trx固定扣怎么安装 固定扣怎么使用

A. 农家风光的作文怎么写最好您5分钟给答案!如果不可以,也不勉强您!谢谢!












B. 如何锻炼臂力








C. trx训练带什么牌子好trx训练带买什么牌子














D. trx转账需要多少能量










E. 怎么使用TRX或者rip60

TRX的应用灵活度高,基本上你可以使用TRX去训练身体所有肌肉,只要你能发挥创意,或多上网找资料,你可以足不出户、安在家中训练了!最大的优点就是锻炼你的核心力量!而且它十分方便,简单的构造和轻便的体积是你随时随地健身的好伙伴?!简单!一个基本的TRX绳一般由:登山扣、中间锚环、主环套、调整护扣、凸轮带扣、手握把 脚支架,下面我们详细用图片来标注下具体的位置:TRX固定最简单的方式就可以可以通过自己家里的门缝就能安装,这个相信大家都很容易能办到吧,家里总有门!还有一种就是用专业的固定圆盘专用固定扣固定在你需要固定任何墙面上面,TRX门扣的安装。

F. TRX划船——明星王力宏、李健都在练!

TRX,是英文Total Resistance Exercise的缩写,意为“全身抗阻力锻炼”。据说是一种源于美国海军的健身方法。

































G. trx训练带如何安装trx绳子怎么安装


一个基本的TRX绳一般由:登山扣、 中间锚环、 主环套、 调整护扣、 凸轮带扣、手握把 脚支架,下面我们详细用图片来标注下具体的位置:





























今天不想去健身房吗,可是在家做,不过就那么几个动作,俯卧撑、卷腹、深蹲,最多也就是个健身操,这些都很有局限性,而且动作也都有点老,必须要给大家推荐的就是,一个能兼顾增肌、燃脂和塑形的健身小器械——TRX悬挂式训练带。TRX 用自身的重量作为阻力,通过调节绳子的不同长度,来训练你的全身肌肉。最早是美国海军为了让海上军人不管身处何地都能训练体能而发明的。

自己一直比较瘦,后来回成都就长胖了。然后就开始疯狂健身了,体重没下,但是肌肉起来了。TRX是很好的一种方式,因为有趣,功能性强。目前经过2个月的跑步配合无氧,BMI已经从24降到21。后面再分享具体的过程。个人绝不相信绝食减肥、两周减肥等快速减肥方法,哈哈。 一切在于坚持。


H. TRX:在绳子上练瑜珈

TRX是Total Resistance Exercise的缩写。在台湾,TRX这个健身器材,几乎随处可见。只要你想开始健身或训练,许多的教练都会推荐TRX为你做训练。会如此受欢迎除了轻巧方便外,最重要的是它适合各种程度的健身族群,无论是初学者还是以有经验的学员,想瘦身或者是训练肌肉,你都可以根据自身的情况,透过悬吊带的角度来调节阻力,达到自己的训练目的。


在美军的体能训练系统中,曾经有过各种不同的经典训练道具。1997年,海报突袭队指挥官,也是TRX创办人Randy Hetrick用一种用高密度纤维制成的尼龙绳放置士兵的补给袋中,这条绳子的韧性强,能承受几100公斤的重量,很多士兵都将它绕在坦克炮管上,双手抓住两端做引体向上的训练,或是绑在弹药箱上进行弯举等动作,同时这也是TRX悬吊训练的第一个版本。 2000年之后,美军新研发了一种悬吊训练体系,依靠几条带子就能保证作战时的训练强度,几乎没有造成太多的伤亡。Randy Hetrick在退役后重新设计了该套装备和训练计画,变成一般民众皆能使用的健身课程—TRX悬吊训练系统。

TRX发明者Randy Hetrick ©si 第一代的TRX ©trxtraining TRX悬吊训练系统使用方式与优点


©Kai Wheeler

TRX有以下四大优点: 1. 体积轻巧,方便携带 ​ TRX使用先进工业技术,重量不到1公斤,安装方式简单,只需要很小的空间,便能进行。无论在家里或是户外,只要把带子固定在门上、墙上或其他地方,就能随时开始运动。

只要装在门上便可进行 ©Business Travel Life

2. 适合不同经验的健身族群 无论是初学者还是以有经验的学员,想瘦身或者是锻炼肌肉,你都可以根据自身的情况,透过悬吊带的角度来调节阻力,达到自己的训练目的。 3. 训练平衡 进行悬吊训练就如同在绳子上练瑜珈,既需要耐力,也需掌握一系列的平衡技巧。 4. 训练腰背肌肉 近年来,美国健身界特别强调训练腰背部肌肉,尤其是脊柱周围的肌肉。当我们站立时,受地球引力的作用,腰椎和下肢关节都会受到很大的压力,久而久之便造成腰酸背痛。上班族往往需要在办公室久坐,这种症状可能更加明显。TRX不仅可以调整脊椎的型态,使关节得到充分放松,同时训练腰背部肌肉,是最适合的健身方式。

TRX能训练平衡与腰背部肌肉 ©wordpress TRX悬吊训练注意事项


要在能力范围把握对阻力大小的调节,不可急于挑战高难度 注意动作姿势,错误的动作姿势容易使肌肉和韧带受到伤害,建议初学者寻找专业的教练较为恰当以避免受伤。 训练之中,请将主绳拉紧,不可松开以确认达到训练效果 使用过程中两臂平均施力 5. 使用中,主绳应该远离上臂,以免磨伤皮肤。

©popsuger TRX的安装方式

一组基本的TRX悬吊训练绳是由:门挡、悬吊带、调整中圈、主扣锁(D型扣环)、固定圈、 主绳、调整扣、手握把、足圈所组成。 TRX最简单的固定方式就是在自家的门即可安装,另外就是使用专业的固定扣环,扣在你需要固定任何墙面上,以下是基础的安装方法:


I. TRX悬挂健身带主要锻炼哪里的肌肉






A. How to write an essay about farmhouse scenery? It is best for you to give the answer in 5 minutes! If not, I won’t force you! Thanks!

