>什么是意图导向设计 (intent-centric)?现有项目介绍

意图导向设计如何提升使用者体验?知名创投 NGC 研究员Adam Arreola汇整产业资讯,从intent-centric相关前沿技术与项目,引导读者理解意图导向设计对于区块链产业的未来发展影响。

什么是意图导向设计 (intent-centric)


因此意图导向设计 (intent-centric design)近年引起了区块链社群的关注。意图导向设计让使用者可以直接选择想要的结果,而不是思考每一个实现目标的步骤。例如若使用者希望在 Ethereum 购买一定数量的 ETH,并想支付比特币区块链上的 BTC,那么以意图为中心的服务可以简易实现此目标,而无需让用户思考这种跨链交易的繁杂步骤。


为什么 intent-centric 重要

过去,区块链交易的复杂性形成了一个不公平的竞争环境。只有最精明的用户才能从中获利,其中包含做市商、高频交易者、MEV 搜寻者 (searcher) 等,利用他们对进阶的资源、系统和演算法的存取权限,以获取最大利润。





交易效率:在区块链交易中,用户必须支付特定代币的燃料费,这对于新手用户是一种陌生的体验。帐户抽象化 (ERC-4337) 允许用户使用任何 ERC-20 代币支付燃料费,或者协议可为其用户支付燃料费,进而提升支付燃料费的灵活度,简化了互动也增强了用户对交易的控制。燃料费用:意图导向设计可以优化每笔交易的燃料费用,而无需用户花费心思估算所需的燃料费用。滑点设定:意图导向设计可以简化并优化滑点设定和交易时间,用户无需自行设定滑点即享有最好的交易条件,从而最大限度地减少价格影响。意图 intent 的生命周期


一个「交易」的生命周期链下提交:用户利用钱包提交意图 (交易资讯)。交易送达内存池 (mempool) 或直接经区块建构者 (block builder) 打包:交易资讯既可以送达内存池,也可以直接送达给block builder以加快执行速度。选择 mempool 或alt mempool,还是完全绕过直接交由 block builder,取决于该意图交易资讯中的特定要求。例如高价值交易 (特别是那些遵循 ERC-4337 标准的交易),通常会完全绕过公共内存池,以降低遭到 MEV 攻击相关的风险,例如抢跑攻击 (front-running)或是三明治攻击 (sandwich attacks)。 (笔者注:mempool 是节点存放位上链交易资讯的暂存资料池,而 alt mempool 则是因应 EIP-4337 意图交易资讯的特殊资料池)MEV searcher 发现机会:如果交易资讯没有直接提交给 block builder 而经过内存池,MEV searcher就会查看内存池中的交易资讯,并寻找实现意图的最佳路径和获利机会。MEV searcher 可以选择自己解决交易,也可以把找到的交易资讯卖给其他 solver,交给对方去处理或完成交易,在大多数情况下,MEV searcher 不仅寻找套利机会还同时担任 solver。solver 竞争最佳交易路径并汇总 (bundle) 数个意图:solver 充当做市商,竞相为用户提供最佳交易路径去执行,用户自然会寻求最便宜、最快的方案来实现自己的目的,而能够提供最佳解决方案的 solver 就能赚取费用。solver 将多个交易资讯汇总为 bundle transaction,使其能在单笔交易中执行,然后将这些 bundle transaction 转发给 block builder,以便纳入即将产生的区块中。区块生成与验证:block builder 会选择多个交易资讯 (包含 bundle transaction),将其打包成区块,然后将这些区块发送给验证者 (validator),以便广播纳入链上,这一阶段是交易最终打包和验证,确保可以被正确执行并记录在区块链上。现有意图导向项目介绍

如今意图导向设计的雏型已经出现在部分项目和区块链中。著名的项目包括 CoW Protocol、Soul Wallet、UniswapX。以下分别简介:

CoW Protocol + CoW Swap

CoW Protocol是一种利用批次拍卖 (Batch Auctions)模式发现最佳价格的无需许可交易协议,透过寻找「需求一致性 (CoW/Coincidence of Wants)」(交易双边用户各自拥有对方想要的东西),利用链上所有可用的流动性资源,实现流动性最大化。与传统交易协议不同,CoW Protocol 的 solver 透过竞争为用户提供其意图的最佳实现方式。

CoW Swap是 CoW Protocol 的前端介面,由同一团队开发。它是一个去中心化交易所,采用意图导向设计的方法,自动为用户从所有去中心化交易所和聚合器中找到最低的交易价格。最重要的是,CoW Swap 以还能因此保护用户免受 MEV 攻击。

