eth创建代币 eth代币怎么添加logo

Ⅰ ETH是什么数字货币




以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹开始得以发展。




2013年年末,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin发布了以太坊初版白皮书,启动了项目。2014年7月24日起,以太坊进行了为期42天的以太币预售。




Ⅱ 什么是以太币/以太坊ETH






Ⅲ 深入理解手里的代币——ZTH

ZTH是以太坊发行的代币,以太坊是一个通用的虚拟货币平台,每个人都可以利用以太坊的工具开发出自己的虚拟货币体系或区块链应用 。

以太坊2013年底由一个叫作 Vitalik Buterin 的90后小伙子提出来的技术。它强调自己是一个智能合约系统。它的本质和比特币是一样的,只不过可以在这个平台里自己生成任意多个不同的比特币系统 。

2014年的7月至8月间,针对公众销售了以太坊系统上的货币——以太币(Ether,简称ETH),共计销售了1190万枚以太币(大约占以太币总数的13%),当时1个以太币不到3块钱,如今这个价格是2100。以太币,可以简单理解成以太坊的股份 ,它把股份货币化 ,核心目的是通过发行自己的虚拟货币来融资 。以太坊是全球第一个用发行自己的虚拟货币的方式来融资的案例。这种方式现在被叫作首次货币发行(Initial Coin Offering,简称ICO),简单说就是第一次对外发行自己的虚拟货币。


前哨王煜全判断: 以太币的价格有可能超过比特币 。

Ⅳ 如何创建比特币/加密货币交易平台


Ⅳ 以太坊是如何挖矿的

以太坊的代币是通过采矿过程中产生的,每块采矿率为 5 个以太币。以太坊的采矿过程几乎与比特币相同,对于每一笔交易,矿工都可以使用计算机通过散列函数运行该块的唯一标题元数据,反复,快速地猜出答案,直到其中一人获胜。

许多新用户认为,采矿的唯一目的是以不需要中央发行人的方式生成醚(参见我们的指南“ 什么是以太? ”)。这是真的。以太坊的代币是通过采矿过程中产生的,每块采矿率为 5 个以太币。但是,采矿还有至少同样重要的作用。通常,银行负责保持交易的准确记录。他们确保资金不是凭空创造的,用户不会多次欺骗和花钱。不过,区块链引入了一种全新的记录保存方式,整个网络而不是中介,验证交易并将其添加到公共分类账。

Ethereum Mining

尽管“无信任”或“信任最小化”货币体系是目标,但仍有人需要确保财务记录的安全,确保没有人作弊。采矿是使分散记录成为可能的创新之一。矿工们在防止欺诈行为(特别是醚的双重支出)方面达成了关于交易历史的共识 – 这是一个有趣的问题,在分散化的货币未在工作区块链之前解决。虽然以太坊正在研究其他方法来就交易的有效性达成共识,但采矿目前将平台保持在一起。

今天,以太坊的采矿过程几乎与比特币相同。对于每一笔交易,矿工都可以使用计算机反复,快速地猜出答案,直到其中一人获胜。更具体地说,矿工将通过散列函数(它将返回一个固定长度,乱序的数字和字母串,它看起来是随机的)运行该块的唯一标题元数据(包括时间戳和软件版本),只改变’nonce 值’ ,这会影响结果散列值。

如果矿工发现与当前目标相匹配的散列,矿工将被授予乙醚并在整个网络上广播该块,以便每个节点验证并添加到他们自己的分类账副本中。如果矿工 B 找到散列,矿工 A 将停止对当前块的工作,并为下一个块重复该过程。矿工很难在这场比赛中作弊。没有办法伪造这项工作,并拿出正确的谜题答案。这就是为什么解谜方法被称为“工作证明”。

另一方面,其他人几乎没有时间验证散列值是否正确,这正是每个节点所做的。大约每 12-15 秒,一名矿工发现一块石块。如果矿工开始比这更快或更慢地解决谜题,算法会自动重新调整问题的难度,以便矿工回弹到大约 12 秒钟的解决时间。

矿工们随机赚取这些乙醚,他们的盈利能力取决于运气和他们投入的计算能力。以太坊使用的具体工作量验证算法被称为’ethash’,旨在需要更多的内存,使得使用昂贵的 ASIC 难以开采 – 特殊的采矿芯片,现在是唯一可以盈利的比特币开采方式。

