
随着区块链应用技术越来越成熟,架构在区块链上的应用程式也越来越多,区块链上的应用程式称之为DAPP英文全名是decentralized application,Dapp是app的次世代产品,app是基于iOS和Android的手机系统应用程式,而Dapp是基于区块链底层链(例如:以太坊、EOS)创建的。


Dapp目前在区块链领域火热着,但在一般人来说还处于不广为人知的阶段,但没关系,以前Internet也是,在20年前website或internet也并非一般人所知道的程度,现在人人都知道website 、internet在做什么,甚至互联网已经融入了我们的生活,现在的资讯传播速度比以往更快,Dapp很快的也会开始融入生活中,接下来浅谈目前Dapp的营销模式,希望各位可以更快了解Dapp发展现况。


Dapp的全名是去中心化应用程式(Decentralized Application),Dapp的程式部署在分布式的网络(例如:以太坊、EOS)上,所有的数据皆公开透明且不可篡改。以游戏为例,传统的游戏,数据储存在中心化的伺服器上,开发商拥有游戏的绝对控制权,可在无人知道情况下,任意的修改游戏规则与内容;反之,去中心化的游戏,数据储存在分布式的网络上,所有的规则皆公开透明,且无法篡改任何内容,而游戏资产的所有权隶属于玩家,开发商无权控制。















区块链领域一开始火红是比特币,比特币就如同虚拟黄金,当比特币的价格飙涨到非一般投资人可以购买的时候,某群投资人开始炒以太币,以太币也炒到破天荒的价格,连以太坊创办人之一V神(Vitalik Buterin)也不看好这样的价格走势,炒币市场从牛市转为熊市时,底层链的Dapp开始受到注目,而当时最受欢迎的Dapp即是CryptoKitties,一只虚拟猫曾经被用大约11万美金的高价收购。之后有一阵子没有一个Dapp像CryptoKitties火红,即便后来出现许多项目利用空投(airdrop)营销模式送了用户大量的项目代币,也没有一个Dapp掀起风潮,Dapp的发展看似停滞,当EOS的出现,加上EOS的Dapp营销方式,使得Dapp开始受到大家的关注。



EOS的Dapp发展快速是因为它使用了一个有趣的营销方式–送钱给用户,比起「空投(AirDrop)」代币更为有趣。如果拥有活跃的EOS钱包,可能常常收到「0.0001 EOS」的金额非常微小的EOS交易,打开EOS的区块链浏览器,会看见这些EOS往往狭带着一段区块链上的交易Memo,Memo的讯息像是「某赌博游戏免费送币,快来玩」、「快来参加抵押分红」等类资金盘或赌博游戏的宣传广告。有时收到的不是EOS,是Dapp的代币,持有代币的人往往会去体验该项目,如果项目整体做得好,有可能因此而爆红,EOS的博彩Dapp – BetDice就是因为这样而有了知名度,BetDice发展初期为了吸引新用户,送了1000 Dice代币给用户,加上当时有幸运抽奖,最高可获得50 EOS,且抽奖频率达到每小时一次,BetDice也因此前进前十名的Dapp排行榜,也催生出大量的羊毛党。





这些党尽管在早期可以推动项目热度,对于新的项目一开始是好事,但是这些党属于短期套利,对项目没有忠诚度,常常获利后就迅速退出,中后期容易带给Dapp泡沫。假设Dapp模型的设计不够完善,智能合约有漏洞存在,将不断引来骇客、羊毛党、倍投党、做市党的一次又一次的「吸血」,会造成好的项目泡沫,这对于整个EOS 生态的用户以及投资者来说,是非常不公平和遗憾的。

EOS的Dapp会造成一波又一波的热潮,也有可能是因为热门的Dapp都属于博彩类,根据IMEOS研究院发布的《EOS平台— DApp生态资料分析报告》,在2018年8月之后,EOS大量涌入竞猜类的Dapp,或许竞猜类Dapp的热潮导火线之一有可能是因为足球世界杯的举办,去中心化的区块链技术,加上竞猜游戏瞄准人性的贪婪,毕竟贪懒、赌博、游戏是最迎合人性。





As blockchain application technology becomes more and more mature, more and more applications are built on the blockchain. Applications on the blockchain are called DAPP in English. The name is decentralized application, Dapp is the next generation product of app, app is a mobile phone system application based on iOS and Android, and Dapp is created based on the underlying blockchain chain (for example: Ethereum, EOS).