CoW Swap 今年七月推出的新功能CoW Hooks充分利用了意图导向设计,使开发人员和高阶交易者能够在单次交易中,执行自定义操作,例如交易、跨链、质押、存款等一连串其他资金操作。

Soul Wallet (NGC Ventures 投资)

Soul Wallet是一个即将推出的智能合约钱包,提供以下功能:

其利用帐户抽像功能增加燃料费支付弹性,具有社交恢复功能,用户或其信任的朋友和家人们 (守护者) 持有部分权限,只要该钱包大多数守护者 (例如五分之三) 同意恢复钱包,就可以让用户重新存取钱包。Soul Wallet 还提供双重认证,允许用户指定另一个钱包批准交易。Soul Wallet 还抽象化了底层区块链机制,以便用户在使用以太坊及其各种 Layer2 时,提供无缝体验。一键安全交换 (One-Click Secure Swap)使用帐户抽象技术,让用户不需要手动代币批准又无需担心安全风险,即可马上进行交易。UniswapX

Uniswap 的新产品UniswapX透过意图导向架构,解决 DeFi 领域一些最迫切的挑战。UniswapX 解决的问题之一是流动性破碎化。 UniswapX 透过聚合众多流动性来源 (例如 Uniswap v2、v3、其他交易所等各种代币的流动性),为每个用户找到符合其意图的最佳交易路径与价格。借由第三方的 solver (Uniswap 称其为filler) 相互竞争,利用不同池子中的流动性或私人的流动性储备,以最佳的路径来完成交易。

UniswapX 让用户不需支付燃料费,由 filler 负责支付 (当然会将成本计入交易价格中)。此设计可以让用户不需要承担交易失败的风险,也无须准备区块链原生代币支付费用,优化使用者体验。

UniswapX 意图导向设计也有助于防范 MEV 攻击。例如借由竞争产生的额外盈余可以借由更好的价格返还给用户,进而减少了用户的价值损失。

此外 UniswapX 的设计还透过使用Permit2和Reactor Contract保护用户免受 solver 的抢跑与三明治等 MEV 攻击,确保交易符合用户预期,并阻止不符合用户意图的交易。 UniswapX 使用荷兰式拍卖 (Dutch auction orders),鼓励 filler 之间的竞争,最大限度地减少了 MEV 攻击行为的机会。

未来 UniswapX 计划推出更多意图驱动的功能,即将推出的 Uniswap V4 值得注意其发展,但更具突破性的计划是推出无需燃料费的跨链交易,用户将能够轻易指定目标链与接收的资产,以避开跨链交易常见的高额费用和延迟。

即将发布意图导向项目介绍Anoma (NGC Ventures 投资)


透过去中心化 solver 机制,Anoma 让用户的意图能够透过 solver 池实现,而 solver 池中会透过竞争来实现这些意图。「去中心化的交易对手发现机制」建立起直接且无信任的互动,而去中心化 solver 机制则利用竞争来有效实现使用者意图。

此外 Anoma 的多链原子结算功能,将数位资产在多个区块链上的交换过程变为单笔交易,消除需要手动进行一系列交易步骤的麻烦,提高了跨链交易的效率和整体使用者体验。

Flashbots 的 SUAVE (NGC Ventures 投资)

过去Flashbots提供的产品 MEV-Boost 虽然可以降低 MEV 攻击,但是却增加以太坊的中心化程度。截至 2023 年 8 月 25 日当周,以太坊上前五大 block builder 建构了 90% 的区块,在所有建构的区块中,约有 48% 接受美国 OFAC 审查规定(笔者注:例如禁止 Tornado 交易资讯打包),这导致了用户可能正在受到政府审查,这违背了以太坊去中心化和抗审查的原则。

block bulider 过度集中在前五个实体(资料来源)

SUAVE,全名为价值统一拍卖机制(Single Unifying Auction for Value Expression),是 Flashbots 正在开发的一款新产品,它将 mempool 和 block builder 的角色分离,提供了一种高专业化和去中心化的随插即用外挂。 旨在促进出块的去中心化,以减少区块链生态系统中 block builder 审查和滥用权力的可能性。

SUAVE 正在开发一种新的虚拟机MEVM,它是 EVM 的专业版本,使开发人员能够在一个灵活且高阶的程式环境中建立智能合约以执行意图。MEVM 由三个主要部分组成:

全局意图环境 (UPE/Universal Preference Environment):由一条区块链 (SUAVE 主网) 和内存池构成,用于在不同的区块链上传达和聚合意图相关的交易资讯;最优执行市场 (OEM/Optimal Execution Market):solver (SUAVE 称其为Executor) 透过竞争,为用户提交的意图提供最佳执行路径;block builder 去中心化网络:用于将意图打包到区块中,这种架构使建构新的 MEV 项目更加容易,促进了 solver 的竞争,并分散了 MEV 的供应链。

