usdt负溢价搬砖套利 usdt 负溢价

⑴ aat国际usdt搬砖靠谱吗


⑵ 现在很多做USDT搬砖跑分的靠谱,资金会不会那个没了呢

有没有靠谱的平台 或者联系方式 最近一直在研究这个 想找个靠谱的平台试一试

⑶ USDT负溢价缩小,市场又回到起点


⑷ u币还有可能涨吗


⑸ 人民币如何买稳定币







⑹ 数字货币USDT (Tether)是什么有什么用


USDT 是 Tether 公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币 Tether USD(简称 USDT),1 USDT = 1美元,用户可以随时使用 USDT 与 USD 进行1:1兑换。Tether 公司声称其严格遵守1:1的比例准备金保证,同时 USDT 的交易确认等参数与比特币保持一致。


①法币交易: 就是直接用人民币购买数字货币。

②币币交易: 指数字货币之间的交易,以其中一种币作为计价单位去购买其他币种。

③合约交易: 合约是一种数字货币衍生产品。我们可以通过判断涨跌,选择买入做多或卖出做空合约来获取数字货币价格上涨/下降的收益。





虽然很多人质疑USDT是资金盘 游戏 ,典型的“庞氏骗局”,却不能拿出直接的证据来佐证。但从目前来看,稳定币还处于发展阶段,毕竟政策的监管还处于不断增强的阶段。但还没到最后,谁革谁的命还由得时间来考量。



USDT 是 Tether 公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币 Tether USD(简称 USDT),1 USDT = 1美元,用户可以随时使用 USDT 与 USD 进行1:1兑换。Tether 公司声称其严格遵守1:1的比例准备金保证,同时 USDT 的交易确认等参数与比特币保持一致。









虽然很多人质疑USDT是资金盘 游戏 ,典型的“庞氏骗局”,却不能拿出直接的证据来佐证。但从目前来看,稳定币还处于发展阶段,毕竟政策的监管还处于不断增强的阶段。但还没到最后,谁革谁的命还由得时间来考量。

⑺ usdt搬砖利润多大



批量起号及成本:想搬砖就一定要批量起号,批量起号成本要估算, 假如单号日赚5元,一台20开机器就是100,单月也有3000左右收益,这就是多号搬砖恐怖错在。









⑻ USDT为什么掉价


⑼ 比特币,是美国的阴谋吗







身为8年区块链玩家,类似的论调我已经不知道听过多少次了。比特币和区块链发展了这么多年,竟然还是能够听到这样的说法,如今我在做 财经 科普,我觉得自己有义务把这件事跟大家讲清楚,这期文章的数据来源包括Chainalysis、Cryptocompare、剑桥大学新兴金融中心、、Bitcoin.com等等,正式开始前,没关注的先把关注点了。