The difference between Dapp and app is that app combines smart contracts and has decentralized functions. The decentralized of Dapp means decentralization and non-centralization. It is very convenient to trade, place bets, and exchange virtual treasures on Dapp. It can achieve the function of cash flow without the need for third-party payment or approval by financial institutions. Both buyers and sellers can feel at ease because Dapp has Transparent and open mechanism.

Dapp is currently hot in the blockchain field, but it is still not widely known to ordinary people, but it doesn’t matter. The Internet used to be the same. 20 years ago, websites or the Internet were not well known to ordinary people. , now everyone knows what the website and the internet are doing, and the Internet has even been integrated into our lives. The speed of information dissemination is faster than before, and Dapp will soon begin to integrate into life. Next, let’s briefly talk about the current Dapp Marketing model, I hope you can understand the current development status of Dapp more quickly.

What is DAPP?

The full name of Dapp is Decentralized Application. Dapp programs are deployed on distributed networks (such as Ethereum, EOS), and all data are public Transparent and immutable. Take games as an example. In traditional games, data is stored on centralized servers. Developers have absolute control over the game and can modify the rules and content of the game at will without anyone knowing; on the contrary, decentralized games Game and data are stored on a distributed network. All rules are open and transparent, and no content can be tampered with. The ownership of game assets belongs to the players and developers have no control.

Apps can only be developed on iOS and Android systems, while Dapps can be developed on the so-called underlying chains. Currently, the well-known underlying chains include Ethereum, EOS, Nebula Chain, etc.

Ethereum’s DAPP

Ethereum is the first underlying chain that can develop DApps. Ethereum’s DApps already have many various applications. The most popular application categories on the market are:

1. Decentralized exchanges: IDEX, FORKDELTA, JOYSO.

Binance, Bitfinex, Bithumb, Huobi and other well-known exchanges are all centralized. Centralized exchanges are prone to asset security problems, even if they areIf you do a good job in external defense, you are most afraid of your own employees stealing user assets. Decentralized exchanges can solve the problem of asset security, but with the current user experience of decentralized exchanges, there is still a lot of room for improvement.


The open, transparent and non-tamperable features of the blockchain allow everyone to freely inspect the source code and rules of the game. This feature solves players’ trust in the game and prevents cheating by dealers, allowing the game to be played fairly. , which is also a good thing for bookmakers to guard against scammers.

3. High-risk speculation game: FOMO3D.

Most of the projects are Ponzi schemes. Participants are looking forward to the next successor to join so that they can make a quick profit. However, Fomo3D claimed from the beginning that it is a scam game. This game allows the last successor to obtain The most prizes are awarded, and everyone who participates is rushing to be the last one. Although it claims to be a scam game, Fomo3D is built on Ethereum, and everyone can view the source code of Fomo3D. Although it claims to be a scam, participants do not think it is a scam game due to its openness, transparency and non-tampering characteristics.


Currently, most collectible games are based on Ethereum’s ERC721 protocol/standard. The feature of this protocol/standard is that every object in the game is unique. The uniqueness of the object brings rare objects in the game. Collection value, so it is sought after by everyone. Cryptokitties set off a trend in the blockchain and is the most used Dapp on Ethereum.