Rural Life
Last autumn, my mother took me to my hometown to visit my grandpa and grandma. There, I truly experienced what rural life is, and I still have endless aftertaste to this day!
In the early morning, I got up early and went out to play with my siblings. Birds stand on the branches from time to time to sing; wild flowers and grass can be seen everywhere, they sway in the autumn wind and look so cute in the sunshine; fish play in the water; the creek flows happily. It was such a joyful journey. In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and everyone's stomachs began to sing "empty city strategy". We were planning to go home for dinner. On the way, we saw some people roasting peanuts. Seeing how delicious they ate, our mouths watered with greed, so we all started planning a peanut roasting operation. My sister and I stole the peanuts, and the others stole the wheat straw. After preparing all the materials, we found an abandoned brick house as a barbecue location. First, build a stove with a few bricks (it doesn’t have to be too complicated). Next, put some straw inside. Next, put the peanuts in and cover it with the wheat straw you started putting in (just cover it with a little wheat straw). Then, after the wheat straw is burned, cover it with the burned black ashes for 5 minutes before eating. When we eat what we made, we feel so proud. Before I knew it, evening arrived. The red clouds on the horizon, the evening breeze, and the birds returning to their nests, everything is so beautiful. There were only a few occasional shouts in the distance. The last ray of sunset also disappeared, and the whole sky darkened. People close their doors and enter sweet dreams. Everything is so quiet, with only a few birds chirping occasionally...
Country life, you are so memorable and lingering!

The annual May Day Labor Day is coming again. My mother and I took advantage of this wonderful time to visit my grandma’s house in the countryside.
We got off the car and walked towards the village. The cool spring breeze blew against our faces, as if we were welcoming the Golden Week with us. On both sides of the road, there are green fruit trees planted by farmers with hard work. The lush branches and leaves block the golden sunshine. Dense longans hang on the fruit trees. My mother told me that the longans are not yet mature. In summer, strings of yellow, sweet and delicious longans can be harvested and become fruits on the table.
When I arrived at my grandma’s house, I forced my mother to set off firecrackers, but my mother had no choice but to agree. So, I walked around the streets looking for firecracker shops, and finally bought it as I wished. I stood on the roof of the building and threw firecrackers into the river. Unexpectedly, I scared the duck that was bathing in the water. It was startled and screamed "Quack! Quack! Quack!" and then ran home in a panic. , I couldn't help laughing. In fact, ducks are quite cute. Look, they have a chubby white body, a white and yellow beak, and bright eyes, and they have a bumpy walk.How could it not be cute?
Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and in an instant, it started pouring rain. I quickly ran back to the house to take shelter. After a while, the rain stopped, and suddenly the sky became clear and the clouds cleared. When you looked up, you could see the rice fields soaked by the rain shining brightly. Walking towards the fields covered with green trees, you will feel relaxed and happy. Looking at the heavy and full ears of wheat, I thought: It was the working people who exchanged their own efforts for these ears of wheat. How great the working people are!
After lunch, we went to our third uncle’s guava forest. What appears in front of you seems to be an endless fruit forest, some are owned by my uncle, some are owned by others, it is simply a sea of ​​green. The third uncle was holding pliers and a bamboo basket. I followed him, jumping from here to there, and I saw him carefully cutting off the green fruits one after another. I was very happy and thought to myself: Now I can have a feast. After picking the fruits, I was sweating profusely and panting. When I looked at my third uncle, I saw that he was also sweating profusely from exhaustion. What a hard work it was! I ate the sweet and crisp fruits and thought: These fruits are obtained by the working people with their sweat bit by bit.
What a beautiful fruit forest and vast fields that make me forget to leave. After returning home, this continuous picture often echoed in my mind.

1. The beauty of rural life lies outside the courtyard. When I stayed in my old residence, I would often wear a pair of cloth shoes and change into casual clothes when I went out to see the scenery. Walking in the green mountains and green waters, the most comfortable thing visually is the bright red and green clothes of the village girls, while the auditory enjoyment is the refreshing sounds of cocks and insects, and the sound of farmers opening their courtyard doors. Such gaudy sounds. The colors and simple sound are most closely related to the vast fields of wheat and the stumbling cattle. Going forward, there is a wine shop in the distance from the residential houses. The name of the shop is "Happy Forest". I felt very happy, and the wind was blowing under my feet, as if I was touched by the fairy spirit of Chinese Kung Fu.