从某种意义上讲,ethash 可能已经成功实现了这一目的,因为专用 ASIC 不可用于以太坊(至少目前还没有)。此外,由于以太坊旨在从工作证明挖掘转变为“股权证明”(我们将在下面讨论),购买 ASIC 可能不是一个明智的选择,因为它可能无法长久证明有用。


Ⅵ ETH是什么币


Ⅶ eth是什么币

以太币系统以太坊的出现就是帮助用户更为容易地利用区块链技术进行应用设计。按照巴特林的说法,以太坊的目的是创造一个更为一般化的区块链平台,这一平台可以允许用户很容易创造基于区块链的应用,避免用户为创建一个新的应用而不得不建立一个区块链。通俗地讲,此前的区块链(如比特币)只是一个单一的工具或最多是一个多功能的工具组合,而以太坊则是区块链的智能手机,用户可以利用智能手机建立他所需要的任何“应用” 。因此巴特林表示,区块链的应用并不仅限于加密货币,它有着巨大的潜力,适用于各行各业,能为各企业和各种规模的组织带来显著好处。通过提供这样一个高度泛化的平台,以太坊允许用户在不需要创建自有区块链的同时,建立使用广泛的应用程序。以太坊的愿景成为“世界计算机”:用户就像使用计算机一样简单快捷建立基于区块链的应用,享受区块链所带来的分散化和安全好处。这使得以太坊的应用前景广阔。理论上,以太坊是一个通用的平台,可以用于各种各样的应用,但到为止大部分的应用都与金融有关。不过,除金融应用程序之外,任何需要信任、安全和永久存储的环境都可能受到以太坊平台的巨大影响,例如资产注册、选举、政府管理以及物联网等。

Ⅷ USDT_ERC20和ERC20代币转账提币API接口的调用流程




2、在ztPay平台创建一个ETH地址,往里面冲入一定数量ETH作为手续费资金池。 这个可以在线接口处创建地址 或者自己调用接口创建地址。

3、等这个地址有了ETH,就可以调用ETH的转账接口,往收到USDT_ERC20的地址里面充值0.0035ETH以上作为手续费 。


4、总结:USDT_ERC20这个当前地址里面有usdt,也要有 0.0035以上的eth手续费。那么才可以调用转账接口,开始转账。



第二步:检测ETH手续费是否大于0.0035ETH,大于则即可调用接口转出USDT ,转账完毕。ETH以太坊网络gas limit和gas price设置

第三步:ETH手续费不足则 调用之前准备的ETH手续费资金池地址,往这个地址里面转入至少0.0035的ETH。完毕。等下次执行转账时即可转账成功。

做一个定时任务最好5以上分钟执行一次可以通过以太坊浏览器来查询相关金额: 或者

接口参考资料: ztPay数字货币接口文档

Ⅸ 一步一步教你使用以太坊钱包




其他 不支持的币不要转进来(转进来会丢失)



第一步 创建钱包






第二步 查看钱包信息





第三步 接收和发送ETH及其他token代币

接收ETH和其他的代币token(这个钱包所支持的,点击show all tokens看所有支持的代币)


点击左上角 发送以太币/发送代币,选择keystoreFile,






Ⅰ What digital currency is ETH?

ETH is Ethereum.

ETH is a digital token of Ethereum. Developers need to pay ETH to support the operation of applications. Ethereum, like other digital currencies, can be bought and sold on trading platforms.

Ethereum is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract functions. It provides a decentralized Ether Virtual Machine to handle peer-to-peer transactions through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ether (ETH). contract.

The concept of Ethereum was first proposed by programmer Vitalik Buterin between 2013 and 2014 after being inspired by Bitcoin. Funding began to develop.

As of February 2018, Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, behind Bitcoin.

(1) Extended reading on making eth tokens in 5 minutes

The development history of ETH

At the end of 2013, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, released The first version of the Ethereum white paper launched the project. Starting from July 24, 2014, Ethereum conducted a 42-day Ethereum pre-sale.

In early 2016, Ethereum’s technology was recognized by the market and its price began to skyrocket, attracting a large number of people other than developers to enter the world of Ethereum. Huobi and OKCoin, two of China's three major Bitcoin exchanges, both officially launched Ethereum on May 31, 2017.