这么说吧, 任何跟你说一个国家或者个人能够垄断比特币的,全都是骗子。








谁能掌握比特币网络51%的算力,谁就能控制比特币。那么比特币的大部分算力分布在哪里呢? 答案是,中国。




如果比特币是阴谋,那么按照那些大V的逻辑, 应该是美国人怀疑比特币是中国的阴谋。




















也就是说,在这一波大牛市中, 北美投资者可能才是最大的赢家。










1. Why Bitcoin is Surging and How This Rally Is Different from 2017,Chainalysis Team

2. Bitcoin Power Analysis Hashrate Implications and Miner Economics,Sam Doctor

3. China’s leadership in the Bitcoin mining instry will be challenged,Philip Salter

4. US Bitcoin Holders Worry About Chinese Control of the Mining Network,Philip Salter

5. China’s BTC Hashrate Is Declining, Here’s Why That’s Bullish for Bitcoin,Simon Chandler

6. 热点聚焦:比特币市场格局转变 北美交易所后来居上,路透新闻部

7. 马斯克站台比特币:国内“韭菜”无奈踏空,定价权已转移华尔街,陈弗也

8. 为什么比特币定价权从中国转移到国外后,价格翻了两番?周炎炎

9. 比特币创12年 历史 新高,这次的牛市为何“静悄悄”? 邹璐徽

10. 比特币成“货币” 美国有可能借此割全球的“韭菜”吗?宋亚芬等

11. 一文解析全球比特币挖矿股全景,吉时通信

12. USDT负溢价背后:比特币定价权正在转移,王也


⑽ 火币网上的USDT能不能转到imtoken钱包

火币网上的USDT不能转到imtoken钱包。因为imtoken不支持USDT 比特派钱包支持。


USDT可以转到 bitpie里面。不过一般不建议长时间保留USDT。









⑴ Is aat international usdt transfer reliable?

Not reliable. According to the feedback from the platform and their information, this platform is a scam and many people have been defrauded of large amounts of money. Moreover, today's USDT is full of many problems. It depreciates very quickly. In the end, the money earned may not be able to offset the depreciation speed.

⑵ Nowadays, there are many reliable people doing USDT transfer benchmarking. Will the funds be lost?

Is there any reliable platform or contact information? I have been studying this idea recently. Find a reliable platform and give it a try

⑶ The negative premium of USDT has narrowed, and the market has returned to the starting point

BTC fluctuated downward yesterday and is now around $6,600. With the price of USDT Gradually rebounding, the price difference between BTC/USDT and BTC/USD also gradually narrowed
EOS retraced slightly at night, the USDT discount narrowed in the morning, and the premium between EOS and other platforms narrowed. The reason for this slight retracement is probably caused by the narrowing USDT discount. , not a bearish signal.
It’s hard to say that the market will return to the starting point, let’s slowly pick up~

⑷ Is it possible for the U currency to rise?

It is possible for the U currency to rise. According to relevant information query, USDT negative premium often means that a large number of sell orders appear after the market reaches a certain height. The currency is exchanged for USDT, and USDT is used to achieve a value preservation effect.

⑸ How to buy stablecoins in RMB

1. Why does the stablecoin USDT have a high premium to the RMB?

There is a considerable premium for using RMB to buy USDT in the OTC market. Especially during the extreme market conditions on March 12, there was even a quote of RMB 8.35 for one USDT, which was a super high premium of more than 15%. There are three main reasons for this premium:

1) Liquidity demand: When the epidemic triggers panic and creates a liquidity crisis, currency holders rush to sell their currencies and exchange them for stability and liquidity. Strong USDT, therefore a large demand for USDT broke out.

2) Derivatives margin demand: When the market fluctuates greatly, many derivatives contracts hit the liquidation line, requiring holders to increase USDT margin, so the demand for USDT surges.

3) Hedging function: Many OTC users are frightened by the turmoil in the world and prefer to exchange their fiat currencies for USDT stablecoins that are stable and can circulate quickly around the world. They are mainly used for Hedging and fast circulation.

The above three points can explain USDT’s premium over all legal currencies. However, the high premium of the RMB reflects the particularly strong demand for USDT from domestic users in China: this is mainly due to domestic foreign exchange and capital controls, and the RMB cannot be freely converted. Secondly, the activity of RMB transactions in China has increased significantly: this time the financial market has plummeted, domestic A-shares and RMB assets have been relatively less affected, so transfers from RMBThe demand for bargain hunting in the currency circle has greatly increased

⑹ What is the digital currency USDT (Tether) and what is its use

Simply put: it is a chip that can be exchanged at any time for equal value in the digital currency trading market.

USDT is Tether USD (referred to as USDT), a token based on the stable value currency U.S. dollar (USD) launched by Tether. 1 USDT = 1 U.S. dollar. Users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. Tether claims that it strictly adheres to the 1:1 ratio reserve guarantee, and that USDT’s transaction confirmation and other parameters are consistent with Bitcoin.

Mainstream exchanges on the market now generally provide the following trading methods:

① Legal currency trading: This is to directly use RMB to purchase digital currencies.

