加密货币公钥和私钥 区块链中公钥和私钥的区别


私钥(private key )


公钥( public key )


地址( address )




After understanding symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption, let’s introduce what the private key, public key and address of cryptocurrency are, and how they are generated. The following uses the Bitcoin protocol to introduce addresses, public keys, and private keys. The process is relatively complicated. I will simplify some processes to make it easier for everyone to read.

Private key (private key)

The private key is a random number randomly generated by the computer. It contains about fifty numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters. There is no fixed logic and rules. Private keys and public keys are generated in pairs. There will only be one set in the world and will not be repeated. In the world of cryptocurrency, public keys will be scattered on the Internet, but the "private key" can only be held by the person. Therefore, " "Private Key" represents the ownership of the asset. Whoever owns the "Private Key" has the right to use the wallet address, so be sure to keep your "Private Key" well, do not give it to anyone casually, and do not remember it. on any computer or cloud drive that may have been stolen.

Public key (public key)

Bitcoin’s public key is a set of private keys generated by encrypting the private key through an algorithm called “elliptic curve encryption” (that is, SECP256K1 in the picture above) Random numbers. The algorithm of "elliptic curve cryptography" is irreversible, which means that even if the "public key" is exposed, it will not affect the security of the "private key" because there is no way to deduce the "private key" from the "public key". This is very important. It can be said that the anonymity and security of the entire cryptocurrency cryptography are based on this foundation.

Address (address)

The Bitcoin address is converted into a public key hash based on the "public key" through two hash functions (SHA256 in the picture above). This process is also irreversible, and then the public key is hashed. The key hash is encoded to derive the address. The function of the address is to receive Bitcoin. After an address receives Bitcoin, only the person who owns the "private key" corresponding to the address can use it.

If your mind is confused after reading this, then read this picture and remember:

All values ​​in the calculation process can be obtained through the private key. (So ​​be sure to keep it safe) If the private key is locked, the public key can unlock it. Locked with the public key, unlocked with the private key. Only "public key hash" and "wallet address" can be converted through reciprocal operations, so they are equivalent. The reason for encoding is for readability.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