dot币和eth dot币有潜力吗

『壹』 市值排名前十的数字货币有哪些


『贰』 DOT跟ETH哪个值得买

比特币在昨日经历了一波拉伸11600下方后,今日一直维持高位盘整状态。最低下行至10300位置出现触底迹象,而后在11270-11500区间震荡。目前行情还并未出现明显的择向迹象,在价格还没有突破上方11500-11700的重压力区,多头目前还是受到的压制比较强,下方还是要重点关注11200位置的支撑情况,其次是11100这一多空趋势反转区, 到了11000-11200此位置可以进行补仓。
ETH 是由 V 神开创的,而 EOS 是由 BM 开创的,两位都是加密货币世界中的大神,ETH 开创了智能合约的概念,从此区块链技术得到了更多的应用,在 ETH上 发行了许多代币,尤其是在2017年,ETH 上发代币更是层出不穷,甚至 EOS 刚开始也是在 ETH 上发行的代币,后来才转到主网的。2017年的大牛市很大程度上是和 ETH 有关,当时 ETH 最高价格达到了 1万元左右。
不过,ETH 是采用的 POW 共识机制,ETH 上的交易是由分布在全球各地的节点共同确认的,去中心化程度也比较高,但是,由于不可能三角的限制,它的性能 TPS 却并不高,当年的加密猫游戏一度把 ETH 网络拖的很慢,ETH 的网络性能也限制了 ETH 生态的发展和应用。
所以,ETH 现在提出要提升 TPS 性能,也就是在 ETH 2.0 中的 TPS 将会有一个较大的提升,原因就是它的共识机制将从 POW 转为 POS。这样 TPS 才会提高,对实时性要求更高的应用才能在 ETH 网络上运行。
在比特币的 UTXO 模型不同,ETH 和 EOS 都是采用的账户余额模型,在 ETH 上叫地址,在 EOS 上叫账号,ETH 地址是免费创建的,它是由一长串没有什么规律的字符串组成的,而 EOS 的账号则可以根据自己的需求进行自定义,它是由12位字符所组成的,低于12位数的 EOS 账号叫做短账号,而短账号则是需要参与竞拍才能获取的。
两者相比,显然 EOS 的账号系统更加接近于我们的日常的应用场景,它就像微信账号、支付宝账号那样方便,而且在转账时也很方便。
EOS 账号和 ETH 地址相比,EOS 的账号系统要复杂的多,当然了也灵活许多,例如在 EOS 账号中,可以设置多签,可以多人一起管理一个账号,而且除了 Active 和 Owner 权限外,还可以根据自己的需要进行自定义权限,例如定义一个自定义权限只用于 EOS 节点的投票,这样可以对 EOS 账号的权限进行分级管理,从而大大提升 EOS 账号的安全性。
由于 EOS 采用的是 DPOS 共识机制,EOS 持有人可以通过账号给 EOS 节点投票,得票最多的前21名就是当前的 EOS 出块节点。

『叁』 d0t什么币



1、 拥有深厚资历的创始人: DOT币的创始人Gavin Wood曾担任以太坊联合创始人职位,拥有较好的资源和开发虚拟数字货币的经验,以太坊发展迅速他功不可没;




『肆』 虚拟货币有哪些

需与需与货币有哪些来说的话,这个比他低,我就觉得他就属于那种的虚拟货币的 这个虚拟货币来说的话,他也有一些玩的比较好的这个比特币,现在就是从以前的几块钱的话,就将现在来说的话,好几万呐

『伍』 中国十大虚拟货币排名


『陆』 中国十大虚拟货币排名

中国十大虚拟货币排名有:比特币、以太坊、Binance Coin(BNB)、瑞波币(XRP)、波卡币(DOT)、Litecoin(LTC)莱特币、LINK、艾达币(ADA)、XTZ、达世币。

以太坊是最好的加密货币之一,也是第一个引入的重大项目 智能合约,允许开发人员在区块链技术的支持下启动桌面和移动分散式应用程序(dApps)。
3、Binance Coin(BNB)
如果想分散投资组合并已经拥有BTC或ETH等主要代币,币安币是2021年最好的加密货币之一。代币背后的公司Binance具有扎实的业务历史,其主要概念(即“实用程序代币”)的背后有着经验丰富的团队。Binance Coin也是目前流动性最高的加密货币之一,在CoinMarketCap的前十名之内。
XRP肯定会在加密货币社区中保持强大的地位,并且确实是最好的加密货币之一,它只需要一点时间就可以站起来。城市电报给纹波为2021价格预测的每个硬币的1 $ 2021。所有这些可能意味着Ripple是2021年投资的最佳加密货币之一。
卡尔达诺 自从它在2015年进入游戏以来,一直是强大的玩家,而2021年看起来对于这种加密货币来说将是又一个强劲的一年。2021年2月,卡尔达诺市值接近307亿美元,单个硬币为1.07美元(相当实惠!)。一些人认为卡尔达诺可以提供更多的服务。达里·肖努比(Dare Shonubi),为钱币Pedia 他认为到2021年底它可能会高达10美元,如果为真,它将成为迄今为止最好的投资硬币之一。