②Coin-to-crypto transactions: Refers to transactions between digital currencies, using one of the currencies as the pricing unit to purchase other currencies.

③Contract transaction: Contract is a digital currency derivative product. We can gain profits from the rise/fall of digital currency prices by judging the rise or fall and choosing to buy long or sell short contracts.

Since September 2017, major exchanges have successively closed the deposit channels for fiat currencies. At present, we can only use fiat currencies to purchase some digital currencies such as: BTC , EHT, USDT, etc.

So currently we want to invest in digital currencies. Generally, we first use legal currency to buy USDT, and then use USDT to buy other currencies. This is also one of the main uses of USDT.

Compared with digital currencies such as BTC, USDT is very stable because it has a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar. Therefore, many people in the currency circle will first take advantage of the fluctuations in the digital currency market. Buy USDT and then wait and see before taking action.

However, USDT has always been controversial. In recent years, due to the large market demand and the lack of necessary audit measures, the amount of USDT has been increased and currently exceeds 7 billion yuan. Since Tether later did not disclose its account books to the public, many people doubted whether Tether stored U.S. dollars in accordance with the fixed ratio of issuing USDT. Once a run crisis occurs, it will inevitably cause the entire digital currency to lose credit and cause a huge blow to the entire currency circle. .

Although many people question USDT as a fund-raising game and a typical "Ponzi scheme", they cannot provide direct evidence to support it. But from the current point of view, stablecoins are still in the development stage. After all, policy supervision is still in the stage of continuous strengthening. But it’s not the end yet, and time will determine who will die.

When USDT had a serious negative premium last year, I also hoarded some U. At that time, Huobi OTCThe price should be around 6.7. After the year, when the premium becomes positive, I will clear my position around 7.3.

Generally speaking, USDT is still a relatively stable investment target. If you have any opinions about USDT, you can leave a comment below or send me a private message. I have a currency exchange group here, and everyone usually communicates and shares together. ~

USDT is Tether USD (referred to as USDT), a token based on the stable value currency U.S. dollar (USD) launched by Tether. 1 USDT = 1 U.S. dollar. Users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. . Tether claims that it strictly adheres to the 1:1 ratio reserve guarantee, and that USDT’s transaction confirmation and other parameters are consistent with Bitcoin.

Mainstream exchanges on the market now generally provide the following trading methods:

① Legal currency trading: This is to directly use RMB to purchase digital currencies.

②Coin-to-crypto transactions: refers to transactions between digital currencies, using one of the currencies as the pricing unit to purchase other currencies.

③Contract transaction: A contract is a digital currency derivative. We can gain profits from the rise/fall of digital currency prices by judging the rise or fall and choosing to buy long or sell short contracts.

Since September 2017, major exchanges have successively closed the deposit channels for fiat currencies. At present, we can only use fiat currencies to purchase some digital currencies such as: BTC, EHT, USDT, etc.

So currently we want to invest in digital currencies. Generally, we first use legal currency to buy USDT, and then use USDT to buy other currencies. This is also one of the main uses of USDT.

Compared with digital currencies such as BTC, USDT is very stable because it has a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar. Therefore, many people in the currency circle will first take advantage of the fluctuations in the digital currency market. Buy USDT and then wait and see before taking action.

However, USDT has always been controversial. In recent years, due to the large market demand and the lack of necessary audit measures, the amount of USDT has been increased and currently exceeds 7 billion yuan. Since Tether later did not disclose its account books to the public, many people doubted whether Tether stored U.S. dollars in accordance with the fixed ratio of issuing USDT. Once a run crisis occurs, it will inevitably cause the entire digital currency to lose credit and cause a huge blow to the entire currency circle. .

Although many people question USDT as a fund-raising game and a typical "Ponzi scheme", they cannot provide direct evidence to support it. But from the current point of view, stablecoins are still in the development stage. After all, policy supervision is still in the stage of continuous strengthening. But it’s not the end yet, and time will determine who will die.

