最有潜力的公链币 公链token

去年8月Canto 区块链一推出就为Cosmos 生态带来极大的关注,没有投资方的Canto 是如何做到?

而在近期又重新抓着大家的眼球,主要与「脱离Cosmos、进入以太坊Layer 2 生态」以及与「RWA 板块」有所关联

重新受到关注后Canto币价在短短一周的时间成长将近两倍!Canto 到底有哪些潜力之处呢?

区块链Canto 小档案




Canto Chain

Canto 排名


Canto 上市日期


Canto 历史最高价(ATH)

0.764 美元(-62.92%), 2 月07, 2023

Canto 总供应量

10 亿颗

Canto 代币用途

Canto Chain 交易手续费、治理代币

Canto 官方网站


Canto 链背景介绍

Canto 为一条基于Cosmos SDK 所打造且可以兼容EVM 的区块链,技术上架构为仿制Evmos 而成( fork ),旨在搭建为更多layer 1 以及DeFi 协议提供一系列免费公共基础设施的生态,驱动DeFi 领域的创新与发展。

值得一提的是,Canto 是一个本身没有官方团队、且无机构投资的自发性组织,连创始人都对外自称核心贡献者(core contributor)而已。



如上所说,Canto 生态由贡献者(contributor)所打造,想要让社群看看不一样的Layer 1 ,身兼元老DeFi 数据平台- DeFi Pulse 、跨链DEX Slingshot 的创办人Scott Lewis 便是当中的核心贡献者之一,在成立之时便吸引到了许多资金defi 玩家。

也因为Scott 非常熟悉DeFi 生态的运作,Canto 链在上线时便接连也一气呵成地推出了好几样DeFi 协议,包含Canto 自身的去中心化交易所Cando Dex 以及借贷平台Canto Lending Market(CLM)

Canto 生态借鉴了其他生态稳定币的机制,透过超额抵押USDC、USDT 等稳定币及其他交易对(LP)资产可以抵押生成稳定币$NOTE,并不严格的锚定1 USD,但会透过调整利率的方式使其价格稳定。

当价格跌破1 美元时,平台会激励用户放贷$NOTE ,利于大家买回;当价格上涨超过1 美元时,激励大家借出$NOTE,鼓励大家卖出$NOTE

在Canto Lending 上我们也可以直接透过Canto-Note 这样的代币对进行流动性挖矿,以借贷平台上线一年仍然有百位数的APR 这点,是相当不简单的。

Canto 新版Beta 页面https://beta.canto.io/lending

Canto 亮点1:弃Cosmos 转往以太坊Layer 2 生态

尽管Canto 链目前受到市场上的关注度远不如其他公链,但是Canto 链原生代币$Canto 在近期市场回暖时的表现却是异常亮眼,在短短一个月不到的时间,价格已经翻了将近1 倍

其中亮点就是Canto 对外宣布将成为以太坊Layer 2 的一份子!如果是早期Canto 玩家便知道我们在使用时需要先透过EVM 兼容链如以太坊或是Cosmos 生态的链将资产转移过去才能使用,原先使用其实十分不便,后续如Synapse 跨链桥开始支援后才开始方便许多

Canto 官方也于9 月底表示将从Cosmos 生态中的Layer 1 公链转型成使用零知识证明技术的以太坊Layer 2,与同样为零知识技术(zk)底层的Layer 2 StarkNet 或是zkSync 有所不同,Canto 这次透过Polygon CDK (Polygon Chain Development Kit)进行技术上的更新后,透过转换为ZK L2 的架构,可以将社区去中心化主权、安全性以及流动性等元素作为公共财以便未来更好的延展。

Polygon CDK 是什么,有何特点?