SUAVE 的路线图分为三个阶段 —Centauri,Andromeda, andHelios。在 Centauri 阶段,SUAVE 引入了隐私订单流拍卖,允许用户回收其交易产生的 MEV。在 Andromeda 阶段 SUAVE 的主网启动,让用户能够在 SUAVE 的执行市场上传送意图资讯,并将采用基于SGX的硬体机制提高拍卖和区块构建的效率和隐私性。在 Helios 阶段将进一步分散区块链网络,为跨链 MEV 解决方案奠定基础。这种意图导向设计的方法为用户、MEV searcher、block builder 和 validator 提供一个横跨各种区块链的中立归属。



domain-specific language (DSL):一种用于意图表达的通用程式格式。帐户抽象相关的 ERC 标准:适用 EVM 的意图导向设计的帐户抽象 ERC 标准。模组化意图层 (modular intent layer):专门负责相关意图操作的独立网路。

目前意图缺乏跨链交流的标准化语言,因此存在跨链误读意图的风险,可能导致错误的代币交易。Essential 的目标就是解决这个问题,它为意图提供了一种格式 DSL,让用户可以在不同的系统中有效地沟通意图,solver 也可以有效地解释与执行意图。

Essential 的新标准ERC-7521与ERC-4337的不同之处在于它为 solver 建立有效的任务分配以实现意图。这项新解决方案将为相容 EVM 的区块链带来意图导向设计的优势,透过 EVM 将意图带出以太坊,为更广泛的区块链生态系统创造更流畅的体验。

最后一部分,Essential 的目标是透过模组化的意图层,将意图资讯分组打包,模组化意图层将处理每个区块批量处理意图。Essential 的模组化意图层将透过统一的 solver 网路引导所有交易,确保可以获得最多的资讯,从而促进透明的交易聚合。此外透过鼓励 solver 之间相互竞争,为用户提供最佳的意图实现路径,且将能抵御典型 MEV 攻击。模组化意图层还可以整合到各种堆栈和生态系统中,提升跨链意图执行的条件。



条件意图:可以根据特定条件执行操作,例如某些决策结果或特定价格。连续意图:允许透过单次意图资讯 (单次交易) 表达重复执行操作,进而实现成本平均法购买代币或做市等连续性的任务。多步骤意图:可透过单次意图资讯来执行一系列操作,一个操作的完成将依序触发下一个操作的执行。

以意图为中心的设计还可以与人工智慧等其他独特技术结合。例如透过帐户抽象化的意图导向设计与人工智慧结合,用户将可以享受个人化和自动化的投资策略。为每个用户量身打造的区块链服务,让链上操作变得更容易,同时也为新的创新应用和服务打开大门。另外,人工智慧还可用于增强 solver 的能力,帮助它们优化交易执行,更有效地适应市场条件。

意图导向设计的另一个有趣潜在应用是与真实世界资产 (RWA)结合:

意图可以帮助用户将资产代币化:透过用户声明,可将传统金融资产转换为代币化资产,意图可用于连接传统金融和 DeFi。意图可以帮助用户使用 RWA 进行复杂操作:用户可在借贷协议中声明有意使用 RWA 作为 DeFi 贷款的抵押品,将此声明作为意图,协议可以自动为用户将资产代币化,并将其用作抵押品,而用户无需思考如何实现其目标的每笔交易。意图可以帮助用户借由 RWA 产生收益:在用户宣布希望投资代币化房地产上赚取收益时,借由意图,相关协议可以代表用户投资房产,从租金收入或房产升值中赚取收益。


计程车:意图导向设计可以整合 Uber 和 Lyft 等共享乘车服务,让用户表达自己的行程意图,让系统在多个平台上为用户找到最佳的乘车选择。飞机航班:在预订航班时,意图导向设计可以分析用户的意向,包含旅行时程、首选的航空公司和预算限制等,为用户找到最佳的航班预订方案。零售:意图导向设计可以在众多通路中找到最佳优惠,强化购物体验。

与 Expedia 等传统的聚合器不同。前者只是对选项进行汇整、解释并考虑用户的潜在需求,根据预先定义的标准提供一套固定的选择;而意图导向设计的系统则会积极地与每个使用者的独特偏好互动,动态地调整以提供个人化的解决方案。

intent-centric 风险与挑战


首先,意图依赖将决策外包给第三方,即 solver 和出块者,代表用户必须对这些第三方以及连接它们的系统「有一定程度」的信任,必须谨防 solver 和出块者滥用其权力,为执行意图收取高额费用,或优先执行报酬最高的意图。这可能会导致用户为执行其意图支付过高的费用,最终使系统效率低下。