When it comes to the types of Dapp games, the game DAPP of Nebulas cannot be ignored. Nebulas Chain was founded in San Francisco, California, in 2017. It is a new generation of blockchain underlying chain. It is committed to building a benign blockchain ecosystem with sustainable upgrades. It ranks third in the global underlying chain technology evaluation index and is ranked third in blockchain games. It will be the main battlefield for Dapps. Game Dapps range from development to battle, sandbox, business strategy, etc. There are more and more game types and gameplays, and even sophisticated and complex games are beginning to appear, especially Dapps of Nebulas Chain. It’s almost a game category. Compared with Ethereum’s CryptoKitties, which improves the fun of the game by reselling rare items, Nebula Chain’s games already have a sustainable variety of games to play, which are more in line with games that entertainment players will love and less likely to play games. Friends may have missed following the Dapp information of Nebulas Chain.

DAPP and Airdrop (AIRDROP)

Bitcoin was popular at the beginning in the blockchain field. Bitcoin is like virtual gold. When the price of Bitcoin soared to the point that ordinary investors could not buy it, a certain group of Investors began to speculate in Ethereum, and Ethereum also reached unprecedented levels.Price, even Vitalik Buterin, one of the founders of Ethereum, was not optimistic about such a price trend. When the currency market turned from a bull market to a bear market, Dapps on the underlying chain began to attract attention, and the most popular Dapp at the time was CryptoKitties, a virtual cat was once purchased for about $110,000. For a while, no Dapp was as popular as CryptoKitties. Even though many projects later used the airdrop marketing model to give users a large number of project tokens, no Dapp set off a trend. The development of Dapp seemed to be stagnant. When EOS appeared, Coupled with EOS's Dapp marketing method, Dapp began to attract everyone's attention.


Although EOS is slower to develop than Ethereum, EOS has brought about the prosperity of Dapp and redefined the entire blockchain ecosystem. EOS combines the wallet function, and the wallet serves as the ecological entrance of EOS. Therefore, the development of Dapps in EOS is faster than that of Ethereum. In less than half a year after its launch, the number of Dapps is comparable to that of Ethereum. Although the ecology of EOS allows its Dapps to develop better, the number of Dapps used by Ethereum has not significantly decreased because of this. It can be seen that the Dapps of Ethereum and EOS have their own advantages and complement each other.

EOS’s Dapp is developing rapidly because it uses an interesting marketing method – sending money to users, which is more interesting than “AirDrop” tokens. If you have an active EOS wallet, you may often receive EOS transactions with a very small amount of "0.0001 EOS". If you open the EOS blockchain browser, you will see that these EOS often contain a transaction Memo on the blockchain. Memo The messages are like "A certain gambling game gives you free coins, come and play", "Come and participate in mortgage dividends" and other types of money plate or gambling game advertisements. Sometimes what you receive is not EOS, but Dapp tokens. People who hold tokens tend to experience the project. If the project does well as a whole, it may become popular because of it. This is why BetDice, the gambling Dapp of EOS, is famous. With its popularity, BetDice gave away 1,000 Dice tokens to users in order to attract new users in the early stages of its development. In addition, there was a lucky draw at that time, where you could get up to 50 EOS, and the draw frequency reached once an hour. As a result, BetDice moved into the top ten. Dapp rankings have also spawned a large number of followers.

EOS’s DAPP marketing model

The marketing method of EOS’s Dapp has redefined the miner ecosystem. Before EOS’s Dapp could mine, mining usually referred to BTC, ETH tokens with large circulation, etc. Miners Provide token rewards for maintaining the operation of the main network. For example: Bitcoin miners can obtain Bitcoins by providing computing power to determine transactions and form data into blocks. And EOS's Dapp mining means that miners frequently participate in projects repeatedly and obtain a large number of project token rewards. DApp tokens are similar to equity and have dividend properties; on the one hand, the obtained tokens can be traded on exchanges or over-the-counter, and then earn To obtain income, on the other hand, you can continue to obtain dividends from the project by pledging Token or holding Token.