2. There is an amazing amount of water here. As long as you stand in an open place, there will be a large or small river flowing into your eyes.
In the morning, before the fish in the river woke up, people used their pennies to smash their dreams. The fog was thick, and no one could be seen on the other side. When the two boats approached each other, I broke out in a cold sweat. They kept saying it was a good chance, but the boats were already more than a foot away. There is an old fisherman here. He is seventy-eight years old, with white hair and a childlike face, and a voice like a bell. "Selling small fish and shrimps -", ​​although it is an ordinary shout, it makes people feel as if they have woken up and drank a cup of strong tea, feeling comfortable and full of body fluids. Occasionally, there is a lazy man on the boat who drank too much last night. He climbed out of the cabin in a daze and looked at the dark sky. He stood at the stern of the boat and let out a line of turbid urine. I rarely get scolded by my wife, and I have to carry cooking water from the river!
There are often two cute little birds catching the branches of a willow tree by the river, looking at each other, chirping and chirping, cuddling together with infinite tenderness. A pair of carp came out for air in the morning, taking advantage of the mist to play happily.Regardless of the old fisherman's envious and helpless gaze.
The sky is getting brighter and the sun is shining, dispelling the rootless fog. The whole village suddenly came to life. When farmers get up early, they do two things: pour night incense and cook breakfast. In this place, people's latrines are often right by the river, and the host and the hostess do their own thing without conflict, without feeling anything wrong. Later, the village was buzzing with excitement, students went to school, farmers went to the fields, and workers worked.

3. In the early morning, I always wake up naturally and look at the light outside the wooden window getting brighter and brighter. The chirping of the birds gradually decreases from the lively and noisy chirping, thinking that the party is over. The bugs are gone. Occasionally, a melodious singer would come and fly away. I got up and looked at the time on my phone. It was not yet six o'clock. The sun had already risen between the trees, casting light lightly on the east wall. The light cast into the room covered the floating dust, and the small particles rose happily in the light. Sinking, like a morning dance. I packed up my mother's clothes, pushed her to sit in the sunshine, and started making breakfast. Because there is no sense of time in rural life, everything can be done leisurely.

In the days when spring is coming and summer is coming, you will wake up every morning and hear the crisp chirping of birds. When you get up and open the window, you will see a lush green grass and trees and breathe in the new air. You must be in a good mood. The next step is to make breakfast. If you are used to it, you can also go to the small street to buy a few fried dough sticks and mix them with porridge. It is very delicious~! After eating, we go to work in the fields, hoeing weeds, and loosening the soil. Now is the time when the orange trees are blooming. Go to the Orange Mountain to cut your teeth. When the farming season is busy, everyone will bring their lunch and go out. Eat, when the sun goes down, you will see the farmer uncle, carrying a hoe, going home. After a tiring day, it’s time to light a cigarette and take a rest. It’s time for the wives to cook, and the smoke is curling up. Farm side dishes, delicious. As night falls, I lie in bed, watch TV, and soon fall asleep. After a day's work, I sleep soundly and soundly. You only hear the grasshoppers outside chirping non-stop. The night is very quiet~! Whenever there is a festival, I will make it myself. For example, on Qingming Festival, I will go to the graves to pay homage to my dead relatives, and I will pick "Qing" (a kind of plant, beat it into paste and mix it with glutinous rice, put some stuffing on it) . There are sweet and salty ones, and they can be eaten after being wrapped and steamed.) In our local dialect, they are called "Qingming Guo", and they taste pretty good~! During the Dragon Boat Festival, every family makes rice dumplings, sweet rice dumplings or salty rice dumplings. You can eat whatever you like. It’s the New Year, and every household is very busy and lively. The sound of firecrackers echoes in the mountains from time to time. If you like the countryside, you are welcome to come and play. The people in the countryside are very warm, simple and hospitable. . .

It was midsummer, and it was almost early autumn. Xin Qiji, a famous poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, was attacked by the peace negotiators. He had no choice but to retreat to the mountains and forests and live in seclusion in Shangrao District, Jiangxi Province.
At noon one day, Xin Qiji enjoyed a delicious meal After lunch, he went for a walk. The warm sunshine shone on his body, and he felt very comfortable. Xin Qiji sat on the lawn under a big tree, squinted his eyes and watched the surrounding scenery.
I could only see the distance.There is a thatched house. The eaves of the thatched house are so low that one can only bend down to walk in. There is a clear stream in front of the thatched house. The water is so clean that even the pebbles underneath can be seen. It is clear that from time to time there are a few small fish playing and playing at the bottom of the stream. The surface of the stream is covered with pink lotus flowers, like shy little girls. The stream is covered with green grass, which floats in the breeze. Dancing under the breeze, it was a lively scene. Next to the thatched house, there was an unknown grandfather and grandmother, drinking and chatting in dialect. They looked very affectionate. They are really old-hearted!
The eldest son is very industrious. He is working hard with a hoe in the bean field in the east of the stream. The middle son is sitting next to the hut and concentrating on weaving chicken coops. His movements are extremely skillful. The youngest son is the most beloved. Naughty, he was lying by the stream with his head propped up and peeling off lotus pods to eat!
Xin Qiji was filled with emotion after seeing this, so he composed a poem:
The eaves are low and small
The green on the stream Grass
Wu Yin is so charming in the drunkenness
Whose old lady is white-haired

The eldest son is hoeing beans in the east of Xixi
The middle son is weaving a chicken coop
My favorite children are scoundrels
Lying and peeling lotus pods in Xitou

Happy life in the countryside
On the second day of the National Day, I went to my grandma’s house to play. Grandma lives in the country and it takes two hours to get there by car. My mother and I walked on the path full of wild flowers and breathed the fresh air, feeling very good.
When we arrived at my grandma’s house, my neighbor’s little sister and I went to the big garden behind the house. We saw that the pomegranate tree at grandma’s house was covered with red lantern-like pomegranates, which made our mouth water. After getting grandma's permission, we picked pomegranates, and after a while, we picked a full fruit plate. However, we saw two big red and round pomegranates on the top of the branch. We stood on tiptoes and tried several times but couldn't pick them. They were too tall! The neighbor's little sister jumped hard, fell down, and almost cried. I coaxed her and said, "Forget it, leave some for the adults to pick! Let's go play something else." The neighbor's little sister burst into tears and smiled, holding my hand and walking out of the garden.
We jumped up to the hillside behind the village and prepared to plant sesame flowers. We first dug a small hole with pointed branches, then put the sesame flowers in, then covered the soil around the sesame flowers, and then flattened them. Finally, we brought a small bucket from home. Watering the soil... I am so happy to see the sesame flowers we planted so bright and beautiful in the sun! I silently wish that when I come back next year, the hillside will be full of beautiful flowers...
Life in the country is so happy!