『柒』 数字货币排名前二十


『捌』 FIL和DOT币哪个潜力大


『玖』 dot币未来前景如何dot今天行情怎样


『拾』 加密货币在2022年发生了什么

从俄乌战争中用于救济到行业动荡的爆发, 2022 年是数字资产领域又一个多事之年。
Crypto 年度时刻

如果你让一位路人来总结 2022 年的加密货币市场,他们很有可能会告诉你 2022 年是区块链技术消亡的一年。

在 Twitter Crypto 空间里,成千上万名因去年牛市而来的投资者发誓,随着他们“酒醒”,他们将在 2022 年永远离开这个市场。

但是,对于那些选择留下的人来说,今年并不是平静的一年。当然,由于加密市场损失了 2 万亿美元的市值,所有代币价值暴跌,但仍有许多重大事件让我们开心,或者,至少有事可做。

与以往的熊市一样,今年的一些标志性事件也成为了最具灾难性的事件。很少有人会辩解 2022 年不是加密货币行业最坎坷的年份之一。我们目睹了价值百亿美元的 Terra、三箭资本和 FTX 相隔仅几个月连番倒下。投资者遭受了惊人的损失,感觉这个行业倒退了很多年。

尽管如此, 2022 年还是给了我们一些积极的发展。虽然 ETH 的价格表现不佳,但以太坊今年表现不错,因为“合并”终于完成。我们还看到一些国家在战争、受制裁和法币通胀飙升的背景下承认了加密货币的潜力。

2022 年是加密货币有史以来最动荡的年份之一,但行业幸存了下来。在这个注定艰难的熊市期间,生态系统能否渡过难关,成为了最大的问题。

不过,就目前而言, 2022 年对于加密生态系统来说,即使是艰难的一年,但也是令人难忘的一年。

我们盘点了本年度的 10 个最重要的时刻。


2022 年的第一场重大加密事件并没有发生在链上,甚至也没有发生在网上,而是发生在加拿大首都渥太华。1 月 22 日,数百名加拿大卡车司机从全国各地出发,开始聚集在国会山,抗议政府出台的新冠疫苗接种强制令。政府拒绝与他们谈判,于是所谓的“自由车队”控制了街道。由于车队的规模庞大,导致执法部门难以驱散抗议者。

2 月 14 日,为了应对抗议和封堵活动,总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)启动了能够短暂赋予政府额外权力的《紧急情况法》,命令加拿大金融机构冻结抗议者以及任何通过捐款支持他们的人的银行账户——以削减他们的资金。然而,抗议者并没有被吓倒,而是转而使用加密货币,这导致加拿大当局将至少 34 个与“自由车队”相关的加密货币钱包地址列入了黑名单。此后不久,一支联合警察部队将卡车司机强行赶出街头,到 2 月 20 日,渥太华市区已完全清场。

对于加密货币行业来说,渥太华的抗议表明,即使是西方民主国家也可以轻而易举地利用其金融部门对付本国公民。在这种情况下,比特币的使命脱颖而出。加密爱好者指出,比特币提供了一种无需许可、抗审查的全球支付系统。尽管存在许多缺点,但去中心化的加密货币提供了一个至关重要的保证:你的钱真的是你自己的,没有人可以阻止你使用它。正如 Arthur Hayes 在博客中所写的:如果你完全依赖传统银行业,“你可能认为你的净资产为 100 美元,但如果银行或政府出于某种原因决定你不能再访问数字网络,你的净资产将变为 0 美元。 ”



在冲突刚刚爆发的几天内,乌克兰政府的官方 Twitter 帐户发布了一个帖子,其中包括比特币和以太坊的钱包地址,希望捐款者可以捐赠 BTC 和 ETH。这条推文一经发出,便立马引发了混乱,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 警告人们该 Twitter 帐户可能已被黑客入侵。

然而,乌克兰政府的数字化转型部随即确认 Twitter 并未被盗,该帖子也是正确的,因为他们确实希望通过接受加密货币捐款来为战争救济工作提供资金。

随后,捐款如潮水般涌入,乌克兰政府在三天内筹集了价值超过 3000 万美元的 BTC、ETH、DOT 和其他数字资产。甚至有人捐了一个 CryptoPunk NFT。

最初的捐款活动只是政府在危机时期拥抱加密货币的历史性举措之一。3 月 26 日,乌克兰数字化转型部还推出了 NFT 博物馆,出售记录战争事件的 NFT,以此来筹集更多的资金。


