trx带子 trx带怎么安装

1. TRX悬挂健身带主要锻炼哪里的肌肉

TRX悬挂健身系统的优势TRX有以下四大优点:1.体积小巧,方便携带TRX 使用先进工业技术,重量不足2 磅,只需要很小的收藏空间,安装方法也非常简单,无论在家里或是户外,只要把皮带固定在门上、墙上或其他地方,就能随时开始运动。2.适合不同健身水平的人群无论是初学者还是健身达人,想瘦身或者想锻炼肌肉,你都可以根据自身的身体重量,通过改变身体与悬吊带的角度来调节阻力,达到自己的锻炼目的。3.改善平衡功能进行悬挂式训练就像在绳索上练瑜伽,既需要耐力,也需掌握一系列的平衡技巧。4.锻炼腰背肌肉近年来,美国健身界特别强调锻炼腰背部肌肉,尤其是脊柱周围的肌肉。当我们直立时,受地球引力的作用,腰椎和下肢关节都会受到很大压力,日久天长不免腰酸背痛。上班族往往需要在办公室久坐,这种症状就更为明显。TRX 可以调整脊椎的形态,使关节得到充分放松,同时锻炼腰背部肌肉,正是最合适的健身方式。

2. trx训练适合什么人trx训练不适宜哪些人

TRX训练非常适合需要减脂, 同时改善形体,尤其是核心力量(腹部)的人群。TRX的训练强度不如负重训练,意味着训练时间可以持续更长,也就是说在刺激肌肉增长的同时也起到了有氧训练的效果,增肌和塑形一举两得。

















TRX其实并不是这条训练挂绳的名字,它的全称为Total Resistance Exercise,意为“全身抗阻力锻炼”。当然你可以不官方的叫它“随时随地吊起来练”。



3. 悬挂式训练带和战绳哪个性价比更高


4. TRX:自身重量悬吊训练,全身的抗阻力训练



TRX是Total Resistance Exercise的缩写,即“全身抗阻力锻炼”的意思。它是由美国海军陆战队的一名军官利用柔道腰带和帆船手柄组合而成的训练器具,用 来训练海军陆战队员在等待指令时保持良好的体能。


























5. trx训练带什么牌子好trx训练带买什么牌子














6. TRX训练是啥


7. TRX训练带怎么用能锻炼哪些部位呢




8. 李健锻炼用的绳子是什么

李健用的叫做TRX 悬挂式训练带。
TRX是Total Resistance Exercise的缩写,即“全身抗阻力锻炼”的意思,然而健身界似乎更喜欢称其为“悬挂训练系统”。TRX悬挂健身系统可以帮助训练者完成几乎全身肌肉的训练,提高力量、柔韧性和核心稳定性。TRX悬挂健身系统经过近年来的发展,已经走入普通健身族。现在的TRX训练系统由悬吊带、主绳、手柄和足环组成,只要找到一个悬挂点,不论是家、宿舍还是户外都能成为健身场所。

9. TRX悬挂健身带主要锻炼哪里的肌肉






1. What muscles does the TRX suspension fitness belt mainly exercise?

Advantages of the TRX suspension fitness system TRX has the following four major advantages: 1. Small size and easy to carry. TRX uses advanced industrial technology. It weighs less than 2 pounds and requires only a small storage space. The installation method is also very simple. Whether at home or outdoors, just fix the belt on the door, wall or other place, and you can start exercising at any time. 2. Suitable for people with different fitness levels. Whether you are a beginner or a fitness expert, want to lose weight or build muscles, you can adjust the resistance according to your body weight by changing the angle between the body and the suspension strap to achieve your own exercise goals. . 3. Improve balance function Suspension training is like practicing yoga on a rope. It requires both endurance and mastering a series of balance skills. 4. Exercise the lower back muscles. In recent years, the American fitness industry has placed special emphasis on exercising the lower back muscles, especially the muscles around the spine. When we stand upright, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the gravity of the earth. Over time, we will inevitably experience back pain. Office workers often need to sit in the office for a long time, and this symptom is more obvious. TRX can adjust the shape of the spine, fully relax the joints, and exercise the muscles of the lower back, which is the most suitable way to exercise.

2. Who is suitable for trx training and who is not suitable for trx training?

The trx training belt has become very popular in China in the past two years. This small elastic band has brought The training effect is very good and can train 80% of the muscle groups of the whole body. Now let me tell you who is suitable for trx training? Who is not suitable for trx training?
Who is trx training suitable for?
TRX training is very suitable for people who need to lose fat while improving their body shape, especially core strength (abdominal). The training intensity of TRX is not as good as weight-bearing training, which means that the training time can last longer, which means that it not only stimulates muscle growth but also has the effect of aerobic training, killing two birds with one stone, building muscle and shaping.