The scattered and disorderly rural houses and the unsightly environment are the old appearance of rural life in the past. However, walking through this rural road has made many city people look enviously. On both sides are new well-off residential buildings. Red tiles and beige walls can be seen everywhere.The new greenery looks particularly harmonious, which makes people sigh at the changes in rural life today.
There are no high-rise buildings in the city, no constant flow of cars, no noisy sounds, there is just a kind of tranquility that city people have not seen for a long time. Walking on the country road, enjoying the open sunshine and feeling the unique atmosphere of the country is a bit intoxicating. Listen to the crisp songs of birds, watch the carp commotion in the pond, and walk on the stone road, feeling the rare leisure and freedom. The willow branches are swaying in the gentle spring breeze, and the air seems to be clear and transparent, revealing an intoxicating freshness and indulging in the rich countryside flavor.
As the sun sets, watch the sun slowly set from the side of the mountain. Beside the Qinghe River in the village, some women are chatting and washing clothes. Against the backdrop of the faint sunset, it seems that they can See the most innocent smile in the countryside. Suddenly there were more people. Workers from a village-run enterprise had finished get off work and they all hurried home. This was also the busiest time in this quiet village.
The simple and hard-working rural people themselves are changing everything around them, enjoying the beautiful environment and happy rural life resulting from their hard work. In the noisy city, perhaps more and more urbanites are willing to change their lives to experience this refreshing rural life.
Country Life
I am a city dweller, but I have been to the countryside several times, and there is something very interesting there.
One summer vacation when I was in third grade, I came to the countryside with my father, mother, and cousin—my grandma’s hometown.
Grandma's house is a two-story building, covered with ivy, dense on one side and sparse on the other. They dance rhythmically with the gentle sound of wind. There are several strings of dried red peppers hanging under the eaves, sunflowers are planted in front of and behind the house, and there is a pond dozens of meters away from the house.
I met some good friends here. The most interesting thing is to dig out bird eggs. First, let a partner climb a tree to find the target. He looked around, his eyes suddenly focused on something, and he listened. He pointed to a tree, and we climbed up quickly. I The first to climb, Beibei at the end, I stopped where I could reach the bird's nest and reached out to pick out the eggs. I hugged the tree trunk with my left hand, and quickly handed the eggs to the people below with my right hand. My two knees were close together. After taking out 3 or 4 eggs, I suddenly touched something soft and soft. The hair and surface were relatively sticky, and it was still making a "hissing" sound. Could this be...? I hurriedly threw the snake down the tree, and suddenly there was a scream. My partner and I hurriedly got off the tree, and Beibei hit me hard on the back. , sobbed and said: "Who told you to throw the snake down!"
I love farm life!

“Yuanyuan, would you like to go back to your hometown to visit?” Dad asked me again. I still say the same old saying: "No, never!" At this time, it reminded me of what happened in my hometown: we slept on dry thatch without mosquito nets, and mosquito bites at night were harmful. I couldn't sleep the whole night; there were piles of cow dung in front of the door., smelly and dirty, you don’t know what will happen to your feet once you step on them; there are puddles everywhere on the muddy road. If you accidentally step into a puddle, your whole foot will sink in. It’s hard to get your foot out, but But the shoes were left in the quagmire... My father seemed to see what I was thinking and said to me: "Now my hometown is 'not what it used to be'." I secretly thought: Is this true? So I followed my grandfather and took the car back to my hometown.
Come to my hometown, ah! gorgeous! Is this my eyesight? I rubbed my eyes, okay? The previously bumpy and bumpy road has now become a smooth asphalt road. Both sides of the road are planted with flowers, plants and trees, bees are singing, butterflies are dancing, and tall buildings are rising from the ground. My father and I came to my uncle's house. Wow, my uncle's house has also changed. The walls were painted snow-white, as if they were made of pink jade or wrapped in silver. The furniture is also brand new, engraved with dragon and phoenix patterns. The house is very big. They no longer use stoves for cooking, but replace them with gas stoves, which is convenient and fast... I feel like I have arrived in a fairyland on earth. My uncle took me into a room and opened a piece of floral cloth. Ah, this is something I am very familiar with - a computer. The uncle manipulated the computer skillfully, as if talking about the piano. My sister also has a computer and she is pretty good at playing computer games. The old social concept of favoring boys over girls is gone now. I never imagined that the quality of people in my hometown would improve so quickly! After lunch, I took a leisurely walk and saw farmers in the distance no longer plowing the fields with old oxen, but using various tractors to plow the fields. The sound of plowing is like praising the changes in my hometown.
The people in my hometown have changed, the place has changed, the transportation has become more convenient, and there are telephones and so on. But what has changed? I was puzzled, and at this time, two women were chatting and laughing. One said: "It's better for the government. I don't favor boys over girls anymore. Only now do I realize that girls are so great!" "So is my daughter..." I suddenly realized that this was the result of the government! I think: If we get to the future, this place will definitely become better!

B. How to exercise arm strength

You can exercise arm strength through dumbbells, barbell curls, underhand pull-ups, etc.