『一』 What are the top ten digital currencies by market capitalization

Bitcoin is almost the only way for newcomers in the currency circle. With its huge market capitalization advantage, It is also very suitable for investment by some institutional investors. For newcomers, the most recommended investment currency is Bitcoin. After all, the rise and fall of the entire currency circle depends on the performance of Bitcoin. If you are familiar with investing in Bitcoin, you will be more comfortable doing altcoins later.
Ethereum currently ranks second in market capitalization and must have its own value. It can be used to create decentralized programs, autonomous organizations and smart contracts. Smart contracts have many potential applications. Bloomberg Businessweek calls it "software that is shared by everyone but cannot be tampered with." More advanced software makes it possible to create web stores with Ethereum. Because of ICO, its price reached more than 10,000 yuan at its peak. Of course, this has also become one of its weaknesses. When the project team sold out, its price also fell accordingly. More importantly, Ethereum was also extremely congested. Awesome, I hope the Ethereum team can become more and more perfect.
BinanceCoin is a token issued by Binance, referred to as BNB, and is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum. The total issuance amount is constant at 200 million. BNB will be destroyed every quarter according to the trading volume of the Binance platform in that quarter. The destruction record will be announced as soon as possible. Users can query it through the blockchain browser to ensure openness and transparency until it is destroyed. Until the total amount reaches 100 million BNB coins.
4. The exchange has a very wide trading depth, and the stable currency price shows that there are many users with high consensus. It is possible to support all virtual digital currencies in the future. I believe the future will be better.
LUNA is Terra’s platform token, used for the issuance of stablecoins (TerraSDRs), price stabilization mechanism, and network governance. Users can exchange LUNA tokens for TerraSDRs stablecoins and vice versa. In this way, the price stability of the stablecoin is guaranteed.
Luna is the mining currency of the TerraDPoS blockchain, and Terra is powered by Luna. Therefore, the miner provides stability and security. On the exchange, the protocol relies on transaction fees and seigniorage to provide stable mining rewards under all economic conditions.
Founded in late 2017 by former Qualcomm, Intel, and Dropbox engineers, Solana is a single-chain delegated proof-of-stake protocol focused on providing scalability without compromising decentralization or security sex. At the heart of Solana’s scaling solution is a decentralized clock called Proof of History (PoH), designed to solve the time problem in distributed networks without a single trusted time source. Verifiable by usingWith the delay feature, PoH allows each node to generate timestamps locally using SHA256 calculations. This eliminates the need to broadcast timestamps throughout the network, improving overall network efficiency. SOL is the native token of the Solana blockchain. Solana uses a delegated proof-of-stake consensus algorithm to incentivize token holders to validate transactions. As part of Solana's security design, all fees will be paid in SOL and burned, reducing the total supply. This deflationary SOL mechanism incentivizes more token holders to participate, thereby improving network security.
Dogecoin, some people call it "Dogecoin/Dogecoin", was born on December 8, 2013. It is based on the Scrypt algorithm and is the second largest user in the world after Bitcoin. Virtual currency. After the Dogecoin system was launched, due to the help of reddit (the Doge content on this website is horribly overflowing), the traffic developed explosively. Within two weeks, Dogecoin had already launched dedicated blogs and forums. As of 2015 On June 9, the market value reached 100 million.
Avalanche (AVAX)_Purpose formerly known as Ava/AVA, is an open source platform for launching highly decentralized applications, new financial primitives and new interoperable blockchains . Using a breakthrough consensus protocol architecture, a smart contract platform that can confirm transactions within one second supports the entire content of the Ethereum development toolkit, making millions of complete block producers possible. Avalanche was co-founded by Cornell University professor and IC3 co-founder Emin Gün Sirer, computer scholar Kevin Sekniqi, and Ted Yin, the first author of the HotStuff consensus on the Facebook Libra protocol. The AVA blockchain platform developed by Avalanche is a digital payment and computing platform based on the revolutionary consensus algorithm - Avalanche. This consensus enables the distributed ledger to achieve a high degree of decentralization, high concurrency processing and rapid confirmation of transactions, while also achieving historical record deletion and on-chain governance. The core of the AVA blockchain platform is a set of unified and interoperable infrastructure that enables anyone to build a blockchain network or issue assets on the blockchain according to their own needs in AVA's ecosystem.
The Polkadot community voted to pass the 100-fold split of DOT. This is DOT that has been split 100 times. Polkadot will realize a completely decentralized Internet where users have full control. It envisions an Internet where each person's identity and data is their own control - without influence from any central authority. Polkadot aims to connect private chains, consortium chains, public chains, open networks and oracles as well as future technologies that have not yet been created. Polkadot facilitates the Internet, and independent blockchains canlkadot's relay chain exchanges information and transactions in a trustless manner.
ada is known as the Ethereum of Europe, and its market value is very consistent with its European status. It currently ranks tenth in total market value. This is the token of the Cardano protocol and can be used to send and receive digital funds. Fast direct transfers are possible, secured through encryption technology.

