xrp暂停提币 xrp被冻结

① 火币钱包xrp转不出来

火币钱包xrp最小转出20个,如果达到20个还不能转出可以咨询客服。火币钱包是一款专业的多币种轻钱包。 依托火币集团在区块链领域的技术积累和安全经验,火币钱包从多个维度保障全球数字货币用户的资产安全,提供简单、便捷、安全、可靠的数字资产管理服务。
操作环境:苹果12 iOS14 火币12.6.0

② 瑞波币是合法的吗


③ 瑞波币(XRP)在美国被暂停交易,发生了什么事




④ 瑞波币被下架,恒星币能翻身吗


人们猜测非常有可能是 恒星XLM或是柚子EOS 。

恒星币XLM与瑞波币XRP都有同一个爹,那就是创始人Jed McCaleb。从功能上来讲,我们可以认为是相似的。第一版恒星代码压根就是复制的瑞波。第二版更换了共识算法并在功能上与瑞波有了比较大的区分,但在支付和发行资产方面依然是重合的。











⑤ 瑞波币暴跌18%,投资虚拟货币会有哪些风险



⑥ 为什么Ripple的XRP无法作为桥梁资产














1.不新增监管要求 ——CBDC应该减少而不是增加银行监管要求。

2.无加密风险敞口 ——CBDC生态系统应避免接触波动的加密资产。

3.不增加外汇风险 ——解决方案应通过即时结算降低外汇风险。

4.经验证的可靠性、安全性和透明度 ——解决方案应该是去中心化的,没有单点故障。

5.高互操作性和网络效应 ——理想的CBDC网络为实现跨境、跨币种、跨链的互操作性提供了一种便捷的途径。
















· 没有其他与加密有关的财务报告。成员无需与加密货币进行交互。

· 无需承受加密货币价格风险。

· 因桥梁货币价格变化而导致外汇汇率损失的风险极低。

· 点对点交易,以最低的费用提供最快的支付。

· 高互操性。随着每个新成员的加入,其他所有成员都可以直接向新成员的客户发送和接收资产。这适用于CBDC、银行和其他金融机构。



⑦ 火币etp交易暂停怎么办

据《科创板日报》报道,火币方面表示,因为行情波动较大,为了保护投资者利益,针对部分国家和地区新用户暂时不开通合约、杠杆、ETP 等服务。
晚间持续关注成交量的变化以及上方59000的突破情况和下方58300的支撑情况。 根据火币交易平台数据显示,ETH早间小幅上升,最高至2150.86USDT,再次刷新历史新高,随后在2110一线横盘整理,成交量没有明显放大。一小时级别来看,ETH近日持续高位震荡横盘,多空双方竞争激烈。
日线级别来看,ETH迎来三连阳,处于绝对高位。晚间持续关注成交量的变化情况以及上方历史高点的突破情况。 合约方面,火币合约大数据显示,BTC合约持仓量相对稳定,合约成交量小幅下降,合约市场不活跃。交割合约基差小幅下降。 ETH合约持仓量相对稳定,合约成交量小幅下降,合约市场不活跃。交割合约基差小幅下降。 USDT在火币全球站OTC市场的报价为6.71元。 据火币研习社数据监控显示。

⑧ sec xrp开庭时间



第三条 证券的发行、交易活动,必须遵循公开、公平、公正的原则。

第四条 证券发行、交易活动的当事人具有平等的法律地位,应当遵守自愿、有偿、诚实信用的原则。

第五条 证券的发行、交易活动,必须遵守法律、行政法规;禁止欺诈、内幕交易和操纵证券市场的行为。

第六条 证券业和银行业、信托业、保险业实行分业经营、分业管理,证券公司与银行、信托、保险业务机构分别设立。国家另有规定的除外。

⑨ xrp是什么

xrp是瑞波币,是Ripple网络的基础货币,它可以在整个ripple网络中流通,总数量为1000亿,并且随着交易的增多而逐渐减少,瑞波币的运营公司为Ripple Labs(其前身为OpenCoin)。



瑞波币能让小型企业在几秒钟内就能收到客户的汇款,不管这个客户在地球上的什么位置。如今,Ripple 只需3 天就能完成从消费者的信用卡到一家小型企业的银行户头的转账过程。这种迅速到款的特性对管理企业的每日现金流有很大帮助。

由于Ripple 的转账手续费低到可以忽略不计,为了保证竞争力,信用卡公司将有很大可能降低它们的转账手续费,从而使得小型公司在这方面的支出相应减少。信用卡交易费对现在的小型企业来说极不合理。大型企业可以得到更多的优惠,小型企业却难以享受同等的待遇。