The arm is mainly divided into two parts: the upper arm and the forearm. The upper arm muscle group is mainly composed of the triceps brachii, biceps brachii, and brachialis muscles.

The triceps brachii is at the back of the upper arm. One head is connected to the scapula and the other two heads are connected to the humerus. It is mainly responsible for straightening the arm. Therefore, the main method of exercise is arm flexion and extension. It is used in any exercise that requires the arm to be straightened. For example, narrow-grip push-ups, narrow-grip bench press, and arm flexion and extension are all good ways to exercise it.

The biceps brachii is in front of the upper arm. Both heads are connected to the shoulder joint and elbow joint, and are mainly responsible for bending the arm. The main form of exercise is curls, which are used in any exercise that requires the arms to bend forcefully.

(2) Extended reading of trx installation fixing buckle for home use:

One thing that needs to be reminded is that, just to exercise arm strength and increase strength, you cannot only exercise the muscle groups on the arms, but not exercise the muscle groups in other parts of the body. Facts have proved that this is not advisable. Because our body is a whole, only when the muscles of the whole body are developed can the muscle growth of a certain part of the body be better promoted. Therefore, in how to exercise arm strength and increase arm strength, it is necessary to give more stimulation to the arm muscles, and at the same time, it is necessary to improve the exercise of synergistic muscle groups in other parts of the body. I believe that through "low-rep" and "medium-rep" exercises for the arm muscles, the strength of the arm will be greatly improved.

Reference: Arm Strength-Network

C. What brand of trx training belt is good? What brand of trx training belt should I buy?

trx The training belt is a fitness equipment that has become very popular in China in recent years. Even though it is just a rope, the training effect will definitely shock you. Now let me tell you which brand is good for trx training? What brand of trx training belt should I buy?
What brand of trx training belt is good?

The training belt is used for fixing the plate on the wall or ceiling. It is very strong and heavy. Look at the screws. It's as thick as a finger, so there will definitely be no safety issues. The buckle used to adjust the length of the training belt is made of metal and has a heavy weight. It adopts a large-area dense-tooth design. Pinch the clip to adjust it to a satisfactory length and release it, so that the training belt can be firmly stuck and firmly fixed. It's tight and won't move. I am a fitness enthusiast. When I exercise at home, I usually use elastic ropes, dumbbells, abdominal wheels, speed arm machines and other equipment that are suitable for home use and do not take up space. The same trx suspension training belt also has the same function. It is small in size, does not take up space, and is easy to disassemble. However, it provides different exercise methods, such as pull-ups and other movements that cannot be done with other equipment. Muscles that are easy to exercise.


There is a pocket with a training strap, which makes it easier to carry. Moreover, it is not heavy, so it is not a burden to put it in a backpack. Whether it is a business trip or the occasional move between home and work, there is no problem. In addition to the training belt, the package also comes with buckles for connection, product instruction manual, etc. If you look carefully, whether it is a button or rubber used for any connection, the quality is really good, and the feel and texture are the same. This training belt is very powerful in terms of product quality and functionality. It is an indispensable artifact for home fitness.


It is a strap with relatively good quality. I have never been exposed to this. So I don't know how to use it. It would be better if the seller can provide detailed instructions. The grip area feels good and the color is good. It feels great in the hand and will definitely not cause calluses. The clasp is heavy and strong. It should be more durable.


The courier arrived quickly. It was a big package and quite heavy in my hand. After taking it apart, I saw that there were quite a lot of parts. My home is relatively small, so I hung it on the door and took a picture first. The quality of the buckle is really good... The stitching is very strong, there are no thread ends and there is an anti-breakage rope. The foam handle is very good, and the double-ring design can be held by hand or hung by feet. The matcha green color is not afraid of getting dirty, and the accompanying training chart and DVD can provide good guidance for exercisers. The workmanship is very good and flawless, and the hardware is also solid. I like it.

Where is the trx training belt?
The trx training belt is a project launched by many gyms now, and it is particularly popular. This small training belt can have hundreds of different types. The training postures are changed, so all the muscles of the body can be trained. It is worth a try.

Training experience with trx training straps
I first learned that trx straps were worn by personal trainers. After one session, I felt really good. I immediately bought a special one.

TRX is really fun. My husband and I both love this sport. It’s fun and can help you lose weight, and it’s not harmful to your body. You don’t have to worry about injuring your knees or waist every day. .

I bought one on Taobao for more than 200 yuan and it is very useful. The genuine product seems to cost one or two thousand, but I have no plans to buy it. The one I bought from Magnum is very useful.

The trx training belt is really versatile. I feel like I can train with it for anything. I want to do a few exercises every day.

D. How much energy does trx transfer require?

Transferring 1 TRR token requires approximately 315 energy.

Transferring TRC20 tokens or transactions will consume energy and bandwidth. For example, taking the transfer of TRR tokens as an example: transferring 89 TRR tokens requires 345 bandwidth and 28031 energy. The address does not have enough energy, so 3.92434TRX is deducted as a handling fee.

As we all know, TRON tokens are mainly divided into TRC10 and TRC20 tokens, and resources are mainly divided into three types: energy, bandwidth and storage. In TRON's unique network, storage is virtually unlimited. Then the energy and bandwidth are limited. When they are used up, you need to spend TRX to rent or freeze to obtain energy and bandwidth.

RC10 token is a token built into the TRON public chain. Mainly consumes bandwidth.

TRC20 tokens are a set of standards for issuing assets by deploying smart contracts on the TRON blockchain, which mainly consumes energy and bandwidth.

