



Base是总部位于美国的加密货币交易平台Coinbase于2023年8月9日正式发布的以太坊Layer 2(L2)区块链。作为这家上市公司推出的第一个区块链,它受到了加密货币社区的广泛关注。

Base是与以太坊Layer 2区块链OP Stack上的OPtimism合作开发的,而OP Stack是一个支持OPTimism的标准化开源开发堆栈。Base允许开发者在开发去中心化应用程序(dApps)时能够访问Coinbase的生态系统,该生态系统拥有1.1亿验证用户和超过800亿美元的资产。


什么是Layer 2?

Layer 2区块链是一个加密货币领域的常用术语,用于描述建立在现有区块链网络(Layer 1)之上的二级协议或框架,例如以太坊。Layer 2解决方案的主要目的是在不影响其安全性或去中心化的前提下,提高底层Layer 1区块链的可扩展性、交易吞吐量和效率。

Layer 2区块链技术有几种类型,包括状态通道(比特币的闪电网络和以太坊的Raiden网络)、侧链(比特币的Liquid Network和以太坊的Loom Network)以及汇总(乐观汇总和零知识汇总)。

最广泛使用的Layer 2区块链网络包括Optimism、Polygon、zkSync和Arbitrum。


Optimism是建立在以太坊网络之上的Layer 2区块链解决方案,旨在提高其可扩展性、交易吞吐量并降低相关费用。Optimism主要利用一种名为乐观汇总(Optimistic Rollups)的技术,在该技术中,多笔链下交易可汇总到一个链上数据呈现中,并提交给以太坊主链。





Beam是一款支付App ,允许用户使用稳定币USDC或该App的原生代币Eco进行交易。用户可以使用自己的Twitter(现更名为X)账户登录,并通过USDC或Eco支付燃料费用。此外,Beam还包括一个集成的法币兑换成加密货币和加密货币兑换成法币的转换网关。






Base开发了一种名为Base Bridge的官方跨链桥,该桥与大多数以太坊钱包兼容,例如MetaMask或Coinbase钱包。用户能够在Base和以太坊之间桥接ERC-20代币。






















5.在【手动添加网络】对话框中,输入Base Goerli测试网的以下详细信息,然后点击【保存】:



















作为基于OP Stack构建的L2,Base面临着一系列安全风险。第一个问题源于防欺诈机制作为安全措施的有效性。欺诈证明高度依赖网络参与者自发的警惕,需要其在主区块链上完成交易之前,对任何无效的链下交易进行监控和质疑。





Base is an Ethereum L2 solution developed by the cryptocurrency trading platform Coinbase in cooperation with Optimism. It aims to provide a secure, low-cost and developer-friendly environment to develop on-chain applications.

Base is compatible with all EVM wallets and Coinbase wallets. And Base has multiple use cases, including payment apps, token exchange, liquidity supply, token bridging and launching DAO.

What is Base?

Base is the Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) blockchain officially released by Coinbase, a U.S.-based cryptocurrency trading platform, on August 9, 2023. As the first blockchain launched by the publicly traded company, it has received widespread attention from the cryptocurrency community.

Base was developed in collaboration with OPtimism on the Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain OP Stack, a standardized open source development stack that supports OPTimism. Base allows developers building decentralized applications (dApps) to access Coinbase’s ecosystem, which has 110 million verified users and over $80 billion in assets.

Base's vision is to create a so-called "super chain" that uses Optimism technology to improve performance, and relies on the support and participation of the developer community to realize this vision. Base has publicly announced that it does not currently plan to issue new network tokens for Base, so users should be extra cautious when faced with scammers offering fake Base tokens.

What is Layer 2?

Layer 2 blockchain is a commonly used term in the cryptocurrency field to describe a secondary protocol or framework built on top of an existing blockchain network (Layer 1), such as Ethereum. The main purpose of Layer 2 solutions is to improve the scalability, transaction throughput and efficiency of the underlying Layer 1 blockchain without compromising its security or decentralization.

There are several types of Layer 2 blockchain technology, including state channels (Bitcoin’s Lightning Network and Ethereum’s Raiden Network), side chains (Bitcoin’s Liquid Network and Ethereum’s Loom Network) and aggregation (optimistic aggregation and zero-knowledge aggregation).

The most widely used Layer 2 blockchain networks include Optimism, Polygon, zkSync and Arbitrum.

What is Optimism?

Optimism is a Layer 2 blockchain solution built on top of the Ethereum network, aiming to increase its scalability, transaction throughput and reduce associated fees. Optimism mainly uses a technology called Optimistic Rollups, in this technology, multiple off-chain transactions can be summarized into one on-chain data presentation and submitted to the Ethereum main chain.

Optimism uses a fraud prevention system that assumes all aggregated summary transactions were initially valid. Users can challenge these transactions and submit evidence of potential fraud within a designated time frame. If any fraudulent activity is detected during this period, malicious users will be penalized and transactions will be reversed.

What are the use cases for Base?

Like other L2 networks, Base can be used for a variety of use cases. The following are some application scenarios built on Base.

