二手惠普8730w能买吗 二手惠普850g3多少钱

㈠ 有人用过HP的8200或8300 USDT系列的小主机吗 可以上笔记本显卡的


㈡ 8300 USDT最高能加装那个型号的独立显卡

AMDTI Radeon HD 7650A (MXM)
1、为了保证硬件可以安全稳定的使用,推荐您添加HP原厂备件。您可以将您的联系方式及您在网络的问题链接通过 [email protected] 邮箱发送给我们,会有专员联系您帮助您订购HP原厂配件。
2、硬件添加存在兼容性的影响,因为硬件兼容性方面目前没有一个可以确定的方法, 若自己添加的话,建议您到硬件经销商处当场添加,看是否可以开机稳定的运行(惠普机器对硬件品牌没有限定);或在购买前与经销商协商好如果配件不兼容的处理方法,以免给您带来不便。
如果以上信息没有解决您的问题,您还可以继续追问,或是通过访问惠普技术支持网页( www.hp.com/cn )寻求帮助。感谢您对惠普的支持。

㈢ 惠普hp8300台式电脑市场价是多少


HP8300为商用小型立式台式电脑,三代英特尔酷睿处理器及Q77 Express芯片组,Intel 智能响应技术。共有23款产品。



CPU 频率:3.2GHz


内存类型:DDR3 1600MHz




㈣ 惠普 康柏Elite 8300 USDT 台式电脑可以加装独立显卡吗


㈤ 我想升级老电脑,在淘宝看上了惠普HP8300 Elite SFF的主板,不知dc7900SFF 能不能装8300 Elite SFF的主板


㈥ 惠普8300 USDT 独立显卡设置


㈦ 8300 usdt 支持 q1000m显卡吗

您描述的这款显卡型号NVIDIA Quadro 1000M ,惠普这边只在HP Z1工作站测试过,您这边描述的8300 usdt 是属于惠普商用台式机,惠普官方没有测试过的,不建议您使用

㈧ 惠普8300 elite usdt支持多大cpu

这款主机最大支持Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650处理器,也支持Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550s处理器使用的,通常更换接入后直接开机后,主板会自动识别启用处理器运行的~ 希望以上回复对您有所帮助

㈨ hp 8300可以加内存条吗加多少加硬盘容量有最高封顶吗可以独显吗是不是只能加1g的独显

1、您这款电脑同时可安插四根内存插槽(非USDT机型),支持的内存规格为DDR3 non-ECCUp to 1600 MT/s,单条最大支持的容量为8G,共可支持32G(因为系统内存寻址方面的限制,32位系统无法识别到3.25GB以上的内存,因此升级内存后建议您安装64位的操作系统以便您可以使用到更大的内存)。
2、这款机器最大测试过1 TB, 7200 rpm, SATA 6.0 Gb/s, SMART IV接口的硬盘。
AMD Radeon HD 6350 (512 MB) PCIe x16
AMD Radeon HD7450 (1 GB) PCIe x16
NVIDIA NVS 300 (512 MB) PCIe x16
NVIDIA NVS 310 (512 MB) PCIe x16
NVIDIA GeForce GT630 (2 GB) FH PCIe x16
1、为了保证硬件可以安全稳定的使用,推荐您添加HP原厂备件。您可以将您的联系方式及您在网络的问题链接通过 [email protected] 邮箱发送给我们,会有专员联系您帮助您订购HP原厂内存。
2、硬件添加存在兼容性的影响,因为硬件兼容性方面目前没有一个可以确定的方法, 若自己添加的话,建议您到内存经销商处当场添加,看是否可以开机稳定的运行(惠普机器对内存品牌没有限定);或在购买前与经销商协商好如果内存不兼容的处理方法,以免给您带来不便。

㈩ 惠普台式机8300如何重装系统


惠普compaq 8300 开机提示的NTLDR is missing是windows引导数据读取出错,需要重新安装系统,系统安装时需要更换纯净版系统引导重新安装,避免通过克隆版(ghost)或winPE等快速自动方式安装系统,这种系统安装时没有安装系统过程的逐步识别硬件操作,是通过此软件强制覆盖数据到硬盘内,数据拷贝过程可能会出错导致开机无法正常读取引导数据无法进入系统。


这款台式机使用纯净版系统系统时,若安装XP系统,可以进入BIOS中将storage options栏目下将SATA emulation选项更改为IDE mode后,按F10选择yes保存设置退出即可。

