比特币转成usdt还会涨吗 比特币转成人民币

⑴ gate.io里怎样把BTC换成USTD


⑵ BTC转换USDT要手术费吗

用户的手续费等级是LV1,在BTC/USDT币种中,以 10000 个币卖出 1 个BTC,

① 如果全是挂单成交,则需要支付10000*0.08%= 8 个USDT作为手续费,实际到手 9992 个USDT。

② 如果全是吃单成交,则需要支付10000*0.1%= 10 个USDT作为手续费,实际到手 9990 个USDT。

③ 如果是部分吃单,部分挂单成交,则需要支付的手续费为8- 10 个USDT,实际到手9990- 9992 个USDT。

⑶ BTC TO USDT哪里换安全

我知道一个安全的平台,去Fastmixer Cash交换,跨链匿名交易,无法追踪,安全可靠,而且手续费低,我一直都在那换。需要可以网络搜下。

⑷ 什么是USDT


USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。Tether公司严格遵守1:1准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在 Tether 平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度。用户可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司提供的银行帐户,或通过交易所换取USDT。赎回美元时,反向操作即可。用户也可在交易所用比特币换取USDT。

USDT是在比特币区块链上发布的基于Omni Layer协议的数字资产。USDT最大的特点是,它与同数量的美元是等值的。USDT被设计为法币在数字网络上的复制品,使之成为波动剧烈的加密货币市场中良好的保值代币。


直观: USDT与美元是等值的,1USDT=1美元。每个币种=多少USDT,也就相当于是它的单价是多少美元。


透明: 泰达币的发行公司Tether 声称其法币储存账户有定期审计以确保市面流通的每一枚泰达币有对应的一美元为支撑。储存账户状态是公开的,可以随时查询到。此外,所有的泰达币交易记录都会公布在公链上。

小额交易费用: 在Tether账户间交易或者在储存有泰达币的钱包间交易都不收手续费。将泰达币转换为法定货币时需要收取交易服务费。


官方网站: https://tether.to/

区块查询: https://www.omniexplorer.info/

⑸ USDT小科普


USDT-Omni版本,最早的USDT版本。Omni版本的USDT使用比特币网络的Omni协议进行转账,地址格式和比特币地址完全一样,地址特点为1或3开头,一个典型的Omni USDT地址是这样的 。由于转账速度受限于比特币网络,矿工费较高,Omni版本USDT逐渐在被其他版本所替代,不过Omni版本的USDT目前依然是发行量最大,历史最悠久的版本。




⑹ 怎么充值usdt到比特尔儿海外交易所


⑺ 在币安如何将BTC转换成USDT

1、btc(比特币)一般指比特币(加密货币):比特币(Bitcoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生 。根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的虚拟的加密数字货币。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。


⑻ 持仓币种笔记1——USDT(Tether)




USDT由Bitfinex 组建的 Tether Limited 发行,于2014年推出的一种与美元锚定的加密货币,是现在应用最广的稳定币,是最为著名的稳定币,也是市场共识最高的稳定币。截止目前(2018.8.28),加密货币市值排名第六,市值约40亿美元。

简单说就是通过抵押的方式把美金上链,即每发放一个Tether(USDT)币就银行存一美元,以保证Tether(USDT) 与美元一比一锚定。因此USDT约等于一美元,并在一美元附近小幅波动。






- Omni-USDT的安全性最好,但转账速度太慢。要是你有不着急交易的大额订单,可以优先选择Omni-USDT。

- ERC20-USDT的安全性和转账速度居中,适用于数字货币市场的频繁交易。小额高频转账,优先选择ERC20-USDT。

- 至于根据不同公链的发展和特点,未来相信也会有越来越多不同主链的 USDT 被发行。

具体的USDT的总量是变动的,可以增发可以销毁,目前的总量可以在其官网上查到。 https://wallet.tether.to/transparency

首先要明白一点:不同版本 USDT 是基于不同公链的,不同的链上是不互通的。也就是说 Omni 上的 USDT 是无法转到 ERC20 链上的,所以在交易所充提 USDT 时一定要留意地址种类。链才是关键!