『二』Which one is worth buying, DOT or ETH?

Previously, ETH ranked second and DOT ranked fifth. There is a big difference in market value.
The market value of ETH is around 42 billion, while that of DOT is only 4.7 billion. Therefore, it is still difficult for DOT to challenge ETH. DOT needs to surpass USDT and XPR to compete head-on with ETH.
First, there is no need to watch the market every day: There is no need to watch the market every day. Reading the market is the obligation of the people who open the circle. What most people need to do is to slowly throw their spare money into the pool and wait for it to grow up in the pool. , and then you just pick it up again. It’s that simple to speculate in coins, and it’s not as tiring as you think.
2. Treat the ups and downs calmly: During the investment process, we need to maintain a peaceful attitude and don't calculate how much we have lost and gained every day.
3. Because no matter what kind of commodity it is, the price will always fluctuate within a cycle. It will fall when it is crazy and recover when it is depressed. These fluctuations are very normal. If you care too much about short-term gains and losses, Then your mentality will follow the price fluctuations at any time, and you will definitely be a loser in the end.
After experiencing a stretch below 11,600 yesterday, Bitcoin has maintained a high consolidation state today. The lowest price dropped to 10300, showing signs of bottoming, and then fluctuated in the 11270-11500 range. At present, the market has not shown any obvious signs of direction selection. As the price has not yet broken through the heavy pressure area of ​​11500-11700 above, bulls are still under strong suppression. The bottom should still focus on the support of 11200, followed by 11100. A long-short trend reversal zone, where positions can be covered at 11000-11200.
ETH was created by Buterin, and EOS was created by BM. Both are great gods in the cryptocurrency world. ETH created the concept of smart contracts. Since then, blockchain technology has been more applied. Many tokens have been issued on ETH, especially in 2017, and tokens issued on ETH are emerging in endlessly. Even EOS was initially issued on ETH, and was later transferred to the main network. The bull market in 2017 was largely related to ETH. At that time, the highest price of ETH reached about 10,000 yuan.
However, ETH adopts the POW consensus mechanism. Transactions on ETH are jointly confirmed by nodes distributed around the world, and the degree of decentralization is relatively high. However, due to the limitations of the impossible triangle, its performance TPS But it's not high. Back thenThe CryptoKitties game once slowed down the ETH network, and ETH's network performance also limited the development and application of the ETH ecosystem.
So, ETH is now proposing to improve TPS performance, that is, TPS in ETH 2.0 will have a major improvement because its consensus mechanism will be converted from POW to POS. In this way, TPS will be improved, and applications with higher real-time requirements can run on the ETH network.
2. Account system
The UTXO model of Bitcoin is different. Both ETH and EOS adopt the account balance model. It is called an address on ETH and an account on EOS. The ETH address is created for free. It is It consists of a long string of irregular strings, and the EOS account can be customized according to your own needs. It is composed of 12 characters. EOS accounts with less than 12 digits are called short accounts, and Short accounts need to participate in the auction to obtain them.
Comparing the two, it is obvious that the EOS account system is closer to our daily application scenarios. It is as convenient as a WeChat account or an Alipay account, and it is also very convenient when transferring money.
Compared with ETH addresses, EOS accounts are much more complex and of course more flexible. For example, in EOS accounts, you can set up multi-signatures and multiple people can manage an account together, and in addition to Active and Owner In addition to permissions, you can also customize permissions according to your own needs. For example, defining a custom permission is only used for voting on EOS nodes. This allows for hierarchical management of EOS account permissions, thereby greatly improving the security of EOS accounts.
Since EOS uses the DPOS consensus mechanism, EOS holders can vote for EOS nodes through their accounts. The top 21 with the most votes are the current EOS block-producing nodes.

『三』What kind of currency is d0t

DOT currency is the native token of the Polkadot platform. DOT is the abbreviation of Polkadot, and its Chinese name is Polkadot. It is one of the virtual digital currencies. As the native token of the Polkadot platform, it is applicable to all transactions on the Polkadot platform and plays a vital role in the Polkadot platform. functions, such as management platform, operations, interoperability, and binding. DOT currency appeared in 2015 and involves many communication and data transfer projects between blockchains.