第二个风险是用户在与意图导向系统互动时,意图也有可能被误解,最终透过执行不正确的操作导致意料之外的后果。为了避免这种风险,开发者最好标准化的资讯格式,例如 Essential 正在建构的 DSL。

最后第三个风险则是随着意图导向系统的出现,可能会出现新的安全问题。这些威胁包括意外授予「未经授权的帐户」存取权限、用户隐私资讯泄露、资讯泄漏让其他交易者抢跑或操纵市场。在上述情况下,指望 solver 采取利他主义的行为过于天真,就像现在的 MEV searcher 利用生态系统牟利,意图导向设计的系统中 solver 也同样可能会在经济利益的驱使下做坏。因此系统的开发者,有责任建立一个既能阻止恶意行为,又能鼓励参与的架构。

意图导向 (intent-centric) 系统中价值分配变化

在意图导向的架构中,MEV searcher、solver、block builder 和 validator 的获利动机与用户意图的最佳实现方式一致。目前意图导向系统的价值主要流向 MEV searcher、solver 和 block builder,因为他们共同努力为用户执行可能的最佳结果,同时从这一过程中获利。

很明显MEV searcher 和 solver 最容易可累积价值,因为他们是最先看到意图交易资讯的人,最先发现潜在可打包的意图并可以批量处理。solver 实际上充当了做市商的角色,因为它们在竞争中为用户提供最好的交易路径,用户自然希望以最便宜、最快的方式满足目的,对这些人来说,以最佳的方式解决意图不仅是一项服务,而且是一个有利可图的机会,因此会提供尽可能好的结果。用户、MEV searcher 和 solver 之间的利益一致有助于系统高效透明地运行,促进有利于所有参与者的竞争环境。

价值很大一部分也流向了 block builder,其负责建立和最终确认区块,在实现每个用户的愿望上发挥关键作用。由于 MEV searcher 和 solver 和用户都依赖 block builder 来实现意图,因此 block builder 的角色对所有参与者来说非常重要,尤其是当系统变得越来越复杂时。

然而 MEV searcher、solver 和 block builder 之间日益激烈的竞争有望将价值转回 validator 与用户身上,这反映了 MEV 生态系统的本质。

validator 与用户 将从 MEV searcher、solver 和 block builder 之间日益激烈的竞争中获得庞大利益。随着越来越多的 MEV searcher、solver 和 block builder 加入,利润率也将随之降低。如果再加上链上意图导向的架构透明度不断提高、各方相互抄袭演算法,燃料费用最终可能会侵蚀 solver 希望获得的大多利润。但价值并没有消失,而是被重新分配给了验证者和用户。这种变化是健康的,对网路的长期稳定至关重要。得到充分补偿的 validator 会提高网路的安全预算,提高整个网路的安全性。

随着系统的效率和竞争力不断提高,用户 — 交易的发起者,也将从中受益。solver 之间为提供最佳执行路径而加剧的竞争,也为用户带来了更优惠的价格和更快的交易,使用户能够以更低的成本执行他们的意图。


NGC 研究员 Adam Arreola 认为基于意图导向设计是区块链的典范转移,它关注的是用户的愿望,而不是复杂的操作,以意图为中心的设计为区块链可组合性铺平了道路,优先考虑用户需求、效率和透明度,更重要的是其所带来的使用者体验可以加速加密应用的采用,缩小复杂的区块链技术与用户之间的差距。

用户、MEV searcher、solver 和 block builder 之间的利益一致,简化了与区块链的互动,推动了整个加密生态系统的发展,将「实现用户目的」放在首位,为一个更公平、以用户为中心的区块链环境铺平了道路,将价值流动与人类意图的实现契合。产业从复杂的技术转变为用户导向驱动。

How does intent-driven design improve user experience? Well-known venture capital NGC researcher Adam Arreola collects industry information and guides readers to understand the impact of intent-centric design on the future development of the blockchain industry from the perspective of intent-centric related cutting-edge technologies and projects.

What is intent-centric design (intent-centric)

For ordinary users, using blockchain services to conduct transactions is still too complex. Users usually know what their purpose is, but existing services require a large number of complex steps to achieve that purpose.

Therefore, intent-centric design has attracted the attention of the blockchain community in recent years. Intention-driven design allows users to directly choose the desired outcome rather than thinking about each step to achieve the goal. For example, if a user wants to purchase a certain amount of ETH in Ethereum and wants to pay BTC on the Bitcoin blockchain, then intent-centered services can easily achieve this goal without making the user think about the complexity of such cross-chain transactions. step.