最简单的方法是通过地址判断 USDT 的种类,如果是 BTC 地址(地址是以1开头),那么就是基于比特币 Omni 协议的 USDT,如果是 ETH 地址(地址是以0x开头),那么就是基于 ETH ERC-20 协议的 USDT。
基于比特币 Omni 协议的 USDT 在转账过程中是会发生一笔 BTC 的转账,转账过程中需要消耗 BTC,所以如果你钱包里只有 USDT 没有 BTC 是无法进行转账的。基于比特币 Omni 协议的 USDT 转账需要 10 分钟左右,和 BTC 转账一致。

基于 ETH ERC-20 协议的 USDT 在转账过程中需要消耗 ETH 作为 GAS,所以如果你钱包里只有 USDT 没有 ETH 是无法进行转账的。基于 ETH ERC-20 协议的 USDT 的转账需要 1 分钟左右,和 ETH 转账一致。


对于新手小白而言本节是一个非常重要的知识点,因此再次提一下:不同版本 USDT 是不互通的。所以在交易所充提转账的时候一定要留意USDT的版本。

1. 虽然 USDT 锚定美元,但是由于其受Tether公司运营风险以及场内外供求关系的影响等,USDT 的价格围绕1美元浮动。根据多次汇率暴涨爆跌,USDT 爆出负面新闻等事件的经验看来,历史 USDT 场外最低价格:0.85 USD,就是最低严重缩水 15%。最近人民币汇率暴跌之后,USDT 价格会有滞后,因此此时购入USDT会更合算。推荐使用Fox.ONE 场外指数(FOI)来判断购入USDT的时机。

2. 由于 Tether 公司需要面对系统风险,信用风险,挤兑风险。USDT 的风险在过去一直没有被解决,也出现过非常多次增发销毁、盗币的问题,这其实给了其他稳定币的机会。现今市场上的稳定币主要分为三种类型:法定资产抵押型—— 与中心化资产锚定(如:USDT);加密资产抵押型——用N(>1)倍加密资产抵押(如:DAI);无抵押型——由算法控制货币价值。

3. USDT 是现在使用最多的稳定币,只要 USDT 换美元提现可以稳定,USDT 就不会极端问题,也因为 USDT 使用最广,现在针对 USDT 的金融借贷比较丰富。USDT 换美元可以通过 Bitfinix 交易所的 USDT/USD 交易对完成交易,然后提现到银行卡,但是审核的时间比较久,一般至少需要几天。所以现在 USDT 买卖都通过场外交易。最近还有消息说Tether公司将会推出锚定人民币的CNYT,大家可以关注。

4. 如果经常使用场外交易直接买 BTC、ETH 或者 EOS ,一定要认认真真的使用一段时间 USDT。USDT 的保值功能,很多人其实并不明白。将来牛市有一天你想变现的时候,也最好先换成 USDT,再逐步换人民币。

今天的笔记就到这里,希望大家能辨别 USDT 版本,转账注意主链地址,熟练掌握 购入USDT的时机,如果关于USDT还有其他的问题欢迎留言,下一次持仓币种笔记2——BTC(Bitcoin),敬请期待~

⑼ 好玩吧钻石兑换成USDT后如何对换成人民币









泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。Tether 公司严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在 Tether 平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度。


⑽ 中国数字资产交易平台如何交易

央行数字货币CBDC,全称为Central bank digital currencies,译为中央银行数字货币。中国版CBDC被描述为数字人民币,是由人民银行发行,由指定运营机构参与运营并向公众兑换,以广义账户体系为基础,支持银行账户松耦合功能,与纸钞和硬币等价,并具有价值特征和法偿性的可控匿名的支付工具。DC/EP是中国版的央行数字货币,译为“数字货币和电子支付工具”。央行数字货币开户业务需要联系中国人民银行咨询。