The investment value advantage of DOT currency

1. Founder with profound qualifications: Gavin Wood, the founder of DOT currency, once served as the co-founder of Ethereum and has relatively good resources. and experience in developing virtual digital currency, he is indispensable for the rapid development of Ethereum;

2. Sufficient funds: The initial development of the project will consume a large amount of funds, sufficient fundsThe library is the basis for the stable advancement of the project;

3. High exposure: Once the DOT currency was launched, the public had great interest in it, and the huge financing in the first phase further confirmed its popularity. Influence in the market;

4. Active publicity methods: DOT currency has not ignored the role of the market. In the already extremely popular market, it continues to increase its exposure and attract more people to participate.

『四』What are the virtual currencies?

In terms of needs and needs and what are the currencies, this one is lower than him. I think he belongs to that kind of virtual currency. As for virtual currency, he also has some Bitcoins that are better played. Now it is only a few yuan from the past to tens of thousands now.

『五』China Ranking of the top ten virtual currencies

Ranking of the top ten virtual currencies in China. Virtual currencies have become very popular recently, among which Bitcoin is the most famous. Many friends still don’t know which are the top ten virtual currencies in China, so let’s take a look with the editor.
China’s Top 10 Cryptocurrencies Ranking
Bitcoin (BTC)
When talking about the top 10 cryptocurrencies to invest in right now, cryptocurrencies in general or just smart cryptocurrency investments, all discussions must start with Bitcoin currency. Bitcoin is by far the most widely used cryptocurrency and is often referred to as the “King of Cryptocurrencies.”
Litecoin (LTC)
The creator of Litecoin, Qiwei Li, graduated from MIT and was a former employee of Google. He designed Litecoin in 2011. This man's name looks Chinese, but in fact he is Chinese. Litecoin was born on October 7, 2011. It has a history of eight years so far. The total amount is 84 million as mentioned above, and 63.7 million have been mined so far. The maximum unit price is 2,000 yuan, and the current price is about 410 yuan.
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum is one of the best cryptocurrencies and the first major project to introduce smart contracts, allowing developers to launch desktop and mobile decentralized systems powered by blockchain technology Applications (dApps).
Since then, Ethereum has remained one of the top ten cryptocurrencies into 2021 and will likely stay that way for decades to come.
Ripple (XRP)
XRP will definitely remain a strong presence in the cryptocurrency community and is indeed one of the best cryptocurrencies, it just needs a little time to stand up. City Telegraph gives Ripple 2021 price predictions for every $1 coin in 2021. All of this potential upside means Ripple is one of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in 2021.
BinanceCoin (BNB)
If you want to diversify your portfolio and already own major coins like BTC or ETH, Binance Coin is one of the best cryptocurrencies in 2021. Binance, the company behind the coin, has a solid businessHistory, with an experienced team behind its main concept i.e. "Utility Tokens". BinanceCoin is also one of the most liquid cryptocurrencies currently and is in the top ten on CoinMarketCap.
LINK coin, full name ChainLink, is an ERC20 standardized token based on the Ethereum blockchain, used to pay Chainlink node operators to retrieve data from off-chain data and format the data into the blockchain Readable format, off-chain computing, and guaranteed uptime. Chainlink tokens are used as part of running nodes to protect against bad actors. 1. Project introduction The first decentralized Oracle network allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts, access critical external data, offline payments and any other API functionality.
Cardano has been a strong player since it entered the game in 2015, and 2021 looks set to be another strong year for the cryptocurrency . In February 2021, Cardano had a market capitalization of nearly $30.7 billion, with a single coin being $1.07 (quite affordable!). Some believe Cardano has more to offer. Dare Shonubi, for Coin Pedia believes that Shenbi could reach as high as $10 by the end of 2021, and if true, it would become one of the best investment coins to date.
XTZ coin is the abbreviation of Tezos. It is very popular abroad, its market value has been rising, and its development prospects are very good.
Polkadot (DOT)
Polkadot is the native token of the Polkadot platform. Founded in 2015, it is the world's first open decentralized payment network platform. The currency price has always been relatively stable. , has many fans and a very active community. It is listed on 201 exchanges. The trading depth is very wide. The stable currency price shows that there are many users and a high consensus. It is possible to support all virtual digital currencies in the future. I believe the future will be better.

『Lu』 Ranking of China’s top ten virtual currencies

China’s top ten virtual currencies are: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin (BNB), Ripple (XRP) ), Polkadot (DOT), Litecoin (LTC), LINK, ADA (ADA), XTZ, Dash.