Whether you are new to fitness or a veteran who has been practicing for a long time, you can adjust the resistance according to your body weight by changing the angle between your body and the suspension belt to achieve exercise. own effect.

My own experience after using TRX is that for fitness beginners, you can treat this as all training. After your physical fitness improves, it is also very good to go to the gym to use equipment. Saying that you are already a fitness veteran, I think TRX is also very good as a warm-up. If you want to build muscle, you still need heavy weight.

What are the movements of TRX training
Kneel down and push down

Set the TRX to the middle of the calf, kneel facing the TRX, hold the handles with both hands, arms straight, palms facing Down. Tighten your abdominal muscles and back, push your arms forward, lean forward, keep your back straight, bend your arms and press down while standing up,Return and repeat for 30 seconds to one minute.

Advanced: Complete the action while standing. Beginner: Move your knees forward, perpendicular to the ground.

Suspension plank swing

Several actions to shape the body and strengthen physical fitness

Start in plank pose with your feet on the handles and tighten your core. Keep your upper body still, put your feet together and exert force on your lower abdomen, straighten your legs to one side of your body, return to the middle position, and do the other side, repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Advanced: Move directly bilaterally without making any movements in the middle position. Beginner: When moving, you can bend your legs to the sides of your body, but always keep your upper body still.

Suspension Bridge Pose

Lie flat on the floor, bend your legs and place your feet on the TRX, place your hands on your sides, keep your legs still, and tighten your core , lift your hips, waist to back, and then slowly lower them, repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Advanced: Complete the movement on one leg, 30 seconds for each leg. Beginner: Just lift your hips.

Hanging V-shaped abdominal crunch

Several actions to shape the body and strengthen physical fitness

Set the belt to a longer position, lie flat on the floor, Hold the handle with both hands, straighten your arms in front of your chest, palms facing each other, and lift your legs together at 45 degrees from the ground. Inhale, open your arms when exhaling, tighten your core and lift your upper body, keep your back straight while raising your legs, slowly return to the starting position, and repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Advanced: When doing the action, lower your legs as low as possible and then lift them up. Beginner: Keep your legs flat on the floor at all times.

trx training experience
TRX is actually not the name of this training lanyard. Its full name is Total Resistance Exercise, which means "full body resistance exercise". Of course, you can unofficially call it "hanging up and practicing anytime and anywhere."

This training method first originated from the US Navy SEALs. The orangutan’s TRX course is also a body-weight training exercise based on this system. During the training process, the resistance is self-adjusted through body weight and the angle between the body and the suspension belt to achieve the ideal goal of fat loss and shaping.

In the process of fat loss and body shaping, if we can cover the three major muscle groups of chest, back and legs with resistance training every week, plus a reasonable and short aerobic diet, then we can stick to it. The effect will be very obvious. In the short video, Coach Weili uses four different combinations to demonstrate a training movement for the large chest muscles that is essential for shaping. Interactive training with the orangutan at any time will never be boring, so start learning quickly.

3. Which one is more cost-effective, the suspended training belt or the battle rope?

Suspended training beltThe training belt is called TRX and is used for full-body resistance training. This is mainly for resistance training and flexibility training. The principle of TRX is to use your own weight as resistance and allow you to adjust the length of the nylon strap to change the angle of muscle training to train muscle strength, stability and flexibility. The application of TRX is highly flexible. Basically, you can use TRX to train all muscles in the body. When using TRX, complete the action by holding the handles and foot rings at both ends of the main rope of the training belt with both hands or hooking your feet. Compared with other equipment exercises, the training feature of TRX is that there is no sitting action exercise. At the same time, completing movements in suspension can mobilize the muscles of the whole body to actively seek balance and train body stability. A battle rope is a battle rope. We also usually call it rope throwing. Rope throwing is great for practicing cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular endurance, explosive power, flexibility, coordination, and speed. It focuses on strength training in multiple parts of the body. The method of use is to fix one end and mainly use the power of the upper limbs to swing the rope. Some training can be accompanied by rhythmic music and supplemented by running the lower limbs while swinging the rope in a wave shape for the upper limbs to achieve the purpose of exercise. Mainly trains muscle endurance, cardiopulmonary function and flexibility. The advantage of this rope throwing exercise is that you can decide the training intensity yourself and change the training intensity through the swing range of the bodybuilder. More flexible and can protect joints well. Currently, there are two types of battle ropes on the market: sheathed and non-sheathed. The market price of a set of TRX is about 200 yuan, and the battle rope is about 40 yuan per meter. All kinds of fitness equipment are dedicated. Try not to compare the price/performance ratio of different categories. It mainly depends on your own needs.