Since entering 2016, those who follow the digital currency industry closely have eagerly observed the development of the second-generation cryptocurrency platform Ethereum.

The most well-known is the company established in early 2017 by more than 20 of the world's top financial institutions and technology companies, including JPMorgan Chase, Chicago Exchange Group, Bank of New York Mellon, Thomson Reuters, Microsoft, Intel, and Accenture. Ethereum Alliance. Ethereum, the cryptocurrency spawned by Ethereum, has recently become the most popular asset after Bitcoin.

Ⅱ What is Ethereum/Ethereum

Ethereum, the English name of Ethereum, or ETH for short, is a virtual investment currency that has been hotly speculated recently. It is known as the world's second largest digital currency by market capitalization, second only to Bitcoin.

Ethereum is a digital token of Ethereum, because the openness of Ethereum requires the use of tokens - Ethereum ETH to support applications. Ethereum can also be traded on the trading platform. Simply put, Ethereum is a platform and a programming language that enable developers to build and launch the next generation of distributed applications.
Ethereum can be used for programming, security and transactions, and can also be used to organizeOrganizing voting, domain name buying and selling, financial trading platform, online crowdfunding, management company,
formulating contracts and most agreements, and integrating hardware smart assets.

The price of Ethereum has soared not only due to the promotion of the Ethereum community, but more importantly, virtual currency investors are looking for investment products to replace Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is subject to the supervision of the domestic central bank and a series of problems such as being rejected for ETF listing have caused investors to be pessimistic about the prospect of Bitcoin. At this time, the emergence and promotion of Ethereum are being favored by these virtual currency investors!

BtcTrade platform (Bitcoin trading network), as the largest and most reliable trading platform in China, launched Ethereum trading as early as November. When Ethereum was launched, it was around 50 yuan, and now it has risen to 300 yuan, which is amazing! What is the prospect of Ethereum ETH? It remains to be seen whether it can gain such attention like Bitcoin!

Ⅲ In-depth understanding of the token in hand - ZTH

ZTH is a token issued by Ethereum. Ethereum is a universal virtual currency platform. Everyone can use Ethereum. Use Fang's tools to develop your own virtual currency system or blockchain application.

Ethereum was a technology proposed by a post-90s guy named Vitalik Buterin at the end of 2013. It emphasizes that it is a smart contract system. Its essence is the same as Bitcoin, except that you can generate any number of different Bitcoin systems on this platform.

Between July and August 2014, Ether (ETH), the currency on the Ethereum system, was sold to the public. A total of 11.9 million Ether coins (approximately Accounting for 13% of the total number of Ethereum coins), one Ethereum coin cost less than 3 yuan at that time. Today, the price is 2,100. Ethereum can be simply understood as shares of Ethereum. It monetizes shares and its core purpose is to raise funds by issuing its own virtual currency. Ethereum is the world's first case of financing by issuing its own virtual currency. This method is now called Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Simply put, it is the first time to issue its own virtual currency to the outside world.

On July 30, 2015, Ethereum was officially launched. In order to enable the Ethereum ecosystem to achieve healthy development, the Ethereum team has specially established a public welfare organization "Ethereum Foundation" to encourage others to find system loopholes, which makes management more stringent than Bitcoin. Ethereum ensures the openness and standardization of applications by establishing an alliance. Many large companies and universities participate, such as Microsoft, Intel, Cornell University, etc. In addition, Ethereum is becoming more and more popular as a distribution platform, so a large amount of Ethereum is needed. Everyone has to buy Ethereum to buy the virtual currencies of different companies issued on the Ethereum platform. Then, the demand for Ethereum will increase rapidly with the surge in ICO popularity.

Outpost Wang Yuquan’s judgment: The price of Ethereum is likely to exceed that of Bitcoin.

IV How to create a Bitcoin/cryptocurrency trading platform

This is very complicated and requires approval from the government department. Cryptocurrency trading has now been banned at the national level.

IV How Ethereum is mined

Ethereum’s tokens are generated through the mining process, and the mining rate per block is 5 Ethereum coins. The mining process for Ethereum is almost the same as for Bitcoin, for each transaction, miners use computers to run the block's unique header metadata through a hash function, guessing the answer repeatedly and quickly until one of them wins.