You can get Tokens by participating in project activities. On the one hand, this marketing method allows EOS Dapp to create high activity records one after another during the blockchain bear market; on the other hand, it allows valuable and useful Dapp increases usage. Compared with the previous Dapp airdrops of Ethereum, the short selling activity of Ethereum's Dapps is that after users register, they wait for the token to increase. These users have no actual participation in the project, and the project has been suspended. The developers of EOS Dapps need to work hard to construct various economic models, while allowing tokens to circulate freely in the EOS ecosystem, while trying to bind the tokens to EOS in a certain proportion.

This kind of marketing method has increased the number and usage of EOS Dapps. In a short period of time, it is much more impressive than Ethereum’s results. However, this situation also caused special phenomena. In addition to the above mentioned In addition to the "Dapp miners" that have emerged, there are also "wool parties", "double investment parties" and "market making parties". Whenever a new Dapp project is launched, these parties and miners will also start to make moves. The difference between these parties is that people in the Wool Party have a large number of accounts and can constantly change accounts to participate in project activities; Beitou Party can be said to be professional gamblers, investing principal to participate in project activities without losing money; market making The party is usually a large investor or banker, using the large amount of chips in its hands to attract, launder, and promote shipments. Dapp miners are also called miners. They execute written programs and earn double tokens from project activities.

Although these parties can promote project popularity in the early stage, which is a good thing for new projects at the beginning, these parties are short-term arbitrage and have no loyalty to the project. They often exit quickly after making profits, which is easy to do in the middle and late stages. Bringing it to the Dapp bubble. Assuming that the design of the Dapp model is not perfect enough and there are loopholes in the smart contract, it will continue to attract hackers, wooly parties, double investment parties, and market-making parties to "suck blood" again and again, which will cause a good project bubble, which will have a negative impact on the entire It is very unfair and regrettable for users and investors of the EOS ecosystem.

EOS Dapps will cause wave after wave of craze. It may also be because the popular Dapps belong to the gambling category. According to the "EOS Platform-DApp Ecological Data Analysis Report" released by IMEOS Research Institute, in After August 2018, EOS has flooded into betting DApps. Perhaps one of the triggers for the craze of betting Dapps is the holding of the Football World Cup, decentralized blockchain technology, and the greed of human nature in betting games. , after all, laziness, gambling, and games are the things that most cater to human nature..

The future of DAPP

Judging from the current situation, betting-type Dapps are relatively popular. Most people think that Dapps are full of gamblers, scammers, and speculators, and most Dapps are not convenient to use at all. , but Dapp has the opportunity to take people's lives to the next level. First, it is necessary to solve the shortcomings of Dapp itself, such as improving the performance of the public chain, lowering the high user threshold, reducing hacking incidents, and solving problems in the business model. As long as DAPP Return to the business essence of blockchain to improve business collaboration efficiency or reduce collaboration costs.

Dapp returns to the commercial nature of the blockchain, starting from the user's preferences, allowing users to use it smoothly, instead of creating false demand through premiums, mining, dividends, etc., and cutting off a wave of leeks. Change your gun to shoot birds. Take DAPP games as an example. Are you playing games for fun or to make money? For money-making players, the motive of making money is greater than entertainment. For entertainment players, it is for entertainment. If the game loses its fun, the game will not be the same. So interesting. Games that lose entertainment will also destroy the balance of the game and violate the original intention of blockchain games to be fair. Those who have money to invest in the game will create an unbalanced game environment, and those with money will win. The vast majority of people play games purely for entertainment and to satisfy spiritual needs, not to make money.

Dapp’s return to the commercial nature of the blockchain and the user needs of most people will be the future development of Dapp. If it can be combined with the marketing methods of EOS, then the development of Dapp will definitely be better than the development of App Well, the App has many criticisms of centralization, and most people also hope that it can be improved and have a fair usage environment.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