光驱引导选择BIOS下storage 栏目中boot order选项中,EFI BOOT source栏目下的ATAPI CD/DVD drive 选择即可,选择后按F10选择yes保存退出即可。



在其它任一台电脑上运行, 将程序释放到默认的路径C盘下swsetup文件夹中, 将sp57135文件夹拷贝到U盘。
windows7系统也支持优盘安装,关于如何使用U盘安装windows7 建议您可以参考下微软提供的官方文档: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/978874/zh-cn
安装Windows 7 系统至选择分区时,再将U盘插在USB接口中, 点击”加载驱动”项目,选择优盘中sp57135内drive中文件如果安装的是win7 32bit系统,需要加载x32文件夹的内容,win7 64bit系统加载x64文件夹内容。

㈠ Has anyone used HP's 8200 or 8300 USDT series of small hosts that can be used with laptop graphics cards?

HP's 8200 or 8300
USDT series of small hosts can use MXM3 Graphics card with .0 interface
This kind of graphics card is expensive and rare, and can be used with universal interfaces. However, the CPU configuration of this kind of machine is also relatively low, and it cannot be used if it is equipped.

㈡ 8300 USDT, which model of independent graphics card can be installed at most

Hello, China HP, we are happy to serve you!
This machine you have tested has the following maximum Specifications of graphics card:
AMDTI Radeon HD 7650A (MXM)
1. In order to ensure that the hardware can be used safely and stably, it is recommended that you add HP original spare parts. You can send us your contact information and the link to your problem on the Internet via [email protected], and a specialist will contact you to help you order HP original accessories.
2. Adding hardware will have compatibility effects, because there is currently no sure way to determine hardware compatibility. If you add it yourself, it is recommended that you go to the hardware dealer to add it on the spot to see if it can be started and run stably ( HP machines have no restrictions on hardware brands); or negotiate with the dealer before purchasing on how to deal with incompatible accessories to avoid inconvenience to you.
I am an HP employee.
If the above information does not solve your problem, you can continue to ask questions or seek help by visiting the HP technical support webpage (www.hp.com/cn). Thank you for your support of HP.

㈢ What is the market price of HP hp8300 desktop computer?

The market price of hp8300 desktop computer is 2950-6450 yuan.

HP8300 is a commercial small vertical desktop computer, equipped with third-generation Intel Core processor and Q77 Express chipset, and Intel Intelligent Response Technology. There are 23 products in total.

Product type: Business computer

Chassis type: Vertical

CPU frequency: 3.2GHz

Core/thread count: Quad core /Eight threads

Memory type: DDR3 1600MHz

Hard disk capacity: 1TB

Video card type: Core graphics card

Video memory capacity: shared memory Capacity

㈣ HP Compaq Elite 8300 USDT Can a desktop computer be equipped with a discrete graphics card?

A notebook graphics card can be added, but a 230W power supply is required.

㈤ I want to upgrade my old computer, and I fell in love with the HP HP8300 Elite SFF motherboard on Taobao.Do you know whether the dc7900SFF can be installed with the 8300 Elite SFF motherboard?

It depends on whether the interface on the back is consistent with the iron plate on the chassis. If you don’t need to consider this, then it is no problem to install the 8300 motherboard.
The 7900 machine is several years old, and the 8300 is the latest one. There must be a big difference.

㈥ HP 8300 USDT independent graphics card settings

This model does not have an independent graphics card.
This computer is a small chassis, there is no space inside to allow the installation of a graphics card, and the configuration is also low. Integrated graphics is used. In addition, adding hardware will have compatibility effects, because there is currently no sure way to determine hardware compatibility, which may cause damage to the system.
This host supports up to intelcore2quadq9650 processor, and also supports intelcore2quadq9550s processor. Usually, after the replacement and access, the motherboard will automatically recognize and enable the processor to run after booting directly. The interface forms of independent graphics cards used in desktop computers are AGP and PCI-E. The independent graphics cards used in notebook computers can be divided into MXM interface independent graphics cards developed by nVidia and AXOM interface independent graphics cards developed by ATI.

Does 8300 usdt support q1000m graphics card?