① Huobi Wallet xrp cannot be transferred out

The minimum number of Huobi Wallet xrp transfers is 20. If the number reaches 20 and still cannot be transferred out, please consult customer service. Huobi Wallet is a professional multi-currency light wallet. Relying on Huobi Group's technology accumulation and security experience in the blockchain field, Huobi Wallet protects the asset security of global digital currency users from multiple dimensions and provides simple, convenient, safe and reliable digital asset management services.
Extended information
1. The interface design has a new look. The full image of the homepage assets can be browsed clearly, allowing for rapid transmission and collection. In addition to the eight currencies displayed by default, including BTC, ETH, EOS, TRX, USDT, etc., users can also add desired currencies to make asset management more comprehensive and convenient. The user holds the private key without any third-party management attached. In wallet management, back up mnemonic words, export private keys, and manage asset security. Users can also modify the wallet name and hide wallet settings according to personal preferences, all of which are carefully designed for user experience.
2. Huobi Wallet provides quick exchange function. It can quickly exchange multiple currencies across chains. Select the digital currency you want to exchange and convert according to the current exchange rate. Redemption is quick and easy. Security upgrades to protect assets. The design of Huobi’s dedicated security keyboard is more reassuring. In addition, it has also obtained a number of security patented technologies such as security isolation and data encryption. Top-level support from Huobi Security Team provides stronger security.
3. Huobi Wallet continuously strives to provide high-quality and professional digital asset management services with careful design, absolute focus, value circulation, and pursuit of excellence. The goal and vision of Huobi Wallet is to make finance more efficient, wealth more free, and privacy more secure
4. Huobi Network Business
1. Huobi Global Station, headquartered in Singapore, provides transactions and transactions in digital asset classes Investment services.
2. Huobi Korea, a Korean won-based digital asset trading platform, provides digital asset trading services.
3. China has transformed into a longitudinal and vertical information and research service platform for mainland Chinese users, providing regional chain technology research and application information, including industry consulting, research and education and training.
4. Huobi Wallet, which provides digital asset management services and user experience, is headquartered in Beijing, China.
Operating environment: Apple 12 iOS14 Huobi 12.6.0

② Is Ripple legal?

Not legal. All virtual currencies are currently illegal in China. The virtual currency investment market, its attribute is investment. But as a mainstream virtual currency, there are currently rumors that Ripple will be sold out.

③ Ripple (XRP) was suspended from trading in the United States, what happened

Ripple (XRP) was recognized as a security by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Ripple hired 21 lawyers to step up preparations to fight the US SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple (XRP).

Currently, the case is still ongoing and the results will be known in the next few months.

④ Ripple has been delisted, can Stellar Lumens turn around?

Since Ripple was formally accused by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in December, Ripple and two executives conducted up to Following the issuance of $1.3 billion in unregistered securities. Ripple #XRP# has halved from US$0.6 to less than US$0.3. Moreover, international majors such as Bitstamp and Coinbase have also announced that they will suspend XRP trading or delist XRP. Ripple fell from the peak to the bottom. People are speculating, who will the SEC’s next target be?

People speculate that it is very likely to be Stellar XLM or Yuzu EOS.

Both Stellar XLM and Ripple XRP have the same father, the founder Jed McCaleb. Functionally, we can think of them as similar. The first version of Stellar Code is basically a copy of Ripple. The second version has changed the consensus algorithm and is significantly different from Ripple in terms of functionality, but it still overlaps in terms of payment and asset issuance.

If Stellar is the same as Ripple, then Stellar will definitely be the next one to fall under the guns of the SEC. But Stellar is very different from Ripple:

Ripple connects with big banks and institutions, and financial giants collude together, making it easy for insider information trading and so on. Moreover, in order to promote Ripple, it often engages in profit transfer. For example, hundreds of millions of XRP were given to exchanges and banks in the early days. And Stellar said from the beginning that it wanted to do inclusive finance, go to third world countries, and go to Africa to help the poor. I really struggled with this in Nigeria for several years. Although the effect is not very good, in the end the market relies on Europe, America and East Asia for improvement. But this brand of community and micro-payment is still coming out.

Ripple is operated by a commercial company, so it is a profitable enterprise. Have the motivation and motivation to sell coins. Stellar is operated by Stellar Foundation (SDF), a non-profit organization. So from a management perspective, Stellar is much better. Because Ethereum also has the Ethereum Foundation, Ethereum is a non-security token recognized by the SEC.