第二课 如何完成比特币交易资金的准备(场外入金、资金划转)
途径①: 您可以在法币交易区使用法币购入数字货币。
途径②: 您也可以将自己其他数字资产地址的资产转入交易所资金账户地址。
2. 交割ETHUSDT保证金合约→交割BTCUSDT保证金合约

⑴ How to convert BTC to USDD in gate.io

If you are using an APP to operate, just open the APP and there will be a spot transaction at the bottom. Click on it and there will be a spot transaction at the top. Select the BTC/USDT trading pair to enter the trading page of this trading pair. If you are operating on a web page, there is a transaction at the top. Click on spot trading and select BTC/USDT. Then, in the trading area, you enter the price and quantity, and you can buy or sell.

⑵ Is there any operation fee for converting BTC to USDT?

The user's fee level is LV1. In the BTC/USDT currency, 1 BTC is sold for 10,000 coins.

① If all pending orders are executed, you need to pay 10000*0.08%= 8 USDT as handling fee, and you will actually receive 9992 USDT.

② If all transactions are takers, you need to pay 10000*0.1%= 10 USDT as a handling fee, and you will actually get 9990 USDT.

③ If part of the order is taken and part of the pending order is executed, the handling fee to be paid is 8-10 USDT, and the actual amount received is 9990-9992 USDT.

⑶ Where to exchange BTC TO USDT safely

I know a safe platform, go to Fastmixer Cash to exchange, cross-chain anonymous transactions, untraceable, safe and reliable, and low handling fees, I Always changing there. You can search online if needed.

⑷ What is USDT

1. What is USDT

USDT is a token launched by Tether based on the stable value currency U.S. dollar (USD) Tether USD (hereinafter referred to as USDT), 1USDT=1 US dollar, users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. Tether strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every USDT token issued, its bank account will have 1 US dollar of funds guaranteed. Users can conduct fund inquiries on the Tether platform to ensure transparency. Users can wire USD to a bank account provided by Tether via SWIFT, or exchange for USDT through an exchange. When redeeming U.S. dollars, just reverse the operation. Users can also exchange Bitcoin for USDT on the exchange.

USDT is a digital asset based on the Omni Layer protocol released on the Bitcoin blockchain. The biggest feature of USDT is that it is equivalent to the same amount of US dollars. USDT is designed to be a replica of fiat currency on the digital network, making it a good value-preserving token in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

2. Features

Intuitive: USDT is equivalent to the US dollar, 1USDT=1 US dollar. Each currency = how much USDT, which is equivalent to its unit price in US dollars.

Stable: Because Tether is backed by legal currency, users can still trade in the blockchain asset market without being affected by the price fluctuations of most blockchain assets.

Transparency: Tether, the issuing company of Tether, claims that its legal currency storage account has regular audits to ensure that every Tether currency in circulation is backed by a corresponding US dollar. Storage account status is public and can be queried at any time. In addition, all Tether transaction records will be published on the public chain.

Small transaction fees: There are no fees for transactions between Tether accounts or between wallets storing Tether coins. Transaction service fees apply when converting Tether to fiat currency.

3. Common links

Official website: https://tether.to/

Block query: https://www.omniexplorer .info/

⑸ A brief introduction to USDT

USDT is a digital currency issued by Tether and anchored to the US dollar. After several years of development, USDT has developed four different versions, and more versions may appear in the future.

USDT-Omni version, the earliest USDT version. The Omni version of USDT uses the Omni protocol of the Bitcoin network for transfers. The address format is exactly the same as the Bitcoin address. The address features start with 1 or 3. A typical Omni USDT address looks like this. Since the transfer speed is limited by the Bitcoin network and the mining fees are high, the Omni version of USDT is gradually being replaced by other versions. However, the Omni version of USDT is still the version with the largest circulation and the oldest history.

USDT-ERC20 version, USDT that uses the Ethereum network for transfers. The address characteristics start with 0x. A typical address looks like this. Since Ethereum’s transfer speed and mining fees are both better than those of the Bitcoin network, the ERC20 version of USDT is currently the most frequently used USDT.