Hello! Thank you for choosing an HP product.
The graphics card model you describe is NVIDIA Quadro 1000M. HP has only tested it on HP Z1 workstations. The 8300 usdt you describe here belongs to HP commercial desktops. HP has not officially tested it and does not recommend it. Use
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask at any time, we will do our best to assist you!
Your acceptance is the driving force for our progress! If you agree with my answer, please click the [Accept Answer] and [Satisfaction] buttons!

㈧ How many CPUs does HP 8300 elite usdt support?

This host supports up to Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 processors, and also supports Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550s processors. Usually, the interface is replaced. After booting directly after entering, the motherboard will automatically identify the processor and enable it~ I hope the above reply will be helpful to you

㈨ Can I add memory modules to the hp 8300? How much can I add to the hard disk capacity? Is there a maximum limit for the hard disk capacity? Can it be used independently? Is it possible to add only 1g of independent graphics?

Hello! Thank you for choosing an HP product.
1. Your computer can accommodate four memory slots at the same time (non-USDT models). The supported memory specifications are DDR3 non-ECCUp to 1600 MT/s. The maximum supported capacity of a single slot is 8G. A total of Support 32G (because system memory addressingDue to limitations, 32-bit systems cannot recognize memory above 3.25GB, so after upgrading the memory, it is recommended that you install a 64-bit operating system so that you can use larger memory).
2. This machine has been tested with a maximum hard drive of 1 TB, 7200 rpm, SATA 6.0 Gb/s, SMART IV interface.
3. This machine has been tested with the following graphics cards:
AMD Radeon HD 6350 (512 MB) PCIe x16
AMD Radeon HD7450 (1 GB) PCIe x16
NVIDIA NVS 300 ( 512 MB) PCIe x16
NVIDIA NVS 310 (512 MB) PCIe x16
NVIDIA GeForce GT630 (2 GB) FH PCIe x16
1. In order to ensure that the hardware is safe and stable For use, it is recommended that you add HP original spare parts. You can send us your contact information and the link to your problem on the Internet via [email protected], and a specialist will contact you to help you order HP original memory.
2. Hardware addition has compatibility effects, because there is currently no sure way to determine hardware compatibility. If you add it yourself, it is recommended that you go to a memory dealer to add it on the spot to see if it can run stably at startup ( HP machines have no restrictions on memory brands); or negotiate with the dealer on how to deal with incompatible memory before purchasing to avoid inconvenience to you.
Your acceptance is the driving force for our progress! If you agree with my answer, please click the [Accept Answer] and [Satisfaction] buttons! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, we will do our best to assist you!

㈩ How to reinstall the system on HP Desktop 8300

Hello, thank you for choosing HP products.

The HP compaq 8300 prompts that NTLDR is missing when starting up. It means that there is an error in reading the Windows boot data and the system needs to be reinstalled. When installing the system, you need to replace the pure version of the system boot and reinstall to avoid using the cloned version (ghost) or winPE. When installing the system, there is no step-by-step hardware identification operation during the system installation process. The software is used to force overwrite the data to the hard disk. The data copy process may go wrong, causing the boot data to be unable to be read normally and the system to be entered. .

If you must use winPE software, you need to find a software version that supports serial hard drives and boot so that the computer hard drive can be recognized.

When this desktop computer uses a pure version of the system, if you install the XP system, you canTo enter the BIOS, change the SATA emulation option to IDE mode under the storage options column, press F10 and select yes to save the settings and exit.

To boot from the optical drive, select the boot order option in the storage column under the BIOS, and select ATAPI CD/DVD drive under the EFI BOOT source column. After selecting, press F10, select yes, save and exit.

When installing the Windows 7 system, use the pure version of the system to boot and install. During the installation process, you need to access the USB flash drive and manually load the hard disk drive to complete the installation.

1. Making a hard drive
The hard drive download link is as follows: ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp57001-57500/sp57135.exe

Run it on any other computer, release the program to the swsetup folder under the default path C drive, and copy the sp57135 folder to the USB flash drive.
2. Boot installation system
The Windows 7 system also supports USB flash drive installation. Regarding how to use a USB flash drive to install Windows 7, it is recommended that you refer to the official documentation provided by Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/ 978874/zh-cn
3. Load the hard drive
After installing Windows 7 system to select the partition, insert the USB flash drive into the USB interface, click the "Load Driver" item, and select the drive in sp57135 in the USB flash drive. In the file, if you install a win7 32bit system, you need to load the contents of the x32 folder, and if you install a win7 64bit system, you need to load the contents of the x64 folder.

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