Many new users believe that the only purpose of mining is to generate ether in a way that does not require a central issuer (see our guide "What is Ether?"). This is real. Ethereum tokens are generated through the mining process, with a mining rate of 5 Ethereum per block. But mining has a role that is at least as important. Typically, banks are responsible for keeping accurate records of transactions. They ensure that funds are not created out of thin air and that users do not cheat and spend their money multiple times. However, blockchain introduces a completely new way of record-keeping, where the entire network, rather than intermediaries, verifies transactions and adds them to a public ledger.

Ethereum Mining

Although a "trustless" or "trust-minimized" monetary system is the goal, there are still people who need to keep financial records secure and ensure no one cheats. Mining is one of the innovations that makes decentralized records possible. Miners reach consensus on transaction history in terms of preventing fraud (especially double spending of ether) – an interesting problem that decentralized currencies have not solved before working blockchains. While Ethereum is working on other methods to reach consensus on the validity of transactions, mining currently holds the platform together.

How Mining Works
Today, the mining process for Ethereum is almost the same as for Bitcoin. For each transaction, miners can use computers to guess the answer repeatedly and quickly until one of them wins. More specifically, the miner will run the block's unique header metadata (including timestamp and software version) through a hash function (which will return a fixed-length, scrambled string of numbers and letters that will appear random) , only changes the 'nonce value', which affects the resulting hash value.

If a miner finds a hash that matches the current target, the miner is awarded ether and broadcasts the block throughout the network for each node to verify and add to their own copy of the ledger. If miner B finds the hash, miner A will stop working on the current block andRepeat the process for the next block. It is difficult for miners to cheat in this game. There is no way to fake this work and come up with the correct answers to the puzzles. That's why the puzzle-solving method is called "proof of work."

On the other hand, there is little time for others to verify that the hash value is correct, which is exactly what each node does. Approximately every 12-15 seconds, a miner discovers a stone. If the miner starts solving the puzzle faster or slower than that, the algorithm automatically rescales the difficulty of the problem so that the miner bounces back to a solution time of about 12 seconds.

Miners earn this ether randomly, and their profitability depends on luck and the amount of computing power they invest. The specific proof-of-work algorithm used by Ethereum is called ‘ethash’ and is designed to require more memory, making it difficult to mine using expensive ASICs – special mining chips that are now the only profitable way to mine Bitcoin.

In a sense, ethash may have succeeded in achieving this, since dedicated ASICs are not available for Ethereum (at least not yet). Additionally, since Ethereum aims to move from proof-of-work mining to “proof-of-stake” (which we’ll discuss below), buying an ASIC may not be a wise choice as it may not prove useful long term.

Moving to Proof-of-Stake
Ethereum may never need miners, though. Developers plan to abandon proof-of-work, the algorithm currently used by the network to determine which transactions are valid and protect them from tampering, in favor of proof-of-stake, where the network is secured by token owners. If and when the algorithm is launched, proof-of-stake could be a means to achieve distributed consensus that uses fewer resources.

VI What currency is ETH

ETH is the digital currency Ethereum. It is one of the three major digital currencies together with BTC and EoS. It can be metaphorically compared that Bitcoin is a mobile phone that can make phone calls, Ethereum is a PHS phone that can play mini-games on the phone, and EoS is a smart phone.

VII What is eth

Ethereum (ETH) is a digital token of Ethereum. It is regarded as "Bitcoin version 2.0" and adopts the same currency as Bitcoin. The currency's different blockchain technology "Ethereum" is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract capabilities, a resonance network composed of thousands of computers around the world. Developers need to pay Ethereum to support the operation of the application. Like other digital currencies, Ethereum can be bought and sold on trading platforms.
The emergence of Ethereum system Ethereum is to help users more easily use blockchain technology for application design. According to Butlin, the purpose of Ethereum is to create a more general blockchain platform that allows users to easily create blockchain-based applications and prevents users from having to create a new application.Not building a blockchain. In layman's terms, the previous blockchain (such as Bitcoin) was just a single tool or at most a multi-functional combination of tools, while Ethereum is the smartphone of the blockchain. Users can use smartphones to build what they need. Any "application". Therefore, Butlin said that the application of blockchain is not limited to cryptocurrency. It has huge potential and is applicable to all walks of life. It can bring significant benefits to enterprises and organizations of all sizes. By providing such a highly generalized platform, Ethereum allows users to build widely used applications without having to create their own blockchain. Ethereum's vision is to become a "world computer": users can build blockchain-based applications as easily and quickly as using a computer, and enjoy the decentralization and security benefits brought by the blockchain. This makes Ethereum’s application prospects broad. In theory, Ethereum is a universal platform that can be used for a variety of applications, but most of the applications so far have been related to finance. However, in addition to financial applications, any environment that requires trust, security, and permanent storage may be greatly affected by the Ethereum platform, such as asset registration, elections, government management, and the Internet of Things.