1. Payment App

Beam is a payment App that allows users to conduct transactions using the stable currency USDC or the App’s native token Eco. Users can log in using their Twitter (now renamed to X) account and pay for gas via USDC or Eco. Additionally, Beam includes an integrated fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat conversion gateway.

2. Token Exchange

Token exchange on the decentralized exchange platform (DEX) allows users on Base to trade various cryptocurrencies. Currently, several decentralized trading platforms are running on Base, such as Uniswap, Maverick and Dackieswap.

3. Liquidity supply

Users can provide liquidity on the Base blockchain through various dApps such as Uniswap, BaseSwap and Dackieswap. These dApps allow liquidity providers to earn fees from transactions on liquidity pools.

4. Bridge

Base has developed an official cross-chain bridge called Base Bridge, which is compatible with most Ethereum wallets, such as MetaMask or Coinbase wallets. Users are able to bridge ERC-20 tokens between Base and Ethereum.

The bridge from Ethereum to Base usually takes a few minutes, while the bridge from Base to Ethereum takes about 7 days.

5. Launch DAO

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAoS) is a blockchain-based organizational form that is jointly decided by community members and operated through smart contracts. Aragon, the protocol for creating DAOs, introduces no-code dApps on the Base network, simplifying the process of creating DAOs.

Will Base token be launched?

Base’s roadmap and official Twitter profile indicate that they have no plans to issue network tokens in the future.

However, some projects may initially claim to have no airdrop plans, but will conduct surprise airdrops in the future. This is often done to reward early backers who contribute to the network and help grow the community.

How to connect to the Base network and use the test network?

Connecting to the Base network is fairly simple and can be done using the Coinbase wallet or any EVM-compatible wallet.

1. Connect to Base using Coinbase Wallet

To use Base with Coinbase Wallet, follow these steps:

1. Launch the Coinbase Wallet browser extension and log in to your account .

2. Connect to the application using Coinbase wallet (in this case we will use BaseSwap).

3. Click the network symbol in the upper right corner to access the network selection menu.

4. Select Base from the list.

5. The active network is now set to Base

2. Use MetaMask to connect to Base

Users can use many EVM wallets to connect to Base. Let’s give an example of how to connect the Base network with the MetaMask wallet.

1. Start the MetaMask browser extension.

2. Click the drop-down button at the top of the extension to access the network selection drop-down menu.

3. Select the [Add Network] button.

4. Select [Add network manually].

5. In the [Manually Add Network] dialog box, enter the following details of the Base Goerli test network, and then click [Save]:

< /p>

6. You should now be able to connect to the Base network in the network selection drop-down section.

What are the benefits of Base network?

The main benefits of using the Base network include:

1. Low cost

Like other optimistic rollups, Base has low gas fees and is designed to significantly reduce transaction costs and increase transaction throughput. It does this by processing off-chain transactions and consolidating them into a single proof.

2. Accessibility

EVM-compatible chains like Base enable developers to easily deploy and leverage existing Ethereum-based tools, frameworks, and smart contracts on multiple platforms, thereby improving accessibility. Accessibility.

3. Scalability

L2 scalability provides significant advantages by enhancing the capacity and transaction throughput of the blockchain network. This improvement resolves bottlenecks and reduces inefficiencies, ultimately providing users and developers with faster, more cost-effective solutions.

What are the disadvantages of Base network?

The main limitations and issues related to Base are these:

1. Centralization

One of the concerns surrounding Base is its degree of centralization. Coinbase is the only orderer node on Base, which allows them to control transactions to a large extent. A sequencer node is a dedicated node in the blockchain network that is responsible for sorting and completing transactions in a specified order, thereby increasing transaction throughput.

Have aA sequencer node can centralize the power of transaction processing and sequencing in a single entity. Additionally, the centralized authority can set and modify fees associated with the Coinbase orderer. Coinbase revealed that it may integrate third-party nodes in the future.

2. Long withdrawal time

One of the main limitations of the Base blockchain is the long withdrawal time, which takes about 7 days. This delay is because Optimism is designed with a fraud-proof system that allows users to question transactions and submit evidence of potential fraud within a set time frame.

Long withdrawal times may result in poor user experience.

3. Security

As L2 built on OP Stack, Base faces a series of security risks. The first issue arises from the effectiveness of anti-fraud mechanisms as security measures. Fraud proof highly relies on the voluntary vigilance of network participants, requiring them to monitor and challenge any invalid off-chain transactions before completing the transaction on the main blockchain.

However, this mechanism faces various challenges, such as providing sufficient reward incentives for participants to actively participate in maintaining the fraud proof mechanism, and security loopholes in data concealment attacks.


Base has aroused great interest from all parties since its launch. As of September 7, 2023, it has attracted more than one million users in total, with a total value locked (TVL) of more than $385 million. This incredible achievement propels Base to eighth place in the TVL rankings, surpassing popular blockchains such as Cardano and Solana.

As the first blockchain launched by a public company, Base is opening up new possibilities in an effort to attract a wider audience and bring more users into the world of Web3. As the platform continues to grow and evolve, it is still important for users and developers to carefully evaluate and make informed decisions when dealing with Base.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