In addition to the main Omni and Ethereum versions, there is also the Tron version of USDT, which uses the Tron network for transfers of USDT. The address characteristics begin with T. The current issuance volume is still relatively small, but some mainstream exchanges have begun to support it. The latest USDT has also begun to be issued on the EOS network, and the address is characterized by a combination of 12 letters and numbers in length.

⑹ How to recharge usdt to Biter overseas exchange

1. Transfer US dollars to the bank account provided by Tether through SWIFT.
2. Or exchange for USDT through the exchange. When redeeming US dollars, the reverse operation is enough. Users can also exchange Bitcoin for USDT on the trading platform.

⑺ How to convert BTC to USDT on Binance

1. btc (Bitcoin) generally refers to Bitcoin (cryptocurrency): The concept of Bitcoin (Bitcoin) was originally coined by Ben Satoshi proposed it on November 1, 2008, and was officially born on January 3, 2009. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.
2. Tether (USDT) is a virtual currency that pegs cryptocurrency to the legal currency US dollar.

Warm reminder: The above content is for reference only. According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, is not currency in the true sense, does not have the same legal status as currency, and cannot be It should not be used as currency in the market, and citizens’ investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.
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⑻ Position Currency Notes 1 - USDT (Tether)

If you regard holding digital assets as investment, then it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the objects you hold. The better you understand the investment target, the more confident you can make a decision (hold it or give up decisively). To this end, I will sort out the currencies I hold and form a series, which will be both my own notes and for everyone’s reference.

I originally wanted to start with BTC, but after thinking about it, Tether (USDT) is more practical for novices who have just entered the market, because after all, most of the daily inflow/outflow of BTC is Tether (USDT). ), the figure below shows the distribution of capital inflows/outflows of BTC in the last 24 hours (2019.8.28).

It can be seen that Tether (USDT) is the absolute main force. And for newcomers who have just entered the field,If you are not familiar with the violent fluctuations of digital assets, exchanging a portion of Tether (USDT) at the right time to wait for the opportunity is a good choice to enter this world.
Okay, let's get started.

USDT is issued by Tether Limited formed by Bitfinex. It was launched in 2014 as a cryptocurrency anchored to the US dollar. It is the most widely used stable currency, the most famous stable currency and the market leader. The stablecoin with the highest consensus. As of now (2018.8.28), the cryptocurrency market value ranks sixth, with a market value of approximately US$4 billion.

To put it simply, U.S. dollars are put on the chain through mortgage, that is, for every Tether (USDT) currency issued, one U.S. dollar is deposited in the bank to ensure that Tether (USDT) is anchored to the U.S. dollar on a one-to-one basis. Therefore, USDT is approximately equal to one U.S. dollar and fluctuates slightly around one U.S. dollar.

In November 2014, USDT was born on the Bitcoin network and was officially launched on several major exchanges in February 2015. Before 2018, there was only one transfer path for USDT, and that was Omni-USDT based on the Bitcoin network.
Omni-USDT is stored on a Bitcoin address, so every time you transfer, you need to pay Bitcoin as a miner fee. Omni-USDT is on the Bitcoin network chain, and the cost of hacking is very high, so the asset is relatively secure. However, its transaction speed is very slow and cannot meet the needs of today's encryption trading market. However, many large transactions will still tend to Omni-USDT.

In early 2018, the Ethereum network exploded in popularity, smart contracts became popular in blockchain applications, and ERC20-USDT appeared.
Like Omni-USDT, using ERC20-USDT also requires payment of absenteeism fees, but the transfer speed has been significantly improved. Due to its good security and fast transfer speed, ERC20-USDT is widely accepted by the market. TEDA, the issuer of USDT, has also begun to abandon Bitcoin Omni in favor of the more efficient Ethereum ERC20. With the recent issuance of USDT by TEDA on Ethereum, the number of ERC20-USDT has increased significantly and now exceeds 50% of the total amount of Omni-USDT. In addition to officially abandoning the Omni protocol, mainstream exchanges have also begun to support ERC20-USDT.