⑺ How much is the profit from usdt moving bricks

First of all, if you want to move bricks, you must meet several points: time and profit ratio, whether the batch starting operation and cost are met, risk control rate, and average daily labor hours.

Time and profit ratio: refers to the amount of income earned from spending time and energy every day. Generally speaking, it can be done with an average daily number of more than 5 yuan for a single number. If it is lower, it is not necessary. The profit point of new games is very high, generally around 10-20 in the early stage. (DNF mobile game has been tested by players before it is online. The daily average is about 14.)

Batch number starting and cost: If you want to move bricks, you must start the number in batches, and the cost of batch numbering must be estimated. If you order The account earns 5 yuan per day, a 20-bit machine is 100, and the income is about 3,000 in a single month. This is the terrible mistake of multi-account fraud.

A single account is really not called cheating. There is no stable income except when your character explodes. If you say how much you earn from one account, it means that you are a game merchant and you make money by changing hands. price difference.

Risk control rate: It is closely related to the cost of starting an account. Now mobile game developers are not willing to let players be businessmen and studios, so they will sanction you in certain aspects, such as freezing funds in Fantasy Westward Journey. , in addition to deductions, it will also allow you to make up for the negative funds. If you do something wrong, you will be banned immediately. For DNF sanctions, you can brush the map, but they won’t give you gold coins.

Manpower hours: It doesn’t matter if you only have three or five machines. I’ll give you 10,000 yuan a month. If you sit in front of the computer for ten hours a day, there are people who are willing to do it. If you work ten hours a month, you’ll get 3,000 yuan a month. , who is still willing to do it?

Now the game is divided into two parts, one is purely manual, and the other is fully automatic. Some people say that if you have too many accounts, you need to use scripts. I don’t agree very much. I have so many machines in the question. There isn't a script.

DNF is different. This is a game that must be played with scripts, and the sanction rate is really high. Also, when the scale becomes larger, you must register for a business license, otherwise you will be left in the cold. .

In short, whether it is a mobile game or a PC game, you can do it if you earn more than 2,000 part-time per month on a multi-player basis, and you can also do it full-time with more than 6,000 per month.

Yesterday you asked me to test too many mobile games in the comment area. Yesterday I made Genshin Impact and sold the initial account. The cost of this thing is very low. It costs 20 cents and the account dealer charges 5 yuan. Level 5 number, the profit is still quite a lot. (It takes about 20 minutes to upgrade to level 5)

It is more labor-intensive. During the test yesterday, I used all the level 5 numbers by myself. At level 5, I will give you ten consecutive draws, and at level 7, I will give you the second draw. , all I did was 20 draws in a row, and not a single 5-star card came out in yesterday’s number. The probability is really low.

⑻ Why does USDT drop in price?

USDT is a digital currency that benchmarks the US dollar at a ratio of 1:1, and USDT is the most frequently used digital asset that Chinese users convert into legal tender. A price drop may occur. There are several reasons: 1. Due to the increase in the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar,rise, causing USDT to depreciate; 2. The main trading market for USDT is concentrated in China, so a large amount of USDT may be converted into RMB, causing "capital flight". The most direct factor causing this capital flight is most likely due to a large number of low-priced Bitcoins in overseas markets, which also resulted in an abnormal negative premium for USDT. 3. Tether has been issuing additional shares, causing oversupply in the market and causing prices to fall.

⑼ Is Bitcoin a conspiracy of the United States?

Please see the link below for the video:

Musk’s platform, Wall Street is buying like crazy! Is the Bitcoin surge a US conspiracy?

On March 13, 2021, Bitcoin skyrocketed to exceed US$60,000 per coin. Behind the skyrocketing Bitcoin price, Musk was crazily campaigning for it, while Wall Street and Silicon Valley giants were buying crazily.