1. Ranking of the top ten virtual currencies in China
1. Bitcoin (BTC)
When talking about the top ten cryptocurrencies to invest in currently, general cryptocurrencies or just smart cryptocurrency investments , all discussions must be from Bitcoin. Bitcoin is by far the most widely used cryptocurrency and is often referred to as the “King of Cryptocurrencies.”
2. Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum is one of the best cryptocurrencies and the first major project to introduce smart contracts, allowing developers toLaunch desktop and mobile decentralized applications (dApps) powered by blockchain technology.
Since then, Ethereum has remained one of the top ten cryptocurrencies into 2021 and will likely stay that way for decades to come.
3. Binance Coin (BNB)
If you want to diversify your portfolio and already own major coins like BTC or ETH, Binance Coin is one of the best cryptocurrencies in 2021. Binance, the company behind the token, has a solid business history and an experienced team behind its main concept, which is a “utility token.” Binance Coin is also one of the most liquid cryptocurrencies currently and is in the top ten on CoinMarketCap.
4. Ripple (XRP)
XRP will definitely remain a strong presence in the cryptocurrency community and is indeed one of the best cryptocurrencies, it just needs a little time to stand up. City Telegraph gives Ripple a 2021 price prediction for each coin of $1 in 2021. All of this may mean that Ripple is one of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in 2021.
5. Polkadot (DOT)
Polkadot is the native token of the Polkadot platform. Founded in 2015, it is the world’s first open decentralized payment network platform. The currency price has always been relatively high. It is stable, has many fans, and the community is very active. It is listed on 201 exchanges, and the trading depth is very wide. The stable currency price shows that there are many users and the consensus is high. It is possible to support all virtual digital currencies in the future. I believe the future will be better.
6. Litecoin (LTC) Litecoin
The creator of Litecoin, Li Qiwei, graduated from MIT and was a former employee of Google. He designed Litecoin in 2011. This man's name looks Chinese, but in fact he is Chinese. Litecoin was born on October 7, 2011, and has a history of eight years. The total amount is mentioned above as 84 million coins, and 63.7 million coins have been mined so far. The maximum unit price is 2,000 yuan, and the current price is about 410 yuan.
The full name of LINK coin is ChainLink. It is an ERC20 standardized token based on the Ethereum blockchain. It is used to pay Chainlink node operators to retrieve data from off-chain data and format the data into zones. Blockchain readable format, off-chain computing and guaranteed uptime. Chainlink tokens are used as part of running nodes to protect against bad actors. 1. Project introduction The first decentralized Oracle network allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts, access critical external data, offline payments and any other API functionality.
8. Cardano (ADA)
Cardano has been a strong player since it entered the game in 2015, and 2021 looks set to be another strong one for the cryptocurrency oneYear. In February 2021, Cardano had a market capitalization of nearly $30.7 billion, with a single coin being $1.07 (quite affordable!). Some believe Cardano has more to offer. Dare Shonubi, for CoinPedia believes it could reach as high as $10 by the end of 2021, and if true, it would become one of the best investment coins to date.
9. XTZ
XTZ coin is the abbreviation of Tezos. It is very popular abroad and its market value has been rising.
10. Dash
Dash has a two-layer network that can monitor Dash transactions in a timely manner and continuously update the system. Unlike Bitcoin, Dash can achieve decentralization of technology and centralization of currency operation and management. Dash (DASH) is a digital currency that supports instant transactions and aims to protect user privacy.

2. What is virtual currency
Virtual currency refers to non-real currency. Well-known virtual currencies include Internet coins of Internet companies, Q coins of Tencent, Q points, point coupons of Shanda, micro coins launched by Sina (used for micro games, Sina reading, etc.), Chivalrous Yuanbao (used for Chivalrous Road games) ), Pattern Silver (used in Bixue Qingtian game), the popular digital currencies in 2013 include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Infinity Coin, Quark Coin, Zeta Coin, BBQ Coin, Penny Coin (external network), invisible gold bars, Red coins, prime coins. There are currently hundreds of digital currencies issued around the world. The legends of "Bit Gold, Lite Silver, Infinite Copper, and Penny Aluminum" are popular in the industry.
According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, is not currency in the true sense, and does not have the same legal status as currency. , cannot and should not be used as currency for circulation in the market, and citizens’ investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.