In April 2019, TEDA announced the issuance of USDT based on the TRC-20 protocol on Tron, and TRC20-USDT was born. When TRC20-USDT was issued, it promised to be completely open and transparent, with zero transfer fees and transfers in seconds.
Unlike the first two, there is currently no handling fee for TRC20-USDT transfers., which is also a highlight of Tron’s creation. However, the current development of TRC20-USDT is not very mature and security cannot be guaranteed.

In addition to the above three versions, there are currently USDT issued on EOS and Liquid, but the amount is relatively small and I will not expand on it in detail.


- Omni-USDT has the best security, but the transfer speed is too slow. If you have large orders that you are not in a hurry to trade, you can choose Omni-USDT first.

- ERC20-USDT has average security and transfer speed, and is suitable for frequent transactions in the digital currency market. For small-amount, high-frequency transfers, ERC20-USDT is preferred.

- As for the development and characteristics of different public chains, I believe that more and more USDT of different main chains will be issued in the future.

The specific total amount of USDT changes and can be issued or destroyed. The current total amount can be found on its official website. https://wallet.tether.to/transparency
As of August 28, 2019, the total amount of different versions is as follows.

First of all, we need to understand one thing: different versions of USDT are based on different public chains, and different chains are not interoperable. In other words, USDT on Omni cannot be transferred to the ERC20 chain, so you must pay attention to the address type when depositing and withdrawing USDT on the exchange. The chain is the key!

The simplest way is to determine the type of USDT by the address. If it is a BTC address (the address starts with 1), then it is USDT based on the Bitcoin Omni protocol. If it is an ETH address (the address starts with 1) starting with 0x), then it is USDT based on the ETH ERC-20 protocol.
During the transfer process of USDT based on the Bitcoin Omni protocol, a BTC transfer will occur. The transfer process requires BTC to be consumed, so if you only have USDT and no BTC in your wallet, you cannot make the transfer. USDT transfers based on the Bitcoin Omni protocol take about 10 minutes, which is consistent with BTC transfers.

USDT based on the ETH ERC-20 protocol needs to consume ETH as GAS during the transfer process, so if you only have USDT and no ETH in your wallet, you cannot make the transfer. US based on ETH ERC-20 protocolThe transfer of DT takes about 1 minute, which is consistent with the transfer of ETH.

The lower left corner of the currency logo in MIXIN's wallet is the logo of the public chain where this ratio is released, so the way to distinguish it is very simple, just look at the lower left corner of the USDT icon. See the figure below for details:

This section is a very important knowledge point for novices, so I would like to mention it again: different versions of USDT are not interoperable. Therefore, you must pay attention to the USDT version when depositing, withdrawing, and transferring money on the exchange.

1. Although USDT is anchored to the U.S. dollar, the price of USDT floats around 1 U.S. dollar due to the impact of Tether's operational risks and the supply and demand relationship on and off the market. Based on the experience of multiple exchange rate surges and collapses, negative news about USDT and other events, the lowest price of USDT over the counter in history is 0.85 USD, which is the lowest serious shrinkage of 15%. After the recent sharp fall in the RMB exchange rate, the price of USDT will lag, so it will be more cost-effective to purchase USDT at this time. It is recommended to use the Fox.ONE OTC Index (FOI) to judge the timing of purchasing USDT.

2. Because Tether company needs to face systemic risks, credit risks, and run risks. The risks of USDT have not been resolved in the past, and there have been many issues of additional issuance, destruction, and currency theft. This actually gives other stablecoins opportunities. Stablecoins on the market today are mainly divided into three types: legal asset mortgage type - anchored with centralized assets (such as USDT); crypto asset mortgage type - mortgaged with N (>1) times crypto assets (such as: DAI); uncollateralized - currency value controlled by algorithm.