In terms of the total amount of coins, Ripple has 100 billion, most of which are in the hands of Ripple Company, which is extremely centralized. The Stellar Foundation boldly destroyed 55 billion XLM in 2019, bringing the total number of stars to only 50 billion. With practical actions, the Stellar Foundation’s degree of centralization in currency distribution has been reduced.

Stars are also very beneficial at nodes. Because Stellar's consensus algorithm is specifically designed for public chains, Stellar's current consensus node distribution is very reasonable, and most of the nodes are controlled by the community. The Ripple algorithm is more like a consortium chain. Ripple's crazy addition of community nodes feels like "there is no silver here". The community also believes that the addition of nodes is a change made in response to the SEC.

Therefore, we can see thatEven if the star is accused, he can come up with very strong reasons to defend himself. There is very reliable evidence and action in terms of currency distribution, node distribution, and community governance. The evidence for Ripple is very pale.

It can also be reflected from the market that the price of Stellar relative to Ripple has changed from less than one-third to nearly two-thirds now. If Ripple falls and Stellar can withstand the accusations, spring will come. Ripple's accusation this time also gave Stellar time to respond. Community governance can be improved as the lawsuit progresses. Three lawsuits that decided the fate of Ripple

So should Ripple holders jump out of the car? Most of the negative effects have now been eliminated, but it can be expected that other exchanges will follow suit and delist the products. Therefore, if you can’t bear to part with Ripple, you must be prepared for another decline. Everything depends on how the lawsuit progresses. Although reconciliation is more likely, there will still be twists and turns in the process. Focus on the band, but keep a bottom position. Because if there is a settlement, or if Ripple has to destroy part of XRP, there will be a very big rebound.

The holder of the star was happier. When the sky fell, the tall Ripple held it first. The safety cushion is sufficient and you can continue to hold it. There can also be the benefit of market substitution.

Overall, Ripple is accused of being a good opportunity for Stellar. Perhaps what the Stellar community expects to be one to one with Ripple, or even exceed Ripple, will be realized in 2021.

⑤ Ripple plummeted 18%, what are the risks of investing in virtual currencies

Virtual currencies are not recognized in many countries, so they are easily affected by policies and generate a lot of fluctuations. Therefore, you need to be extremely cautious when investing in virtual currencies. The decline of Ripple this time was mainly due to the US Securities and Exchange Commission indicting two executives of Ripple, accusing them of issuing encrypted digital currencies without registration. Judging from the report provided by the Securities Regulatory Commission, Ripple has issued Ripple worth approximately US$1.3 billion without registration. This phenomenon is similar to a company issuing stock without authorization without registration. issue, so the SEC filed a lawsuit against its executives.

So far, XRP has fallen by 60%. Some large institutions that previously held XRP have also announced that they have liquidated their XRP positions. Affected by this Affected by the news, the prices of all digital currencies fell during the session. Bitcoin, which had reached a new high earlier, also fell a lot.

⑥ Why Ripple’s XRP cannot be used as a bridge asset

The development trend of CBDC is accelerating.

The momentum for countries to develop central bank digital currencies (CBDC) continues to increase. At present, countries including China, Sweden, India, Russia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States have announced trial plans and even launched proof of concept. Recently, the U.S. Treasury Department allowed stablecoins and blockchain to be used for bank payments.Payment, this good news also greatly reduces the uncertainty of regulatory issues.

The main purpose of CBDC is to improve domestic currency management, strengthen control of money supply, reduce dependence on cash, while speeding up the settlement speed of domestic parties, increasing automated processes, reducing physical processes, etc.

Interoperability is an important requirement

Recently, Cointelegraph published the article "Interoperability will determine the winners and losers of CBDC". At the same time, we have also noticed that many large companies are paying attention to trends in this field. Coindesk recently reported that the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Central Bank of Thailand, the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, and the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People's Bank of China announced that they are participating in a project to use blockchain technology for regional payments, indicating that CBDC has become more than just a On the basis of theory.

In a recently published report, Ripple described a solution using a "bridge currency" The plan, which claims that the neutral bridge currency becomes the final piece of the interoperability puzzle by effectively supporting an alternative liquidity market, will promote the success of CBDC as a global value exchange tool.

In a global economy, cross-border payments remain a thorny challenge. Any CBDC that ignores global interoperability as a core architectural consideration would be short-sighted. We need a simple, frictionless way to make cross-border payments, and CBDC can play a key role in reducing cross-border payment times from days to minutes.

What is a bridge asset?