For example, the Grayscale Fund, which I introduced to you before, currently holds more than 650,000 Bitcoins, accounting for 3% of the total number of Bitcoins, with a value of more than 38 billion US dollars, and one of the investors behind Grayscale Fund is the famous female version of Wall Street Buffett.

In February 2021, Tesla announced that it had spent US$1.5 billion to buy Bitcoin. In just over a month, the profit may have reached US$1 billion, which is more than the money Tesla made from selling cars in the past year.

The madness on Wall Street has made many people wonder, is Bitcoin a conspiracy by the United States against the big Eastern countries? ? Many media Vs also took the opportunity to exaggerate that the United States is monopolizing Bitcoin, and we must beware of a currency war launched by the United States.

As a blockchain player for 8 years, I have heard similar arguments countless times. After so many years of development of Bitcoin and blockchain, you can still hear such statements. Now that I am doing financial science popularization, I feel that I have an obligation to make this matter clear to everyone. The data sources for this article include Chainalysis, Cryptocompare, Cambridge University Emerging Finance Center,,, etc. Before the official start, for those who haven’t paid attention, let’s pay attention first.

After I decided to do this issue, I took a look at all the big V opinions on the market about Bitcoin being an American conspiracy, and I summarized it as follows:

Wall Street and Silicon Valley in the United States are buying Bitcoin aggressively. The giants in the United States are platforming Bitcoin in order to attract investors from other countries to enter the sheepfold like sheep, and then carry outHarvest and exchange the increasingly cheap U.S. dollars in your hands for high-quality assets in other countries.

At first glance it seems reasonable and logical, but what I want to tell you is that these people either don’t understand themselves and are here to deceive the public. , or they understand it themselves, but in order to attract people's attention or for some reason, they insist on confusing right and wrong, telling everyone that Bitcoin is an American conspiracy, and creating panic. If it's the former, it means that you don't understand Bitcoin well enough and you're stupid at most. If it's the latter, it means it's broken.

Let’s put it this way, anyone who tells you that a country or individual can monopolize Bitcoin is a liar. .

In the Bitcoin world, computing power is king. What is computing power? As mentioned before, Bitcoin is actually a big ledger that can be kept by anyone, and there are very generous rewards for keeping accounts. Currently, whoever can write down a page in the ledger can get an income of 6.25 Bitcoins. Based on the price of one Bitcoin at 11:15 pm on March 23, 2021, Beijing time, it is 2.25 million yuan. In addition to this reward, there is also fee income from other people's transfers.

Bookkeeping can earn a high income, so many people want to keep books. How to decide who will do the bookkeeping at this time?

Therefore, each participant has to do a math problem. Whoever solves it first will get the power to keep accounts and get corresponding income.

The characteristic of this math problem is that the forward operation is very simple, but the reverse operation is difficult. It is so difficult that you can only try it one by one.

For example, there are 500 cooking cakes in the two cargo loads of Wuhan University. It is easy to know how many cooking cakes there are in total, but if I only tell you two There are a total of 1,000 cooking cakes in the cargo load. How many are in each of the two cargo loads? This question is not simple. If you are unlucky, you will have to guess hundreds of times before you can guess the right result.

The so-called computing power simply means the number of times this operation can be performed per second. The faster the operation speed, the greater the probability of calculating the result first. , the greater the possibility of obtaining the accounting rights of Bitcoin.

With the development of Bitcoin, the computing power of the entire Bitcoin network has continued to grow in recent years. It is currently 1.6*10^20H per second, which is equivalent to the global TOP500 The total computing power of supercomputers is 500,000 times.

Whoever can control 51% of the computing power of the Bitcoin network can control Bitcoin. So where is most of Bitcoin’s computing power located? The answer is, China.

According to data from the Cambridge Center for Emerging Finance (CCAF) in April 2020, although China’s computing power share has declined, it is still as high as 65% Above, the second-ranked United States only accounts for 7%, which is close to Russia. China is divided into provinces. One Xinjiang Autonomous Region is equivalent to 5 United States. In terms of Bitcoin computing power, the United States is completely unqualified to say that it starts from a position of strength. Talk to China.