Polygon CDK 是一个开源的程式库,核心是模组化的程式套件,使开发人员可以自由使用来启动基于ZK 的以太坊L2 区块链,或将现有的L1 链转换为L2 链,像是Canto这样。基于CDK 所开发的L2 彼此都是互通的,并与以太坊有所连接,有着更好的交易即时最终性、无限的可扩展性和统一的流动性。

Polygon CDK 包含以下特点

流动性:CDK 能让区块链团队一键部署区块链,基于CDK 所打造的所有链都是可互通的,自动取得所有Polygon 生态的统一流动性,也象征着与以太坊生态的连结更紧密


更加安全:零知识证明技术能确保链上资产加密的过程中更加安全以及交易上有着即时的最终性(instant finality)

近期甚至也出现了原先从OP Stack 上的Manta Pacific 链迁移至Polygon ZK 的案例,截至今日,已经有13个团队透过Polygon CDK 技术打造了基于zk 的 Layer 2 解决方案。

Canto 亮点2:抓住熊市最火RWA 板块再出发

除了透过CDK 进行大改造之外,Canto 另一个生态热点就是与熊市非常火热的叙事现实世界资产RWA(Real World Asset)靠拢,Canto 官方表示,其实转型为ZK L2 便是为了下一个阶段NeoFinance 而铺路,未来的蓝图是引进更多现实资产于链上生态中,为了要确保链上资产有着更好的流动性及安全性,

在Canto借贷市场的页面可以看到,生态稳定币$NOTE 目前已新增$USYC(US Yield Coin) 作为新的抵押品,$USYC 为造市商Cumberland 所支持的团队之一Hashnote 以及Fortunafi 所管理发行的代币化国库券,此产品也是Canto 生态中第一个出现有关RWA 的产品!

透过这一类型的RWA 资产生成的cNOTE 便是本身具有真实收益的生息代币(interest bearing token)。

Canto 在「NeoFinance」 这一阶段的目标便是让更多人能够透过Canto 投资具有现实收益的金融产品,同时借此打开web2 世界的流量以及资金,笔者认为也是一个非常聪明的做法。

百链齐发的时代,并不是只有单纯的DEX、收益农场就能够持续稳健成长,还需要有更强的执行力或是出圈的能力将外部资金、资源引入到链上,从DeFi Summer 活跃至今的Canto 创始人Scott 熟谙此道,Canto 链于下一个牛市的成长空间也值得期待。

As soon as the Canto blockchain was launched in August last year, it brought great attention to the Cosmos ecosystem. How did Canto do it without investors?

It has caught everyone's attention again recently, mainly related to "leaving Cosmos and entering the Ethereum Layer 2 ecology" and the "RWA sector"

It has regained attention Afterwards, the price of Canto currency nearly tripled in just one week! What potential does Canto have?

Blockchain Canto small file

Currency name


Public chain where it is located

Canto Chain

Canto ranking

No. 190 in market capitalization

Canto listing date


Canto historical high price (ATH)

< p>0.764 USD (-62.92%), February 07, 2023

Total Canto supply

1 billion pieces

Canto token usage

Canto Chain transaction fees, governance tokens

Canto official website


Canto chain background introduction

Canto It is a blockchain built based on Cosmos SDK and compatible with EVM. The technical structure is imitated (fork) from Evmos. It aims to build an ecosystem that provides a series of free public infrastructure for more layer 1 and DeFi protocols, driving Innovation and development in the DeFi field.

It is worth mentioning that Canto is a voluntary organization with no official team and no institutional investment. Even the founder calls himself a core contributor.

On the official website, you can see that the design is very simple, providing "cross-chain bridge", "pledge", "lending" and "governance" blocks that can be entered."


As mentioned above, the Canto ecosystem is built by contributors. We want the community to see a different Layer 1. Scott Lewis, founder of the veteran DeFi data platform - DeFi Pulse and cross-chain DEX Slingshot, is one of the core contributors and attracted many financial defi players when it was established.

Because Scott is very familiar with the operation of the DeFi ecosystem, Canto chain launched several DeFi protocols in one go when it went online, including Cantoo Its own decentralized exchange Cando Dex and lending platform Canto Lending Market (CLM)

The Canto ecosystem draws on the mechanisms of other ecological stablecoins, through over-collateralization of USDC, USDT and other stablecoins and other transactions (LP) assets can be mortgaged to generate stable currency $NOTE, which is not strictly anchored to 1 USD, but will stabilize its price by adjusting interest rates.