『淒』 Top twenty digital currencies

Bitcoin has a market value of US$441.685 billion, accounting for 71.12% of the world’s total market value. Bitcoin Coin is almost the only way for newcomers in the currency circle. With its huge market capitalization advantage, it is also very suitable for investment by some institutional investors. For newcomers, the most recommended investment currency is Bitcoin. After all, the rise and fall of the entire currency circle depends on the performance of Bitcoin. If you are familiar with investing in Bitcoin, you will be more comfortable doing altcoins later.
The market value of Ethereum is US$69.657 billion, accounting for 11.22% of the total global market value. Currently, Ethereum ranks second in market value. It must have its own value and can be used to create decentralized Programs, autonomous organizations and smart contracts, the potential applications of smart contracts are many. Bloomberg Businessweek calls it "software that is shared by everyone but cannot be tampered with." More advanced software makes it possible to create web stores with Ethereum.
The market value of Tether is 201.100 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 3.24% of the total global market capitalization. Tether has the advantage of being the first to move. It currently ranks fifth in market capitalization. Since it is a stable currency, the overall volatility is not large. It is not suitable for investors to play for a while, and regardless of the Everything may face bankruptcy. The bank that opens an account with the company may also go bankrupt, and there may also be risks of donations running away, etc.
4. The currency price has always been relatively stable, with many fans and a very active community. It is listed on 201 exchanges and has a very wide trading depth. The stable currency price shows that there are many users and a high consensus. It is possible to support all virtual digital currencies in the future. I believe the future will be better. .
The market value of Litecoin is US$7.003 billion, accounting for 1.13% of the total global market value. The creator of Litecoin, Li Qiwei, graduated from MIT and was a former employee of Google. He designed it in 2011 of Litecoin. The total amount is mentioned above as 84 million coins, and 63.7 million coins have been mined so far. The maximum unit price is 2,000 yuan, and the current price is about 410 yuan.
Extended information
The market value of Bitcoin Cash is US$5.483 billion, accounting for 0.88% of the total global market value. BCH is one of the forked coins of Bitcoin, and it expands on demand. The biggest feature of the large-block ecological development route is that the transfer fee is very low, and among the POW currencies, the computing power is the safest one except Bitcoin.
2.BNB-Binance Coin
Binance Coin has a market capitalization of US$4.854 billion, accounting for 0.88% of the total global market capitalization. Binance is the largest leading platform, and its platform currency BNB naturally attracts a lot of attention. Spend. At the same time, although the platform currency model was not pioneered by Binance, it was indeed promoted by Binance and established its own first-mover advantage.
LINK has a market capitalization of US$4.694 billion, accounting for 0.75% of the total global market capitalization. LINK is an ERC20 standardized token based on the Ethereum blockchain and is used to pay Chainlink node operators to obtain data from off-chain data. Retrieve data from the database, format the data into a blockchain-readable format, perform off-chain calculations, and ensure uptime. Chainlink tokens are used as part of running nodes to protect against bad actors.
The market value of Polkadot is US$4.493 billion, accounting for 0.78% of the total global market value. The Polkadot community voted to approve the 100-fold split of DOT. This is DOT that has been split 100 times. Polkadot will realize a completely decentralized Internet where users have full control.
5.ADA-ADA Coin
ADA Coin has a market value of US$3.819 billion, accounting for 1.01% of the total global market value. ADA is known as Europe'sEthereum’s market value is also very consistent with its European status, and its current total market value ranks tenth.

『8』Which currency has greater potential, FIL or DOT?

FIL and DOT are two different cryptocurrencies, each with their own potential, advantages and disadvantages. The following is a brief introduction to them and some opinions for your reference:
FIL is the token of Filecoin and is a decentralized storage network dedicated to solving the problems of data storage and access. The potential of FIL Coin may lie in its technological innovation and development potential, especially as modern society pays more and more attention to data storage and privacy protection. At the same time, the Filecoin ecosystem is also constantly developing, attracting more and more developers and applications to join.
DOT is Polkadot’s token and is a cross-chain protocol designed to achieve interoperability and interconnectivity between different blockchains. The potential of DOT coins may lie in the development of its cross-chain technology and ecosystem, which makes Polkadot a network capable of connecting multiple different blockchains. In addition, Polkadot also supports customized sub-chains and smart contracts, which can provide suitable solutions for different types of applications.
In general, which cryptocurrency to choose should take into account personal investment purposes and risk tolerance, as well as an understanding of its technology and ecosystem. Investing in any cryptocurrency is risky and market conditions may change at any time, so it is recommended that you conduct comprehensive market research and make careful decisions.

『九』What is the future prospect of dot currency? What is the market situation of dot currency today

What is the future prospect of dot currency? I believe many people will often see it when they come into contact with virtual currency. There are many currencies, among which dot currency is currently the most popular currency. Many people want to know the prospects of this currency. Let’s take a look with the editor.
What is the market situation of dot today?
The current market price of dot currency has tended to be stable. As of 2:30 pm on November 21, 2022, the price is 38.22, and the price converted into US dollars is 5.34. The price of this currency The highest price is US$55.20, and the lowest price in history is US$2.70.
What is the future prospect of dot currency?
The prospect of dot currency is not very good now, there is great uncertainty, and there is basically not much potential for growth. After dot has been continuously listed by major exchanges, it has not continued. Supported by its popularity, its price rose from US$2.93 to US$30.04 between September 2020 and January 3, 2022, an increase of 925%. The advantages of dot currency are strong scalability and interactivity. Strong, strong specialization and no fork upgrades, etc., so dot can occupy a place in the digital currency market. Polkadot raised 480,000 ethers in the first phase, which was worth 144 million US dollars at the time. Two-thirds of the middle was due to wallet loopholes. locked, but relativelyFor other projects, it is quite well funded, and it has recently carried out a second round of financing, raising another US$60 million. Although this amount is not as high as eos, it is still a huge amount of money.