This article will explore related extension issues of intent-oriented design, including:

Why intent-centric is important

In the past, the complexity of blockchain transactions created an unfair playing field. Only the most savvy users can profit from it, including market makers, high-frequency traders, MEV searchers, etc., who use their access to advanced resources, systems and algorithms to obtain maximum profits. .

Now the intention design can balance the competitive environment, simplify the way users trade on the chain, and at the same time improve the capital efficiency of the entire system.

For those savvy participants, given their existing capabilities, under this design structure, they will transform into solvers (solution providers) that help find efficient transaction paths. For general users, in addition to reducing operational complexity, the intent-centered system provides a better user interface, strengthens the optimization of fuel costs and slippage, and also improves composability.

Users do not need to know or understand the details required to achieve their goals, they only need to confirm what the end result they want is. This makes it easier for ordinary participants to conduct transactions on the chain, which will likely increase users' understanding of the area. demand for the blockchain, thereby improving overall liquidity and making the blockchain ecosystem more powerful.

Intent-oriented design eliminates common problems users face when using blockchain services and optimizes the process. For example:

Transaction efficiency: In blockchain transactions, users must pay gas fees for specific tokens, which is an unfamiliar experience for novice users. Account abstraction (ERC-4337) allows users to pay for gas using any ERC-20 token, or the protocol can pay gas for its users, thereby increasing the flexibility of paying gas, simplifying interactions and enhancingProvides users with control over transactions. Gas costs: Intent-driven design can optimize the gas costs of each transaction without requiring users to estimate the required gas costs. Slippage setting: Intent-oriented design can simplify and optimize slippage setting and trading time. Users can enjoy the best trading conditions without setting slippage by themselves, thereby minimizing the price impact. Intent intent life cycle

Although intent-related design simplifies the user's transaction experience, it is technically very complex. Many teams are building various systems, but the general transaction process of most intention-oriented designs is as follows:

The life cycle of a "transaction" is submitted off-chain: the user uses the wallet to submit the intention (transaction information). Transactions are sent to the mempool or directly packaged by the block builder: transaction information can be sent to the mempool or directly to the block builder to speed up execution. The choice of mempool or alt mempool, or bypassing it entirely and going directly to the block builder, depends on the specific requirements in that intent transaction feed. For example, high-value transactions (especially those following the ERC-4337 standard) often bypass the public mempool entirely to reduce the risks associated with MEV attacks, such as front-running or sandwich attacks ( sandwich attacks). (Author's note: mempool is a temporary data pool where nodes store on-chain transaction information, while alt mempool is a special data pool that responds to EIP-4337 intended transaction information) MEV searcher finds opportunities: If the transaction information is not submitted directly to the block builder After passing through the memory pool, MEV searcher will check the transaction information in the memory pool and find the best path and profit opportunities to achieve the intention. The MEV searcher can choose to solve the transaction by itself, or it can sell the transaction information it finds to other solvers and hand it over to the other solver to process or complete the transaction. In most cases, the MEV searcher not only looks for arbitrage opportunities but also serves as a solver. The solver competes for the best transaction path and bundles several intentions: the solver acts as a market maker and competes to provide users with the best transaction path to execute. Users will naturally seek the cheapest and fastest solution to achieve their goals, and The solver that can provide the best solution earns fees. The solver aggregates multiple transaction information into bundle transactions so that they can be executed in a single transaction, and then forwards these bundle transactions to the block builder for inclusion in the upcoming blockblock. Block generation and verification: The block builder will select multiple transaction information (including bundle transactions), package them into blocks, and then send these blocks to the validator (validator) for broadcasting and inclusion on the chain. This stage is Transactions are finally packaged and verified to ensure they can be executed correctly and recorded on the blockchain. Introduction to existing intention-oriented projects

The prototype of intention-oriented design has already appeared in some projects and blockchains. Notable projects include CoW Protocol, Soul Wallet, and UniswapX. The following are brief introductions:

CoW Protocol + CoW Swap

CoW Protocol is a permissionless trading protocol that uses the Batch Auctions model to find the best price. By looking for "Consistency of Demand (CoW/ "Coincidence of Wants" (users on both sides of the transaction each have what the other party wants), using all available liquidity resources on the chain to maximize liquidity. Unlike traditional transaction protocols, CoW Protocol's solvers compete to provide users with the best implementation of their intentions.