Each TRON account has 1,500 bandwidth per day, which will automatically and slowly restore to 1,500 when used up. Currently, it takes about 300-400 bandwidth to transfer TRC10 tokens, that is, each account can transfer for free every day. 3-4 TRC10 tokens, such as TRX. If there are too many transfers on the day and there is not enough bandwidth to consume, the TRX on the account will be directly deducted as a handling fee.

EnergyIt is a relatively "precious" resource. There is no free energy in the account every day. If you want to obtain energy, there are two ways to obtain it:

1. Freeze TRX to obtain energy. Freezing 10,000 TRX in the TRON network can obtain 257,431 energy.

2. Leasing. Through the energy platform, you can rent 10,800 energy with 1TRX.

E. How to use TRX or rip60

TRX is highly flexible in application. Basically, you can use TRX to Train all the muscles in your body. As long as you use your creativity or search for more information online, you can train at home without leaving home! The biggest advantage is exercising your core strength! And it’s very convenient, with its simple structure and lightweight size, making it your good partner for fitness anytime, anywhere? ! Simple! A basic TRX rope generally consists of: carabiner, middle anchor ring, main ring sleeve, adjustment buckle, cam buckle, hand and foot bracket. Below we use pictures to mark the specific positions in detail: TRX fixation is the simplest You can install it through the door crack in your home. I believe everyone can do this easily. There is always a door at home! Another way is to use a professional fixing disc with a special fixing buckle to fix it on any wall you need to fix it, and install the TRX door buckle.

F. TRX rowing-stars Wang Leehom and Li Jian are practicing!

TRX is the abbreviation of Total Resistance Exercise in English, which means "whole body resistance exercise". It is said to be a fitness method originated from the U.S. Navy.

This set of equipment is very easy to install. As long as there is a fixed hook on the wall or door, you can install it yourself. No matter at home or on a business trip, you can practice by yourself just by finding a place to hang it. It is very Easy to operate and cost-effective.

Li Jian, the "musical poet" who became popular in "I Am a Singer", often does TRX training with TRX training belts.

Wang Leehom must use it to build muscles:

Now TRX has become the first choice training equipment for the military, professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts, and is even called "the most popular training equipment in the fitness industry". Fire Special Forces".

Why is TRX so popular?

1. Every movement will train the core

TRX training requires that every movement should straighten the body and use the feet as the axis of body rotation. This will So that the waist and abdomen are always freeIt does not exert any force at all times, so it has a very good effect whether it is fat loss or body shaping.

2. It will not put a burden on the knee joint

If you are afraid of running or doing HIIT because of knee pain, you might as well try TRX, which mainly focuses on the upper limbs Exercise also has a good fat-burning effect. If you haven't practiced before, be sure to start with the simplest movements.

3. Use a simpler method to train your back

Many people know that pull-ups are a good exercise for back training, but... they can’t pull them up! Using TRX to perform supine rowing at different angles is the best alternative.

4. As long as there is a fulcrum, TRX can be trained anywhere

TRX is a fitness equipment that is not limited to training venues, as long as there is a door, or a hanging point that replaces the door , is the best choice for building muscle, burning fat and shaping your body.

Today, we will share one of the more classic movements in TRX training - TRX rowing.

TRX rowing, how to do it?

Exercise parts: back muscles and anti-flexion core strength.

1. During the movement, focus on the back muscles.

2. TRX is not fixed like a horizontal bar, so the shoulder tendon cuff must exert more force to maintain shoulder stability.

Use TRX for rowing training, which can bear your own weight but reduce the burden on your lower back. Use more scapula clamping movements to help you feel the contraction of your back muscles.

Difficulty: standing → lying on your back → lying on your back with a boost or one hand → weight bearing (from easy to difficult)

Action description:

1. In Hang a sling with a handle on the horizontal bar, and the handle is about 1 meter above the ground. With your hands shoulder-width apart, hold the sling with your overhand grip.

2. Point your toes upward, heels on the ground, tighten your abdomen and buttocks, and keep your shoulders, back, hips, and legs in a straight line as much as possible to keep your trunk stable.

3. When pulling up, first move and fix the shoulder joint, retract the back (scapula clamp), then continue to pull with the hands (keep the elbow slightly clamped in), and feel the contraction of the back muscles.

4. After bringing your chest close to the handle, use your back strength to control the lowering speed and feel your back muscles being stretched until your hands are straightened.

Number of exercises: 10-15 per group, 4 groups

It is normal for there to be slight force borrowing during the movements. However, a small number of people may mistakenly focus on their shoulders, resulting in shoulder shrugs, trapezius or bicep soreness.

Improvement method: Relax your shoulders according to the starting movement, and perform two-stage movements.

1. Make the same preparatory movements first, and then feel the back contraction and pinching;

2. Then use both hands to follow the pull. To put it simply, do the back contraction first, and then follow the steps of pulling with your hands. Use your consciousness to control the speed, and you will better feel the training effect.

If your core muscles are relatively weak, you can also start with reverse rowing with your knees bent, focusing on the control of your back muscles. When your ability reaches a certain level, you can then change back to the original action. .

Today’s knowledge is shared here. If you have any questions about fitness, you can leave a message in the comments and follow this account, or send me a private message, and you can get free fitness products worth 499 yuan [ The Era of Hard Engraving—Excellent Personal Training Course for Vest Line Training】!

G. How to install the trx training belt and how to install the trx rope

The trx training belt is a fitness method that can be exercised at any time on any occasion, and the trx rope does not take up space and is compact It’s convenient, so it’s very popular. Now let me tell you how to install the trx training belt? How to install trx rope?
How to install the trx training belt
The installation method of the trx training belt is really simple!