『Shi』What happened to cryptocurrencies in 2022

From being used for relief during the Russia-Ukraine war to the outbreak of industry turmoil, 2022 is another year in the field of digital assets An eventful year.
Crypto Moments of the Year

If you asked a passerby to sum up the cryptocurrency market in 2022, there’s a good chance they would tell you that 2022 was the year that blockchain technology died.

In the Twitter Crypto space, thousands of investors who came in because of last year’s bull market have vowed to leave the market for good in 2022 as they “sober up.”

But this has not been a quiet year for those who have chosen to stay. Of course, with the crypto market losing $2 trillion in market capitalization and all token values ​​plummeting, there are still plenty of great events to keep us entertained, or, at least, occupied.

As with previous bear markets, some of this year’s landmark events have become some of the most catastrophic. Few would argue that 2022 wasn’t one of the rockiest years for the cryptocurrency industry. We’ve watched tens of billions of dollars worth of Terra, Three Arrows Capital, and FTX collapse just months apart. Investors suffered staggering losses and it felt like the industry had been set back years.

Nonetheless, 2022 has given us some positive developments. While ETH’s price has underperformed, Ethereum has had a good year as the “merger” is finally complete. We’ve also seen some countries acknowledge the potential of cryptocurrencies against a backdrop of war, sanctions, and soaring fiat currency inflation.

2022 was one of the most tumultuous years ever for cryptocurrencies, but the industry survived. During this destined to be difficult bear market, whether the ecosystem can weather the storm has become the biggest question.

For now, though, 2022 is shaping up to be a memorable, if difficult, year for the crypto ecosystem.

We take stock of the 10 biggest moments of the year.

Canada Freezes Team Liberty Funds

The first major crypto event of 2022 didn’t happen on-chain, or even online, but in Canada’s capital Ottawa. On January 22, hundreds of Canadian truck drivers from across the country began gathering on Parliament Hill to protest the government’s coronavirus vaccination mandate. The government refused to negotiate with them, and so-called "Freedom Convoys" took control of the streets. Due to the size of the fleet, law enforcementIt was difficult to disperse the protesters.

On February 14, in response to protests and blockades, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau activated the Emergency Act, which briefly gave the government additional powers, ordering Canadian financial institutions to Freeze the bank accounts of protesters and anyone who supports them with donations – to cut their funding. However, protesters were undeterred and turned to cryptocurrencies, leading Canadian authorities to blacklist at least 34 cryptocurrency wallet addresses associated with the Freedom Convoy. Shortly thereafter, a joint police force forced truck drivers off the streets, and by February 20, downtown Ottawa had been completely cleared.

For the cryptocurrency industry, the protests in Ottawa demonstrate how easily even Western democracies can use their financial sectors against their own citizens. In this context, Bitcoin’s mission comes to the fore. Crypto enthusiasts point out that Bitcoin offers a permissionless, censorship-resistant global payments system. Despite their many drawbacks, decentralized cryptocurrencies offer a crucial guarantee: your money is truly yours, and no one can stop you from using it. As Arthur Hayes blogged: If you rely solely on traditional banking, "you might think your net worth is $100, but if the bank or the government decides for some reason that you can no longer access digital networks, your The net worth will become $0.”

Ukraine starts accepting cryptocurrency donations

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has had a significant impact on global markets this year, including cryptocurrencies. In this war, cryptocurrencies have taken center stage.

In the first few days of the conflict, the Ukrainian government’s official Twitter account published a post that included Bitcoin and Ethereum wallet addresses asking donors to donate BTC and ETH. The tweet sparked immediate confusion, with Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin warning people that the Twitter account may have been hacked.

However, the Ukrainian government’s Ministry of Digital Transformation immediately confirmed that Twitter had not been stolen and that the post was correct as they did want to fund war relief efforts by accepting cryptocurrency donations.

Donations then poured in, with the Ukrainian government raising more than $30 million worth of BTC, ETH, DOT and other digital assets in three days. Someone even donated a CryptoPunk NFT.

The initial donation drive is just one of the historic moves by governments to embrace cryptocurrencies in times of crisis. On March 26, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine alsoLaunched the NFT Museum, selling NFTs documenting the events of the war as a way to raise more funds.

In this annual moment, the role of cryptocurrencies is more clearly demonstrated than ever before, demonstrating the power of “borderless”. Ukraine’s requirement to use cryptocurrencies for donations is a world first, but it’s safe to say that in the future we will see other countries adopting cryptocurrencies as well.

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