3. USDT is the most widely used stable currency. As long as the USDT exchange for USD withdrawal can be stable, USDT will not be an extreme problem. Also because USDT is the most widely used, there are now relatively abundant financial loans for USDT. To exchange USDT for US dollars, you can complete the transaction through the USDT/USD trading pair on the Bitfinix exchange, and then withdraw it to the bank card, but the review time is relatively long, usually at least a few days. So now USDT is bought and sold through over-the-counter transactions. Recently, there is news that Tether will launch CNYT anchored to the renminbi. You can pay attention to it.

4. If you often use OTC transactions to directly buy BTC, ETH or EOS, you must use USDT seriously for a period of time. Many people don’t actually understand the value-preserving function of USDT. When there is a bull market in the future and you want to cash out, it is best to switch to USDT first.Then gradually exchange for RMB.

That’s it for today’s notes. I hope you can identify the USDT version, pay attention to the main chain address when transferring, and be proficient in the timing of purchasing USDT. If you have other questions about USDT, please leave a message and hold a position next time. Currency Note 2 - BTC (Bitcoin), so stay tuned~

⑼ It’s fun, how to convert diamonds into USDT and then convert them into RMB

The 2 methods of converting USDT into RMB are as follows :

1. Direct platform exchange for RMB

On November 6, Zhongbit, where the national team has settled, opened the USDT exchange for RMB business, which is equivalent to using USDT as a medium to make a detour. Let everyone continue to have fun! (Simple and rough)

Operation tutorial: Simply put, register an account, authenticate your real name, bind a bank card, then top up USDT to medium bits, and finally go to the C2C trading area to exchange for RMB!

2. Use Bitcoin as a bridge

In fact, the most reasonable and fastest way to exchange USDT for US dollars is to use USDT to buy Bitcoin, and then transfer the Bitcoin to Get it on the over-the-counter trading platform and sell it to convert into RMB.

The court reminded that investment transactions in virtual currencies are not protected by law and investors must remain sober and rational. Virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have monetary attributes such as compensatory and mandatory, does not have the same legal status as currency, and cannot be used as currency in the market.

Extended reading:

Tether USDT (USDT) is a token Tether USD (hereinafter referred to as USDT) launched by Tether based on the stable value currency US dollar (USD), 1 USDT = 1 US dollar , users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. Tether strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every USDT token issued, its bank account will have 1 US dollar of funds guaranteed. Users can conduct fund inquiries on the Tether platform to ensure transparency.

Tether is a virtual currency that pegs cryptocurrency to the U.S. dollar, the fiat currency. Each Tether coin is symbolically tied to a government-backed fiat currency. Tether is a virtual currency held in a foreign exchange reserve account and backed by legal currency. This method can effectively prevent large price fluctuations in cryptocurrency. Basically, one Tether is worth 1 US dollar.

⑽ How to trade on China’s digital asset trading platform

The most basic transaction process of cryptocurrency
In the cryptocurrency market, transactions are open 7*24 hours, and market changes are based on Count in seconds. So how to do the most basic and complete transaction process through RMB? The following general ideas are for reference.
First of all, you need to register a cryptocurrency exchange account at a cryptocurrency exchange, which is similar to a shareholder account in the stock market and is used to log in to the cryptocurrency exchange. recommendCryptocurrency exchanges include Binance, Huobi, etc.
After opening an account, complete the real-name authentication and bind a bank card or Alipay or WeChat for final cash withdrawal.
Log in to the exchange, and you must first recharge the cryptocurrency during the transaction. This is to use RMB to purchase the corresponding amount of cryptocurrency. Usually, you will first purchase Tether USDT, commonly known as digital U.S. dollars, because you can use it to purchase/invest in other currencies. Mainstream coins or altcoins. At this time, since the cryptocurrency is purchased with legal currency, the currency is under the legal currency sub-account. If you want to use it to purchase other cryptocurrencies for transactions, you need to transfer the cryptocurrency between sub-accounts, such as transferring USDT from legal currency to The sub-account is transferred to the currency trading sub-account. After the funds are transferred to the currency trading sub-account, you can buy other currencies for trading.
When you need to sell cryptocurrency after making a profit or stopping a loss, you place an order to sell it in the transaction, usually selling it back to USDT. After the transaction is successful, the cryptocurrency is returned to the Bibi sub-account. When you need to withdraw cash, you need to transfer the cryptocurrency to the fiat currency sub-account, then find the fiat currency transaction in the transaction, sell the digital assets, and specify the bank card, Alipay or WeChat that was originally set for withdrawal.
Usually in about 5 minutes, the withdrawal is successful and the transaction process is completed.
How to open an account for digital currency transactions
Central bank digital currency CBDC, the full name is Central bank digital currencies, translated as central bank digital currency. The Chinese version of CBDC is described as a digital renminbi, which is issued by the People's Bank of China, operated by designated operating agencies and redeemed by the public. It is based on a broad account system, supports the loose coupling function of bank accounts, is equivalent to banknotes and coins, and has A controllable and anonymous payment instrument with value characteristics and legal liability. DC/EP is China’s version of the central bank’s digital currency, translated as “digital currency and electronic payment tools.” For central bank digital currency account opening business, you need to contact the People's Bank of China for consultation.
Response time: 2022-01-24. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.