Ⅷ Calling process of USDT_ERC20 and ERC20 token transfer and withdrawal API interface

USDT_ERC20 and ERC20 tokens can be used according to this tutorial, but the token names are different:

ERC20 USDT is the token of Ethereum. The transfer fee is low and the speed is fast.

1. After the ERC20 address receives USDT (the ztPay platform will notify according to the notification address in the application configuration), ETH needs to be deducted as a handling fee when transferring USDT. There is no ETH after the ERC20 address receives USDT. Then you need to recharge ETH.

2. Create an ETH address on the ztPay platform and pour a certain amount of ETH into it as a fee pool. You can create an address at the online interface or call the interface yourself to create an address.

3. Once this address has ETH, you can call the ETH transfer interface and recharge more than 0.0035ETH as a handling fee into the address that received USDT_ERC20.

Because USDT_ERC20 transfers deduct the eth in the current transfer address as a handling fee.

4. Summary: The current address USDT_ERC20 contains usdt, and there must be an eth fee of more than 0.0035. Then you can call the transfer interface and start the transfer.

USDT_ERC20 transfer process:

Step 1: First, obtain the address balance interface (name=usdt_erc20), query the USDT balance including the ETH fee balance.

Step 2: Check whether the ETH handling fee is greater than 0.0035ETH. If it is greater, you can call the interface to transfer USDT and the transfer is completed. ETH Ethereum network gas limit and gas price settings

Step 3: If the ETH handling fee is insufficient, call the ETH handling fee fund pool address prepared previously and transfer at least 0.0035 ETH to this address. complete. The transfer will be successful the next time you perform a transfer.

To do a scheduled task, it is best to execute it every 5 minutes or more. You can check the relevant amount through the Ethereum browser: or /

Interface reference materials: ztPay digital currency interface document

Ⅸ Teach you step by step how to use the Ethereum wallet

Let’s start with the introduction of myetherwallet

< p> Remember, this wallet only supports the following types

ETH, ETC, and tokens that comply with the ERC20 protocol.

Do not transfer other unsupported coins (you will lose them if you transfer them) )

Open the website in your browser:

Select your preferred language in the upper right corner of the page, as shown in the figure below

The first step is to create a wallet

Enter the password (at least 9 digits)

Download the keystore file (save your public and private keys here)

Save your private key

Unlock the wallet for the first time (it is recommended to try the second step more often, do not transfer coins immediately, otherwise you may not remember the password or the keystore is not placed properly) , try it a few times to make you more familiar)

Generally, after clicking to unlock for the first time, the page may not refresh, just scroll down and you will see your wallet information

Step 2: View wallet information

When you complete the first step, the wallet has been created.

This step just teaches you how to open your wallet and check the balance inside.

The balance and transaction history of your ETH

All your tokens The balance and transaction history of currency tokens

The third step is to receive and send ETH and other tokens

To receive ETH and other tokens (supported by this wallet, clickshow all tokens to see all supported tokens)

Just use the same address, no additional tags or operations are required

Click on the upper left corner to send ether/send tokens , select keystoreFile,

Upload the keystore file, fill in the password, and unlock the account

3. When sending ETH or tokens to others, you must enter the other party’s corresponding ETH address or token. Coin address, don’t fill it in wrong,

For example, if you want to send it to your trading platform, if you send EOS, you should put the EOS recharge address of your trading platform here,

instead of Put the ETH deposit address. Of course, you also need to select the corresponding token type in the drop-down menu below,

For example, EOS

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