ethereum wallet address and how to buy and sell Ethereum

The Ethereum wallet address is your bank card number. If you forget the address, you can use your private key and mnemonic Word, keystore+password, import into wallet to retrieve. Buying and selling Ethereum is even simpler. You can open an account in Realm Kingdom with $100, and then analyze the price to buy up or down. If you buy in the right direction, you will make a profit.

5. Bitpie ETH, ERC20 Token batch transfer tutorial, easy to use!

Function introduction:

Bitpie’s batch transfer function can send your ETH or ERC20 TOKEN to multiple addresses at the same time (currently supports up to 255).


Save operating time and mining fees.

Operation tutorial:

1. Open Bitpie, switch to "ETH System" in the upper left corner and click "Batch Transfer"

2. After entering the operation page , first confirm the currency and address you use for payment. Then click the plus sign [+] to add payee information.

3. You can choose [Get from clipboard] or [Manually enter] the payee information.

When you choose to get it from the clipboard:

You need to copy the relevant content in a fixed format in advance, and then click this button to add it successfully.

The format is:

Address, amount (the address and amount are separated by English commas, and multiple sets of information require line breaks)

For example: < /p>

0xc35f4f66ef......20db8f7d , 0.001

0xfe4503c78...4e4ae1ae , 0.002

If you have many addresses to process, it is recommended to use computer spreadsheet software to organize them. The format is as follows.

When the addresses you organize appear abnormally in the table, select all the abnormal tables, right-click and select Format Cells, and select Text for cell format. (The operation steps of different software are slightly different. The core operation is to select the cell text format as text.)

After the sorting is completed, the content can be sent to the mobile phone and copied through WeChat and other software, and the batch can be opened. On the transfer page, click the plus sign + and select Copy from Clipboard to add payment information in batches.

When you choose to enter manually:

You can enter the address and amount manually. Addresses can also be added by scanning QR codes, adding to the address book, etc.

4. After the address information is added and confirmed to be correct, click to confirm the transfer. After checking the relevant information, click Confirm to send it out. After waiting for contract confirmation, you can view all transfer details.

6. 1. Raspberry Pi: bridge eth to wlan port and share Internet access

Background: Raspberry Pi external connection 5G wireless network card, the streamer is connected to the raspberry 3B lan port, and the Internet is shared.

Verification: raspberry 3B is connected to the hotspot of the mobile phone, and the PC is connected to the raspberry's lan port through a network cable to access the Internet.


1. First set a static IP address for raspberry's eth.

2. Modify the IP forwarding rules to allow the forwarding of IP data. (ip_forward settings)

3. Routing settings, configure iptables, and bridge the two network cards.

4. Enable raspberry’s DHCP service on the eth port.

5. Enable DNS service.

Detailed process:

1. Assign a static address to the Raspberry Pi's eth.

Temporary allocation:

sudo ifconfig eth0 up

Permanent allocation:

Written in in the configuration file.

Configuration file /etc/network/interfaces, please note that the address parameters of wlan0 here should correspond to etc/udhcpd.conf related parameters.

sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

#iface default inet dhcp


auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static




/> 2. Start IP forwarding

There are many methods, it is recommended to use the sysctl setting method

Method 1: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ ip_forward

Method 2: sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

Method 3: sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4. ip_forward=1

Sometimes you need to add a line under /etc/sysctl.conf: net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

3. iptables settings
< br /> iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE

4. dhcp service

4.1 Install udhcpd service

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install udhcpd

4.2 Configure DHCP service

sudo vi /etc/udhcpd.conf

1. Modify the network interface and set it to the corresponding network card number

2. Set remaining and remove the # symbol in front
< br /> #remaining yes Change to remain yes

3. Set the IP address of the Raspberry Pi

Modify the opt router to, then this address will be after the configuration is completed As a gateway, the device gateway connected to the raspberry eth port needs to be set to this IP.

Here the opt dns is modified to the public DNS addresses and

4.3 Enable DHCP

Configure /etc/default/udhcpd

sudo nano /etc/default/udhcpd

Use the # symbol to comment DHCPD_ENABLED= "no"

DHCPD_ENABLED="no" changed to #DHCPD_ENABLED="no"

4.4 Start the service

1. Start the udhcp service: sudo service udhcpd start

2. Set up startup: sudo update-rc.d udhcpd enable

5. dns service

When debugging, I found that the raspberry cannot be queried. DNS address, the DNS address found according to the conventional method is I checked online If you are interested, you can refer to this article.

This caused me to encounter a problem during testing. The PC can be accessed through the IP address, but cannot be accessed through the domain name. Then I checked some shared dns servers on the Internet, and everything was normal after setting them up. For information about these shared dns, please refer to the following:

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A. DNSPod DNS+: DNSPod’s Public DNS+ is currently the first public DNS in China that supports ECS. It is a public domain name resolution service launched by DNSPod, which can provide public recursive domain name resolution services for users across the entire network!

DNS server IP address:

First choice: Alternative:

B. 114DNS: DNS has a huge number of domestic users. It has fast access speed and has nodes in every province. It also caters to users of China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile, and can effectively prevent hijacking.

DNS server IP address:

First choice: Alternative:

C. Ali AliDNS: Ali public DNS is Ali The DNS recursive resolution system launched by Baba Group aims to become an integral part of the domestic Internet infrastructure and provide "fast", "stable" and "intelligent" free DNS recursive resolution services to Internet users.

DNS server IP address:

First choice: Alternative:

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本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