4. TRX: self-weight suspension training, full-body resistance training

Suspension training equipment is a revolutionary method of self-weight training, which allows practitioners to use their own weight Complete various training moves with the help of straps and ropes. Suspension equipment is a unique training concept that can have various training movements to meet different goals of different people.

The difference between hanging movements and traditional movements is that the practitioner's hands or feet are supported by a rope fixed at a single point, while the other end is in contact with the ground. The movement of weight loss or weight gain can meet various needs. various needs of various groups of people. Suspension equipment allows individuals to change body posture and stability to complete multi-plane and multi-joint movements with full involvement of proprioception.

TRX is the abbreviation of Total Resistance Exercise, which means "whole body resistance exercise". It is a training device made by an officer of the U.S. Marine Corps using a judo belt and a sailboat handle to train Marines to maintain good physical fitness while waiting for instructions.

TRX is one of the simplest and most effective fitness equipment, allowing you to build the physical fitness of an American soldier with just yourself and a suspension belt! It also allows women to create more beautiful muscle linesStrips and figure!

After recent years of development, TRX has entered the vision of ordinary fitness enthusiasts. The current TRX training belt consists of a suspension belt, main rope, handle and foot ring, ready for training.

The physical benefits of bodyweight suspension training mainly include the following aspects:

If the trainer is safely designed and guided, then the bodyweight of suspension training will become a A very powerful method of exercising to enhance core strength and stability and increase metabolism.

TRX training movements

Bench press

Chest muscle training, bend over and push down, your chest muscles, upper arm muscles, shoulder muscles, and abdominal muscles Muscle groups such as core stabilization can be exercised at the same time.

3 sets of 15 reps each.

TRX rowing

You can exercise the back muscles, posterior shoulder muscles, waist muscles, etc. Exhale with bent arms and inhale with straight arms.

3 sets of 15 reps each.

Flexion and extension of the arms behind the neck

For triceps training, stabilize the upper arms, flex and extend the elbow joints, tighten the abdomen, inhale downwards and exhale upwards.

3 sets of 15 reps each.


For buttocks and leg training, grasp the handles with both hands and use force to complete the squatting movement. Squat down to 90 degrees between the upper and lower legs, and inhale downwards. , exhale upward.

3 sets of 15 reps each.

TRX mountain running

Abdominal muscle training can be done with bent or straight legs. Contract and exhale, expand and inhale.

3 sets of 15 reps each.


1. When using TRX training, it is a very important principle to practice within your ability. It is necessary to grasp the adjustment of the resistance within the scope of ability, and do not rush to challenge high difficulty.

2.Pay attention to your posture. Wrong posture can easily cause injuries to muscles and ligaments.

3. During training, the main rope should always maintain tension to ensure the effectiveness of the movement.

4. During use, keep the force on both arms evenly, and the main rope should be away from the upper arm to avoid skin abrasion.

5. What brand of trx training belt is good? What brand of trx training belt should I buy?

The trx training belt is a very popular fitness equipment in China in recent years. Just look at it. Rope, the training effect will definitely shock you. Now let me tell you which brand is good for trx training? What brand of trx training belt should I buy?
What brand of trx training belt is good?

The training belt is used for fixing the plate on the wall or ceiling. It is very strong and heavy. Look at the screws. It's as thick as a finger, so there will definitely be no safety issues. The buckle used to adjust the length of the training belt is made of metal and has a heavy weight. It adopts a large-area dense-tooth design. Pinch the clip to adjust it to a satisfactory length and release it, so that the training belt can be firmly stuck and firmly fixed. It's tight and won't move. I am a fitness enthusiast. When I exercise at home, I usually use elastic ropes, dumbbells, abdominal wheels, speed arm machines and other equipment that are suitable for home use and do not take up space. The same trx suspension training belt also has the same function. It is small in size, does not take up space, and is easy to disassemble. However, it provides different exercise methods, such as pull-ups and other movements that cannot be done with other equipment. Muscles that are easy to exercise.


There is a pocket with a training strap, which makes it easier to carry. Moreover, it is not heavy, so it is not a burden to put it in a backpack. Whether it is a business trip or the occasional move between home and work, there is no problem. In addition to the training belt, the package also comes with buckles for connection, product instruction manual, etc. If you look carefully, whether it is a button or rubber used for any connection, the quality is really good, and the feel and texture are the same. This training belt is very powerful in terms of product quality and functionality. It is an indispensable artifact for home fitness.