A bridge asset is an asset used in exchange for other assets. For example, when converting Mexican pesos to Korean won, the U.S. dollar is usually the "bridge currency", meaning that the Mexican pesos are first converted to U.S. dollars, and then the U.S. dollars are converted to Korean won.

In the case of Ripple, the end-user will convert the local remitter's fiat currency into XRP, and then convert the XRP into the fiat currency required by the payee (such as MXN and KRW).

Requirements for suitable bridge assets

Roxe was designed with interoperability and the different mechanisms of "bridge currencies" in mind. During the communication with the central bank and banks, Roxe found that in the process of designing CBDC, in addition to considering the core capabilities of CBDC in the country, there are also some other important needs that need to be considered.

Other demands for these CBDC solutions include:

1. No new regulatory requirements - CBDC should reduce, not increase, bank regulatory requirements.

2. No Crypto Risk Exposure - The CBDC ecosystem should avoid exposure to volatile crypto assets.

3. No increase in foreign exchange risk - The solution should reduce foreign exchange risk through instant settlement.

4. Proven reliability, security and transparency - The solution should be decentralized and have no single point of failure.

5. High interoperability and network effects - The ideal CBDC network provides a convenient way to achieve cross-border, cross-currency, and cross-chain interoperability.

How does XRP meet the requirements?

XRP requires new compliance and reporting

Ripple requires banks to adopt XRP as an intermediary currency. This requires banks to hold, store, and follow strict reporting and accounting regulations.

XRP exposes banks to cryptocurrency volatility

XRP is highly volatile, often with daily price swings of more than 10%. XRP serves as a bridge asset. Banks directly contact XRP for transactions and need to hold and store the asset. Does a bank or central bank want to store a volatile asset?

XRP has the risk of potential foreign exchange losses

As the bridge assets fluctuate, the possibility of foreign exchange losses is higher. Exchange rates fluctuate greatly, remittance costs are uncertain, and remittance banks and users face high risks of exchange rate losses. Banks are not in the business of speculation, and in a world of razor-thin margins, these price swings can affect the profitability of trading.

Ripple’s centralized approach reduces reliability and security

Although XRP can be transferred instantly within Ripple’s infrastructure, it is centralized and key transactions occur on the chain. In addition, user transactions need to be sent through at least two centralized exchanges or banks.

What does this mean? The XRP solution is like using two independent single-engine aircraft to fly multiple legs. If either plane's engine failed, the journey would be over. Likewise, if any bank within the process fails, the transaction will fail. In the case of low redundancy and off-chain transactions, the reliability, security and transparency of the XRP solution do not meet the requirements of enterprises.

Low interoperability and network effects

Ripple’s centralized model is like hubs and spokes, not a truly interconnected network. Achieve interoperability with XRP and Ripple at the core, rather than taking a more decentralized approach and directly providing peer-to-peer transactions.

Therefore, it is difficult for the XRP solution to achieve network effects. New members cannot directly contact other members after joining. For example, when a new central bank joins, interoperability relies on XRP, which creates the issues mentioned above.

XRP also faces the challenge of being unable to meet key needs for efficient operations: more regulatory requirements; crypto asset risks on the balance sheet; XRP volatilityForeign exchange risks caused by volatility; centralized transactions and single points of failure. Ripple is not a network and has no real network effects. It is just a key solution for banks. Additionally, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently filing a lawsuit against Ripple, claiming that the company raised $1.3 billion in an ongoing, unregistered digital asset securities offering, casting doubt on its legitimacy as a real currency. Serious doubts arose.

Roxe found a better solution. A scheme that builds interoperability and network effects into the network architecture without having to transact directly with any cryptocurrency to enjoy the benefits of blockchain technology.

· No other crypto-related financial reports. Members are not required to interact with cryptocurrencies.

· No cryptocurrency price risk.

· The risk of foreign exchange rate losses due to changes in bridge currency prices is extremely low.

· Peer-to-peer transactions, providing the fastest payments with the lowest fees.

· High interoperability. As each new member joins, all other members can send and receive assets directly to the new member's clients. This applies to CBDCs, banks and other financial institutions.

CBDC innovation and activity have reached a critical point, and the importance of interoperability will continue to increase. A solution that can provide network effects while improving security, reducing risk, and providing faster, more reliable, and cheaper solutions will win this competition.

If not XRP, who would it be? Maybe Roxe can implement this solution better and faster. At the same time, Roxe has advantages in technology, talent and experience. We believe that Roxe has a bright future.