CoW Swap is the front-end interface of CoW Protocol, developed by the same team. It is a decentralized exchange that uses an intent-driven design approach to automatically find the lowest trading price for users from all decentralized exchanges and aggregators. Most importantly, CoW Swap also protects users from MEV attacks.

CoW Swap’s new feature CoW Hooks launched in July this year makes full use of intent-oriented design to enable developers and high-level traders to perform custom operations, such as trading and cross-chain, in a single transaction. , pledge, deposit and a series of other capital operations.

Soul Wallet (invested by NGC Ventures)

Soul Wallet is an upcoming smart contract wallet that provides the following functions:

It uses account abstraction function to increase the flexibility of gas fee payment, and has social recovery function. The user or his or her trusted friends and family members (guardians) hold partial permissions. As long as the majority of the wallet's guardians (for example, three-fifths) agree to restore the wallet, the user can be allowed to access the wallet again. Soul Wallet also offers two-factor authentication, allowing users to designate another wallet to approve transactions. Soul Wallet also abstracts the underlying blockchain mechanisms to provide users with a seamless experience when using Ethereum and its various Layer2. One-Click Secure Swap uses account abstraction technology, allowing users to instantly exchange tokens without manual token approval and without worrying about security risks.Trading. UniswapX

Uniswap’s new product UniswapX solves some of the most pressing challenges in the DeFi field through intent-oriented architecture. One of the problems UniswapX solves is liquidity fragmentation. UniswapX finds the best trading path and price for each user that meets their intentions by aggregating multiple liquidity sources (such as the liquidity of various tokens such as Uniswap v2, v3, other exchanges, etc.). Third-party solvers (called fillers by Uniswap) compete with each other and use the liquidity in different pools or private liquidity reserves to complete transactions through the best path.

UniswapX allows users to not pay gas fees, which are paid by the filler (of course the cost will be included in the transaction price). This design allows users to avoid the risk of transaction failure and does not need to prepare blockchain native tokens for payment, optimizing the user experience.

UniswapX’s intent-driven design also helps protect against MEV attacks. For example, the additional surplus generated by competition can be returned to users through better prices, thereby reducing users' value losses.

In addition, the design of UniswapX also protects users from MEV attacks such as solver front-running and sandwich by using Permit2 and Reactor Contract to ensure that transactions meet user expectations and prevent transactions that do not meet user intentions. UniswapX uses Dutch auction orders to encourage competition among fillers and minimize the chance of MEV attacks.

In the future, UniswapX plans to launch more intent-driven features. The upcoming Uniswap V4 is worth noting its development, but a more groundbreaking plan is to launch cross-chain transactions without gas fees, and users will be able to easily specify Target chain with the received assets to avoid the high fees and delays common to cross-chain transactions.

Intention-driven project introduction Anoma (invested by NGC Ventures) will be released soon

Anoma is a multi-functional intent-driven design project being developed by Heliax that can execute conditional transactions. The protocol seeks the transaction path on the blockchain that best matches the user's intention, ensuring that the transaction is completed according to the conditions specified by the user. This is achieved through a decentralized counterparty discovery mechanism that eliminates the need for intermediaries and strengthens the decentralized nature of the protocol.

Through the decentralized solver mechanism, Anoma allows users' intentions to be realized through the solver pool, and these intentions are realized through competition in the solver pool. "Decentralized counterparty discovery mechanism" establishes direct and trustless interaction, and decentralizedThe solver mechanism uses competition to effectively realize user intentions.

In addition, Anoma’s multi-chain atomic settlement function turns the exchange process of digital assets on multiple blockchains into a single transaction, eliminating the need to manually perform a series of transaction steps and improving cross-chain Transaction efficiency and overall user experience.

SUAVE by Flashbots (invested by NGC Ventures)

The product MEV-Boost provided by Flashbots in the past can reduce MEV attacks, but it increases the centralization of Ethereum. As of the week of August 25, 2023, the top five block builders on Ethereum constructed 90% of the blocks, and about 48% of all constructed blocks are subject to US OFAC review regulations (Author's note: For example, Tornado transactions are prohibited information packaging), which leads to the possibility that users are being censored by the government, which violates the principles of decentralization and censorship resistance of Ethereum.

block bulider is overly concentrated in the first five entities (source)

SUAVE, whose full name is Single Unifying Auction for Value Expression, is a new product being developed by Flashbots product, it separates the roles of mempool and block builder, providing a highly specialized and decentralized plug-and-play plug-in. Designed to promote decentralization of block production to reduce the possibility of censorship and abuse of power by block builders in the blockchain ecosystem.