How do Chinese people enter digital exchanges
Download the required platform app, register, perform identity authentication, and then you can log in and use it.
Go to the official website to download the software, and register for real-name authentication, ID card authentication, advanced authentication (face), and then perform security authentication, including bundling bank cards, setting fund passwords, mobile phone number authentication, Google, email and other security authentication , can you officially join the digital currency exchange. The above mentioned are formal digital currency exchanges, and informal security options are few.
Although coinbase is a digital currency exchange in the United States, it can be used in China. You only need to enter this Just register an account on the platform and then perform real-name authentication. Coinbase, the world's largest virtual currency digital asset exchange service platform website. Bitcoin quotes, Ethereum quotes, app downloads, new recruits and rebatesCommission consultation. Binance, Huobi, and OKEX are the largest currency trading centers in the country with the largest number of traders.
Lesson 2: How to complete the preparation of Bitcoin trading funds (over-the-counter deposit, fund transfer)
The first step, deposit
If you do not have digital currency assets on the OKEx platform, then you You need to make a deposit before you can conduct contract transactions.
Method 1: You can use legal currency to purchase digital currency in the legal currency trading area.
Method 2: You can also transfer assets from your other digital asset addresses to the exchange’s capital account address.
Second step, fund transfer
After you own digital assets, there is the most critical step in the early stage - fund transfer, which will provide original capital for your trading account.
Path ①: For example, if you plan to trade BTC currency-based delivery contracts, as shown in the picture, click the fund transfer function on the top navigation bar. After entering, first select the currency to be transferred (BTC), and then select the account to transfer out. If you are depositing funds from legal currency channels, you need to select "From legal currency account to delivery contract account", and then select the sub-directory of the delivery contract. Then select "BTCUSD Account". After the selection is completed, fill in the transfer amount and click OK to complete the transfer.
Path ①: For example, if you plan to trade BTC currency-based delivery contracts, as shown in the picture, click the fund transfer function on the top navigation bar. After entering, first select the currency to be transferred (BTC), and then select the account to transfer out. If you are depositing funds from legal currency channels, you need to select "From legal currency account to delivery contract account", and then select the sub-directory of the delivery contract. Then select "BTCUSD Account". After the selection is completed, fill in the transfer amount and click OK to complete the transfer.
Method 2: On the transaction page of the contract, the entrance and function of fund transfer will also be provided
For example, if you plan to trade the BTCUSDT delivery contract, as shown in the picture, select "Fund Transfer" on the right side of the asset column. 』, after entering, the system will help you select the transfer currency by default as USDT, and then you need to select the account to transfer out. If you are depositing money from an off-site currency deposit channel, then select "From capital account to delivery contract account" , at this time the system has selected the BTCUSDT account by default. You only need to fill in the transfer amount and click OK to complete the transfer.
Next, attach the transfer between the two contract accounts (perpetual delivery).
1. Delivery of BTC coin-margin contract→Perpetual BTC coin-margin contract
2. Delivery of ETHUSDT margin contract→Delivery of BTCUSDT margin contract
3. Delivery of BTCUSDT margin contract→Perpetual BTCUSDT margin contract Contract
Attached to the OKEx platform account structure
Click to receive OKEX Academy’s exclusive currency bonus