A basic TRX rope generally consists of: carabiner, middle anchor ring, main ring sleeve , adjust the protective buckle, cam buckle, hand grip and foot bracket. Below we use pictures to mark the specific positions in detail:

The simplest way to fix TRX is through the door gap in your home. It can be installed,

I believe everyone can do this easily, there is always a door at home!

Another way is to use a professional fixing disc to fix it with a special fixing buckle. On any wall you need to fixLet's share with you the installation effect:

Of course, you can train anywhere else, including the playground, park, and open space! You only need a fulcrum and tie the rope. Got it!

Training with trx training belt
The trx training belt is a fitness method that can train the muscles of the whole body. It has hundreds of movements that can be practiced. Don’t Look down on this rope.

How to do TRX training belt
1) TRX push-ups

1. Choose a TRX or hanging ring, hold the ring with both hands, with your toes on the ground, and your hands shoulder-width apart Lift your body up into a push-up preparation position.

2. Tighten the buttocks and abdomen to stabilize the body, then slowly bend the elbows and lower the body, feeling the chest slowly stretch until the upper arms and torso stop on the same plane, and then maintain tension.

3. Contract the triceps of the chest muscles to support the body, and stay at the top of the movement for a second. Then continue the action.

4. Just like traditional push-ups, keep your shoulders stable and the angle of shoulder abduction should not be too large. It is recommended to be around 40 degrees.

2) TRX pull-ups

1. Grasp the rings with a counter-grip, hang naturally but do not lose tension, tighten the abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles to maintain the pelvis and lumbar spine Neutral and stable.

2. Activate the back muscles and pull the biceps of the arms upward until the hand reaches the chest and hold for one second, then maintain the tension and slowly play back. Pay attention to keeping your torso stable and not letting the suspension rope sway.

3)TRX arm extension

Exercise purpose: develop chest muscles, triceps, and improve shoulder stability. Using TRX to perform dips and extensions is a very difficult movement, and we usually see gymnasts doing this. The instability caused by hanging ropes will challenge your shoulder stability. Not suitable for beginners.

1. Starting position and the meaning of parallel bar arm flexion and extension. Straighten your arms to support, lift your chest and raise your head, keep your shoulders stable (sink and retract slightly) bend your knees and fold your calves over the ankles of both feet. joint parts.

2. Slowly bend the elbow joint and extend and flex the shoulder joint at the same time, so that the body gradually drops to the lowest position. Pause for a moment and push your arms back up

3. Be careful not to open your elbows too much and don't drop them too deeply.

4)TRX Rowing

1. First, hang a sling with a handle on the horizontal bar, and the handle is about 1 meter above the ground. With your hands shoulder-width apart, hold the sling with your overhand grip.

2. Body posture: Toes pointed upward, heels on the ground, tighten the abdomen and buttocks, shoulders, back, and hips, Keep the legs in a straight line as much as possible to keep the trunk stable.

3. When pulling up during the action, first move and fix the shoulder joint, retract the back (scapula clamp), then continue to pull with the hands (keep the elbow slightly clamped in), and feel the back muscles Austerity. After bringing your chest close to the handle, use your back strength to control the lowering speed and feel your back muscles being stretched until your hands are straightened.

5) TRX Chest Clamp

Purpose of exercise: develop chest muscles, improve the stability of shoulders and trunk. When shoulders move (shoulder horizontal adduction), your body You must resist the instability caused by your own gravity and TRX, and use core strength to maintain the stability of the body and the correct alignment of the joints.

1. Choose a TRX or lifting ring. The height of the TRX is recommended to be around the abdomen. The lower it is, the more difficult it is.

2. Standing, lean forward slightly, grasp the handle with both hands, keep your arms straight and fixed, and the height of your arms is slightly lower than your shoulders. (Similar to the incline TRX push-ups)

3. Then extend your arms backwards and horizontally to perform eccentric contraction, and feel the chest muscles slowly stretch (expand the chest) until the upper arms and the body become in the same plane< br />
4. The chest muscles contract to adduct the arms and return to the starting position with the arms straight.

Trx training experience
Don’t you want to go to the gym today? But you can do it at home. It’s just a few movements, push-ups, crunches, squats, at most it’s just aerobics. These are all It is very limited, and the movements are a bit old. What I must recommend to everyone is the TRX suspension training belt, a small fitness equipment that can build muscle, burn fat and shape at the same time. TRX uses your own weight as resistance to train your whole body muscles by adjusting the different lengths of the rope. It was first invented by the U.S. Navy to allow maritime soldiers to train physically no matter where they are.

I have always been thin, but I gained weight after returning to Chengdu. Then I started working out like crazy. I didn’t lose weight, but I gained muscle. TRX is a good way because it is fun and functional. Currently, after 2 months of running combined with anaerobic exercise, my BMI has dropped from 24 to 21. I will share the specific process later. I personally never believe in fast weight loss methods such as fasting to lose weight and two-week weight loss, haha. It's all about persistence.

TRX is really interesting stuff. I thought it was a bit boring without equipment, so I bought this from tb for practice. It is easy to carry and you don’t have to worry about not being able to train when traveling. It cooperates with keep’s courses. I thought it was easy, but in fact I was still sweating. This one costs less than 200 and it works pretty well for me. The genuine one costs nearly 2000 and I am not considering buying the genuine one now haha. Remember not to let family members open the door when you are practicing.