SUAVE is developing a new virtual machine, MEVM, which is a professional version of EVM that enables developers to build smart contracts to execute intentions in a flexible and high-level programming environment. MEVM consists of three main parts:

Global Preference Environment (UPE/Universal Preference Environment): consists of a blockchain (SUAVE mainnet) and memory pool, used for communication and aggregation on different blockchains Transaction information related to intentions; Optimal Execution Market (OEM/Optimal Execution Market): solver (called Executor by SUAVE) provides the best execution path for the intentions submitted by users through competition; block builder decentralized network: used for By packaging intentions into blocks, this architecture makes it easier to build new MEV projects, promotes solver competition, and decentralizes the MEV supply chain.

SUAVE’s roadmap is divided into three phases—Centauri,Andromeda, andHelios. During the Centauri phase, SUAVE introduced private order flow auctions, allowing users to recycle the MEV generated by their transactions. In the Andromeda stage, SUAVE's mainnet is launched, allowing users to transmit intention information in SUAVE's execution market, and will use SGX-based hardware mechanisms to improve the efficiency and privacy of auctions and block construction. The Helios phase will further decentralize the blockchain network and lay the foundation for cross-chain MEV solutions. This intent-driven design approach provides users, MEV searchers, block builders, and validators with a neutral attribution across various blockchains.


Essential is developing an intent-oriented infrastructure, which mainly consists of three parts:

domain-specific language (DSL): a common programming format for intent expression. Account abstraction-related ERC standards: Account abstraction ERC standards for intent-driven design of EVM. Modular intent layer: An independent network responsible for related intent operations.

Currently, intentions lack a standardized language for cross-chain communication, so there is a risk of misreading intentions across chains, which may lead to incorrect token transactions. The goal of Essential is to solve this problem. It provides a format DSL for intentions, allowing users to effectively communicate intentions in different systems, and the solver can also effectively interpret and execute intentions.

Essential's new standard ERC-7521 differs from ERC-4337 in that it establishes efficient task allocation for solvers to achieve their intentions. This new solution will bring the benefits of intent-driven design to EVM-compatible blockchains, bringing intent beyond Ethereum through EVM to create a smoother experience for the broader blockchain ecosystem.

The last part, Essential’s goal is to group and package intent information through a modular intent layer. The modular intent layer will process each block’s batch processing intent. Essential's modular intent layer will guide all transactions through a unified solver network, ensuring maximum access to information, thereby promoting transparent transaction aggregation. In addition, by encouraging solvers to compete with each other, it provides users with the best path to achieve their intentions and will be able to resist typical MEV attacks. The modular intent layer can also be integrated into various stacks and ecosystems to improve the conditions for cross-chain intent execution.

Other potential future applications

Some novel intent-oriented applications are currently being developed on the market and will be available to users in the future:

Conditional intent: actions can be performed based on specific conditions, such as certain decision resultsor a specific price. Continuous Intent: Allows repeated execution of operations to be expressed through single intention information (single transaction), thereby achieving continuous tasks such as purchasing tokens or making markets using dollar-cost averaging. Multi-step intent: A series of operations can be performed through a single intent information. The completion of one operation will trigger the execution of the next operation in sequence.

Intention-centered design can also be combined with other unique technologies such as artificial intelligence. For example, through the combination of account abstraction, intent-oriented design and artificial intelligence, users will be able to enjoy personalized and automated investment strategies. Blockchain services tailored for each user make on-chain operations easier while also opening the door to new innovative applications and services. Additionally, artificial intelligence can be used to enhance the capabilities of solvers, helping them optimize trade execution and adapt to market conditions more effectively.

Another interesting potential application of intent-driven design is in conjunction with real-world assets (RWA):

Intentions can help users tokenize assets: through user declarations, traditional financial assets can be Converted into tokenized assets, Intent can be used to connect traditional finance and DeFi. Intention can help users use RWA to perform complex operations: users can declare their intention to use RWA as collateral for DeFi loans in the lending agreement, and take this statement as an intention, and the agreement can automatically tokenize the assets for the user and use them as collateral. products without users having to think about how to achieve their goals with each transaction. Intent can help users generate income through RWA: when a user declares that they want to invest in tokenized real estate and earn income, through intention, the relevant agreement can invest in real estate on behalf of the user and earn income from rental income or property appreciation.

In addition, intention-driven design has the potential to be applied beyond the blockchain field to revolutionize many aspects of daily life:

Taxi: Intention-driven design can integrate with ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft to allow users to Express your travel intentions and let the system find the best ride options for you on multiple platforms. Airplane flights: When booking a flight, intent-oriented design can analyze the user's intention, including travel schedule, preferred airline and budget constraints, etc., to find the best flight booking solution for the user. Retail: Intent-driven design can find the best deals across multiple channels and enhance the shopping experience.