How to trade digital currencies
RMB directly buys and sells Bitcoin "OTC OTC” platform can realize:
Buy Bitcoin BTC directly with RMB. Sell ​​the Bitcoin BTC you hold and exchange it for RMB
This trading model is commonly known as "OTC". It is a direct transaction between individuals and the platform guarantees it. It is a bit like Taobao, which specializes in buying and selling Bitcoins. However, if you encounter a scammer during a transaction, it is still a troublesome thing. Therefore, it is recommended that when choosing a platform, you should not only consider whether it supports RMB transactions, but also whether it has Chinese customer service. If there is a problem with the transaction, it can be convenient. Contact customer service in Chinese and apply for arbitration. The procedures of most "OTC" websites are similar. It is recommended to use 66otc exchange for OTC trading.
1. RMB trading in other currencies
Since the current policy prohibits direct RMB transactions, we often use USDT as an intermediary during virtual currency transactions. USDT is a U.S. dollar legal tender token that always maintains a 1:1 exchange rate with the U.S. dollar, which is equivalent to the U.S. dollar in the blockchain. To understand it simply: you can think of USDT as equivalent to the US dollar.
Take Huobi as an example. Registration and identity authentication are very convenient for mainland users. The website is also in line with the habits of mainland users. At the same time, it can be used to buy and sell coins in RMB in one stop.
Due to policy issues, Huobi had to split its business into two channels. The "Fiat Currency Trading" channel deals with the use of RMB to trade USDT, and the "Cryptocurrency Trading" channel deals with the use of USDT to trade virtual currencies. Since both channels have It belongs to the Huobi platform, so you only need to simply perform the "in-site currency transfer" operation, and the USDT as an intermediary can be transferred between the two channels, which is a one-stop purchase and sale of currency in RMB in disguise.
2. [Buy Coins] How to buy digital currency with RMB
Step 1: Through the "Fiat Currency Trading" channel of Huobi Professional Station, you can directly use RMB to buy USDT
Step 2 : Transfer the USDT you just bought from the "OTC Station" to the "Professional Station" through intra-site transfer, and it will arrive in your account in seconds with 0 handling fee
Step 3: Through the "Bibi" of Huobi Professional Station "Trading" channel for currency buying transactions
Buy mainstream currencies: you can directly use USDT to buy the currency you want
Buy small currencies: first use USDT to buy BTC or ETH, and then transfer BTC or ETH Change to the small currency you want
[Sell Coin] After the digital currency you hold appreciates, how to exchange it back for RMB and save money
Step 1: Through the "Fiat Currency Trading" channel of Huobi Professional Station Carry out transactions and exchange all the coins in your hand into USDT
Step 2: Transfer the USDT in Huobi "Professional Station" to Huobi "OTC Station" through intra-site transfer, and it will arrive in your account in seconds, 0 Handling fee
Step 3: Sell these USDT through Huobi’s “Fiat Currency Transaction” to obtain RMB
How to buy digital currency
Digital currency, which is now DCEP issued by the central bank, is a digital currency, but not a commodity, but an equivalent medium. We can't buy it, we can only exchange it one-to-one with cash.
In fact, it is a way of moving banknotes online and expressing them digitally. It is equivalent to moving the cash in our lives to the Internet. It is endorsed by the national credit, is mandatory, irresistible, and is not affected by the Internet.
If you want to obtain digital renminbi, you can first download the digital renminbi APP, but there is no download link for this APP in the Renren mobile app store.
As of June 4, 2021, the digital RMB APP has not yet been launched in major app stores. Only after participating in the digital RMB red envelope activity will you receive a text message with a download link.

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