H. TRX: Yoga on the rope

TRX is ToAbbreviation for Resistance Exercise. In Taiwan, TRX, a fitness equipment, can be found almost everywhere. Whenever you want to start fitness or training, many trainers will recommend TRX for your training. In addition to being so popular, it is lightweight and convenient. The most important thing is that it is suitable for fitness groups of all levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced student, if you want to lose weight or train muscles, you can use it according to your own situation. Adjust the resistance by adjusting the angle of the suspension strap to achieve your own training purposes.

TRX Origin of TRX

In the physical training system of the US military, there have been various classic training props. In 1997, Randy Hetrick, commander of the Poster Raiders and founder of TRX, placed a nylon rope made of high-density fiber in the soldiers' supply bags. This rope was strong and could withstand a weight of several hundred kilograms. Many Soldiers would wrap it around the barrel of a tank and hold both ends with both hands to do pull-ups, or tie it to an ammunition box to perform curls and other movements. This was also the first version of TRX suspension training. After 2000, the US military developed a new suspension training system that relied on a few straps to ensure training intensity during combat without causing too many casualties. After Randy Hetrick retired, he redesigned the equipment and training program and turned it into a fitness course that can be used by the general public - the TRX Suspension Training System.

TRX inventor Randy Hetrick ©si The first generation of TRX ©trxtraining How to use and advantages of the TRX suspension training system

When using TRX, hold the two ends of the main rope of the training belt with both hands or hook it with both feet. Hand grips and foot circles. Compared with other fitness equipment, the training feature of TRX is that there is no sitting position training. At the same time, it can also mobilize body muscles, actively seek balance, and train body stability. The TRX suspension training system has designed a series of actions for people's fast pace of life, long sitting time, and short fitness time, including upper limbs, lower limbs, core training and flexibility training, and each series contains more than 10 kind of training movements. At the same time, if you change the position of the body's support point, the size of the support area, the height of the suspension point and the length of the main rope, you can increase or decrease the difficulty of the movement and produce different training effects. Regardless of whether you have fitness habits or sports foundation in the past, you can use TRX for training.

©Kai Wheeler

TRX has the following four major advantages: 1. Lightweight and easy to carry. TRX uses advanced industrial technology and weighs less than 1 kg. It is easy to install and requires only a small space. conduct. No matter at home or outdoors, just fix the strap on the door, wall or other place, and you can start exercising at any time.

Just install it on the door and you can do it ©Business Travel Life

2. Suitable for fitness groups with different experience. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced student, if you want to lose weight or exercise muscles, you can adjust the resistance through the angle of the suspension strap according to your own situation. achieve your own training goals. 3. Train balance. Suspension training is like practicing yoga on a rope. It requires both endurance and a series of balance skills. 4. Training the lower back muscles. In recent years, the American fitness industry has placed special emphasis on training the lower back muscles, especially the muscles around the spine. When we stand, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the gravity of the earth, which will cause back pain over time. Office workers often need to sit in the office for long periods of time, and this symptom may be more obvious. TRX can not only adjust the shape of the spine and fully relax the joints, but also train the muscles of the lower back. It is the most suitable way of fitness.

TRX can train balance and lower back muscles ©wordpress TRX suspension training precautions

When using TRX training, it is a very important principle to do within your ability:

It is necessary to master the adjustment of resistance within the scope of ability, and do not rush into difficult challenges and pay attention to the movement postures. Wrong movement postures can easily cause injuries to muscles and ligaments. It is recommended that beginners find a professional coach to avoid injuries. During training, please tighten the main rope and do not loosen it to confirm that the training effect is achieved. Apply force evenly on both arms during use. 5. During use, the main rope should be kept away from the upper arm to avoid abrasion of the skin.

©popsuger TRX installation method

A basic set of TRX suspension training ropes consists of: door stop, suspension strap, adjustment ring, main buckle lock (D-shaped buckle), fixed ring , main rope, adjustment buckle, hand grip, and foot ring. The simplest way to fix TRX is to install it on your own door. The other is to use a professional fixing buckle and buckle it on any wall you need to fix. The following is the basic installation method:

TRX door stop installation method

I. What muscles does the TRX suspension fitness belt mainly exercise?

1. Small size, easy to carry
trx uses advanced industrial technology, the weight can be said to be less than 2 pounds, and only needs a very small The storage space and the installation method are also very simple. Whether at home or outdoors, just fix the belt to the door, wall or other place, and you can start exercising at any time.

2. Suitable for people with different fitness levels
Whether you are a beginner or a fitness expert, want to lose weight or build muscles, you can change it according to your body weight The angle of the body and the suspension belt can be used to adjust the resistance to achieve your own exercise purpose.

3. Adjust balance function
Suspension training is like practicing yoga on a ropeGa, it requires both endurance and a variety of balancing skills.

4. Exercise the lower back muscles
In recent years, the American fitness industry has particularly emphasized the exercise of the lower back muscles, especially the muscles near the spine. When we stand upright, the lumbar spine and lower limb joints will be under great pressure due to the gravity of the earth. Over time, we will easily suffer from back pain. Office workers generally need to sit for long periods of time in the office, and this symptom is even more pronounced. TRX can adjust the shape of the spine, fully relax the joints, and exercise the muscles of the lower back. It is the most suitable way of fitness. The so-called core strength training refers to this.

Resistance adjustment:
1. The greater the angle of the body, the greater the resistance.
2. Lifting one thigh is very helpful for exercising more balance.
3. The further away from the fulcrum, the more strenuous it is and the higher the stability requirements.
Difficulty reduction: Standing on tiptoe with one leg forward can help the body lose weight.

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