It is a strap with relatively good quality. I have never been exposed to this. So I don't know how to use it. It would be better if the seller can provide detailed instructions. The grip area feels good and the color is good. It feels great in the hand and will definitely not cause calluses. The clasp is heavy and strong. It should be more durable.


The courier arrived quickly. It’s such a big package and it’s quite heavy in your hand. After taking it apart, there are quite a lot of parts. My home is relatively small, so I hung it on the door and took a picture first. The quality of the buckle is really good... The stitching is very strong, there are no thread ends and there is an anti-breakage rope. The foam handle is very good, and the double-ring design can be held by hand or hung by feet. Matcha green is not afraid of getting dirty, and the matching training chart and DVD canIt provides good guidance for exercisers, the workmanship is very good and there are no flaws, and the hardware is also solid. I like it.

Where is the trx training belt?
The trx training belt is a project launched by many gyms now, and it is particularly popular. This small training belt can have hundreds of different types. The training postures are changed, so all the muscles of the body can be trained. It is worth a try.

Training experience with trx training straps
I first learned that trx straps were worn by personal trainers. After one session, I felt really good. I immediately bought a special one.

TRX is really fun. My husband and I both love this sport. It’s fun and can help you lose weight, and it’s not harmful to your body. You don’t have to worry about injuring your knees or waist every day. .

I bought one on Taobao for more than 200 yuan and it is very useful. The genuine product seems to cost one or two thousand, but I have no plans to buy it. The one I bought from Magnum is very useful.

The trx training belt is really versatile. I feel like I can train with it for anything. I want to do a few exercises every day.

6. What is TRX training?

The fitness instructor said that when we stand upright, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the gravity of the earth, which will inevitably lead to backache over time. pain. Office workers often need to sit in the office for a long time, and this symptom is more obvious. TRX can adjust the shape of the spine, fully relax the joints, and exercise the muscles of the lower back, which is the most suitable way of fitness.

7. How to use the TRX training belt and which parts can be exercised

We often see a hanging elastic band in the gym, which is what our title says trx, but not many people know how to use this elastic band for training. In fact, it has many functions. Let’s analyze a few of them in detail below.

On this basis, we can shift the center of gravity to one foot, move the other foot back and point the toes on the ground, and then do a lunge squat with the non-supporting leg backwards , so as to train the unilateral leg more fully.

The above introduces you to a few simple trx movements. Friends who don’t know this equipment can try it by themselves.

8. What kind of rope does Li Jian use for exercise?

The one Li Jian uses is called the TRX suspension training belt.
TRX is the abbreviation of Total Resistance Exercise, which means "whole body resistance exercise". However, the fitness industry seems to prefer to call it "suspension training system". The TRX suspension fitness system can help trainers complete almost whole-body muscle training and improve strength, flexibility and core stability. After recent development, the TRX suspension fitness system has become popular among ordinary fitness users. The current TRX training system consists of suspension straps, main ropes, handles and foot rings. As long as you find a hanging point, whether it is home, dormitory orThe outdoors can become a fitness venue.

9. Which muscles does the TRX suspension fitness belt mainly exercise?

1. Small size and easy to carry
The TRX uses advanced industrial technology and weighs less than 2 pounds. It requires a very small storage space and the installation method is very simple. Whether at home or outdoors, just fix the belt to the door, wall or other place, and you can start exercising at any time.

2. Suitable for people with different fitness levels
Whether you are a beginner or a fitness expert, want to lose weight or build muscles, you can change it according to your body weight The angle of the body and the suspension belt can be used to adjust the resistance to achieve your own exercise purpose.

3. Adjust the balance function
Suspension training is like practicing yoga on a rope. It requires both endurance and mastering various balance skills.

4. Exercise the lower back muscles
In recent years, the American fitness industry has particularly emphasized the exercise of the lower back muscles, especially the muscles near the spine. When we stand upright, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the gravity of the earth. Over time, we will easily suffer from back pain. Office workers generally need to sit for long periods of time in the office, and this symptom is even more pronounced. TRX can adjust the shape of the spine, fully relax the joints, and exercise the muscles of the lower back. It is the most suitable way of fitness. The so-called core strength training refers to this.

Resistance adjustment:
1. The greater the angle of the body, the greater the resistance.
2. Lifting one thigh is very helpful for exercising more balance.
3. The further away from the fulcrum, the more strenuous it is and the higher the stability requirements.
Difficulty reduction: Standing on tiptoe with one leg forward can help the body lose weight.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