In addition, the top ten mining pools in the world , 8 are all in China, and one of the other two has a founder from China. The only person in the world who has ever controlled 51% of Bitcoin’s computing power is a Chinese. In addition, the world's top three mining machine manufacturers are all from China. Because of this, it is often said that China has a monopoly on Bitcoin mining.

Let’s ask here, if Bitcoin is a conspiracy of the United States, the United States will control Bitcoin Give power to China?

If Bitcoin is a conspiracy, then according to the logic of those big Vs, Americans should suspect that Bitcoin is a Chinese conspiracy.

The second question is, can the United States monopolize Bitcoin by buying Bitcoin and then manipulate Bitcoin? Is the currency price cutting the world's leeks?

In theory, it is possible. And in theory anyone can do it.

This is the composition of Bitcoin trading volume from 2011 to 2018.

Before 2013, Bitcoin transactions were mainly USD transactions. With the establishment of domestic exchanges, in 2013 Years later, the RMB dominated Bitcoin transactions, and the pricing power of Bitcoin began to shift domestically. In the red part of the picture, the RMB transaction accounted for more than 80% for a long time. As a result, China also has unparalleled influence on the Bitcoin market.

Until September 4, 2017, as a precautionFinancial risks, seven ministries and commissions issued bans prohibiting the use of RMB to purchase Bitcoin. On September 14, Bitcoin China, a large domestic digital currency exchange at the time, announced that it would stop Bitcoin trading. Bitcoin plummeted 16% that day.

In just half a month, Bitcoin fell from a minimum of US$5,000 to US$3,000, a drop of up to 40%. .

Whether it is more than 90% of the trading volume, or the absolute impact of the ban on the price of Bitcoin , all illustrate the same problem. During this period, the pricing power of Bitcoin belongs to China.

Later, with the closure of a large number of domestic exchanges, the trading volume of Bitcoin and RMB gradually returned to zero. But everyone pays attention to the picture. After RMB trading was banned, USDT began to rise.

By the way, USDT is a stable currency. The so-called stable currency refers to their currency value. It is very stable, unlike Bitcoin, which has big ups and downs. USDT is benchmarked against the U.S. dollar, 1USDT=1 U.S. dollar. You may have questions here. If it is so troublesome, why not just use U.S. dollars?

This is a good question. When you can buy and sell Bitcoin directly with US dollars, of course it is more convenient to use US dollars directly. But what if USD trading in Bitcoin was banned?

Combined with the RMB trading volume from as high as over 90% to zero, everyone should know what the rise of USDT means.

As you can see from the picture, although the USDT transaction proportion is lower than the RMB transaction proportion, it still accounts for 60% of the Bitcoin transaction volume. Right and left, and as far as I know, the people who like to trade with USDT the most are Chinese. In other words, so far, the Chinese market still has a strong influence on Bitcoin.

To sum up, whether it is Bitcoin’s computing power China used to be the undisputed number one in terms of ratio and transaction ratio.

However, whether it is the proportion of computing power or the proportion of transactions, China’s voice is constantly declining.

Careful viewers should remember that IAs mentioned above, although China still occupies a dominant position in Bitcoin mining, China’s share of computing power is declining, while the shares of the United States and Russia are rising.

This is computing power.

In terms of transaction proportion, after the domestic exchanges were withdrawn, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in the United States came online one after another. Bitcoin futures,

Intercontinental Exchange, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange, has also begun to prepare a digital currency exchange.

After entering 2020, Bitcoin began to accelerate its flow into North American exchanges. According to data from Chainalysis, in 2020 In the second week of November, the net inflow of Bitcoins into North American exchanges was as high as 216,000, an increase of more than 7,000 times compared with the beginning of 2020. In October 2020, East Asia Exchange lost 240,000 Bitcoins.

In other words, in this bull market, North American investors may be the biggest winners. .