Unlike traditional aggregators like Expedia. The former only collects, explains and considers the potential needs of users and provides a fixed set of choices based on pre-defined criteria; while the system with intent-oriented design actively interacts with each user's unique preferences and dynamically Adapt to provide personalized solutions.

intent-centric risks and challenges

Although intent-centric design enhances the user experience of the blockchain system, it also brings a series of risks and challenges.

First, intent relies on outsourcing decision-making to third parties, namely solvers and block producers, on behalf of which users mustand a "certain degree" of trust in the systems connecting them, must beware of solvers and block producers abusing their power by charging high fees for executing intentions, or prioritizing the execution of the highest-paying intentions. This can lead to users paying too much to carry out their intentions, ultimately making the system inefficient.

If a small group of individuals controls the execution of a majority of intended transactions, the system is exposed to the risk that these entities may dictate terms, set prices, or censor transactions. This could lead to increased competition, higher user costs, and an overall less decentralized system.

To prevent these factors from stifling innovation and damaging user experience, users must demand system designs that reduce centralization and encourage good behavior by intermediaries through transparency and economic mechanisms to promote trustworthy neutrality. ecosystem.

The second risk is that when users interact with intent-oriented systems, their intentions may be misunderstood, which ultimately leads to unintended consequences by performing incorrect operations. To avoid this risk, developers would be better off standardizing information formats, such as the DSL Essential is building.

The final third risk is that with the emergence of intent-oriented systems, new security issues may arise. These threats include accidentally granting access to "unauthorized accounts", leaking user private information, and information leakage that allows other traders to jump ahead or manipulate the market. In the above situation, it is too naive to expect the solver to act altruistically. Just like the current MEV searcher exploits the ecosystem for profit, the solver in an intent-oriented design system may also do bad things driven by economic interests. It is therefore the responsibility of system developers to build an architecture that both deters malicious behavior and encourages participation.

Changes in value allocation in intent-centric systems

In an intent-centric architecture, the profit motivations of MEV searchers, solvers, block builders, and validators are consistent with the best way to achieve user intentions. The value of current intent-driven systems primarily flows to MEV searchers, solvers, and block builders as they work together to execute the best possible outcome for the user while profiting from the process.

Obviously, MEV searchers and solvers are the easiest to accumulate value, because they are the first to see intent transaction information, the first to discover potentially packageable intents and can process them in batches. Solvers actually act as market makers because they compete to provide users with the best trading path. Users naturally want the cheapest and fastest way to fulfill their purpose. For these people, in the best way Resolving intent is not only a service but a profitable opportunity and therefore will provide the best possible results. User, MEV seAlignment of interests between archers and solvers helps the system operate efficiently and transparently, promoting a competitive environment that benefits all participants.

A large part of the value also flows to the block builder, which is responsible for establishing and finalizing the block, playing a key role in realizing each user's wishes. Since both MEV searchers and solvers and users rely on block builders to achieve their intent, the role of block builders is important to all involved, especially as systems become increasingly complex.

However, increasing competition among MEV searchers, solvers, and block builders is expected to shift value back to validators and users, reflecting the nature of the MEV ecosystem.

Validators and users will benefit greatly from the increasing competition among MEV searchers, solvers and block builders. As more MEV searchers, solvers, and block builders join, profit margins will decrease. When coupled with the increasing transparency of on-chain intent-driven architecture and parties copying each other's algorithms, gas costs may eventually eat into much of the profits that solvers hope to achieve. But the value does not disappear, but is redistributed to validators and users. This change is healthy and critical to the long-term stability of the network. Fully compensated validators increase the network's security budget and improve the security of the entire network.

As the efficiency and competitiveness of the system continue to improve, users - the initiators of transactions - will also benefit. The intensified competition among solvers to provide the best execution path also brings better prices and faster transactions to users, allowing users to execute their intentions at a lower cost.

In addition to user experience, it also improves composability

NGC researcher Adam Arreola believes that intention-based design is a paradigm shift for blockchain. It focuses on user wishes rather than complex operations, based on intention. Centered design paves the way for blockchain composability, prioritizing user needs, efficiency and transparency, and more importantly, the user experience it brings can accelerate the adoption of crypto applications and shrink complex blockchains The gap between technology and users.

The alignment of interests between users, MEV searchers, solvers and block builders simplifies interaction with the blockchain, promotes the development of the entire encryption ecosystem, and puts "fulfilling user purposes" first. It paves the way for a fairer, user-centered blockchain environment that connects the flow of value to people.Implementation conformance to class intent. The industry shifts from complex technology to user-driven.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