⑦ What should I do if Huobi ETP trading is suspended

Trading is generally not suspended. If the transaction is suspended for no reason, you can call customer service for consultation and continue to pay attention to the transaction trends to find out what is the reason. trading is suspended.
According to the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, Huobi stated that due to the large market fluctuations and in order to protect the interests of investors, it will temporarily not open contracts, leverage, ETP and other services for new users in some countries and regions.
What is the difference between Huobi’s ETP trading model and Qian’an’s ETP trading model? For experienced people, the ETP currency model can make considerable profits while grasping the market and operating transactions, but the ETP currency model There are also risks, that is, prices rise and fall suddenly, income shrinks significantly, and wear and tear value is very high. Overall, Huobi’s ETP trading model is completely different from Binance’s pricing. Huobi’s pricing is too volatile and easy to cut.
For Huobi, let’s take Ripple’s threefold bullishness as an example, xrp*3, which reached the highest point of more than 160 US dollars, and then fell in half. This wave caused many people to suffer huge losses. Therefore, although playing in the ETP mode will not result in liquidation of the position, you must grasp the market situation and enter the market, short-term entryShort out, or analyze the market, determine whether the market is rising or falling, and then proceed with the operation.
According to data from the Huobi trading platform, BTC rose slightly in the morning, reaching a maximum of 59500.00USDT, and then fell back quickly. It fluctuated sideways at the 58700 line during the day, and the trading volume was relatively sluggish. At the one-hour level, after continuing to rise yesterday, BTC started a new round of high sideways trading in the early sideways position. From a daily perspective, BTC fell slightly today and is still at an absolute high.
Extended information
In the evening, continue to pay attention to changes in trading volume and the breakthrough of 59,000 above and the support of 58,300 below. According to data from the Huobi trading platform, ETH rose slightly in the morning, reaching a maximum of 2150.86 USDT, setting a new historical high again. It then consolidated sideways at the 2110 line, with no significant increase in trading volume. At the one-hour level, ETH has continued to fluctuate sideways at high levels in recent days, with fierce competition between the long and short sides.
From a daily perspective, ETH has enjoyed three consecutive positive days and is at an absolutely high level. In the evening, continue to pay attention to changes in trading volume and the breakthrough of the historical high above. In terms of contracts, Huobi Contract big data shows that BTC contract positions are relatively stable, contract trading volume has declined slightly, and the contract market is not active. The basis for delivery contracts fell slightly. ETH contract positions are relatively stable, contract trading volume has declined slightly, and the contract market is inactive. The basis for delivery contracts fell slightly. The quoted price of USDT in the OTC market of Huobi Global Station is 6.71 yuan. According to data monitoring from Huobi Research.
Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market. Digital currency investment involves greater risks and unpredictability. This article does not constitute any form of investment encouragement or advice.

⑧ sec xrp court hearing date

Legal analysis: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sues Ripple for illegally selling unregistered securities January 22nd.

Legal basis: "Securities Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 3 The issuance and trading activities of securities must follow the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality.

Article 4 All parties involved in securities issuance and trading activities have equal legal status and must abide by the principles of voluntariness, compensation, and good faith.

Article 5 The issuance and trading activities of securities must comply with laws and administrative regulations; fraud, insider trading and manipulation of the securities market are prohibited.

Article 6 The securities industry, the banking industry, the trust industry, and the insurance industry shall implement separate operations and management, and securities companies and banking, trust, and insurance business institutions shall be established separately. Except as otherwise provided by the state.

⑨ What is xrp?

Increase and gradually decrease, the operation of RippleThe company is Ripple Labs (formerly OpenCoin).

Ripple is the only universal currency in the ripple system. It is different from other currencies in the ripple system. Other currencies such as CNY and USD cannot be withdrawn across gateways. In other words, the CNY issued by gateway A can only You can withdraw cash at gateway A. If you want to withdraw cash at gateway B, you must use the pending order function of the ripple system to convert it into the CNY of gateway B before you can withdraw cash at gateway B.

(9)XRP is suspended from trading and further reading

Ripple allows small businesses to receive remittances from customers within seconds, regardless of Where on earth is this customer located. Today, Ripple can transfer money from a consumer's credit card to a small business's bank account in just three days. This rapid payment feature is very helpful in managing the daily cash flow of the enterprise.

Since Ripple’s transfer fees are so low that they are negligible, in order to ensure competitiveness, credit card companies will most likely reduce their transfer fees, thereby causing small companies to spend less in this area. Credit card transaction fees are extremely unreasonable for today’s small businesses. Large companies can get more discounts, but small companies cannot enjoy the same treatment.

Reference source: Network-Ripple

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