Someone once gave an example that may not be very appropriate. It is talking about the cotton market. There is a country that is a producer and has worked hard to produce cotton. , but in the end it has no pricing power.

Facing the same Bitcoin, some people avoid it, some try to surrender to it, some embrace it, and some people keep calling it a scam. It wasn't until the scolding reached 400,000 yuan that I realized that there was no chance of being cheated.

Finally, let’s look back at the question at the beginning, is Bitcoin an American conspiracy?

My answer is that it was not in the past, but it may be in the future.

We once had four great inventions, we once had Zheng He’s voyages to the West, and we once had Ten Thousand Households Feitian, but because we missed the industrial revolution, we were eventually forced to He signed the Treaty of Nanjing, the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and the Treaty of Hinchou. He was called the sick man of East Asia, and was humiliated that Chinese people and dogs were not allowed to enter. Have we suffered less from foreigners?

We were once leaders in the blockchain field, are we going to miss the next technological wave? Are you envious of Americans flying in cyberspace?

If there is a country that can control, monopolize, exploit or destroy Bitcoin, I hope that country is China.

So put aside your prejudices and embrace the future!


1. Why Bitcoin is Surging and How This Rally Is Different from 2017, Chainalysis Team

< p> 2. Bitcoin Power Analysis Hashrate Implications and Miner Economics, Sam Doctor

3. China's leadership in the Bitcoin mining instry will be challenged, Philip Salter

4. US Bitcoin Holders Worry About Chinese Control of the Mining Network, Philip Salter

5. China's BTC Hashrate Is Declining, Here's Why That's Bullish for Bitcoin, Simon Chandler

6. Hot Spot: Bitcoin Market Pattern Transforming North American exchanges and catching up from behind, Reuters News Department

7. Musk’s platform on Bitcoin: Domestic “leeks” have no choice but to go short, pricing power has been transferred to Wall Street, Chen Fuye

8. Why did the price of Bitcoin quadruple after the pricing power of Bitcoin was transferred from China to abroad? Zhou Yanyan

9. Bitcoin hit a 12-year historical high, why is this bull market so "quiet"? Zou Luhui

10. Bitcoin has become a “currency”. Is it possible for the United States to use this to cut off the world’s “leeks”? Song Yafen and others

11. An article analyzing the panorama of global Bitcoin mining stocks, Jishi Communications

12. Behind the negative premium of USDT: Bitcoin pricing power is shifting, Wang Ye

For investor reference only, notConstructing investment advice

⑽ Can the USDT on Huobi Online be transferred to the imtoken wallet?

The USDT on Huobi Online cannot be transferred to the imtoken wallet. Because imtoken does not support USDT, Bitpie wallet does.

USDT is based on the BTC block network and can be withdrawn normally. It depends on whether the other platform supports reception. It is invalid because the imtoken wallet does not interface with USDT.

USDT can be transferred to bitpie. However, it is generally not recommended to keep USDT for a long time.

The imtoken wallet is an exclusive Ethereum wallet, which can only be used to store Ethereum tokens. USDT is interchangeable with the U.S. dollar, 1 USDT = 1 U.S. dollar.

(10) USDT Negative Premium Moving Bricks Extended Reading:

The USDT Tether purchased on Huobi Online needs to be transferred to the legal currency The currency in the account is transferred to the trading account, and then a button to withdraw currency will appear below the USDT ratio. If there is no transfer, the button to withdraw currency will not appear. Then you can check whether the imtoken wallet platform can accept this currency. You can find the answer in the help.

After that, just transfer the USDT from Huobi to imtoken as usual. If imtoken does not support it, just find another wallet that can support storing USDT coins.

Advantages of Huobi:

1. Safe, reliable, easy to use, and the product user experience is particularly friendly.

2. Support OTC legal currency transactions, WeChat, Alipay and bank card transfers.

3. It is simple to apply for registration, with more currencies and large trading volume, making it easy to buy and sell at any time.

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