When the price falls below 1 USD, the platform will encourage users to lend $NOTE, which will help everyone buy back; when the price rises above 1 USD, the platform will encourage users to lend $NOTE and encourage everyone to sell $NOTE< /p>

On Canto Lending, we can also conduct liquidity mining directly through token pairs such as Canto-Note. It is quite not easy to still have hundreds of digits of APR one year after the lending platform was launched. of.

Canto new beta page https://beta.canto.io/lending

Canto Highlight 1: Abandoning Cosmos and moving to Ethereum Layer 2 ecology

Although the Canto chain is currently subject to market pressure The attention is far less than that of other public chains, but the performance of the Canto chain’s native token $Canto has been extremely impressive during the recent market recovery. In less than a month, the price has nearly doubled

< p>One of the highlights is Canto’s announcement that it will become a part of Ethereum Layer 2! If you are an early Canto player, you will know that we need to transfer assets through an EVM compatible chain such as Ethereum or the Cosmos ecosystem chain before using it. It was actually very inconvenient to use initially. Later, such as Synapse cross-chain bridge started to support It’s much more convenient to start

Canto officials also stated at the end of September that they will transform from the Layer 1 public chain in the Cosmos ecosystem to the Ethereum Layer 2 using zero-knowledge proof technology, which is also the bottom layer of zero-knowledge technology (zk). Different from Layer 2 StarkNet or zkSync, Canto can decentralize the sovereignty and security of the community by converting to ZK L2 architecture after a technical update through Polygon CDK (Polygon Chain Development Kit). and liquidity and other elements as public assets for better expansion in the future.

What is Polygon CDK and what are its characteristics?

Polygon CDK is an open source program library with a modular program suite at its core that allows developers to freely use it to launch the ZK-based Ethereum L2 blockchain or convert an existing L1 chain to an L2 chain. , like Canto. baseL2 developed by CDK is interoperable with each other and connected to Ethereum. It has better instant finality of transactions, infinite scalability and unified liquidity.

Polygon CDK includes the following features

Liquidity: CDK allows blockchain teams to deploy blockchains with one click. All chains built based on CDK are interoperable and automatically obtain the unified flow of all Polygon ecology. Sex also symbolizes a closer connection with the Ethereum ecosystem

Flexibly designed application chain: Modular design allows developers to more flexibly customize the environment they want

More secure: Zero-knowledge proof technology can ensure greater security in the process of encrypting assets on the chain and instant finality in transactions

Recently, Manta originally from the OP Stack has even appeared In the case of Pacific chain migration to Polygon ZK, as of today, 13 teams have created ZK-based Layer 2 solutions through Polygon CDK technology.

Canto Highlight 2: Seize the most popular RWA sector in the bear market and start again

In addition to major transformation through CDK, another ecological hotspot of Canto is the narrative real world asset RWA (Real World Asset) which is very popular in the bear market. ), Canto officials said that in fact, the transformation to ZK L2 is to pave the way for the next stage of NeoFinance. The future blueprint is to introduce more real assets into the on-chain ecosystem, in order to ensure that on-chain assets have better liquidity and Security,

As you can see on the Canto lending market page, the ecological stable currency $NOTE has now added $USYC (US Yield Coin) as a new collateral. $USYC is owned by the market maker Cumberland. Tokenized treasury bills managed and issued by Hashnote, one of the supported teams, and Fortunafi. This product is also the first RWA-related product in the Canto ecosystem!

cNOTE generated through this type of RWA asset It is an interest-bearing token that has real income of its own.

Canto’s goal at the “NeoFinance” stage is to allow more people to invest in financial products with real returns through Canto, and at the same time open up traffic in the web2 world. As well as funding, I think it is also a very smart approach.

In an era where hundreds of chains are booming, not only simple DEXs and income farms can continue to grow steadily, but also need stronger execution or the ability to get out of the circle to introduce external funds and resources. On-chain, from DeFi SummerScott, the founder of Canto who is active today, is familiar with this. The growth space of Canto chain in the next bull market is also worth looking forward to.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